Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 722: The 1st Army

The genius remembers the address of this site in one second: (apex Chinese), the fastest update! No advertisements! After knowing the shameless rules of the Tang Dynasty officialdom, the uncles and nephews of the Zhao family honestly came to visit, and did not have the courage to send money and ask for accommodation. Fortunately, although the quartermaster who met him there was quite arrogant, he did not embarrass them.

After hearing that their Zhao family wanted to supply military rations for the army, but they were still supplying high-quality polished rice, they immediately asked to check the samples of polished rice. After finding that the samples of polished rice were of good quality, they immediately signed a document and told them As long as you hold the documents and transport the military rations to the designated place, you can receive the silver note issued by the Royal Bank of Datang on the spot, and pay the money in one hand and deliver the goods in the other hand.

Of course, there are a lot of restrictions here. The quartermaster will conduct a random check when the delivery is made. If the military ration found by the random check is unqualified, it is not as simple as a fine.

Do business with the army, but you can't play tricks, or you will be raided and wiped out in minutes.

Moreover, the price given by the military is not high, which is much lower than the market price, but the low price is nothing. The military wants a large quantity, and the demand is stable!

After going out, the Zhao family's uncle and nephew still couldn't believe that things would go so smoothly. If this single business can be successfully completed, I am afraid there will be more than 5,000 taels of pure profit.

Although this profit is not too much, it is a good start. If we can stably supply food to the military in the future, this part will be a steady stream of stable profits.

Moreover, it can also enable their Zhao family's mechanical rice milling plant to be successfully put into production on a large scale. There is no need to worry about the loss of sales at the initial stage of production, resulting in vacant machinery, short working hours and low wages, resulting in the loss of workers.

For a factory with a huge investment, nothing is more important than having sufficient orders and ensuring productivity.

After walking out of the gate of the quarters department with a smile, Uncle Zhao immediately said: "I will immediately go to the post to send a letter, using express mail, to ask the second brother to immediately place a new machinery order with Zhaoqing Machinery Factory. This milled rice business in Huguang province, we The Zhao family is set!"

The young man in brocade also said: "Third uncle, don't forget, there is also a flour machine!"

Uncle Zhao said with a smile: "Don't worry, you can't forget it!"

It didn't take long for Uncle Zhao to come directly to a shop with a hanging "Datang Station Baoqing House Shaoyang City East Branch", in front of this shop there are several other lines of characters that are quite conspicuous:

Send a letter, send a letter, start from five texts!

Urgent Pegasus delivery, 300 miles urgent!

Three-day delivery to all counties in the prefecture

Guilin ten days, Zhaoqing Banyue and other words.

You don’t have to look at it to know that this is a post station system that belongs to the military. In order to subsidize the huge operating expenses, it will also target the private sector!

Of course, even if you think about it with your toes, although the above says that it starts at five cents for sending a letter, this is generally limited to the city. If you are a little further away, the price will increase exponentially.

Usually, if an ordinary letter is sent from Shaoyang to Zhaoqing, it will cost hundreds of dollars. The price is not cheap, and this is just an ordinary letter. Then two or three months are possible.

But if it is urgent, it will be different. There are ordinary urgent and express urgent. The ordinary urgent is delivered together with ordinary official documents, and the speed is nominally 100 miles urgent!

The express mail is called 300-mile rush. Of course, this is just a claim. It is usually delivered together with the official 300-mile rush official document, but this premise is that the official itself has 300-mile rush. The official document will be brought along with you.

If there is no official document of 300 miles expedited on a certain section of the road, the military post station will not be able to play 300 miles expedited for a special express for you, so this section of the road will be the same as the ordinary express. Ordinary hundred miles expedited, and under normal circumstances, official documents are generally delivered at a hundred miles expedited speed.

As for the price, whether it is an ordinary express or an express express, it is expensive, even those big businessmen, unless there is an urgent matter, otherwise, they will not use express express.

But now for the Zhao family, time is money!

Now the polished and raw rice in Guangdong is in full swing, and many grain merchants have participated in it. Now many people in Huguang have heard the news, and their Zhao family is the first in Huguang to introduce machinery to build a rice mill. Grain merchants, nowadays, do not rapidly expand their scale and occupy the market while others are still watching. It is difficult to wait for others to reflect and then take it slow.

In that case, you will just watch the silver fly away!

Not to mention the Zhao family's side, let's say that the quartermaster walked into the boss's office with a thick stack of documents after being busy for a long time!

Then, his immediate boss, Colonel Song Shenxiang, the quartermaster officer stationed by the Logistics Department in the Second Army, came out and went straight to the First Army headquarters. He was going to attend the First Army's military meeting.

