Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 679: unintelligible war

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A large number of infantry began to gather and slowly moved towards the city wall. Among the infantry, there were also a large number of siege equipment, a large number of very ordinary long ladders, wooden mobile arrow towers, and large shield vehicles.

These weapons are some siege weapons commonly used by the army in the traditional cold weapon era, but they may be very useful in the cold weapon era, but they are not so useful in the age of guns, because the Ming army on the top of the city has A large number of artillery pieces, and even those bowl-mouthed cannons and general cannons equipped by the Ming army, can also cause serious blows to these wooden instruments.

One shot down, no matter whether it is an arrow tower or a large shield car, all of them will be finished!

These days, whether it is siege or defense, the protagonist has actually become an artillery!

Especially after the pseudo-Tang thief army, the large-scale adoption of artillery also directly affected the Ming army to manufacture and use artillery!

Otherwise, how can you say that Ji'an is a tortoise shell? In addition to the back of the city wall, it is also related to the large number of artillery on the top of the city!

Therefore, the first action will definitely not be infantry, but artillery!

The main function of these infantry soldiers was to protect the more than 100 artillery pieces and prevent the Ming army from rushing out of the city, especially sending cavalry to rush out to attack the artillery positions.

In order to protect these important artillery pieces, not only are the main infantry phalanxes lined up in front, but also right next to the artillery positions, there are also infantry phalanxes that belong to the artillery itself.

That's right, in order to protect themselves, artillery troops these days are often directly assigned a certain number of musketeers, spearmen and other arms, although the number is not large, and the combat effectiveness is not very good, because these musketeers and Spearmen, sword and shield soldiers, etc., are actually transport soldiers in the artillery unit.

Take the Fifth Artillery Regiment belonging to the Fifth Infantry Division as an example. The entire Artillery Regiment has fifty-four artillery pieces, and the total number of gunners who control the artillery on the battlefield, including the loader, is only five or six hundred people. The strength of the Fifth Artillery Regiment reached more than 1,500 people.

Because there are nearly a thousand people who transport artillery, ammunition, and grooms.

The artillery and ammunition carried by the 5th Artillery Regiment are transported by themselves, not by the 5th Regiment of the 5th Infantry Division. The task of the 5th Regiment is to undertake the logistics and transportation of the entire 5th Infantry Division , and also includes emergency supplies on the battlefield.

After entering the battlefield, the grooms in the artillery unit will take the horses away and manage hundreds of horses in the artillery regiment, while some transport soldiers will continue to carry artillery shells, while others will pick up spears and muskets. The main purpose is to prevent the enemy cavalry from raiding the artillery position.

If the situation is urgent, the main general can also draw these transport troops to directly participate in the front-line battle, but since the formation of the army of the King of the Tang Dynasty, this kind of thing has only happened a few times, and the scale is not large, because these transport troops Although it can barely be regarded as infantry, but in fact, the combat effectiveness is not as good as that of the baggage units, and the combat effectiveness is worrying. Under normal circumstances, the generals of the Great Tang Dynasty will not send these transport soldiers to the front line to fight hand-to-hand.

The rear of the defensive phalanx listed by these transports is the field artillery position of the huge Fifth Infantry Regiment. Basically, the artillery team is a small position, an artillery battalion is an artillery group position, and one has an artillery group position. , forming a large-scale artillery position.

When the order to fire was given, the field guns began to fire one after another, firing solid shells!

When these field artillery began to bombard, a large number of Ming troops soon appeared on the city head, especially those battlements, which also revealed many dark muzzles, and a large number of Ming artillerymen on the city walls could be vaguely seen. They are carrying artillery shells, and they are preparing to counterattack and prevent the infantry of the pseudo-Tang thieves from approaching the city.

At this time, Li Chunjing said with a smile: "The mice have been dispatched, let the siege artillery fire!"

After his order was issued, behind a counter-slope in the artillery position, there was a sudden loud noise. At the same time as the huge white smoke rose, a cannonball with a weight of 48 kilograms was drawn in the air. A curve, and then smashed into the city wall!

This cannonball, even on a battlefield where the sound of cannons is already rumbling, is so remarkable, because its huge cannon sound is far different from when other artillery pieces are fired.

This 48-pound artillery shell uses more than double the propellant used for a 24-pound cannon when it is fired, so that the gun can be shot with a relatively short barrel. The shells shot out more than 500 meters.

This loud noise made almost everyone involuntarily turn their eyes to the direction where the loud noise occurred, and then they saw a small black spot in the sky climbing up!

