Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 799: Pray for the people's life

"City entry fees and various fines to collect money, are they just to support these patrolmen!" Chen Lifu said: "This is really... Really..."

Chen Lifu was speechless for a long time. To be honest, this kind of thing was beyond his comprehension.

In fact, there are still many things he doesn't understand. For example, there is no distinction between officials and officials. From ancient times to the present, officials are officials and officials are officials. However, when it came to the Li Tang Dynasty, there was no distinction between officials and officials, and they were all given uniformly. The official body is only divided into high and low grades.

A patrol policeman in the mere, the lowest tolerance can have the official body of the ninth grade, and I heard that in Li Tang's various yamen, even the lowest clerk has the official body of the ninth grade.

In this case, the number of officials in the Li Tang Dynasty is probably an extremely terrifying number, and the financial pressure will be huge.

Chen Lifu is naturally not clear. In fact, the number of officials in the Tang Dynasty is naturally larger than that of the previous dynasties in a narrow sense, and it is much more, but in a broad sense, in fact, the number of officials in the Tang Dynasty although There are more dynasties and dynasties, but not too much.

Although there were few officials in the previous dynasties, there were quite a few people like yamen servants and idlers, and these people, to some extent, depended on the government for their meals.

What's more, the high salaries of officials in the Tang Dynasty were aimed at high-level officials, while ordinary staff, patrol officers, etc., were actually ordinary income, only a few taels of silver a month.

Of course, in general, there were more people who ate public meals in the Tang Dynasty than in the past dynasties. There is no way, who let the power of the Tang Dynasty go directly to the village level. This is the two villages and towns. The level will be able to increase the number of officials.

To support so many officials, there is naturally a lot of money, but the Tang Dynasty adopted a financial separation system. The central finance is not responsible for the salaries of officials in the provinces. The salaries of local officials are based on the unified standard range implemented by the imperial court. Then each province establishes its own unified standard within this range based on its own financial situation.

And each state government is based on the standards set by the province, and distributes it from local financial allocations!

Of course, at this time, some state capitals are relatively rich, some state capitals are relatively poor, and the poor need provincial funding to be able to pay official salaries, while rich state capitals can pay extra in addition to the standard salary. If the state government has money, you can give yourself some more benefits, and there is no opinion from the above.

Of course, since you have already provided welfare, it means that your state has money. If you want to build water conservancy facilities, don’t expect to get funding from the provincial finance or even the central finance.

Well, the above is an ideal situation, but in fact, because of the current financial difficulties of the Tang Dynasty, in order to meet the huge demand for military expenditures, the imperial court has repeatedly increased the proportion of the central fiscal revenue, and many of the local governments engaged in this are poor. Jingle.

But it’s not enough without money, so now the officials of various local yamen under Datang’s rule are all focused on improving their finances and striving to generate income. Otherwise, the local finances would not have the money to pay their own wages.

Not only at the local level, but even in the various cabinet ministries.

The Ministry of Industry opened factories and made money to subsidize office expenses.

The Ministry of Rites opened the Royal Publishing House to subsidize office expenses, and recently tried to print a few more pages of commercial advertisements in the Datang Chaobao, so as to increase the advertising fee to subsidize the household.

Other departments are also showing their magical powers. How can I put it, a living person can still suffocate their urine to death, and a dignified cabinet agency wants to make some money and pay wages, it can still be done with a little effort.

Among them, the most abundant means and the most nourishing is the patrol department.

No way, although they have all kinds of messy fine powers, although it is said that the fine part must be handed over to the tax department, and the rest must be handed over to the local government, but how can I put it, such a big piece of fat, this is a little bit of a loss. Put the oil, it can also make the patrol department full.

Therefore, when the patrol police department recruits personnel in various ministries of the cabinet, it is quite arrogant, second only to the tax department, the big money bag of the Tang Dynasty.

It is natural for the tax department to be arrogant. Everyone in the cabinet can have less money, but they are indispensable. They collect taxes. How can they collect taxes if they don’t have enough office funds!

Chen Lifu and Zhong Cai said that since they talked about fines, city entry fees, etc., it was easy to bring the topic to the city's hygiene, because Chen Lifu heard from Zhong Cai that now the fines are the heaviest. The one with the most income is the sanitation fine!

Chen Lifu was not very surprised about this, because he had also seen it in the Tang Dynasty newspaper. The Li Tang Dynasty paid attention to hygiene and rectified the appearance of the city. Every time I go to a place, I will clean up the appearance of the city.

However, this is the first time he has seen it in Jinling City. As a decent person, he naturally thinks it is a good thing that the city is clean and tidy, but the punishment is a bit heavy, and it is said that it has caused a lot of trouble. According to him, , This kind of thing is to be done, but there is no need to rush to do it in just a few days, it always needs to be guided slowly.

