Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 797: If you want to rebel, you have to pay the tax first.

Chengtian Mansion, Dongchen Village on the outskirts of Jinling City, in the largest house at the head of the village, a young man in a brocade robe was breathing cold air and facing the open window. Although there was no light snow fluttering outside the window, it was still cold. The wind is not small.

There was a sudden cold wind yesterday, which made people feel the deep affection from winter.

At this moment, a young servant came from behind: "Master, Madam sent someone to report, saying that Madam and Miss are all ready!"

The young man turned his head and said, "The carriage is ready. Today is even colder than yesterday. The bedding heater on the carriage has been forgotten!"

The servant said: "Don't worry, sir, the second housekeeper has already prepared the carriage in person, but the second housekeeper said that the Liang Nursing Institute was cold last night, and I am afraid that I will not be able to follow into the city today. If there is one less person, there will only be four guards. I'm in the hospital, lest I can't protect the safety of the master and the ladies."

The young man said: "It doesn't matter, although it has not been very peaceful recently, there were quite a few stragglers looting and looting, but now there are no more, four people escorting it is enough!"

The servant also said at this time: "Master said that although those pseudo-Tang thieves are a little fierce, they are still very hard at suppressing the bandits. In just a few days, they wiped out the stragglers on the nearby ground. , I heard that this time hundreds of people were killed!"

The little servant said this, but the young man on the side frowned slightly, and then said: "It's okay to be at home, you have to be careful when you go out, don't say the four characters of the pseudo-Tang thief army, don't cause trouble for no reason! "

"Young master's lesson, I won't dare when I'm young." After listening to this, the little servant also showed a burst of nervousness. He suddenly remembered a few days ago in Xichen Village. It is said that when a young man was talking eloquently, he said a fake one. Tang, one thief army, was directly arrested by the patrol police in the village, and then put on the hat of slandering Master Wang, and beat a dozen boards on the spot.

Hearing that the patrol leader was an outsider, or someone who had just retired from the bandit army, this made him hear the words slandering the Master of the Tang Dynasty, and he would not be polite.

As for Dongchen Village and Xichen Village, you can tell from the names. These two villages are said to be two villages, but in fact, one east and one west coexist in the same place. The village chiefs and tax officials sent by the pseudo-Tang Dynasty As well as the patrol police, are unified management of the two villages.

It didn't take long for the young man to take the servant out of the room, and then went to the wife's side first, and after picking up the wife and sister, this was the official departure, and he got into the several carriages that were already prepared.

Outside the carriage, there were two old mothers and three maids who went out together, as well as four nurses, two servants, and one housekeeper.

A group of 15 people rode on horseback. After leaving Chen's residence, they drove onto a dirt official road. Looking back, they could vaguely see three arches standing at the head of the village.

Among them, the newly completed Juren Archway is exactly the archway that this young man Chen Lifu established when he was admitted to the jinshi examination. The archway that is slightly old and some years old is the archway of Chen Yonggao, the father of Chen Lifu.

As for the other Jinshi archway, it is the Jinshi archway of the young man's uncle Chen Yonglin High School, the eighth place in the second class of the Jinshi Division.

Looking at the three jinshi arches, you can see that this Chen family is a typical scholar family, an aristocratic family, and it is also the top one!

The ancestors of the Chen family all served as officials in the Song and Yuan dynasties. During the Ming Dynasty, some people from the Chen family became officials one after another, and in the past two or three decades, it has been out of control. More than ten years later, Chen Lifu passed the jinshi examination again.

Created a story of three jinshi.

It is a pity that although the Chen family met gods to kill gods and Buddhas to kill Buddhas on the way to the imperial examinations, they were awesome, but these three jinshi of the Chen family were not very good on the way to their official careers. Chen Yonglin was the earliest jinshi in high school, and He was still ranked eighth in the second top and eighth, and his ranking was quite good. Later, he passed the imperial examination and entered the Hanlin Academy as a concubine. It is a pity that he died of illness within a few years of taking office. Otherwise, this person would have been mixed for decades Possibly a high-ranking minister.

Chen Yonggao was one subject later than Chen Yonglin. After he was admitted to the jinshi examination, he was only a top three, and the court examination was only the lowest, so he was finally sent to Shaanxi to serve as a county magistrate. Unfortunately, this person is suitable for reading but not suitable for being an official, and he will not flatter. There is still nothing to do, so he has been a county magistrate for more than ten years!

More than ten years later, the disheartened Chen Yonggao resigned and returned to his hometown. It is a pity that this man has not returned yet, he just fell into the water and died on the way.

The son of Chen Yonggao, the young man in front of him, Chen Lifu, was a jinshi who just passed the examination last year. Like his father, he is only a top three. After he passed the jinshi examination, he was originally going to be awarded an official position, but this person just took the examination. Zhongjinshi, just a few days after he became the head of the Ministry of Industry, last year he learned from others to play impeachment, and the impeachment was not someone else, but the elder Yan Song on the spot, and then...

And then no more...

This unlucky girl only served as an official for a month, and then she was removed from the official hat!