The First Army is going to fight, and it is still fighting. The demand for various military supplies is very huge, and because of the urgency of time, the preparation of these various military supplies is not sufficient. He needs to prepare detailed military supplies at the meeting. Report to Hao Bainian, commander of the First Army.

Hao Bainian, who has mastered the detailed military data, can better formulate various combat plans!

No matter what age the war is, the troops and horses have always been unmoved, and food and grass come first. Therefore, military supplies such as military rations, as well as ammunition, even bows and arrows, and replacement ordnance need to be prepared in advance.

It didn't take long for Colonel Song Shenxiang to arrive at the headquarters of the First Army, and then sat in the position he used to do in the past. Seeing that it was still early, he chatted with a few people next to him.

Those who came to participate in the First Army's strategic meeting, in addition to the officers at the division and regiment level and above in the field units, were the same logistics and ordnance officers as Song Shenxiang.

After waiting for a quarter of an hour, the guard outside the door sang aloud: "The commander is here!"

Immediately, the officers of the First Army who had already arrived in advance all stood up in unison. Immediately, they saw a man wearing a general officer's winter uniform, with the rank of lieutenant general on his shoulders, and a gold-plated command knife hanging from his waist. Hao Bainian, who was still wearing black leather gloves, strode in!

After coming in, Hao Bainian fell directly to the top, and then said: "All gentlemen, sit down!"

At this time, everyone took their seats together, and then all of them raised their heads and raised their chests, put their hands above their legs, and sat in the most standard sitting posture. At this time, only Hao Bainian said: "I don't have much time for this official, and everyone is also There's a lot to do, so today it's going to be simple, let's get started!"

Hao Bainian didn't have any unnecessary nonsense, and everyone present did as Hao Bainian said, each had a lot of things to deal with, so they couldn't waste too much time in this meeting.

Although the First Army received a letter from the Second Army requesting cooperation very early, but at that time there was no news from the Second Army that they had captured Yuezhou. It was only yesterday that they received a letter from the Second Army. The report said that the Second Army had already captured Yuezhou and was preparing to go south to Changsha. I hope the First Army would be ready to respond and cooperate with the operation to capture Changsha!

Although the First Army had prepared for many days in advance, such a short period of time was still not enough to prepare for a very large-scale war. Thinking of this, many generals of the First Army actually complained. Li Chunjing from the Second Army.

This is a war. How can you think of fighting that? If you want to fight in Changsha, you should have said it a month or even two months ago, so that their First Army can complete the preparations ahead of time.

But now, with only a few days of preparation time, the First Army is busy jumping around, and what is even more troublesome is that the First Army did not have a combat plan to launch a super-large-scale offensive in the autumn and winter seasons. Therefore, Zhaoqing in the rear did not supply the First Army with too much ammunition and other military supplies.

Therefore, although it is said that the first army has been fully mobilized, and the front troops have officially started to pull out of the city, the first army has not even completed the pre-battle preparations, and there is not enough ammunition. Not even enough rations.

Moreover, many troops had tasks before, and it was a hassle to transfer them back to participate in the battle.

The huge First Army does not mean that if it can send troops to attack Changsha, it will be able to set off tomorrow!

But this is the end, and they have no choice. Li Chunjing is killing Changsha with the main force of the Second Army. They can't be indifferent, and although they have some opinions on Li Chunjing's way of doing things, they are not stupid. , I saw that it was a great opportunity in front of me!

A great opportunity to capture Changsha, Hengyang, and even the entire Huguang south of the Yangtze River, even if it faces various difficulties, it cannot be given up casually.

In particular, I heard that Li Chunjing took the huge risk of being besieged by Nanchang, and then transferred the main force of the Second Army to Huguang. If the First Army did not take Changsha due to the unfavorable cooperation of the First Army, which led to a series of negative effects, I am afraid that Zhaoqing The Son of Heaven will be furious!

When the Son of Heaven is angry, millions of corpses are buried!

If His Majesty gets angry, everyone present, including Hao Bainian, will inevitably be punished!

Therefore, despite facing many difficulties, the First Army must send troops, and immediately, immediately!

Any delay may lead to unexpected occurrences!

In this regard, these senior officers of the First Army are very clear, so at this meeting, although many people complained, but no one dared to shirk the tasks assigned to them.

At this critical moment, if someone loses the chain, I am afraid that His Majesty will not be angry, Hao Bainian will immediately send him to a military court! Mobile users, please browse and read for a better reading experience.

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