Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 804: Holy drive north to Qinhuai

Chen Lifu didn't wait long in the wing outside. After about two quarters of an hour, he waited until an official from the Ministry of Personnel came, and then Chen Lifu received a badge representing an official of the seventh grade, in addition to an official seal and an official seal. With a paper appointment letter, the officials of the Ministry of Personnel told him that he would report to the Grain Collection Department of the Ministry of Taxation within three days.

When he received the official seal, Chen Lifu still had a happy expression on his face, but when he heard that he was going to be sent to the Department of Grain Collection of the Taxation Department, instead of the local government he had expected, or the other Qing Dynasty. After the high-ranking job, some faces are not very good-looking.

He knew that the Grain Collection Division was famous not because of its other functions, but because it had the fourth largest armed force of the Tang Dynasty under its name: the Tax Inspection Team!

The tax inspection team can be said to be notorious, not to mention that under the Ming Dynasty, many people were disgusted with the tax inspection team. Even under the Tang Dynasty, the reputation of the tax inspection team was not that good.

Especially among the gentry, the most hated is these tax inspection teams, because these tax inspection teams will come to their door when they evade taxes.

Talking about a tiger's discoloration, this is when outsiders talk about tax inspection teams.

And this tax inspection team is not a simple investigation agency, but they have guns!

In ordinary state capitals, the number of tax inspection teams is relatively small, mostly around dozens of people, but in more chaotic state capitals with more heavy tasks, the number of tax inspection teams in one state can even reach hundreds of people. In addition to being equipped with cold weapons such as swords, they will also have muskets and artillery.

At the same time, the tax inspection team also served as the people who guarded the tax checkpoints. The customs of several commercial and trade zones that opened up Hong Kong and traded, and their guarding force was the tax inspection team.

It is even more common for them to loot their families and exterminate their families!

Such an institution is also the institution that Chen Lifu hates the most.

But what he didn't expect was that he was assigned to the Grain Requisition Division, and he was still an inspector.

Inspection under the Grain Collection Division is a widely established position within the Grain Collection Division. Although this position seems to have nothing to do with the tax inspection team on the surface, if you have heard its other nickname, 'tax inspection', you will know that this In fact, it is a serious tax inspection team position, directly belonging to the General Administration of Tax Inspection under the Grain Collection Department.

The main responsibility is to visit the local tax inspection team in various places and urge the local tax inspection team to strictly enforce the law.

The criteria for assessing whether tax inspections are qualified is not anything else, but the number of tax cases solved under his urging.

But this kind of inspection is not a permanent place, but inspects all the way, and the grade is not high, it is easy to conflict with the local tax officials.

Not to mention, once this kind of tax inspection arrives in a certain place, for its own political achievements, it will always cause a **** storm, and at least it will arrest a few typical family raiders and exterminate the family, so this position is even more stinky among the private gentry. Smell, everyone regards it as the **** of death.

This is usually watched by tax officials. Tax evasion and evasion are extremely difficult. When tax inspections come, it becomes even more difficult.

During this period of time, Chen Lifu had carefully studied the official system of the Tang Dynasty. He only knew the specific situation of this tax inspection after a little thought, and then his face shrugged.

At this moment, Chen Lifu's mind was changing several thoughts in succession, thinking about whether to ask for mercy and then apply for another position, but he just saw that another person was also trying to apply for a change of position, but he was immediately rejected. Someone said: You think that the Ministry of Personnel was opened by your family, so if you want to change it, change it! Blocked back.

Moreover, the rank of the person who was awarded an official was two ranks higher than him, and he was a true sixth rank.

He is of the seventh grade, and I am afraid that in the eyes of the officials of the Ministry of Personnel, he is a little transparent, and it is useless to say it.

He also thought about resigning and leaving, but he couldn't bear it when he thought of the people in the world who were struggling to maintain chaos and tyranny.

In the end, he hesitated for a while, until after being sent out, he didn't say anything about changing or resigning.

After finally sighing, he brought his entourage and prepared to go home first.

The next day, he brought the silver badge of the official seventh-rank official, the official seal and the appointment letter to enter the city again, and he was going to report to the Grain Collection Department.

On the way back yesterday and at night, he had a fierce psychological struggle with himself. He had made up his mind several times to resign from office, but it was often not long after he made up his mind. Looking at the official seal, he gave up his previous determination.

That's all, for the sake of the common people and the well-being of the people of the world, even if the Grain Requisition Division is in the Longtan Tiger's Den, he will have to venture into it!

