Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 791: Who else can stop him? Who else!

In the Privy Council, a group of generals and colonists crowded into Zeng Ziwen's office, each with obvious joy on their faces!

"A great victory, this is a great victory that is comparable to last year's Huguang campaign in the past two years!" A colonel said happily: "In the battle of Jianping, the 100,000 elite troops of the Puppet Ming thieves in Jiangnan died. , As a result, they will not be able to resist our army's continued advance, I am afraid that in a few days, the news of our army's capture of Jinling City will be heard!"

"Yes, after winning Jinling, the army can continue to advance eastward to Zhenjiang, Changzhou, Suzhou, Songjiang and other places, and take all the prosperous places in the south of the Yangtze River. !"

"Not only can you take Jiangnan, but you can look at the map. After the victory of Jianping, the main force of the army was not damaged, and Mr. Li also said in the good news that he is ready to send troops to continue to Hangzhou, Zhejiang. In this way, the first The Second Army can cut off the retreat route of the puppet Ming Yu Dayou's group, and can cooperate with the Third Army later to surround and wipe out the puppet Ming Yu Dayou's group. In this way, the entire south of the Yangtze River will no longer be able to find a second branch. The thieves who resisted our army!"

"I, the Tang Dynasty's hegemony, have become as stable as Mount Tai after the First World War in Jianping!"

Listening to the discussions of his colleagues and subordinates, Zeng Ziwen also held back the excitement in his heart, and immediately said: "Everyone, don't be impatient, this official will enter the palace immediately and report victory to Your Majesty!"

"Yes, such important good news must be reported to Your Majesty as soon as possible, Mr. Zeng, hurry up and go!"

Zeng Ziwen nodded slightly, then took Li Chunjing's good news and went out, and then went straight to the Zhaoqing Palace not far away.

The Privy Council was not far from the palace, Zeng Ziwen soon entered the palace and asked for an audience.

And soon I saw Li Xuan in Li Xuan's office!

"Your Majesty, a great victory, a great victory in Jianping, in the first battle of Jianping, our Second Army of the Tang Dynasty brought together the main force to fight against the 100,000 main force of the pseudo-Ming King Yiqi, and wiped out all of them!"

But what makes Zeng Ziwen a little strange is that His Majesty's response was a little dull, and he didn't show an overly surprised expression. He just said with a smile: "Really? Bring the battle report and I will take a look!"

Zeng Ziwen immediately sent the good news, and Li Xuan took it and looked at it carefully.

After watching, Li Xuancai's face changed slightly, but his expression remained calm, and he immediately said: "Okay, the Second Army did a good job this time, and since this battle has been won, it is not a cause for concern if you want to come to the next Jiangnan battle. !"

"Such a great victory, the awards of meritorious soldiers must be timely, without delay, and the pensions of disabled soldiers must be done as soon as possible. I, Tang Dynasty, can have today's foundation, relying on the bravery of these soldiers, I can't treat them badly. them!"

Then, Li Xuan discussed with Zeng Ziwen about the follow-up war in Jiangnan and the reward. After half an hour, Zeng Ziwen left, and after Zeng Ziwen went out, he always kept a smile on his face. Li Xuan finally burst into laughter!

"Ha ha ha ha……"

"In the future, who would dare to say that I am the leader of the bandits, and I will destroy his nine clans!"

Fortunately, the sound insulation of the office is good enough, otherwise, if the secretaries of the secretary outside the office, Corey, if they hear Li Xuan in the office laughing wildly, they will probably cause unnecessary trouble.

The victory of the First Battle of Jianping brought not only the annihilation of 100,000 enemy troops to the Tang Dynasty, but not even just one Jiangnan, but the entire world.

After the destruction of Wang Yiqi's army, there is no large-scale Ming army in the entire Jiangnan area that can stop the advance of the Second Army and the Third Army. This is unexpected, the entire Jiangnan will be wiped out in a short time. into the control of the Tang Dynasty.

The key point is that the battle of Jiangnan this time is a battle to determine the outcome. The two sides did not have a long-term tug of war. Although the impact on people's livelihood in Jiangnan is inevitable, it has been reduced to a minimum level. It also means that after the Datang Dynasty took over these areas, it can use the money and population of these places without much thought to provide support for the subsequent wars of the Datang Dynasty.

When the entire Jiangnan is under his own control, using Jiangnan, Li Xuan can expand his army by tens of thousands or even 100,000, and gain a greater advantage in the subsequent war with the Ming army.

These chain reactions bring about huge strategic advantages!

With the Battle of Jianping, the unification of China is no longer a dream, but a real thing.

Once China is unified, the emperor himself can be regarded as a veritable emperor.

At that time, who can stop him from establishing the Three Palaces and Sixth Courtyard?

Who can stop him from drafting all over the world and bringing the most beautiful women into the harem?

Who can stop him from sending a large army west to Europe and looting ocean horses to enrich the harem?


