Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 614: The ecstatic Ming army

If you have carefully analyzed Hao Bainian's past battles, you will find that Hao Bainian's battles, unless under extreme circumstances, are of the kind that have little risk, but are not a steady and steady type.

He prefers to control the risk within a certain range, and then try to achieve as big a result as possible. At the same time, he prefers and is also better at commanding troops to conduct large-scale maneuvers, and then encircling or forcing the enemy to fight him head-on.

The most typical example is when he went south to Guangxi, he led his troops to bypass Liuzhou, but he attacked Weiyan's 8,000-strong army first.

As for the tough battle, to be honest, Hao Bainian is not good at it. Whether it is Wuzhou or Guangzhou, it is not actually commanded by Hao Bainian, but by the staff of the War Department in the Privy Council.

In fact, he is not good at attacking tough battles. This is not a fault of Hao Bainian alone, but a common fault of the Datang Army. It cannot even be said to be a fault of the Datang Army. It is a type of combat that all the armies of these years are not good at.

As long as there is a choice, any general, whether ancient or modern or modern, will try their best to avoid tough battles.

But sometimes, a tough battle is necessary.

For example, Yizhang, although a group of staff members think that Yizhang can be bypassed, but Hao Bainian himself does not think so.

Yizhang, as the bridgehead for Huguang Ming Army to defend against the Datang King Division, with Yizhang City as the core, supplemented by Chenzhou Prefecture City, deployed a full 50,000 troops, built a fairly complete defense line that can support each other.

Bypassing Yizhang, will the enemy army in Yizhang sit back and watch the army pass by? It will definitely be the first phase of its own logistics supply line!

And from the perspective of distance, if even Yizhang had to go around, then the distance to attack Hengzhou would be too far.

Therefore, the fortified battle of Yizhang must be carried out. In Chenzhou, it can be kept and not fought, but if the enemy in the direction of Chenzhou dares to come to the rescue, Hao Bainian doesn't mind fighting a battle to encircle the point to help.

After carefully calculating the strength of the troops at hand, Hao Bainian finally made his own decision. Chenzhou, Hengzhou, etc. will be ignored, and Yizhang will be shot down.

At least in this way, you can build a safe logistics supply line of at least hundreds of miles for yourself!

However, it is not easy to fight Yizhang. The Ming army has not been idle for more than half a year. Before the King of the Tang Dynasty took Shaozhou Mansion, they had already built a defense line with Yizhang as the core. According to the actual intelligence, the Ming army In Yizhang alone, there are at least hundreds of artillery pieces deployed. Although most of the artillery pieces are small-caliber artillery pieces, there are also many general cannons and Folang machine cannons.

If you rashly attack, you will most likely be killed by the firepower of the city head!

Hao Bainian didn't want to suffer too much damage under Yizhang City, so before attacking Yizhang, he had to lead out part of Yizhang's enemy troops to destroy them.

After thinking for a long time, and after discussing detailed tactics with a group of staff officers, Hao Bainian finally made a tactical arrangement: the 1st Infantry Division pulled away from the outer front of Yizhang and immediately made a stance to advance rapidly north.

At the same time, the provisional fourth regiment continued to march towards Chenzhou according to the original plan, but the 1st Infantry Division would also bypass Chenzhou.

The above-mentioned combat plan, similar to the previous second plan, bypassed Yizhang and Chenzhou.

But the difference is that when Hao Bainian ordered the main force of the 1st Infantry Division to go north again, he dispatched the 1st Infantry Regiment, two light artillery teams and the 1st Cavalry Battalion to form a temporary mixed force, sneaked around Yizhang, and once again Return to Yizhang.

What is the purpose? The purpose is to use the main force of the 1st Infantry Division and the temporary mobilization of the 4th Infantry Regiment to make the Ming army think that it will bypass Yizhang and Chenzhou.

But Hao Bainian's real goal is to let the 1st Infantry Regiment as the core mixed army to kill a carbine. As long as the Ming army in Yizhang dares to come out and cut off their own supply lines, the 1st Infantry Regiment will quickly rush over and try to annihilate in the wild. These Yizhang Ming troops who dared to go out of the city.

There are also many concerns. The biggest concern is whether the temporary formation of the Fourth Regiment can successfully contain the enemy in Chenzhou, because the 1st Infantry Division will mainly continue to go north and make a direct attack on Hengzhou, and it cannot make a U-turn with the main force. After all, the Ming army is not the same, and they will continue to send reconnaissance cavalry to observe the movements of their main force. It is impossible to easily hide the mobilization of tens of thousands of people.

If the enemy of Chenzhou breaks through the interception of the provisional Fourth Regiment, the 1st Infantry Division will not be able to return in time, and the 1st Infantry Regiment may be in danger.

As for saying that the enemy has seen through Hao Bainian's strategy and can't come out alive or dead, that doesn't matter. Hao Bainian's big deal is to turn the fake into the real, and directly take the main force of the 1st Infantry Division to continue north to Hengzhou. Anyway, his purpose is not necessarily to conquer One city and one place, his purpose is to attack the entire southern part of Huguang. If the Ming army does not take the initiative to attack, the logistics line can be guaranteed. Although the main force of the 1st Infantry Division heading north is less, it is not impossible to fight.

