Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 517: Master Wang's victory is in sight

Although Lieutenant Colonel He Yunfang said these words, he still did not dare to say anything like withdrawing troops!

Because His Majesty has personally issued a decree to kill those who retreated without authorization, this order is not only aimed at the Fifth Garrison Regiment, but also aimed at the entire army, including their middle and senior generals.

However, Chen Keqiao didn't even look at Lieutenant Colonel He Yunfang, the deputy brigade commander of the 3rd garrison brigade beside him, but continued to stare blankly at the battlefield ahead, and said indifferently: "If the 5th garrison brigade can't rush forward, Then send the 6th Garrison Regiment to rush up. If both regiments are defeated, then let the 5th Infantry Regiment and the 6th Infantry Regiment rush up. If the soldiers of these four regiments are all dead, then I will Wait for the relatives to lead the supervising team to rush up until Wuzhou City is captured!"

Having said this, he paused, and then said with a resolute tone: "As Your Majesty said, this war is about the rise and fall of the dynasty, and we will never retreat until we win Wuzhou!"

Hearing what the Eastern Front Commander Chen Keqiao said, although the others wanted to say something, they all consciously shut their mouths!

Everyone knows the importance of the Battle of Wuzhou. They are all middle and high-ranking generals in the Wang division of the Tang Dynasty, and they have access to some secrets. They know that the Huguang Ming Army has entered Xingquan Mansion, and it is aggressive. The second army in Guizhou may be more fortunate than fortune.

In this case, if they are blocked under the city of Wuzhou, then there will be a dead end waiting for everyone!

Wuzhou must be won. This is not only Li Xuan's decision, but also a unanimous decision of a group of middle and senior generals. Otherwise, no one would stand up against the battle decision.

Although Li Xuan's prestige and power are high enough, he still allows everyone to speak freely at strategic meetings.

So if the generals have different opinions, they can say it, and they don't have to worry about offending anyone. Of course, whether Li Xuan can listen or not is another matter.

Chen Keqiao once again picked up the binoculars to observe the eastern battlefield in front of him, and immediately ordered: "Let the Sixth Guard Regiment launch a charge against the facing city wall to contain the enemy army, and kill those who retreat without order!

Then order the 6th Infantry Regiment to prepare for the charge! "

After hearing such an order from Chen Keqiao, everyone took a deep breath. It is easy to understand that the sixth garrison regiment would charge. The garrison was used as cannon fodder at this time. The regular army of the Sixth Infantry Regiment is also preparing to launch a whole regiment charge, which is obviously also consumed by the Sixth Infantry Regiment.

This Chen Keqiao is really ruthless. You must know that this is the brigade commander of his 3rd Infantry Brigade. In everyone's mind, the 3rd Infantry Brigade is his unit of Chen Keqiao, and he uses it as cannon fodder. , he is willing to!

What is Chen Keqiao's reluctance?

As an officer from the Imperial Academy, a disciple of the Emperor, and a senior general brought out by Hao Bainian, he is more familiar with the military system of the Tang Dynasty than ordinary generals. His Majesty personally controlled the recruitment of soldiers and the distribution of food and wages. The personal unit of a single high-ranking general.

Therefore, he will certainly feel heartache for the death and injury of his subordinates, but it is definitely not because it is because of his own troops!

What's more, he proposed the storm attack plan. Now that the storm attack has been launched, he naturally needs to undertake the task of accompany the attack!

Yes, the eastern battlefield is only a companion attack, but even if it is a companion attack, it may need to be fought fiercely enough to contain a large number of Ming troops, thus creating favorable opportunities for the main force to break through!

As long as Wuzhou can be captured in this battle, he is the one who proposed and insisted on a strong attack, and at the same time he is the one who led the troops to bear the greatest pressure on the entire battlefield, and his military exploits are naturally the greatest. The highest military rank in the Tang Dynasty at present was major general, and in terms of position, the brigade commander of the regular army was the limit.

If you have made military exploits, you can expect a noble title, from the current baron to a viscount!

When Chen Keqiao personally commanded and continued to invest a lot of troops to attack the eastern city wall!

Suddenly, there was a huge loud noise from the west. This loud noise was even bigger than before, and it even made people feel like they were shaking the ground!

Chen Keqiao immediately looked to the west and saw a large cloud of smoke rising from the west. At this time, he finally showed a smile: "The blasting has been successful, and my Master Wang's victory is in sight!"

Immediately said: "Order the 6th Infantry Regiment to immediately launch a whole regiment charge, be sure to contain more enemy troops!"

Not only Chen Keqiao's expression showed joy, but many middle and senior officers on the Eastern Front also showed joy. They more or less knew some battle plans, and many people knew that there would be a first Second blasting, and their mission on the Eastern Front is to contain more enemy troops and create opportunities for the general attack after the second blasting is successful!

Now, this opportunity has finally come!

Lieutenant Colonel Jia Xingquan, the head of the 6th Garrison Regiment, who was on the front line to supervise the battle in person, heard the explosion, and immediately shouted: "Brothers, the main force of the 1st Soldier Brigade has launched a general offensive on the western front, and victory is in sight, rush. !"

