Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 802: Chen Lifu's Cold Bamboo

Zhaoqing, inside the palace, Li Xuan was discussing the final plan for opening Hong Kong and trading with the ministers at the regular meeting of the imperial study.

"It has been more than two years since Lianzhou and Guangzhou opened the port for trade, and the effect is obvious. Through sea trade, we have obtained a large number of tariffs, and at the same time, we have also obtained a large number of opportunities to export various commodities, and the export of these commodities is not only It can make profits for businessmen engaged in industry and commerce, and it can feed a large number of people, and at the same time, we have also obtained a large number of rare strategic materials!"

Liu Bagou continued: "So to open a port for trade, it is necessary to expand the scale, and Quanzhou, as a trade port, can export Fujian tea nearby, and opening a port in Ningbo and Songjiang can export a large amount of porcelain, silk, etc. Products, whether it is tea, porcelain or silk, are our traditional export commodities in China and have an irreplaceable advantage in sea trade!"

However, some people have also raised their opinions, that is, if the ports of Ningbo, Quanzhou and Songjiang are opened for business, pirates in the surrounding waters are rampant, and I am afraid that the safety of sea ships cannot be guaranteed.

However, Vice Admiral Bao Yifen also spoke at this time: "Our navy has already discussed the issue of maritime security. In view of the current rampant piracy activities in the waters of Zhejiang and Fujian provinces, our navy has decided to send warships every half month. Starting from Nan'ao Island and Songjiang Port opposite the **** fleet, merchant ships can form a merchant fleet to accompany our navy **** fleet!"

"In addition, our navy also intends to conduct daily patrols in the waters of Zhejiang and Fujian provinces, and to gradually clear the waters of Zhoushan!"

"However, at the same time, our navy also hopes that the cabinet can cooperate, and we hope to strictly investigate the coastal areas. According to the large number of pirates we have captured before, most of them are from the coastal provinces, especially the coastal villages and towns. host!"

"Nowadays, there are a large number of pirates who serve the people and even decent gentry on land, but they are pirates when they go out to sea!" Bao Yifen said: "To eradicate pirates, it must be both military and political!"

At this time, Liu Bagou said: "This is not a big problem. Our cabinet has already carried out a large-scale investigation in various parts of the coast of Guangdong. Once someone is found to be engaged in piracy, they will be severely punished. It is expected that after the year, the investigation will be carried out in Fujian, The coastal areas of the two provinces of Zhejiang are unfolding!"

Li Xuan, who was sitting on the dragon chair, sat on it as usual, just listened quietly and didn't talk much. When they were almost finished discussing, Li Xuan said: "The opening of Hong Kong business in the three places should not be delayed for too long. , try to decide before going to Jinling, the specific regulations can follow the regulations of Guangzhou and Lianzhou!"

Liu Bagou immediately said, "This minister follows the order!"

Speaking of the matter of commerce, it has basically been decided, and the follow-up is to carry out the final improvement, and then it can be officially promulgated, so after the discussion, everyone talked about other things.

And the things that can be discussed in front of Li Xuan are generally not trivial matters.

For the Tang Dynasty, although there are many recent events, there is only one real major event, and that is to move the capital.

Now the whole of Zhaoqing, including Jinling City, is doing a lot of preparations for moving the capital.

Even inside the royal family, they are preparing to move the capital. The Empress Dowager Bai has already dispatched a few confidants and aunts to Jinling City with a large group of maids and palace maids. Now that the Royal Courtyard is sorted out first, it can’t be said that the family of the royal family will start to tidy up in a hurry after they go to Jinling City.

In a busy green, December rushes by!

This year's Spring Festival, for Li Xuan, is still nothing special. It is customary to hold a state banquet, then a family banquet, and finally a vacation.

On the sixth day of the first lunar month in the fifth year of Xuanping, Li Xuan officially issued an imperial decree that he would set off for Jinling after the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, and ordered all ministries to make final preparations.

So after this year, the courtiers of the Tang Dynasty are still busy!

On the eighth day of the first lunar month, Li Xuan promulgated the decree of opening the sea in Xuanping five years, announcing that Quanzhou, Ningbo, and Songjiang officially opened their ports for trade, and set up business zones for foreign trade.

After the news came out, it immediately caused a stir, and many people were no longer rubbing their fists and palms to enter the sea trade to share this huge cake.

However, it is not the first time that the port has been opened. Guangzhou and Lianzhou have already opened ports for business, so after people exclaimed for a while, there is no more text.

At this time, they are more concerned about the relocation of the capital.

In addition to the relocation of the capital, many people are concerned about this year's meeting.

Because the capital is going to be moved, this year's meeting will be held in Jinling City, and the time will be postponed to April, when it will be held at the same time as the palace examination, so as to leave time for people from all over the world to hurry.

