Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 521: This is a victory turn, not a rout

There are quite a lot of Ming army ships on the river, and there are also many warships. Although he can see at a glance, these Ming army naval guns are small cannons, and they are all shot, with a range of only more than 100. Mi, I can't threaten myself for the time being, but if I continue to rush towards the river with my cavalry, then it will be dangerous.

If he rushed up and was beaten by the naval guns of the Ming army, the casualties would be absolute!

It doesn't matter if the casualties are heavy, what's more important is that his cavalry can't rush onto the ship to kill the enemy!

He was not pedantic, and immediately turned his horse and adjusted his direction slightly, and he led the cavalry troops no longer rushing to the shore, but kept the shore at a certain distance.

He didn't want to rush across the river with his cavalry troops, and then suffer heavy casualties under the Ming army's naval artillery.

In such a large-scale siege battle, the number of enemy troops killed and captured was at least tens of thousands of people, and the one or two thousand people who were escaped by the Ming army was nothing. He didn't want to chase and kill one of the Ming army Two thousand people took the invaluable cavalry troops in the Tang Dynasty to take the risk.

You must know that there are only more than 600 professional cavalry in the entire Tang Dynasty!

Although there are quite a lot of cavalry in the King Division of the Tang Dynasty, in addition to the 1st cavalry battalion, the 2nd cavalry battalion and the Guards cavalry battalion, there are also the 3rd cavalry battalion under the Guizhou 2nd Army and the 3rd Army fighting in the central and western Guangxi The fourth cavalry battalion under the subordinate, there are also reconnaissance cavalry under each infantry regiment.

But the establishment is only the establishment. Most of these are only the establishment on paper. In reality, even the three main cavalry battalions add up to the strength of a full cavalry battalion. The third cavalry battalion and the third cavalry battalion The four cavalry battalions are all empty shelves. The number of cavalry in the reconnaissance cavalry of each regiment is even smaller, and the quality of the horses and cavalry in the reconnaissance cavalry cannot be compared with that of the cavalry battalion. No ability to fight right away.

Even the equestrian and horse fighting abilities of the messengers are better than the reconnaissance cavalry of the infantry regiments. Now, in fact, when the main force of the Datang King Division is in action, the front-line reconnaissance tasks are often carried out by the cavalry battalion. Yes, the presence of the reconnaissance cavalry directly under each infantry regiment is very low.

This is to witness how valuable the professional cavalry of the King of the Tang Dynasty is, much more valuable than the musketeers, and even more valuable than the artillery!

In order to avoid losses, Colonel Cao Mingda chose to turn. Instead of continuing along the river, he continued to intercept it two hundred meters away from the river.

And in this way, it means that he is almost helplessly watching over a thousand Ming troops rushing forward, but he can't care about these Ming troops who have already run to the river, all he has to do is stop the remaining ones. The next Ming army!

This cavalry force composed of more than 600 cavalrymen, like a sharp knife, rushed directly from the array of the defeated Ming army, dividing the Ming army into two, and the Ming army in the south continued to run towards the river. Go, and then scrambled to board the ship, and the Ming army behind them did not have such good luck. They faced repeated attacks by the light cavalry led by Cao Mingda, but only rushed twice before and after. Even with heavy casualties, no one dared to rush towards the river.

Some people knelt down and surrendered, some people fled in other directions, and some people even fled back into the city.

But the efforts of these people will be in vain, because those who fled back to the city, needless to say, they will definitely become ghosts under the sword or prisoners of war by the king of the Tang Dynasty, and those who flee in other directions will also encounter the rear. The infantry of the Datang King Division who followed.

Behind the 600 cavalry units, more than 2,000 people from the 5th Infantry Regiment were coming, and on the other side, the 1st Infantry Regiment also sent an infantry battalion to reinforce the southern front.

Because the Ming army has never broken out from the northern front, the 1st Infantry Regiment, which has always been idle, also tried to deploy a battalion to support the southern front, but the main force will still be stationed on the northern front.

You must know that there are still tens of thousands of Ming troops in the city at this time. What if you see that there are no fake Tang thieves on the northern front, and all of them run away from the northern front?

At that time, even Hao Bainian will not be able to take this responsibility!

And these troops are enough to block the gap on the southern line!

Cao Mingda's 600 cavalry was like an iron wall, blocking the passage from the south gate to the river.

After a while, an infantry battalion of the 5th Infantry Regiment also arrived quickly through a rapid march. The battalion commander of the 14th Infantry Battalion of the 5th Infantry Regiment was extremely straightforward. He directly rushed up with the 14th Infantry Battalion, and then Blocked the South Gate!

Then listed a tight phalanx, which is an infantry phalanx used for field battles. The Datang Army used this hand to almost crush countless Ming troops.

At this time, not to mention that the Ming army that came out of the city gate was just a few broken soldiers, even if it was a well-organized regular army, even if it was the most powerful Ming army in the Ming army of Guangdong and Guangxi, I am afraid that they would not be able to break through the fifth infantry regiment. The phalanx of the fourteenth infantry battalion.

