Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 619: Gu Shizhong's new routine

Although only three five-jin artillery pieces were fired, the loud noise made by the artillery fire was still earth-shattering, and it was enough to spread across this small plain, which was only a few kilometers wide.

This small plain, which is only a few kilometers wide and has a few tens of meters high hilltops, can be regarded as a place for both sides to choose to fight.

Because this place is not far from the city of Chenzhou, and the terrain is relatively open, at the same time, the temporarily formed fourth regiment was stationed in a village not far behind this small plain.

If the defenders in Chenzhou want to take the initiative to attack and attack the supply line of the 1st Infantry Division or even surround the 1st Infantry Division from the rear, they must first defeat the provisional 4th Regiment, otherwise, they will be able to bypass, However, the fourth regiment was temporarily able to catch up, and then continued to attack the Ming army from Chenzhou, biting the Ming army like a ferocious wolf.

It may not be possible to wipe out the Ming army all at once, but the broken troops of the Ming army will definitely be eaten continuously, unless they stop to fight, but in this way, the time is too hasty, and they are equivalent to being killed. Entangled, unable to go to cut off the supply line of the 1st Infantry Division.

It would be better to simply defeat the provisional fourth regiment at the beginning of the city and take advantage of the best conditions in the past few days.

And this kind of situation is also what the temporary fourth regiment is happy to meet. After all, this small plain and even the battlefield that they have selected in advance, are very familiar with the surrounding terrain.

The deployment of troops is easier, and there is no need to worry about being ambushed.

The two sides unanimously chose this place to fight, and it is also an important symbol of self-confidence on both sides.

The total number of the Ming army on the opposite side is as high as 13,000 people, even if they are all guards, but in their opinion, the pseudo-Tang thief army on the opposite side is only more than 3,000 people, and they have more than four times the strength. Even if it is hard to chew, these pseudo-Tang thieves can be eaten away.

And if even the 3,000-strong Puppet Tang thief army with few firearms in front of him can't take it down, how can he surround the headquarters of Hao Bainian, the main force of the Puppet Tang thief army!

That is the main force of more than 10,000 people, and its combat effectiveness is beyond the table. If the difference in combat effectiveness is too great, I am afraid that even if we send 50,000 to 60,000 people to besiege it, I am afraid it will not be able to beat it!

Therefore, the Chenzhou Ming Army, which has a four-fold advantage in strength, chose to take the initiative to attack without fear!

As for the temporary formation of the fourth regiment, it is indeed the same as what the Ming army observed. There are not many firearms, and the combat effectiveness cannot be compared with the main force.

There are only two hundred musketeers in the whole regiment, and they are organized into two musket teams, and there is also a team of about 100 grenadiers. Naturally, the strength of the muskete is not too strong, but they have strengthened the firepower of the bow and arrow to supplement it. , so the number of archers in the temporary army is also relatively large.

There are more than 600 archers in a whole temporary group.

Such a temporary regiment is actually between the musket regiment and the spear regiment, and is also assigned some auxiliary troops, a mixed regiment with independent combat capabilities.

Of course, the combat power is incomparable to a regular mixed regiment.

In a regular mixed regiment, there are three musket battalions. In addition, there are various affiliated units. The combat effectiveness is much stronger than that of a pure musket regiment, but then again, if it is a musket regiment, there is basically no possibility of fighting alone. , Generally, under the leadership of the division headquarters, they serve as division-level combat missions, and there will be other musket regiments, spear regiments, and units directly under the division headquarters to cooperate with them.

Even if they are sent to fight alone, they can get the cooperation of the troops directly under the division headquarters. The 1st Infantry Regiment is a typical example. It has the cooperation of a baggage battalion, a cavalry battalion, and two artillery teams directly under the division headquarters. A regiment-level battle group formed is stronger than a simple mixed regiment.

However, even in the Datang Army system, a regiment-level battle group with the weakest combat effectiveness, the temporary formation still has the ability to fight independently, and the combat effectiveness is not comparable to that of the previous garrison. The soldiers of the Fourth Regiment, whether they are musketeers or spearmen, are strictly trained soldiers, and many of them are soldiers with rich combat experience.

In addition to the different equipment, purely in terms of the quality of the soldiers, in fact, the soldiers of the 4th Regiment are not worse than the elite veterans of the 1st Infantry Division, but they are not much worse than those of the other Infantry Divisions. .

Elite soldiers, and even if the cold weapon troops occupy the majority, the quality of their cold weapons is far better than the Ming army on the opposite side, and the equipment rate of armor is a lot more than that of the Ming army.

The total number of armored soldiers of the Wanming Army on the opposite side is actually about the same as the armored soldiers of the temporarily formed Fourth Regiment with only more than 3,000 people!

