Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 511: Even if the last drop of blood is drained, Wuzhou will be conquered

After receiving the expedited battle report from Xingquan Mansion, Li Xuan immediately summoned the senior generals in the army and the senior civilians who came with the army to discuss countermeasures together!

But in the end there was no unplanned result!

Because they had long expected the Ming army from Huguang to come over, and had already made certain arrangements in advance, such as withdrawing officials and craftsmen from Xingquan Mansion.

Today's Xingquan Mansion is no longer the political and industrial center of the Tang Dynasty. Most of the craftsmen in Xingquan Mansion have been relocated to Liuzhou, and they have already started producing various weapons in Liuzhou.

In addition, in terms of military deployment, the Second Army also deployed the main forces of the Third Infantry Regiment and the Second Guard Brigade in Xingquan House and Liping House, but only part of the troops were left in the northeastern part of Guizhou. In fact, the state capital only relies on the burglary camp to maintain the basic situation and law and order.

There is no way, who made the Tang Dynasty less troops, and the control area is getting bigger and bigger, it is certain that the troops are not enough.

After some discussions that were not of much practical significance, Li Xuan quickly wrote an imperial decree in his own hand, asking the military newspaper envoy to quickly go to Liuzhou Prefecture, and let the cabinet officials who stayed in Liuzhou Prefecture immediately organize forces to speed up the withdrawal from Xingquan Prefecture. out the remaining craftsmen.

The Huguang Ming Army was aggressive. The Second Army left behind in the eastern part of Guizhou was not many. If it died, it would only be about 10,000 people, and only about 2,000 people were the main force of the regular army. The rest were either the garrison or the newly formed army. troops, the combat effectiveness is worrying.

Therefore, Colonel Song Tianbiao, the head of the 3rd Infantry Regiment garrisoned in eastern Guizhou, vowed that he would be able to defend Xingquan Mansion, but Li Xuan felt that it would be good to believe half of the words of the following generals. , what if you can't hold it? This Xingquan Mansion itself is lost, and it is a poor place anyway, so there is nothing to regret.

But those workshops in Xingquan Mansion, especially those craftsmen, can't be lost. The craftsmen in Xingquan Mansion have collected almost the entire eastern part of Guizhou, and so many craftsmen have been found. If Li Xuan is lost, he will die of heartache. Not to mention, and it may be used by the Ming army. At that time, the Ming army will directly use these craftsmen to make guns and cannons. In the future of the Tang Dynasty, will he face an equipment that is not inferior to himself, even guns and cannons? There are more Ming troops than yourself?

It's scary to imagine that!

Therefore, Xingquan Mansion can be lost, but the craftsmen in the workshop must be evacuated, and they cannot go to Guiyang, because Guiyang has not been taken down yet, so they must first withdraw to Liuzhou.

Li Xuan still doesn't know that Wang Yue and Wei Yan in Wuzhou City, a few kilometers away from him, have already sent a few muskets from the hands of Master Wang of the Tang Dynasty to Guangzhou and neighboring Foshan to let those craftsmen They imitated the muskets of the pseudo-Tang bandit army.

If we wait for a few months, maybe the Ming army in Guangdong will be able to be equipped with muskets that are imitated from the pseudo-Tang bandit army.

In addition to the immediate evacuation of the craftsmen from Xingquan Mansion, Li Xuan's imperial decree issued a new strategic order to the Second Army, ordering that if the Second Army could not conquer Guiyang in the near future, then give up Guiyang first and make sure to turn around and return to the east. Intercepted the Ming army in Huguang.

If the eastern part of Guizhou cannot be kept, that is, if Xingquan Mansion is lost, then Liping Mansion must be defended, because Liping Mansion is basically a bridgehead from Guizhou to Liuzhou, and only by defending Liping Mansion can Liuzhou be better defended. .

If the Second Army is finished, and Liping's House is finished, then what is Li Xuan talking about going east? He will immediately have to send troops back to Liuzhou to stop the Huguang Ming army going south.

Otherwise, the Huguang Ming Army would be able to replicate their original southward route, attacking Liuzhou and Wuxuan all the way, and killing themselves along the Xijiang River.

Li Xuan's imperial decree was soon taken away by the envoys of the military newspaper, and passed to Liuzhou, Xingquan Prefecture and even Guiyang through the military's post system at an accelerated speed of 500 miles.

The post station system of the Tang Dynasty was actually built on the post station system of the Ming Dynasty, and it was strengthened at the same time. Basically, a post station was set up at an interval of ten kilometers. People change horses and pass quickly in a relay manner.

At this speed, one can travel about 300 miles a day, and this is just an ordinary rush!

If it is an emergency military situation, it can even reach 500 miles or even 800 kilometers a day. Of course, if it is 300 miles a day, then the horses in the post station can still hold on. If it is 500 miles, then The horses in the inn had to rest for a period of time after performing a mission. If it was an emergency for 800 miles, then basically the horses would run away.