But these are not what Chen Lifu cares about. What Chen Lifu cares about is the matter of recruiting officials from the Tang personnel department.

At this time, it was revealed semi-publicly at the end of last year, but at this time it has nothing to do with ordinary people or even ordinary scholars, so it is basically circulated internally.

But as time passed, this year was almost over, and when Zhong Cai received an invitation from the Tang officials and went to Guangxi to serve as a county magistrate, Chen Lifu couldn't sit still.

As far as he knows, there are no clear criteria for the selection of officials by the Ministry of Personnel this time, and there is no such thing as examinations. They often take the initiative to send invitations to some officials who want to be appointed.

In order to avoid inviting the messenger, Chen Lifu stayed at home honestly year after year. He didn't go there, he just waited for the messenger to come to the door, but after waiting day by day, the messenger didn't come.

It was fine during that time a year ago. He gave full play to his self-cultivation skills as a scholar, and kept his composure. Sometimes he even thought that when the messenger came, he had to keep his restraint and shirk it. will be reluctant to accept.

Even if I dare not say that I would let the messengers of Li Tang visit the hut like Zhuge Liang, but at least I must let them see that if I want my master to become an official, then I need to show my sincerity.

Well, at that time, I might have to refuse once, and reluctantly accept it when they come to the door for the second time.

In this way, he lives up to his own reputation, otherwise, where would he put his face as a top-ranking scholar!

But what he didn't expect was that Li Tang's messenger didn't come this year!

During the few days of the New Year, Chen Lifu also calmed down. He also knew that Li Tang officials had a holiday during the festival, so he was still in no hurry and waited at home with peace of mind.

But from the Chinese New Year until now, the fifteenth day of the first lunar month is about to come, and the Li Tang Dynasty has already done all the work on the third day of the lunar new year, but the messenger still hasn't come.

And yesterday, he even heard that an old man in the town next door, who was over 60 years old, was invited to work by Li Tang.

At this point, he just couldn't hold his breath, so everyone in the Chen family could see that his eldest master didn't seem to be in a good mood. Although he didn't get angry, which gloomy face was Let everyone see that this master is in a bad mood, don't provoke me!

Sitting in the study, Chen Lifu put down his brush. The drawing paper on the table was a green bamboo, standing proudly in the cold winter wind, and next to the green bamboo, there were several weeds that were blown around.

Paintings, calligraphy and even poetry sometimes represent their thoughts and thoughts. Chen Lifu's painting of this green bamboo naturally uses the painting as the dwelling, and compares himself to the green bamboo.

Since you Li Tang messengers didn't come to invite Master Ben, I still won't go. Even if you come and beg me to be an official, Master Ben will not go.

It's definitely not like Zhong Cai and others, being a grass on the wall that falls with the wind!

After taking a deep breath, Chen Lifu picked up another pen and planned to write an inscription on it, but at this time, the voice of a servant came from outside: "Master!"

After being disturbed by the sound of the master, his wrist also trembled slightly, and the tip of the pen instantly marked a **** spot on the drawing paper. Ruined.

Immediately, his face turned cold, and he turned to open the door with a gloomy face: "ruined my cold bamboo map, if you don't have enough reasons, you will get twenty boards yourself later!"

When the little servant heard Chen Lifu's words, he immediately showed panic: "Master, forgive me!"

"I don't know that the master is painting, and disturbing the master deserves death!" At this moment, the little servant obviously forgot why he came to Chen Lifu, and kept begging for mercy.

Chen Lifu saw that he was upset, and immediately said, "Why don't you say something?"

At this time, the little servant came back to his senses and said, "A man who calls himself the 'Deputy Chief of the Department of Literature Selection of the Ministry of Personnel' came from outside and said he wanted to see the master!"

Chief of staff? When Chen Lifu heard this, his face changed twice in a row, from shock to joy, but his self-cultivation skills were not bad. where?"

The servant said: "I'm in the front hall The big housekeeper is serving tea!"

After listening, Chen Lifu nodded slightly and said, "This person can't be neglected, you go back first and wait for me, and say I'll be here in a moment!"

The little servant immediately went, but just took two steps, but stopped again and said: "Master, that board?"

Chen Lifu no longer had a gloomy face at this time, and said, "Write down this board first, and I won't do it next time!"

Hearing this, the little servant went away happily with the expression of the rest of his life, while Chen Lifu himself returned to the room and asked the servants to wait for him to change his casual clothes, and then put on Put on a set of brocade robes for meeting guests.

I looked carefully at the small mirror that was sold from the south, and after confirming that I would not be rude, I walked out slowly!

However, this pace is quite slow, but slowly, it has become faster without realizing it. This person has not walked out of this small yard, and his footsteps are already close to trotting!

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