Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 592: Battle of life and death on land and sea

In order to adjudicate this battle over the army and navy, Li Xuan did not mess up, otherwise it would be easy to cause trouble, so he planned to ask the army and navy to submit their respective military budgets before deciding on the distribution ratio of military expenditures between the two sides.

Especially this year's military budget, and next year's military budget.

According to the military budget, first determine how much military expenditure will be spent, and then coordinate, otherwise, it is not appropriate to directly say the proportion.

According to this principle, the army and navy are also prepared in advance!

However, to determine how much military expenditure is actually spent, it is actually a difficult data to determine, because military expenditures are multi-faceted, including personnel expenditures, ordnance expenditures, infrastructure expenditures, training and combat expenditures, and so on.

For example, personnel expenses, which include settlement expenses, monthly salaries, food expenses, bedding and daily necessities of the soldiers, as well as battlefield rewards, etc.

Then the ordnance expenses, including the new purchase of artillery, muskets, ammunition, horses, carriages, swords, spears, bows, arrows, etc., even the marching pots for cooking rice have to be counted.

Then there is the infrastructure, including camps for troops, the cost of building fortifications, and so on.

But none of the above is the big deal. The real big deal is training and combat expenses. It is said that the sound of a cannon is worth 10,000 taels. Whether it is artillery or musketeers, in order to protect their combat, all kinds of supply and ammunition are extremely expensive. Large, even the cold weapon unit is a big expense.

Therefore, the same army has completely different military expenditures in peacetime and wartime. It is also wartime, but the expenditures are also hugely different when they are frequently engaged in combat and rest for a while.

Taking the Guards as an example, the current Guards has a total of three infantry battalions that have been formed into an army, as well as a new infantry battalion, a baggage battalion, an artillery battalion, and a cavalry battalion. several teams.

The above-mentioned troops are still not satisfied with the number of troops. At present, there are only about 3,500 people, but the daily maintenance costs are about 15,000 silver per month.

However, if you are involved in front-line operations, the cost will at least double. The specific cost depends on how many shells, bullets and arrows are fired by the artillery battalion of the Guards, and how much ordnance is attrition.

During the Battle of Guangzhou, there was no way to calculate how much the Guards actually spent. Although the military expenses of the Guards were paid from the expenses of the royal family, in fact, when the Guards were fighting, they misappropriated them. There are a lot of army supplies, so I don't know how much military spending was spent in the end.

This chaotic situation has also led to the fact that the various expenses of the navy and army of Datang are in a mess.

In addition, the military expenditure in the early stage was directly allocated by the Ministry of Taxation, and the military did not take cash at all, so this military budget will actually be difficult to calculate for a while.

In the end, Li Xuan got a rough figure from the tax department!

The previous statistics could not be counted, but in the first half of this year, that is, from January of the second year of Xuanping to the current June, the Ministry of Taxation spent a total of about one million taels of silver for military spending.

And this is still cash. In addition, there are a large number of food, ordnance, quilts and other materials that are not counted as money. If these are also included, the above figure must be more than one million.

In the end, the military expenditure for the first six months of this year converted by the Ministry of Taxation is 2.5 million taels of silver!

If it is the second half of the year, considering that the military continues to expand and the scale of the war is also expanding, the military expenditure will be even greater. Two million and a half million will definitely not be enough. In the end, it will cost three million or more.

The Ministry of Taxation estimates that military spending in the second half of this year will likely reach about 3.5 million taels.

If the first half and the second half are added together, then in the second year of Xuanping, the military expenditure of the Tang Dynasty will reach 6 million taels, and this figure is only the most conservative estimate. In fact, there are not many people in the tax department. I think it will be 6 million taels. With the expansion of the scale of the war, 7 million taels are possible.

And how much is Datang's fiscal revenue? Based on the current control area, the Ministry of Taxation estimates that the normal fiscal revenue of Xuanping in the next two years is about 6 million taels.

Yes, that's right, the fiscal revenue of the Tang Dynasty is not enough for military expenditures!

Although it is said that Guangdong has just been conquered here, especially Guangzhou has only been captured, resulting in insufficient tax revenue in Guangdong. The Ministry of Taxation predicts that there will be a substantial increase in tax revenue in Guangdong next year, but even so, the data of the Tang Dynasty Fiscal revenue is not enough for military spending.

Not to mention, the various expenses of the Tang Dynasty were not only military expenses, but also various administrative expenses, relief, construction and many other expenses.

How today's Tang Dynasty fills the gap is to supplement the various official materials and cash of the Ming Dynasty that were seized by the former Ming officials who ransacked their homes.

In other words, if the Governor Zhang in Changsha knew that the Tang Dynasty complained that the military expenditure was too much and the financial revenue was too little, he would be so angry!