Seeing this scene, many people do not understand, because they are very sure that this little black dot in the sky is definitely a cannonball, but the ballistics of this cannonball is too strange.

You can't blame them for feeling strange, because the artillery of these years is basically aimed at direct sight, the ballistic is relatively straight, even if it has a curve, but the curve is very small.

But the cannonball in their sight seems to be hitting the sky directly!

I find it strange that there is another willingness, that is, the movement of the artillery is too great, and even if the cannonball looks like a small black spot now, the black spot is so obvious that people with a little battlefield experience can see it. Come out, this cannonball is definitely bigger than those common five-jin, seven-jin, and even the heavy artillery nine-jin cannon in the pseudo-Tang thief army, and it is much bigger!

And what does such a large cannonball represent?

Represents great power!

At this moment, many Ming troops on the city wall, especially an officer in the artillery unit of the Ming army, had a very bad feeling in their hearts. When did these pseudo-Tang thieves come up with such a big heavy artillery?

According to this momentum, this artillery is afraid that the weight of the gun body alone will be seven or eight thousand!

If you exaggerate a little, it is okay to say that it is a 10,000-pound heavy artillery!

Of course they don't know that this 48-pound howitzer has a very short barrel. If you don't count the base, the weight of the gun body is less than 1,500 pounds, and its weight is not even as heavy as a 9-pound field gun. It is only slightly heavier than the seven-pound field gun. As for the smaller 24-pound heavy short-barreled howitzer, its weight is only over 800 pounds, which is roughly equivalent to a five-pound field gun.

And this is due to the heavier weight of the artillery made of iron. If the material technology of the Tang Dynasty and the casting process of the artillery are passed, this weight can even be further reduced.

This original ultra-short-barreled howitzer, although it sounds scary in caliber and ammunition, is actually far from the same caliber cannon or long-barreled howitzer.

However, now they are surprised by the loud rumbling and the heavy bomb, but when the shell hits the city wall, their mouths are too long to close!

Because, after they saw the cannonball on the top of the city, there was a violent explosion in this section of the city wall!

Is it an ammunition explosion?

Or did something else unexpected happen?

For a time, they did not expect that this was the explosion of the falling cannonball.

Although they all already knew that the pseudo-Tang thief army was equipped with blooming bullets that could be thrown by hand, and even the craftsmen of the Ming army copied some and equipped them, but the blooming bullets that could be fired by artillery, they didn't say that they saw it, Don't tell me, I didn't even think about it.

This cannonball is loaded into the cannonball, aren't they afraid that it will explode when the cannonball is fired?

Well, their worries are justified, and the Datang Army has also paid a certain price for this.

But under the temptation of the huge power of the short-barreled howitzer, even if they were dancing with the **** of death, they would rather grit their teeth and use it!

And now, this short-barreled heavy howitzer is showing its enormous power, and the violent explosion almost overturned everything in the explosion range on the city head.

A Ming army artillery group at the center of the explosion was directly reimbursed on the spot, and even the impact of the explosion caused the five-jin artillery to fall from the city head!

This is so terrifying!

This is the thinking of many people at this time, even Li Chunjing showed a hint of surprise, but he quickly recovered his calm, and then said: "Let the heavy artillery battalion take it slow, don't worry!"

The power of this shell explosion is too great, he can imagine it, once the operation mistakenly explodes, I am afraid that the entire artillery group will be directly reimbursed.

At the same time, I am also fortunate. Fortunately, these heavy howitzers were deployed separately before, and the distance between them is relatively large. In this case, even if the chamber is blown up, it will not hurt other artillery groups.

As soon as Li Chunjing's voice fell, there were several loud noises in the heavy artillery positions behind the reverse slope. At this time, the three 48-pound short-barreled howitzers started to fire continuously at a certain frequency.

At the same time, more and slightly smaller gun sounds also sounded. This is nine twenty-four-pound short-barreled howitzers firing!

There are a total of twelve medium and large caliber mortars. Even if the rate of fire is slowed down for safety, even the backbone of the old artillery cannot accurately hit the target due to the difficulty in operation, but the huge power of the artillery shell makes up for all these shortcomings.

When each cannonball landed on the city head, or flew over the city head and landed in the city, there would be a violent explosion, and then a huge plume of smoke would rise.

This kind of shelling almost made the Ming army on the top of the city unable to adapt. They finally got used to the artillery that fired solid bullets. They knew that as long as they hid behind the city wall, as long as they were not super unlucky, they were hit by solid bullets. If the debris hits, then hiding behind the city wall is still safe.

But now, they found it unsafe to hide behind the city walls!

The war has already changed, and they can't understand it more and more!

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