The future is so tempting that it made Li Xuan excited for a long time before he calmed down the restless heart at that moment, and then passed down an oral order to hold a great court meeting tomorrow to announce the great victory to the hundred officials, and at the same time to send an order to the Ministry of Rites and newspapers, Immediately start writing an article, and in the next issue of the Tang Dynasty Daily, the news of the Jianping victory will be officially published, and the world will be announced to the people of Li Xuan's illustrious martial arts!

Of course, before the grand court meeting tomorrow, Li Xuan still held a royal meeting in the afternoon, and called the minister on duty in the royal study to have an audience.

The Great Victory of Jianping will definitely bring a lot of affairs in the future.

And these are urgent matters that cannot be delayed.

The meeting this time is also different from the many disputes in the previous meetings. This time, the meeting went very smoothly. The cabinet even proposed to the army that a temporary increase of 500,000 taels of military expenditure will be used for the military expenditure in the south of the Yangtze River. When it came to spending, Liu Bagou and the others from the cabinet were only slightly silent, and then they readily agreed.

They agreed so readily, naturally not because the cabinet still has money, in fact, the cabinet is now a pauper, but because they know that the army has entered the south of the Yangtze River, and they are afraid of running out of money?

It is estimated that by confiscating the private properties of the nobles and officials of the pseudo-ming royal family, Gonghoubo, etc., they will be able to obtain a lot of floating wealth, not to mention that the entire Jiangnan is a typical hidden wealth for the people.

When the officials of the tax department arrived in Jiangnan and the members of the tax inspection team began to collect taxes, not to mention too much, thousands of taels of silver would be easy.

The tax department can loot one or two million taels of silver in poor provinces such as Fujian. In Jiangnan, if you don’t collect more than ten million taels of silver a year, you are embarrassed to say that you are a professional tax collector. of!

Seeing that they could harvest a lot of financial revenue from Jiangnan, Liu Bagou and the others easily agreed to the military's request to increase the temporary war expenses.

Isn't it 500,000 taels, just copy a home and you will have it.

What's more, they have given more than 10 million taels of silver a year for the military, and it would be trivial to give another 500,000 taels of silver.

If the Ming army knew about this, they would probably be envious, jealous, and hateful. In order to guard against the bandit army this fall, Wang Yiqi reorganized the military affairs and trained the new army in the south of the Yangtze River, and begged hard that the Ming court would give him two million taels. It was only silver, and after the traditional drifting away, the final hand was only about one million taels of silver.

However, on the Datang Army side, the temporary increase in military expenditure just for a battle is 500,000 taels of silver, and this figure is not discounted.

On the Tang Dynasty side, there is no such fine tradition. If anyone dares to embezzle military expenses, Li Xuan does not need to do it himself. Well, that's a more powerful cannonball than shooting and beheading!

After all, the core pillar of the Tang Dynasty is not officials such as the cabinet, but the army. The significance of the existence of the various ministries in the cabinet is actually to support the army in wars.

After a meeting, the civil and military officials went back with a smile on their faces. This meeting was all refreshing. The military got temporary war money, and the reward has also entered the formal process.

On the side of the cabinet, they got the prosperous land in the south of the Yangtze River. After the people from the cabinet returned, they immediately held a cabinet meeting. At the meeting, Liu Bagou emphasized the need to establish the rule of the Jiangnan region in the shortest time. Taxation of home raiding.

Let the officials of the tax department do it boldly, let go and do it, and keep up with the pace of the military. The military will start collecting taxes in the first battle.

In short, the cabinet doesn't care how the military fights in the future, and they don't care. There is only one thing they care about most, and that is taxation!

The next day, the Great Court will be held, and all the officials will congratulate Li Xuan's wise saints!

Ninety-nine percent of the credit for the great victory of Jianping World War I was due to Li Xuan's greatness and greatness, and the remaining 0.11 percent was due to the hard work of the officials and generals.

At the court meeting, the flattering team headed by Wang Wenhua was full of dozens of people took turns to go into battle, citing scriptures and classics, and I was a little embarrassed to blow Li Xuan.

Although I also know that I am very arrogant, but you don't have to say it in front of the officials, how bad it is!

Well, Li Xuan has already begun to swell!

After the great court meeting, Li Xuan returned to the harem. At this time, most of the concubines in the harem also received news of the good news. Wherever Li Xuan went, congratulations continued.

Li Xuan, who was in a good mood, also simply took a day off. This was a victory. Why is I still working so hard? It is very tiring to review memorials every day!

Li Xuan, who was on vacation, did not watch the dance of the palace dance troupe alone as usual, but accompanied the Queen Mother Bai, Dong Yunyun, and Princess Huichen to a family dinner.

Then she played with Princess Wei'er and other children, making Princess Wei'er giggle and laugh, while her two younger brothers, who were crawling on the ground, raised their heads from time to time and looked at their own family with curious eyes. elder sister!

Sister's smile is so scary!

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