Since he took office last year to the present, the imperial court has given him less than one million silver in total! Although the total is more than this number, at least more than half of it has been floated.

In terms of military expenditure, in fact, the Ming Dynasty's military expenditure in suppressing the pirate army of the Tang Dynasty will not be less than the military expenditure of the Tang Dynasty, but how can Zhang Yue be able to take advantage of the great **** of 'floating' There are not so many in hand.

As for how Zhang Yue solved the military expenses, he naturally found a way in Huguang to let the local officials gather food and other materials, let the gentry pay for the food, etc., and ask the provinces in the south of the Yangtze River to cooperate with them. These are all ways.

Otherwise, even if Zhang Yue is an immortal, it is impossible to maintain an army with a total number of 100,000 people in Huguang, northeastern Guizhou, Guilin, northern Guangdong and other regions!

If you add the military expenses that Zhang Yue raised from the imperial court, in fact, the Ming Dynasty actually spent more military expenses than the Tang army in this war!

However, the actual military expenditure on the army is less than half of the Tang Dynasty. Why?

It's the same word 'floating away'.

Purely in terms of actual military expenditure, the actual military expenditure of the Tang Dynasty exceeded that of Zhang Yue.

Everyone knows that the fake Tang thieves have sharp weapons, but the cost of playing guns is not ordinary. Even if Zhang Yue wants to play, he can't afford it!

The Ministry of Taxation has given a budget for military spending for the second half of the year, but the Army and Navy disagree. The budget given by the Army is that they will have at least six million taels of military spending in the second half of the year.


One is to expand the army, one is to expand the scale of the war, and the last one is that they are preparing to improve the treatment of the garrison, which is used to stimulate the morale and combat effectiveness of the garrison.

Therefore, the army scrambled and finally came to the conclusion that the military expenditure in the second half of the year would be at least 6 million taels of silver.

Not to be outdone, the Navy did not dare to say six million taels, but two million taels!

Facing the shamelessness of the army and navy, Li Xuan directly typed back the two budget reports with a sullen face. What a joke, it added up to 8 million, and chopped up the tax officials of the tax department and sold them. , can't sell so much money.

Then, listening to the army and navy gossip for more than an hour, Li Xuan was finally annoyed!

Today he regretted coming here, and immediately got up and said, "You continue to negotiate, no matter what, you must negotiate a result today!"

Then he went out directly, but at this time he stopped again and said to the clerk next to him: "They are not allowed to go out until they have discussed a result. In addition, they can't let them sleep, if they Dare to sleep, pour cold water directly!"

Then he thought about it, and said again: "You stare at yourself, if they fight, immediately let the guards outside stop it!"

Li Xuan's voice was not too small. All the generals of the navy and army in the conference room heard it. At this time, all of them looked helpless. Today, His Majesty is afraid that he is completely annoyed.

But even if His Majesty was annoyed, he absolutely could not give in on the ratio of military expenditures!

So after Li Xuan left, when the guards outside the door closed the door again, the navy and army started to stare again!

Half an hour later, an army colonel was in a hurry to urinate and wanted to go out to relieve himself. He was stopped by a sentence: Your Majesty has a purpose, and Lu Hai will not be allowed to go out without reaching a relevant agreement.

And he kindly reminded him that His Majesty just didn't let you out, and he didn't allow you to take it easy, just solve it on the spot, anyway, there are bottles and cans.

The army colonel was also straightforward, he untied his trousers after hearing this, and then found a vase and started urinating.

It is absolutely impossible to make the army give in without peeing. I think back then, when our army fought against the puppet army, we have survived such a hard thing. .

Someone will take the The next person will naturally follow suit!

By the early hours of the same day, the more than 20 army and navy generals who were locked in the conference room had already turned the conference room into a smell of feces and urine, so that the few Hanlin Academy students who were watching over the conference room at any time were all overwhelmed. Had to wear a mask.

At this time, although the feces and urine smelled very bad, what bothered everyone more was sleepiness!

At one o'clock in the morning, Zeng Ziwen, who couldn't stand it, discussed with a group of army officers in a low voice, and decided to give full play to the generosity of the army's big brother, and decided to give one percentage point to the Navy, and the Navy could take 6% military spending.

But after listening to Bao Yifen, there was a hint of sneering, and he didn't answer, he shook his head and refused: "The army's move is too insincere. Is my navy a beggar, and it will be dismissed by one percentage point? At least twenty-nine percent!"

As soon as Zeng Ziwen heard it, yes, let's talk about it, let's not talk about it, everyone continues to fight!

Isn't it just not sleeping, who is afraid of who!

In this decisive battle involving the life and death of Lu Hai, they will never back down easily!

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