Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 623: poor lieutenant

Seeing that there were cavalrymen running back suddenly, and one of them said, "Sir, it's not good", at this moment, these Ming army generals had a very bad premonition in their hearts.

You can even see the expressions of panic on the faces of these people.

A deputy commander-in-chief at the head resisted the panic in his heart and asked, "What's going on, be careful!"

Immediately another Ming army cavalry said: "A large number of pseudo-Tang thieves were found five miles ahead coming towards us!"

The deputy commander-in-chief of the Ming Army continued to ask: "How many soldiers and horses are there? Are they real thieves or fake thieves? If they are real thieves, how many real thieves are there?"

The Ming army still does not know enough about the pseudo-Tang thief army, but they still know that there are real thieves and fake thieves in the combat sequence of the pseudo-Tang thief army. The real thieves are those who wear blue clothes and red pants and have a lot of firearms The pseudo-Tang regular army, and the original definition of fake thief was actually used for those rebels who defected to the pseudo-Tang Dynasty, but later it generally refers to the pseudo-Tang army without a large number of firearms, including the garrison army and the robbery camp.

Of course, this kind of division is actually not strictly prohibited. Most of the time, they simply judge by the color of the military uniforms of the pseudo-Tang thieves on the opposite side. The number of pseudo-Tang thieves was seriously exaggerated because they regarded all the pseudo-Tang thieves wearing blue shirts and red trousers as real thieves. The real thieves of the pseudo-Tang thief army, there will definitely be one or even two, three or more fake Tang thieves.

They still don't know that the Datang Army has already completed the elimination of the garrison brigade and the robbery battalion, and has transferred the backbone of the garrison brigade to supplement the main troops and form a pure cold weapon regular army spear regiment As a result, six major infantry divisions and a number of temporary regiments and mixed regiments were created.

Even the Datang Army can't figure out the detailed organization of the Ming Army. They can only know a general name, or those grassroots organizations that are difficult to keep secret, such as the big designation of the 1st Infantry Division. ', and for example, the establishment in detail to the team level and even the battalion level.

However, in fact, the Ming army still does not know what infantry regiments are composed of an infantry division, and even how many people there are.

And this lack of understanding of the Tang army also made these Ming army generals pay special attention to a piece of information, that is, how many people and how many real thieves are there in the pseudo-Tang thief army they are facing?

If there are no more than two or three thousand people in the counterfeit Tang thief army, and a thousand real thieves, it is not impossible for them to beat them, but if the opposite fake Tang thief army has four or five thousand people, the number of real thieves has reached 2,000. If there are more than one person, then they have to think carefully whether they should choose to fight or escape.

However, the Ming army cavalry said, "There are at least five thousand, and they are all real thieves?"

"It's all real thieves? How is that possible? Could it be possible that there are 5,000, or even tens of thousands of fake thieves behind them?" The person who asked this question obviously still had his understanding half a year ago. When the Ming army fought, it was often behind an infantry brigade, and there would be the same garrison brigade, or even two garrison brigades to assist in operations.

The Ming army cavalry immediately replied: "It is absolutely true, although the distance is a little far, but the thieves we see are all wearing that kind of strange uniforms, and there are no fake thieves, and they also have a large number of artillery and detectives. ride!"

"There are still a large number of artillery units and reconnaissance cavalry? How is this possible? This is definitely the size of the main force of the pseudo-Tang thief army, not the model that the main force of the pseudo-Tang thief army went north to Hengzhou, even if they left a part of the troops to assist in the defense and logistics. Lines, but at most one or two thousand real thieves and several thousand fake thieves are left, how can it be possible to leave a whole main force near Yizhang?"

"They must be the pseudo-Tang bandit army that was chasing us before. I didn't expect them to be the main force of the pseudo-Tang bandit army, and they even detoured to Yizhang one step ahead of us. It is estimated that they are waiting for us to return to Yizhang!"

"What can I do? With so many fake Tang and real thieves, with our current 8,000 troops, they are absolutely invincible!"

Everyone present can understand this, what is invincible, this sentence is slightly translated, in plain words: we can't beat it!

"We can't continue to go forward, we must detour immediately, otherwise it will be a dead word to continue to go up!"

"Yes, let's take a detour, Yizhang is only more than twenty miles away from us, as long as we take a detour to avoid them, when it is night, we continue to march, take advantage of the night to avoid their interception range, and strive for We will return to Yizhang City before dawn tomorrow, and when we return to Yizhang City, everything is still to be done, even if the main force of the pseudo-Tang thief army comes to attack Yizhang City, we can still defend it and insist on the arrival of the Linwu reinforcements!"