Moreover, Hao Bainian didn't think that the Ming army would still be indifferent after seeing it through. They would definitely mobilize accordingly, and once they were mobilized, they would have a chance.

The big deal is not to fight Hengzhou first, not even Yizhang, and to annihilate one or two units of the Ming army first.

In fact, the plan proposed by Hao Bainian has no specific goal of attacking that city. Going straight to Hengzhou is just a cover, even if it is a real attack on Hengzhou, it is also a cover. Chenzhou and Yizhang are also not his real goals. There is only one purpose, and that is to annihilate the main force of the Ming army.

As long as the main force of the Ming army is destroyed, Yizhang, Chenzhou and even Hengzhou are all in the bag!

This is also the main fighting method in the current Datang Army. Although the ultimate goal is to conquer a certain city, but in the process of the battle, it is mainly to annihilate the living forces of the enemy, and is not in a hurry to specifically attack a certain city. .

Even in the previous Wuzhou and Guangzhou, the Datang Army did not rush to attack, but first cleared the periphery, then besieged the enemy for a long time, and then began to attack when they were fully prepared.

Hao Bainian, as the commander of the 1st Army, also served as the commander of the 1st Infantry Division. His orders were naturally carried out thoroughly. Soon, on the third day after launching the full line attack, the 1st Infantry Division and the temporary The fourth regiment is to begin to mobilize according to the relevant plan.

The first to move was the provisional fourth regiment. Although the provisional fourth regiment with more than 3,000 people only had one infantry battalion, the other four were reserve battalions, and the troops were all adapted from the garrison army. Come, the quality is a little worse, but the number of people seems to be quite large, and all of them are wearing regular army uniforms with red layup. In the eyes of the Ming army, these are all fake Tang and real thieves.

In the eyes of many Ming army generals, if there are 10,000 fake thieves in the pseudo-Tang thief army, then their own troops are also 10,000 or slightly more, then they can fight, and they are still positive. In a war, the outcome is 55 to 50, so if they face the previous garrison, they still have the courage to fight.

But if the encounter is a real thief of the pseudo-Tang, then at least twice or even more than three times the force is required, and it is absolutely impossible to fight one-on-one!

No way, they were afraid of being beaten by the regular army in the Tang Army, and many Ming army generals were inexplicably afraid when they heard the words "Pseudo-Tang Real Thief".

Although they are not afraid of the enemy like a tiger, they don't have the advantage of two or three times the force at hand. If these Ming army generals are killed, they will not take the initiative to fight the waves.

After the front-line investigation found that more than 3,000 fake Tang and real thieves had come, the nearly Wanming army who had just come out of Chenzhou and was ready to support Yizhang stopped consciously. Of course, they did not return to the city without any thought. , after all, the three thousand pseudo-Tang thieves are just here, this is not yet in sight.

But it didn't take long for them to learn from the report of the scout that the tens of thousands of counterfeit Tang thieves who besieged Yizhang had bypassed Yizhang and headed north. Continue to go south, or you will collide with the main force of the pseudo-Tang thief army. That is more than 10,000 pseudo-Tang thieves. After colliding with the troops that are less than 10,000 people, they will not be completely wiped out!

The Pseudo-Tang Bandit Army wants to encircle and fight for reinforcements!

This is their unified judgment, because this kind of thing has been done by the Tang bandit army many times, and the Ming army has suffered many losses. The most obvious example is the Battle of Jingzhou.

At that time, when tens of thousands of pseudo-Tang thieves were besieging Jingzhou, the Ming army in Xingquan Prefecture returned to assist Jingzhou. As a result, more than 15,000 reinforcements returned and the tens of thousands of Ming troops who came out of Jingzhou City to respond. They were defeated one after another. This is a total of more than 25,000 troops. In a few days, the effort is completely gone! The Ming Army has not yet figured out how many people there were in the Fourth Army attacking Jingzhou at that time, especially the Fourth Army took many prisoners and temporarily incorporated them into the garrison. After the army, the fourth army in Jingzhou had reached more than 15,000 troops at that time, but in fact, many troops were unable to fight, and all that could be fought was an infantry regiment plus a number of regular auxiliary troops. Thousands or so.

The current generals of the Ming army have a natural fear of the puppet thieves' army's encirclement and reinforcements. When they see that the puppet thieves have let Yizhang go, but want to go north, their first reaction is This is the trap of the pseudo-Tang thief army. They want to surround and fight for reinforcements, and attack their own reinforcements from Chenzhou.

Therefore, the generals of the Ming army who led the team discussed with several other subordinates, and then decided to return to Chenzhou to see the situation.

If you continue to stay outside, it is easy to be entangled by the main force of the pseudo-Tang thief army, and you will not be able to leave if you want to leave.

The reinforcements from Chenzhou directly retracted back to Chenzhou, but what surprised them even more was that they later found out that these pseudo-Tang thieves were still going north!

Looking at this situation, he was completely heading for Hengzhou. For a time, some Ming army generals were worried about the safety of Hengzhou, while some Ming army generals were ecstatic!

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