The 14th Infantry Battalion is like a thick city gate, directly blocking the southern city gate again, while the 600 cavalry troops behind it are constantly wandering, chasing the defeated Ming army who escaped before, forcing these The Ming army surrenders!

At this time, the battle situation on the southern front had barely stabilized, and Colonel Cao Mingda also had the extra mood to look back at the Ming army ships by the river and the Ming army on board.

According to the sight, the Ming army who has already boarded the ship is probably two or three thousand people. It is a pity to let these people escape, but he can't do anything about it. Who made his troops only cavalry? The cavalry can't get on the ship fight.

Not to mention his cavalry, even if the infantry came, it could not stop the escape of these Ming troops.

First of all, the Ming army has set sail. The infantry troops can only shoot with muskets and bows and arrows for a while. As for the artillery, don’t think about it. .

Cao Mingda led the cavalry and wandered by the river, watching the Ming army fleet that was gradually leaving the shore, Wang Yue and a group of surviving senior generals of the Ming army were also watching the 600 cavalry of the pseudo-Tang thief army and the thieves behind them. infantry.

At this moment, Wang Yue turned his head to look at Yu Dayou, who had a look of exhaustion and blood on his body, and said, "General Yu, you've worked hard!"

Yu Dayou showed a wry smile at this time: "There are 3,000 soldiers in the headquarters of the last general, but only less than a thousand escaped, and the last general is ashamed of them!"

At this time, Wei Yan stepped forward and said: "General Yu doesn't have to do this, your ministry can hold on to the end, and it is quite difficult to successfully withdraw, and you can successfully withdraw with hundreds of friendly troops along the way. Great work!"

It was not easy for Yu Dayou to be able to escape successfully at the last minute, and although he fled with his troops in a panic, he did not say that he would retreat without a fight or retreat privately. He received a clear message from Shangfeng. After the retreat order was given, the army retreated.

Along the way, Yu Dayou still gathered a lot of the defeated soldiers of the Ming army from other troops, and then rushed out of the southern line with him, although he was finally intercepted by the cavalry of the pseudo-Tang bandit army, resulting in the loss of half of the troops and out of the city. Of the three or four thousand people, only more than a thousand people arrived at the shore and boarded the boat, but everyone knew that it was impossible to blame him.

On the contrary, Yu Dayou who can achieve this level is already the only one among many generals of the Ming army.

Don't you see, there are tens of thousands of Ming troops in the city, and there are many high-ranking generals, but no one can maintain the retreat order of the troops as completely as Yu Dayou, and even gather the defeated troops of the friendly army to retreat together.

At this time, Wang Yue said: "In the battle of Wuzhou, it was not that our soldiers did not die, but that there were many thieves and soldiers. Even if we were defeated today, our army still killed a lot of thieves, which caused heavy damage to the Tang thieves. Go eastward to Zhaoqing to consolidate the city defense, waiting for the aid of the friendly troops from Huguang and other provinces!"

"After Huguang and other provincial friendly troops arrive, my imperial court will be able to counterattack Wuzhou, pacify Guangxi, and exterminate the pseudo-Tang Dynasty!"

After Wang Yue said these words to encourage morale, he said again: "Go on, speed up and set sail, and move to Zhaoqing!"

When he said that, he officially announced that he had given up the tens of thousands of Ming troops still in Wuzhou City.

Although there are a lot of boats along the If it is crowded, it will not be a problem to hold thousands of people, but the key is that the cavalry of the pseudo-Tang bandit army by the river is eyeing them, not to mention It is said that the infantry of the pseudo-Tang thief army has arrived and completely blocked the south gate. It is almost impossible for the Ming army in the city to rush out.

At this time, even if the Ming army in the city wanted to break through from other directions, it was actually impossible for Wang Yue to respond to them.

At this time, their only choice is to set sail and sail down the river!

As for how many people will be able to escape successfully, Wang Yue has no hope.

Wuzhou is easy to defend and difficult to attack, but on the other hand, after being surrounded by people, don't expect to be able to escape.

Except for escaping from the riverside, other directions are basically dead ends!

On the way to Zhaoqing, Wang Yue took the two or three thousand Ming army who escaped and set sail for Zhaoqing, and he also began to think about how to get on the book.

It is absolutely impossible to write down the real situation of such a huge defeat in Wuzhou. If it is written like this, Wang Yue's head will be cut off in minutes, although even after beautification, his end may not be very good. , but at least not so bad!

After thinking hard for a long time, he came up with the main content of the book!

There are four key points:

1. In the Battle of Wuzhou, our army had no foreign aid, and its own strength was also insufficient.

2. Although our troops are insufficient, our army has inflicted great damage on the bandit army.

3. Our army suffered little losses in this battle.

Fourth, the withdrawal from Wuzhou is not a defeat, but a strategic and active retreat for the follow-up to continue to kill the thieves and exterminate the pseudo-Tang Dynasty.

To sum up the above, our army is turning in victory, definitely not fleeing from a disastrous defeat!

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