And this is also the courage of them daring to intercept as many as 10,000 Ming troops with more than 3,000 troops!

The three artillery pieces of the artillery team continued to fire. Although the number of artillery pieces was small, after each shell was fired, it was basically able to cause heavy damage to the formation of the Ming army.

This is not because of how powerful Tang Jun's gunners are, but because there are too many Ming troops on the opposite side, and the formation is very tight. If this cannon is fired, as long as it is not too bad luck, it will always fall into the array of Ming troops. middle.

Of course, whether they can hit the target they are aiming at: the artillery unit of the Ming Army, that is another matter.

The continuous shelling caused few casualties to the Ming army at first, but as it continued, the casualties of the Ming army continued to increase. The formation of the Ming army was a thick formation in a typical cold weapon army. Almost all of the soldiers in the army have more than a dozen rows in front and back, and this also makes them suffer from extraordinarily large casualties when they are under shelling!

In this era, the best way to reduce the casualties of solid shell shelling is to increase the width and reduce the depth, and this is why the modern army has changed from more than ten columns to six, and then to three columns. reason.

Because of maintaining a thick depth, the enemy is often bombarded violently, and the entire phalanx has to collapse.

Due to the small number of artillery pieces, the artillery pieces of the temporary 4th Artillery Corps were naturally unable to defeat the phalanx of the Ming army, but they still caused a lot of damage to them, and also caused a heavy blow to the morale of the Ming army.

This is hundreds of meters away, and they have not yet entered the fighting distance, they have been continuously shelled, and almost every shell will take away a few people, as many as dozens of people are killed and injured.

Even if these casualties are nothing to a huge team of more than 10,000 people, this situation of being beaten and unable to fight back is still unbearable for the soldiers.

"Strictly order all the ministries to move forward. Don't worry, there are only three artillery pieces of Tang thieves. If they die, they will kill and injure hundreds of people. All of them should be stabilized by this officer. Do not move, and those who fall back will be killed!" In the formation of the Ming army, one The senior generals shouted loudly!

The other generals of the Ming army also saw it. Although the sound of the artillery shelling of the pseudo-Tang thieves sounded loud, but the number was too small, it could not actually bring much actual losses to their own side, so all of them were stable. Stop the troops and urge the soldiers to speed up.

Seeing that the Ming army continued to advance while under the shelling, and also accelerated its speed, Gu Shizhong showed a contemptuous smile on his mouth. The tactics, formation and even equipment of these Ming army guards were exactly the same as before. I have been fighting with my Grand Master of the Tang Dynasty for so long, and I have not made any progress at all. Facing my own pre-constructed positions and artillery fire, it is still the old way of advancing in formation, and then trying to rush over to fight hand-to-hand!

At the beginning, when the King of the Tang Dynasty attacked the guards in Guizhou, the Ming army fought like this. Later, when they moved south to Guangdong and Guangxi, the Ming army still fought like this, and it was nothing new.

To deal with such a Ming army, the Tang Army is already very experienced. At long distances, the field artillery is used for solid ammunition, and at medium distances, shotguns are used. The battalion artillery will also fire at a distance of 150 meters. !

Only then will muskets, bows and arrows be used to cover and shoot at a distance of less than 100 meters!

After entering 30 meters, the last round of salvo is often launched. After the salvo, a grenade is thrown, and then it is time to launch a spear and bayonet charge!

By that time, the enemy troops are basically half disabled, their morale has collapsed, and a great victory will be won!

However, there are not many troops at home today, so Gu Shizhong has added some new ones to some old routines. For example, the arsenals of the recent Ministry of Industry have been buried in front of them before mass production, and the mines of each army are attached!

Influenced by the excellent effect of grenades in actual Now the Datang Army is very interested in all weapons that can explode. Naturally, the grenades that can be fired by artillery will not be available for a while.

But imitating the grenade and making a mine is okay!

Of course, these mines are not touch fuzes, but still use old fuses!

These mines are usually used in defensive operations, buried in predetermined locations and camouflaged, and then ignited with fuses that are more than 100 meters long. Because these mines are more troublesome to bury and ignite, so the size and weight of the mines are high. Bigger, try to pack more gunpowder so that one mine can pay off a bunch of enemy troops.

After seeing the enemy force the artillery fire into the distance of 300 meters, Gu Shizhong said: "What are you waiting for, set fire to it and blow them into the sky!"

Following Gu Shizhong's order, the soldiers who were originally hidden outside quickly lit the flaming rope. After the flaming rope spread over a distance of hundreds of meters, they came to the foot of the Ming army. Many soldiers of the Ming army could still see the fire. The fuse is approaching fast, but they don't know what it is for a while.

But intuition tells them that this thing is not a good thing!

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