However, the Li Tang Dynasty didn't think so.

Then, he asked curiously, where did the beggars and refugees in this city go?

There are no beggars and refugees in such a huge city of Jinling. This is simply abnormal.

Zhong Cai said: "Brother Chen, don't you know that Li Tang's side is on a work-for-work basis, and the beggars and refugees in the city are centralized and sheltered whether they want to or not, and many of them are taken outside the city to build roads and dig roads. Qu has gone, and some women and children have been arranged to enter a textile factory."

"Relief for work?" Chen Lifu said, "I know this, but doesn't it mean that it is only done in those disaster areas? How can it be done to beggars and refugees, and it is still mandatory, if people don't want to, why not? Isn't it the same as being in prison? It hurts heaven!"

Some people like to be beggars just because they are lazy and lazy. Although they say that being a beggar doesn't look good and doesn't sound good, they are happy! You Li Tang didn't say a word, all of you were forcibly contained, and you even arranged work for others, how could this be possible!

This is forcibly depriving others of their freedom to eat and do things, how can they know that others would rather starve to death than work!

On the other hand, Zhong Cai was more optimistic, he laughed and said: "Although there are many flaws in this matter, it is generally desirable, at least now those beggars and homeless people also have a place to eat, which is better than freezing to death in the cold winter. Well done!"

Chen Lifu sighed, but stopped talking. Then the two of them started talking about other topics, most of which were related to the Li Tang Dynasty, and during the period they also expected the Battle of Jianping.

"It is rumored that in the battle of Jianping, the 100,000 elites of the official army were all destroyed, and Mr. Wang was also killed by the Tang soldiers. The Tang soldiers were strong and weak. Chen has never seen it with his own eyes, but Mr. Wang's Jiangnan new army, Chen has seen it. They practiced, advancing and retreating as one, with complete guns and artillery, even if they were defeated, they would not wipe out the entire army!" Chen Lifu sighed as he spoke.

"It's a bit too much to say that the entire army was wiped out, but nine out of ten is true. At that time, there were fewer than ten thousand soldiers who fled back to Jinling!"

"Besides, I also heard that Wang Yiqi, a general who misled the country and defeated the army, was not defeated and killed, but killed himself when he was defeated. This is a bit of a backbone, but even so, this person is a heinous person."

"That's a hundred thousand troops, and they will die in one day. If the thief Wang led his army to defend Jiangnan before, no matter how bad it is, it will not let the land of Jiangnan fall to Li Tangzhi in just one or two months. hand!"

When Zhong Cai said this, he sighed again.

However, Chen Lifu disagreed with Zhong Cai's opinion and retorted: "Although Lord Wang led the army to defeat the battle, it is still impossible, but if you don't go out of the city to fight and wait for the thief army to conquer Hangzhou, then the land in the south of the Yangtze River will also be the same. It will fall into the thief army, and there will be no choice but to be trapped in this Jinling City. When the Tang army gathers under the Jinling City, this Jinling City will also be unable to defend, and I am afraid that it will be ruined by then!"

Speaking of this, Chen Lifu showed a wry smile, and then said: "It's fine now, even if we lose, but this Jiangnan's luck is still preserved!"

The topic of the conversation between the two was different. After drinking more than half of the tea, the topic of chat between the two finally came to the Imperial Examination of the Tang Dynasty. First, they routinely criticized the imperial examination of the Li Tang Dynasty. The content is so outrageous and outrageous that miscellaneous studies have become the imperial examination questions in a grand manner.

That's not enough, it's unbearable to even engage in some kind of erudite subject, and it's still tied with the jinshi subject.

Speaking of the imperial examinations, of course, it means that the case of the Tang Dynasty's selection of scholars!

After the two had a lot of, they finally talked about another major event, which is what Chen Lifu did when he entered the city today.

Chen Lifu took a sip of tea and said, "I heard that the imperial court is recruiting officials to enrich the officialdom recently, and they are recruiting officials such as me? I don't know if this is true or not?"

Zhong Cai naturally also knew the purpose of Chen Lifu's visit today. In addition to the good relationship between the two, it was because he and Li Tang had a slightly closer relationship and could contact a few officials from Li Tang.

Some time ago, in the correspondence between Chen Lifu and him, he inquired about this incidentally, but the matter was important, so naturally he would not say anything in the letter, but directly invited Chen Lifu to enter the city for a chat!

After hearing Chen Lifu mention this, he said: "Yes, it is true, and this is also a major event organized by the Ministry of Personnel under the presidency of the Minister on Duty in the Imperial Study Room, and the imperial court plans to recruit officials like me in various places. Re-official, although the detailed regulations have not been released, but it is only a few days ago!"

Chen Lifu said: "If this is true, Chen must have to eat a tiger with his own body and plead for the people's life. He can't let so many chaos and tyranny continue!"

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