Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 822: Geddes' heroic heart

In late August, outside the mouth of the Yangtze River in Songjiang Prefecture, a huge Galen ship was slowly approaching, with a huge yellow-bottomed Qinglong flag hanging from the top of the ship's mast.

Looking at this flag, it can basically be judged that this is a vessel of the Tang Dynasty, because the Qinglong flag on the yellow background is the royal flag of the Li Tang royal family, and it is also the official flag of the Tang Dynasty.

Generally speaking, ships flying the Qinglong flag on a yellow background are usually official vessels of the Tang Dynasty, or private vessels closely related to the officials of the Tang Dynasty, but if they are naval warships or transport ships, including army transport ships, They also usually hoist red dragons with sword flags to show their military status.

But after getting closer, it can be found that most of the sailors on this Galen ship are foreigners.

It is rare for a Galen ship full of foreigners to fly the official flag of the Tang Dynasty.

This made the officers and soldiers of the Datang Navy who came to inspect the ship somewhat confused, but although they did not understand, they still started the inspection according to the procedure.

This Datang Navy's ship patrolling the estuary is the Lianping-class patrol ship Yongan, which was commissioned by the Datang Navy this year, and is specially used for offshore patrols.

The tonnage of Lianping-class patrol ships is not large, only 150 tons. Not to mention compared with cruisers, even if they are compared with frigates, they are much smaller.

The tonnage is small, and there are not many artillery pieces loaded on it. There are only nine artillery pieces in the area, and the biggest one is the nine-jin artillery piece. However, the speed is as always, which reflects the advantages of the Datang Navy's professional warships. The speed is fast and very fast. flexible.

At the same time, because they do not need to fight in the ocean, a lot of space is freed up to improve the living environment of the soldiers, so their living conditions are not worse than that of large ships.

The design and construction of this kind of offshore patrol ship began last year, and the first ship, Lianping, just entered service in June this year.

In order to control the cost of this class of ships, the navy has put water on the protection level of this patrol ship, and many of the woods used are ordinary woods, which are not as strict as frigates, cruisers, and battleships.

Moreover, the tonnage of the ship is small, and the requirements for the dock are not large. Even several large private shipyards can undertake the construction. Therefore, the construction of this kind of patrol ship is relatively easy, and it can even start construction in large quantities at the same time.

Although its firepower is a little short, it also has nine artillery pieces. It is naturally impossible to deal with professional warships with dozens of artillery pieces, but it is more useful to deal with pirate ships or armed merchant ships.

The level of protection is average, the tonnage is small, the construction is easy, the number of artillery pieces is not large, and the caliber is not large. What is the result of these combined: low cost!

At present, the Datang Navy needs about 70,000 taels to purchase a 350-ton frigate, including the hull, sails, and naval guns, and 110,000 to purchase a 550-ton cruiser. two.

However, the Lianping-class patrol ship, including its hull, sails, and naval guns, costs only 20,000 taels per unit.

Its low cost has allowed the Navy to endure its weak firepower and low protection capabilities.

After all, the firepower of pirate ships or armed merchant ships is not very good, especially for armed merchant ships, even if their firepower is slightly stronger, their tonnage is at least a few hundred tons, their speed is slow, and their mobility is poor.

Therefore, although this kind of patrol ship is small, it is flexible and can be used to deal with pirates and armed merchant ships in the East Asian waters.

The construction is easy, the cost is low, and the combat effectiveness is barely acceptable. For the Datang Navy, which has a heavy task, but lacks main battleships, is seriously dissatisfied with armed merchant ships, and is also trapped in insufficient military spending, this kind of patrol ship is almost for the Navy. They are tailored.

Well, I was wrong, it should be said that the Datang Navy specially designed such a warship!

After the design came out, the Navy ordered six ships in one go last year, trying to completely replace some of the current navy's fortune ships and armed merchant ships converted from Galen ships, to perform offshore patrol missions and to fight in offshore waters. Support main battleship operations.

However, when the Navy conducted sea trials on the first patrol ship launched earlier this year, it was found that although this patrol ship was designed as an offshore vessel, it had a shallow draft and a relatively small size. , So in the first half of this year, the first patrol ship was just launched for sea trials, and it has not yet officially entered service. The Navy just added an order for 12 more ships, and this is definitely not the end.

Because the Navy has already planned to use this kind of patrol ships to replace a large number of armed merchant ships such as sand ships, Guangzhou ships, Fu ships, and Galen, etc., the total amount of equipment is likely to reach more than 30 ships.

After June this year, the first ship Lianping was officially commissioned, and in just three months, four patrol ships joined the Navy's active service, and these four patrol ships are currently all attached to the First Fleet and arranged for In Wusong Port, it undertakes patrol and combat readiness tasks in the waters around the mouth of the Yangtze River and the Yangtze River Basin.