Immediately, the leader of the deputy commander also suppressed the panic in his heart, and immediately said: "Since this is the case, then we immediately detour westward to avoid the main force of the pseudo-Tang thief army ahead!"

However, just after he finished speaking, there was another sound of horse hooves in front of him. As soon as he heard the rapid sound of horse hooves, he knew that the detective must have returned again, and he was still alive, and another sentence came: " Sir, it's not good!"

Right now, at this critical moment, some detective riders hurriedly came back, and there was another adult saying, "No, it's not good, it must have been a big bad thing."

Come on, is there any super bad news?

Is there another main force of the pseudo-Tang thief army ahead?

The generals of the Ming army who had just heard a very big bad news had to hold on to hear the second bad news.

I just heard the cavalry who rushed back in a hurry: "A large number of thieves have appeared in the northwest direction ahead!"

"There are fake Tang thieves again? Are there real thieves or fake thieves? How many?" The deputy commander in chief asked, and the general of the Ming army next to him couldn't wait to ask.

The messenger cavalry said: "They are all true thieves. Although the distance is a little farther, at least there are no less than three thousand!"

Hearing that there are 3,000 fake Tang real thieves, and they are still in the northwest not far from the west where they are scheduled to retreat, this means that if my 8,000 people want to retreat to the west, they are very likely to be attacked by this force. The Pseudo-Tang thief army stopped in the middle.

At this time, some generals of the Ming army who are not very good at concentration are already a little dizzy, and their feet are soft. If they are not riding horses, it is estimated that they will be directly paralyzed on the ground!

However, the deputy commander-in-chief headed by this time managed to calm down, and then said: "It seems that we can't go to the west, and now our only retreat is to go to the east!"

As a result, the order to retreat to the east was quickly conveyed, but just after adjusting the direction, the army hadn't walked a few hundred meters, and another messenger cavalry ran in front of these Ming army generals. As soon as he arrived, he said in the same panicked tone, "Sir, it's not good!"

Hearing this, he was still calm in the first few seconds and instructed the army to turn around and retreat to the east. The deputy commander of the Ming army finally showed panic and said: "What's the matter, is it possible that the main force of the pseudo-Tang bandit army was also found in the east. Can't it?"

When the cavalry messenger heard this and saw the panic on his general's face, he couldn't understand it. He hadn't reported the news yet.

He didn't know that two groups of cavalrymen had already reported bad news to these Ming army generals before him!

However, although he was puzzled, he still quickly said, "Our scouting cavalry found that the bandit cavalry that we got rid of yesterday has caught up, and now their direction is in the southeast, only three miles away from us. There's no way out!"

Hearing this, he had been forcibly calm all the time, and the deputy commander who maintained the majesty of the general finally couldn't hold it any longer, and murmured: "It's over... it's over..."

After muttering these two words in his mouth, his eyes were black and he fell directly from the horse's back!

"grown ups!"

"grown ups!"

Seeing this, several other generals and personal soldiers around the deputy commander quickly stepped forward to check the situation. Fortunately, although the deputy commander was riding a horse, the horse stood still and did not move, and he fell in the direction of the fall. Fortunately, he didn't hit his head directly on the ground, otherwise, it would be a high probability to break his neck directly.

After everyone checked the situation of the deputy commander, they found that their commander had fainted, so they pinched the person and shook it vigorously, and finally woke the fainted deputy commander.

The deputy general just woke up, and everyone couldn't wait to ask: "Sir, what should we do now?"

"Yes, my lord, now nearly 10,000 pseudo-Tang thieves have surrounded our army from three sides, what should we do now?"

"Sir, what should I do?"

"grown ups…"

It only took a few seconds for the poor deputy chief to wake up, UU reading www. uukanshu. com just heard a lot of chatter and asked questions that even he himself could not answer.

What can he do,

If he knew what to do, he wouldn't have fainted in despair just now.

In the face of everyone's questioning, the poor deputy commander who had just woken up simply tilted his head and fainted again...

Just when the 8,000 Ming troops were at a loss, they were about five miles to the north, and Colonel Sun Shuangxi personally led the 1st Infantry Regiment headquarters and auxiliary troops such as artillery to the south quickly. Three miles away, a troop consisting of a reserve battalion and a baggage battalion of the 1st Infantry Regiment was rapidly heading south from the northwest.

At the same time, in the southeast direction of the Ming army, the first cavalry battalion is also quickly rushing to the battlefield!

And all these troops combined, there are only about 5,000 people, far less than the nearly 10,000 real thieves reported by the Ming army's reconnaissance cavalry!

But even if there are only 5,000 people, they are still surrounded by the 8,000 Ming troops from three directions at the same time!

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