Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 779: Jiangnan is in danger

The Weisuo army in Fuzhou City surrendered directly to the city in just an hour after Yu Dayou led the army to withdraw. It was not as he expected, and it could delay the pseudo-Tang bandit army for a certain period of time, even if it was only for three or two days. The time is also good!

Yu Dayou, who had just escaped, learned from the detective's mouth that Fuzhou City had surrendered without a fight, but he was not angry, because he had long expected such a thing to happen, so he evacuated himself, and the fall of Fuzhou City It is only a matter of time, and this time is at least two or three days, and it will not exceed four or five days. It is absolutely impossible for the 10,000 guards in the city to block the attack of the pseudo-Tang thieves, and it is hoped that the guards will not fight to the death. It is also impossible to surrender, so surrendering or even surrendering to a thief anyway, Yu Dayou is mentally prepared.

But he still did not expect that the defenders in the city would throw the thief so quickly. According to his expectations, even if they wanted to throw the thief, there must be a certain amount of negotiation time before and after. The city gate welcomes the thieves into the city.

At that time, he simply couldn't understand the mentality of the generals of the guards. Since they all decided to surrender, it is naturally faster and faster, and they are also very self-aware of negotiating conditions, and negotiation is useless.

What's more, the pseudo-Tang bandit army has always treated the Ming army who surrendered anyway, and most of the Ming army generals knew about this kind of thing. Bing Linxun is the most typical example.

People have surrendered, and this treatment is not low!

That's why the generals of the Ming army in the city surrendered so simply, but after sending people out of the city to negotiate for a while, they opened the city gate, and then the guards in the city went out of the city to disarm and wait for processing.

The Third Army, once again, took down a city without bloodshed!

However, even if Yu Dayou wanted to accuse the generals in Fuzhou City of defecting to the Ming Army and not giving him enough time to escape, he still had no mood and time. The Sixth Infantry Division of the Puppet Tang Bandit Army behind him had always been It is a hot pursuit. If this is not careful, the retreat will turn into a big rout or even wipe out the entire army.

Fortunately, Yu Dayou retreated early, and he was well prepared. A large amount of baggage had already started to be transported north a few days ago, and even those heavy artillery had already prepared a large number of horses and animals in advance and left early.

So the retreat was very smooth.

The only thing that was more troublesome was that the hundreds of cavalry of the pseudo-Tang bandit army behind him occasionally harassed his troops. At this time, more than 200 cavalrymen in the bandit army were desperately resisting, and they finally did not let the pseudo-Tang bandit army. Hundreds of cavalry held back the march of the army.

Seeing Yu Dayou leading his army to run northward, Cai Erhu was also a little depressed!

These Ming army, the level of escape is getting higher and higher.

It is already known that the food, grass and artillery are evacuated in advance, and the final evacuation is only the infantry fleeing lightly, and because their own troops are equipped with a large number of artillery and other baggage, they can't keep up with the pursuit.

If he just sent some infantry to pursue lightly, it would be easy for them to kill him with a carbine. In the end, at the suggestion of the first staff member, he decided to fight steadily and follow him all the way, without taking any risks.

Anyway, it is impossible for Yu Dayou in front to run all the time, they always have to stop, and then it will be the opportunity for the 6th Infantry Division.

It was not only Cai Erhu who was depressed, Wang Chaohong was also in a bad mood. He led the army to Fujian, and his troops had never fought a real battle. It was a good thing to be able to conquer the city without fighting hard, but On the other hand, not all of Yu Dayou's bandit army were left behind.

This time, there were at least 8,000 thieves evacuated, accounting for almost half of the total force of the thief army, and the artillery, a large amount of baggage, and even the food, gold and silver were all packed and taken away by them in advance.

In this city of Fuzhou, there is basically nothing left except for people, not even much food. The Datang Army has to share part of the military rations, or else more than 10,000 Ming troops who defected and tens of thousands of people in the city were left. The people will starve to death.

Although it captured a city, it didn't get any loot, and there were tens of thousands of mouths that lacked food. After the military rations were distributed, the navy had to urgently dispatch a batch. Otherwise, his third army will have to run out of food.

However, although he is depressed and depressed, it is a good thing to win Fuzhou without blood, and it is a good thing. This is greatly beneficial to the development of the Jiangnan strategy in autumn and winter, so he also quickly rushed the news of the recovery of Fuzhou City with five hundred miles. Teleport to the Second Army in Jiangxi and Zhaoqing.

As for himself, he still did not stay in Fuzhou for long. After cooperating with the navy to persuade the surrender of the Fujian Naval Division hiding in the Minjiang River, he led the main force of the Third Army to continue northward. As for the guarding of Fujian, he has already handed over to the Navy.