After returning to his hometown, Chen Lifu was not a big man in the imperial court. Naturally, it is impossible for Jane to be in the heart of the emperor, and there is no hope of recovery, so although he is unwilling, he can only squat at home honestly. Writing or teaching the children of the clan to go to school, and going out to visit friends in my spare time, I have lived a leisurely life.

However, in the past two months, he has been staying at home without going out, because the past two months have not been peaceful!

Last month, the bandit army even entered Jinling City, and the period was even more chaotic. Until now, the situation has calmed down a little. I heard from outside that there are no bandits on the road, and the pseudo-Tang Dynasty is no longer there. It also opened the ban on entry and exit of Jinling City, allowing entry and exit of Jinling.

In the past few days, it happened that his wife wanted to go back to her mother's house, and the younger sister also wanted to play with him. He simply brought the family into the city. Of course, he was actually quite curious about the current Jinling City. Going to visit some friends in the city to discuss a big event!

Although he has not been at home for the past two months, and he has never dealt with people from the Puppet Tang Bandit Army, even when the notorious tax inspection teams of Puppet Tang came to collect taxes, he just let outsiders The housekeeper sent it.

Although it is a payment, it is bribery, tax evasion and tax evasion. Naturally, I dare not, but pay taxes honestly. Now is a time of trouble. It is better to have less than a little, because a little agricultural tax will lead to disaster and it is not worth it.

Of course, what's more crucial is that he is very clear that there is not no one around here who doesn't want to pay taxes, and most of them will not end well there.

If it is more serious, for example, if you refuse to hand in life or death, and even if you do not cooperate, you will not even have your assets seized, then it will not be as simple as stealing some assets, but will directly raid the house, and by the way, all the men in the family will be taken away and locked up. It took ten days and a half months, and it was not uncommon for the first offender to be beheaded.

The pseudo-Tang Dynasty even levied taxes on their gentry and tyrants. It was unbearable, so some people tried to resist. As far as he knew, the Zhao family more than 30 miles away had assembled hundreds of nursing homes and young tenants, and even I plan to join forces with many other tyrants to come to expel the thieves and welcome back the official army.

But this group of people hadn't assembled yet, and the door was blocked by the tax inspection team of the brigade.

At that time, the leader of the tax inspection team had a rather arrogant attitude:

"If you want to rebel, you have to pay the tax first!"

The fate of the Li family is conceivable. This kind of behavior has gone beyond the scope of tax resistance, but has risen to rebellion. Therefore, the Li family was directly raided and exterminated, and all the adult males were beheaded for public display.

After killing a few chickens, the remaining monkeys will be much more honest. When the tax officials from all over the world come to collect taxes, it will be easier. Most of them are obediently paying their taxes!

Of course, tax evasion and evasion are not uncommon. Usually, it is time for the tax inspection team to come to the door. If they do not cooperate, it is basically the end of the house.

But now the tax inspection team's reputation is already very big, even if the Chen family is a famous and gentry family, when they hear the reputation of the tax inspection team, they still hold the mentality that more things are worse than less things, and obediently pay taxes to Hand over, avoid trouble.

Thinking of the tax inspection team of the pseudo-Tang Dynasty, Chen Lifu frowned slightly. How could this pseudo-Tang Dynasty tolerate the appearance of a tax inspection team that harmed the people? Could it be that they wouldn't persuade the fake emperor Li Xuan?

If he was an official in the false Tang Dynasty, he would definitely impeach the tax inspection team.

And what about the agricultural tax, which is simply chaos and tyranny.

They are dignified gentlemen, but they also have to pay taxes? This is simply a joke of the world!

Also, piling on Ding into Mu, this is the chaotic government thought up by that fake Tang traitor. It turned Ding Yin into the tax of land and mu. Silver Well.

The pseudo-Tang is so chaotic, even if it can be vertical and horizontal for a But for a long time, after the people's resentment reaches its peak, it will definitely cause a big chaos.

Alas, prosperity, the people suffer, death, the people suffer, if there is a big trouble in the future, I am afraid that the people of the world will suffer again.

Recently, Chen Lifu has often sighed. Although he is no longer an official in the imperial court, he is now just an ordinary gentry and a sage, but the rise and fall of the world is the responsibility of everyone.

Sometimes he would also think that if he was an official in the pseudo-Tang Dynasty, he would have to persuade Li Xuan, the fake emperor, to impeach a minister in the pseudo-Tang Dynasty, so that a gentleman could establish a court.

Why don't you say he doesn't think, 'It would be nice if the Ming Dynasty came back one day! ' You think he's stupid, and people know it's impossible!

Since the Ming Dynasty cannot be fought back, the many chaos and tyranny of the pseudo-Tang Dynasty must be stopped, and to stop the tyranny of the pseudo-Tang Dynasty, the best way is to join the pseudo-Tang Dynasty.

This time he entered the city, in addition to looking for old friends to reminisce about the old days, he was also going to ask them to discuss the important event of becoming an official in the pseudo-Tang Dynasty!

Alas, the world is in trouble, the people are suffering, who will go to **** if I don't go to hell!

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