But just after he finished speaking, an arrow fell from the sky, and then penetrated the colonel's uniform on his body and inserted it directly into his chest. Lieutenant Colonel Jia Xingquan, who was hit hard, let out a groan, and then came from the back of the horse. Shang Zuo fell to the ground, and several guards around him quickly stepped forward, but one of them looked at it and shook his head, then took Lieutenant Colonel Jia Xingquan's body and mounted the horse again.

However, the guards and the messengers did not shout. One of them returned with Jia Xingquan's body, while the others quickly found the flag of Major Lei Tianjun, the deputy head of the 6th Garrison Regiment. Ride straight away!

After finding Lei Tianjun, a lieutenant who led the team said a few words to Major Lei Tianjun. Major Lei Tianjun's expression changed slightly, then he frowned and nodded slightly, and then said to the guard behind him, "According to The battlefield regulations, this officer will continue to command the battle in place of the captain!"

In order to avoid the turmoil of the troops caused by the death or injury of the main general on the battlefield, the Great Tang Emperor has formulated very cautious regulations in this regard!

First of all, the most important point is that the guards who are responsible for carrying and holding high the flag of the general must never lower the flag of the general, let alone abandon the flag of the general, no matter when the general is dead.

And it is absolutely not allowed to shout the news of the death or injury of the main general. The lieutenant and the guards of the lieutenant must find the commander who will take over the command as soon as possible according to the regulations of the battlefield!

According to the battlefield adjustment, when the main general is killed or injured and cannot continue to perform the important task of command, the command power will be passed on in the way of priority of military rank and postponing of duties!

If it is a senior officer who is not dispatched from above, then usually, after the brigade commander of the 1st Infantry Brigade is killed, the command will be transferred to the deputy brigade commander of the 1st Infantry Brigade, and the deputy brigade commander of the 1st Infantry Brigade is also killed. It will be handed over to the brigade chief of staff of the brigade. If the brigade chief of staff is not killed, the command of the brigade will be handed over to the commander of the brigade with the highest rank. If the rank is the same, it will be handed over to the regiment with the highest number. Commander, that is, the commander of the 1st Infantry, and then the commander of the 2nd Infantry.

This transfer of command authority is only temporary. After Shangfeng sends the corresponding officers to accept it, the transfer of command authority will be suspended.

Now, after the death of the head of the 6th Garrison Regiment, the deputy head of the 6th Garrison Regiment took over the command right as a matter of course, and did not cause the turbulence of the 6th Garrison Regiment.

Many people, even the battalion commanders on the front line, didn't know that their commander had been killed!

The battlefield was so chaotic, involving tens of thousands of people, it was impossible to notice anything else. The orders were usually sent through flags or special messengers.

When the battle isn't over or you don't see it with your own eyes, the soldiers on the front lines won't find out that their leader has been killed.

This kind of perfect command transfer system is also the reason that although the King Division of the Tang Dynasty has experienced many fierce battles, and there have also been incidents of battalion commanders and other troop chief officers being killed on the battlefield, the troop has never collapsed due to this. important reason.

After all, in contemporary wars, even high-ranking generals are on the front line, and the chances of being killed or injured are quite high, so the Master of the Tang Dynasty had to guard against them, and made full preparations for this.

Less than half a minute after Lieutenant Colonel Jia Xingquan was killed, the deputy head of the regiment, Major Lei Tianjun, successfully took over the command of the entire regiment, and then led the sixth garrison regiment to continue to launch a fierce attack on the city wall in front of him!

They did not rush into the gap formed by the collapsed city wall like the 5th Garrison Regiment and the 1st Assault Battalion. The place there is so small that it can't hold several thousand people at all. The 5th Garrison Regiment and the 1st Assault Battalion have already It can't be accommodated. In the battle over there, both sides actually use fueling tactics, sending troops to go up continuously, but the troops fighting on the front line are actually only two or three hundred people, and more people are on both sides of the gap. Climb the city to fight.

This includes the sixth garrison regiment!

After the death of Lieutenant Colonel Jia Xingquan of the 6th Garrison Regiment, it did not affect the operation of the 6th Garrison The 6th Garrison Regiment continued to launch a fierce attack on the facing city wall according to the order of the Eastern Commander Chen Keqiao. Cooperate with the 5th Garrison Regiment and the 1st Assault Battalion to attack the gap.

At this time, the 6th Infantry Regiment in the rear also launched a charge of the entire army. Their nature was similar to that of the 6th Guards Regiment.

At this time, on the Eastern Front, only one Fifth Infantry Regiment under Chen Keqiao's command had left to charge, but in fact the Fifth Infantry Regiment had already participated in the battle.

Many soldiers in the 1st Assault Battalion were drawn from the 5th Infantry Regiment, and the musketeers of the 5th Infantry Regiment were also responsible for suppressing the Chengtou Ming Army. Although they did not charge, they had already participated in the battle!

The only ones who haven't participated in the front-line battle are the direct troops and the second cavalry battalion that act as supervisors.

Now Chen Keqiao has already played all the cards that should be played, and the rest he can only wait, waiting for news from the western front, waiting for news of a big victory or a fiasco!

If he wins anything, it's easy to say, if he loses, Chen Keqiao can already foresee the miserable end of himself and the entire Tang Dynasty!

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