This time, the navy also brought two marine battalions, and they were not able to use them along the way. Now it is just right to be stationed in Fujian.

At the same time, the First Fleet of the Navy also began to moor and rest in the Minjiang River!

After reading the hydrological conditions of the Minjiang River, the navy found that the situation of Mawei Port was quite good, and the geographical location was very important, so it was used as a temporary naval base.

However, the navy has already made plans to turn this port into a real military port, and use it as a base to control the Taiwan Strait and to go out to the East China Sea.

Of course, these are things in the future, and now here is just a temporary berth for the Navy.

The news of winning Fuzhou was quickly reported to Zhaoqing through the Kuaima Express. Li Xuan did not express too much surprise and surprise after learning the news.

The total strength of the Third Army is more than 25,000 people, and there is also the First Fleet of the Navy to cooperate. If they can't win Fujian, then he is wrong about Wang Chaohong.

The war in Fujian was just a prelude to this year's autumn and winter offensive. It was only one part of the Jiangnan strategy in the future. It was important and definitely important, but it was not enough to make Li Xuan easily moved.

However, according to the usual practice, it is still necessary to send angels to Fujian to encourage condolences.

Afterwards, he convened the army and navy for a strategic meeting in front of the imperial army, mainly to ask and discuss the preparations for the Jiangnan strategy, which is expected to be launched in the autumn and winter of this year.

The navy reported that despite the urgency of time, the Yangtze Fleet is already small and large, and the Yangtze Fleet may not be able to directly win a large-scale naval decisive battle, but it is still possible to cover the army's actions.

Of course, the premise is that the army does not cross the Yangtze River. Otherwise, the navy cannot guarantee the security of the army crossing the river and the subsequent supply security.

However, the navy is currently trying to find a way to let the First Fleet directly enter the Yangtze River Basin at that time, to contain the Ming army navy in the Yangtze River, at least to ensure that the large ships of the Ming army's Jiangnan navy cannot easily go to the middle reaches of the Yangtze River to interfere with the actions of the Yangtze River fleet.

The Army has reported that the Second Army is fully prepared, all units are fully staffed, and the final adaptive training is currently underway.

At the same time, the First Army is also ready to take over the defenses of Jiujiang and Nanchang, so that the Second Army can free up all the main force to enter Jinling along the east of the river.

However, Zeng Ziwen also pointed out that although the First Army and Second Army are already prepared in terms of personnel and weapons, the ammunition reserves are still slightly insufficient. Must come for rest and replenishment.

So I asked if I could postpone the launch of this autumn and winter offensive!

There is not much delay, only half a month. We are going to postpone the time of the general attack from September 15th to October 1st.

Li Xuan, seeing Zeng Ziwen's so solemn proposal, also knew that the army's side was indeed very difficult. If they were forced to launch operations according to the original schedule, although there might not be any problems in the early stage, they had fought several large-scale wars. After that, I am afraid that the problem of ammunition shortage will be very serious.

Anyway, his own side currently has a strategic advantage, so he was willing to postpone the pre-war preparations for half a month, so he approved it.

Although the scheduled autumn and winter offensive has been postponed to October 1st, as time passes, almost everyone who cares about the world can feel good that another war is about to break out, and it will still be in the prosperous Jiangnan. Jiangnan is in danger!

Ships after ships loaded with various supplies traveled north along the Ganjiang River, and then were transported to Nanchang, and then distributed to the hands of various troops to be hoarded.

The two supplementary brigades directly moved the station forward. In addition to protecting the supply line and bombing the rear, they were also always ready to replenish recruits for the main forces in the front.

Among the many recruit camps in Jiangxi and those recruits who have completed a month are hurriedly sent to the supplementary brigades for intensive training.

The main units of the Second Army conduct various trainings every day.

At the forefront of the confrontation between the two sides, that is, in the area of ​​Chizhou Prefecture, the reconnaissance cavalry and small-scale troops of the two sides acted more frequently.

In this kind of small-scale battle, the Ming army's reconnaissance cavalry and small-scale reconnaissance troops with frontier army elites as the core have quite good combat effectiveness. Although they still lose more and win less, they are not too ugly.

But this situation is extremely special. Only those frontier troops are elites, and they have to cooperate with a large number of reconnaissance cavalry. If it is replaced by other Ming troops, it will not work.

More importantly, these small-scale battles have little impact on the situation. It is the large-scale strategic battles that can decide the outcome, regardless of whether it is a frontal battle in the wild or an urban offensive and defensive battle. .

However, in such a large-scale battle, the Datang Army's advantage is too great. Whether it is a variety of new troops, frontier troops, or guard soldiers, they can't beat them all!

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