In extreme cases that are not particularly urgent, it will not be expedited with 800 miles, or even with 500 miles of rush. At most, it will be 300 miles of rush.

In addition, this mode of delivery by post is also very expensive. At present, the Datang Dynasty is relying on the support of the military to set up a major route from Xingquan Mansion to Liping Mansion, then to Liuzhou Mansion, and then to Wuzhou. In the post station system, except for 800 li expedited, other places are generally 300 li, and a few routes can reach 500 li.

Li Xuan attached great importance to the transmission of information. Unlike the Ming Dynasty who despised the soldiers of the post station, Li Xuan directly incorporated the post station system into the military system, with active soldiers acting as military newspaper messengers, and awarded these military newspaper soldiers higher rank and power.

Usually the envoys of the military report are of the rank of non-commissioned officers, and if someone interferes and blocks the way forward, they can be killed directly.

And close to the front line, the messengers in the army are responsible for the delivery of military reports. These are real cavalry. If ordinary people dare to stop them, they will directly draw their swords and cut people without hesitation!

After the imperial decree was sent away, Li Xuan continued to glance at the map, then gritted his teeth and made up his mind!

This city of Wuzhou cannot be dragged on any longer, and it is not feasible to go around it. The only way is to fight. Even if it takes heavy casualties, Wuzhou must be knocked down. This not only means that the hardest in Guangdong and Guangxi can be pulled It can also clear the way to continue eastward to Guangdong without worrying about being stabbed in the back.

In addition, after solving Wuzhou, when it is time to send troops eastward to Guangdong, I can also free up some troops to go north to Liuzhou to reinforce eastern Guizhou, or even directly enter Huguang, threatening the southern part of Huguang, starting from Guilin and killing Huguang. It is much more convenient to go to Huguang than Xingquan Mansion, and even at that time, it can directly threaten Huguang Yongzhou Mansion, Baoqing Mansion, especially Jingzhou.

The Huguang Ming Army is going to Xingquan Prefecture. They need to start from Jingzhou, and then go to Xingquan Prefecture. If their army goes from Guilin to Jingzhou, then they can directly cut off the food route of the Ming army entering Xingquan Prefecture. , At that time, it is not impossible to annihilate the tens of thousands of Ming troops in Huguang.

As long as Wuzhou is won, as long as the tens of thousands of Ming troops in Wuzhou are solved, then the whole game of chess will be able to survive, instead of being controlled by others everywhere.

This Wuzhou, even if the soldiers of the First Army are dead, they have to take down Wuzhou.

The regular army can't die, at most half of them die. If all die, the emperor will still be a jerk!

After making up his mind, Li Xuan quickly found a few generals to discuss it!

As an emperor, even if he has made a decision himself, he cannot say it himself and force it!

Li Xuan has always positioned himself as a referee, not a player, so that he can maintain the emperor's detached status as always.

Let others propose it, and then agree to it, this victory is naturally due to his bright and great emperor. If it is not difficult, if the attack on Wuzhou cannot be defeated, and the soldiers are damaged, then it is naturally the fault of the general who made this suggestion, and he Li Xuan just misbelieved the slander!

As an emperor, Li Xuan will never make mistakes!

It is only the ministers who make mistakes!

Based on this kind of demand, Li Xuan found several other generals who had already supported the storm, and hinted that after the storm was well received, these generals would naturally be able to understand what Li Xuan ~Therefore, at the next day's imperial strategy meeting, these generals were hinted by Li Xuan, including Major General Chen Keqiao, the brigade commander of the 3rd Infantry Brigade, and Lieutenant Colonel Li Xin, the chief of staff of the 1st Infantry Brigade, who once again proposed a strong attack. Wuzhou, and came up with a detailed combat plan for this.

However, before everyone could object, Li Xuan just said, "Oh, what are the specific plans for this attack?"

Li Xuan, in contrast, rarely interjects when the strategic debate is still unclear. The generals below are all smart people. Naturally, they can see this abnormality and understand the meaning behind this abnormality.

Because this means that Li Xuan is already inclined to attack the plan.

Therefore, although Hao Bainian and the others still disagreed with the attack, they still listened patiently to Chen Keqiao talking about his attack plan!

"The intention of this case is to completely conquer Wuzhou in ten days to half a month, and annihilate the enemy in the city!"

While talking, Chen Keqiao pointed at the Wuzhou city defense map with a small wooden command list: "Although this case is a storm, the storm is the last resort, and the preliminary preparations are still indispensable!"

"Before the troops launch a storm, the troops should continue to dig trenches and tunnels, and strive to push the trenches to about 30 meters away from the city wall, dig the tunnels below the city wall, and then blast them!"

"Blasting?" This word is a bit strange!

It’s not that they have never done this tunnel digging, but the previous tunnel digging was used as a passage for transporting troops. They wanted to dig tunnels to pass through the city wall, and then suddenly appear from the city, causing chaos and even assisting the troops to capture the city gate or city wall, but this Once, Chen Keqiao was talking about blasting!

And what is blasting? I've never heard of this term, I don't understand it!

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