With the spirit of sacrifice, Chen Lifu came to the Grain Collection Division, but the yamen of the Grain Collection Division was different from what he had expected. An independent yamen office is set up nearby.

After verifying the identity of the guard, he was the only person who brought people into the yamen of the Grain Requisition Division. Although the yamen of the Grain Requisition Division had an exclusive place, although the place was not big, it seemed to be much more spacious.

After a while, he was brought in front of a person, and this person was also his immediate boss, the head of the inspection department of the Food Collection Department. This person did not chat with Chen Lifu much. Ask the person below to take Chen Lifu to the side office.

Chen Lifu is also an official of the seventh rank, even in the various ministries of the cabinet, his rank is not low. Although there is no independent office, it is the same office as the other inspectors.

A few days later, Chen Lifu's buttocks were still hot in the grain collection department, but he was ordered by a letter to be dispatched to Chizhou to inspect the taxation together with another inspector of the sixth grade, which started his career in the Tang Dynasty. Career life!

And he has not yet arrived in Chizhou, his name has already been spread among the gentry in Chizhou, and his reputation is very loud. Of course, this reputation is not the clear name Chen Lifu wants, but notoriety!

I don't know how many gentry and landlords are praying to the gods and Buddhas in the sky: "Let Chen Lifu, the Tang thief die early, and reincarnate as soon as possible, so that he will not come to Chizhou to harm everyone!"

And Chen Lifu also seems to know what the outside world might think about him. Several friends who knew him in Chizhou in the past even wrote to him, asking him to resign soon, so as not to ruin his reputation for a lifetime, and leave him a stigma!

Chen Lifu was in a complicated mood when he read these letters!

Because what these friends said was actually what he wanted to do to some extent!

But he can't do it!

This world still needs him to help, this common people still needs to save themselves, how can they be feared by the mediocre difficulties in front of them, as for the name behind him, when he finally succeeds in reversing the chaos and tyranny of the country, people will know: He is a good official!

Chen Lifu took office with mixed feelings, and outside Zhaoqing City in the far south, a huge army was slowly advancing towards the north. This team was the capital relocation team of the Tang Dynasty.

As for the army near Zhaoqing, naturally there were only the Guards. This time, when the capital was moved, Li Xuan once again transformed himself into an emperor on horseback and personally commanded the Guards to travel.

Except for a few members of the royal family and some important officials, the others were not brought, but they were allowed to slowly go north behind.

As for himself, he led the guards, the royal family, and some important officials to head north.

Originally, the navy proposed to go north by sea at first, but this move was concentratedly opposed by many ministers in the DPRK and China, because the sea navigation was still too dangerous these days, even if the navy sent more than 500 tons of cruisers Move out, but one might sink in a storm.

Even Li Xuan, he is a little reluctant to go out to sea on a ship of this year, the uncertain factors are too great, and it is very dangerous.

Li Xuan, who has always cherished his own life, also tacitly acquiesced to the objection of the ministers of the DPRK and China. He did not walk from the sea, but on the land. Although the speed would be slower, his safety was guaranteed.

All the guards together, the total strength is about 10,000 people, and then the royal family and the convoy of important officials are about hundreds of people, the marching speed on this road is not slow.

When they started to enter Jiangxi, the big team at the rear was still in Shaoguan!

On this road, the mountain road is rugged, and the road is not very easy to walk, but this does not affect Li Xuan's interest. As an emperor, he naturally has special treatment. He can take a special carriage or a sedan chair. Occasionally, the interest comes. , you can also ride directly.

Although every day is a hurry, UU reading www. However, Li Xuan regarded this journey as a tour of the mountains and waters.

If it wasn't for the purpose of going north with the Guards, Li Xuan's northward speed would actually be faster. After all, the speed of ordinary people rushing on the road and the army rushing on the road are very different.

But you left Li Xuan alone and didn't take the guards north. To be honest, he really didn't have the courage.

If he encounters some mountain bandit robbery on the way, or if there is a mutiny and kill of a hypocritical gentry and landlord, or if there is a mutiny from the army under his command, most of his life will be lost. .

Therefore, he would rather toss with the guards slowly than go north to Jinling City first.

The holy car set off from Zhaoqing. After many days of tossing, it finally entered the territory of Jiangxi. After entering the territory of Jiangxi and arriving at the edge of the Ganjiang River, the team carried the pre-prepared fleet and went down the Ganjiang River all the way through Ganzhou. , Luling, Nanchang and then enter Poyang Lake.

At this time, Li Xuan is not far from Jinling City, and it also means that Li Xuan will be able to see the painting boat on the Qinhuai River with his own eyes!

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