What appears here now is the No. 3 ship Yongan in the Lianping-class patrol ship. Although its hull is small and there are not many artillery pieces, it is now cautiously examining this Galenian ship with the flag of the Tang Dynasty. , and prepare to carry out routine inspection tasks.

The first is to send a signal and send a small boat to announce: you have entered the territorial waters of the Tang Empire, please close the deck gun doors, lower the sails, and all the sailors will board the deck for inspection.

Any change will be the most severe punishment by our Datang Navy!

The estuary of the Yangtze River is currently the most heavily guarded sea area of ​​the Datang Navy. Not to mention this Galen ship, you can tell that it is a foreigner's ship at first glance. Even the civilian ships within the Datang Empire, when they arrive in the sea area, It is also necessary to obediently accept the investigation of the Datang Navy.

Of course, the Tang Dynasty welcomes maritime merchants from all over the world, so as long as you cooperate obediently and accept the inspection, um, the main thing is to give up your arms, then you can enter the port, even if the ship comes from Shandong and Beizhili in the north , the Tang Dynasty is still welcome.

If the foreign ships try not to accept the interrogation, or even resist, then the Yongan will not hesitate to launch an attack, and at the same time send a signal to worry about the nearby ships.

However, their worries were obviously superfluous. The Galen ship in front of them soon took a posture of not resisting. The artillery on the deck was pushed back, and the sails were slowly lowered. A large number of Sailors were also on deck ready for inspection.

Seeing this scene, the inspectors sent by the Yongan boarded several small boats for monitoring, but after the officers and soldiers of the Datang Navy got on the ship, they found a foreigner who claimed to be a citizen of the Datang!

Red-haired and blue-eyed people of the Tang Dynasty? He also spoke Chinese with a strange tone, and still took out a piece of paper.

After taking the document and reading it, the second lieutenant of the navy knew that this person was actually a citizen of their Great Tang Dynasty, and that it was authorized by His Majesty himself.

The foreigner who was interrogated by the navy was naturally the first naturalized foreigner Geddes of the Tang Dynasty. At this time, he was wearing a traditional Hanfu. Except for his appearance, the other clothes were basically the same as those of the gentry in the Tang Dynasty. What a difference.

However, this Chinese is too difficult to learn. He has studied it for so long. Although he can speak, write and read, his pronunciation is always weird.

After the inspection, the Yongan did not stop too much, and soon released the ship of Guedes, and then continued to patrol.

Guedes also instructed the sailors to set sail again and continue to sail towards the mouth of the Yangtze River, but along the way, he also strictly followed the regulations of the Datang Navy. Before and after, a guide ship of the Datang Navy approached and began to ask them to hand over the gunpowder on board, and reiterated to them the rules of the Tang Dynasty: the gun doors must be kept closed at all times, and they must follow the guide ship forward.

Otherwise, the main battleships of the Tang Dynasty navy, who are staring at the side, can kill them at any time, and the artillery batteries on the land will also fire directly!

There is no way to do this. The merchant ships these days are almost all armed merchant ships, more or less carrying artillery. You can't let them in. The only way is to strictly control them.

Although Gerdes came to Songjiang for the first time, he had traveled to and from Lianzhou and Guangzhou Port many times, and he was already familiar with the many rules of the Tang Dynasty.

Followed the guide boat and drove in slowly, but instead of continuing along the Yangtze River, it entered the Huangpu River.

This is because the second batch of ports opened for business in the Tang Dynasty was the Shanghai Port of Songjiang Prefecture. This Shanghai Port was originally an important transit port for the north-south shipping, entering and leaving the Yangtze and the Tang Dynasty had many from Supplies from the south also landed at this port.

Because of its superior geographical conditions, Shanghai Port has become one of the five trading ports in the Tang Dynasty.

Before entering the Huangpu River, Gerdes also saw the Wusong Military Port. The first thing he drove to was the huge fort on the shore. The scale of the fort was no less than the Humen Fort that Gerdes had seen. He estimated that Besides, there are probably at least dozens of artillery pieces in this fort.

On one side of the fort, there are also a large number of warships parked. There are three kinds of very conspicuous warships. One is a very tall and slender cruiser with thirty artillery pieces, and a slightly smaller frigate, and the other is a The patrol ship he had seen before.

Why are these three kinds of warships conspicuous, because Guedes has never seen such a unique warship in other countries, especially that kind of cruiser, which is slender and elegant, which makes people feel pleasing to the eye.

And the number of warships is also very large, which makes Gerdes unbearably heroic: "Our Tang Dynasty is awesome!"

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