Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 865: Aiqing worked hard

The Tang Dynasty has tried several times in the garrisoned area. In the early days, it set up a robbery battalion, but later the robbery battalion was unusable, and its combat effectiveness was not comparable to that of the tax inspection team, not to mention assisting the regular army to fight. , it is difficult to even suppress local unrest.

In the early days, there were quite a lot of turmoil caused by various armed resistance to taxation. At that time, because the burglary camp was unusable, the tax inspection team could only be self-reliant, equipped with guns and artillery, and in more serious cases, they directly requested the assistance of the regular army.

Therefore, the Tang Dynasty simply dismantled the robbery camp.

Later, I also tried to use the garrison army composed of the absorbed Ming army as a second-line force, but I found that this method was not enough. During the reform of the system, the garrison army was also dismantled.

Later, although there were militia organizations in various places, the militia organizations were very scattered, and the scale of each place was not large and the equipment was not good enough. It was okay to deal with ordinary bandits and small-scale riots, but it was difficult to undertake the heavy task of assisting the regular army in combat. .

Therefore, for a long time, the task of rear garrison was handed over to the supplementary brigade and the mixed regiment in the garrisoned area.

The supplementary brigades are actually recruited battalions. With the regularization of training, the training time in many recruit battalions has been extended to more than three months. The Datang Army simply replaced the original supplementary brigades. The strength of the brigades was gradually supplemented to the regular army, and after several mixed regiments were reorganized, the supplementary brigade was cancelled again.

Today, the Supplementary Brigade has officially disappeared in the Tang Army, and many mixed regiments have appeared instead!

In the current mixed regiment, those with strong combat effectiveness can stand side by side with the main force, while those with poor combat effectiveness are actually not much stronger than the supplementary brigades in the past.

But in any case, the mixed regiment belongs to the regular army, and the quality of the soldiers is not bad, but the equipment is poor, and the combat experience is a little lacking. This garrison place is already OK.

Even if the enemy is attacking in large numbers, it is no problem to hold it for a period of time and wait for the main force to come to help.

This also makes the Army more keen to train such mixed regiments.

At present, every province has at least one mixed regiment stationed, and near the front line, there are mixed regiments dedicated to front-line operations. For example, the seventh mixed regiment has been responsible for the battle in Sichuan alone.

At present, there are several mixed regiments in the Jiangnan and Jiangbei areas. Although the combat effectiveness is average, if there is another tenth infantry division to help defend, Li Xuan can also safely dispatch other main troops of the Guards and the Fourth Army to the north. .

Li Xuan went north for personal expedition, but it was not known to the whole city. Because it was only two days before and after, Li Xuan decided to go north with the guards, so after Li Xuan went north, many people didn't know that Li Xuan went north in person. Is it.

In mid-April, Li Xuan led the Guards to Yangzhou on transport ships and naval battleships, and then changed to inland river ships to continue northward along the canal. It didn't take long for them to successfully reach Huai'an, where they converged with the main force of the Fourth Army, and then continued Continue north along the canal to reach Xuzhou.

At this time, Xuzhou had become the base camp for the Datang Army to go north. Many troops and materials were concentrated here, and then they set off to go north or west.

But Li Xuan did not stay in Xuzhou for too long, but after a day of rest, he continued to lead the army northward, and then went all the way to Jining, the capital of Yanzhou.

Yanzhou and Jining, the city on the edge of the canal, has changed a lot from what it used to be.

In the past, relying on the canal, the city of Jining was extremely prosperous. Although it was not as big as Yangzhou, Huaian, and Xuzhou, it was still much better than many small cities.

However, since the winter of the previous year, after Jiangnan was occupied by the Tang Dynasty, water transportation was cut off. The many canal cities that depended on water transportation naturally suffered a devastating blow, and the prosperity was no longer there.

After being silent for a year, this Jining has become lively again, but this time it is not those water transport fleets who come to Jining, but the Great Tang King!

The 5th Infantry Division captured the area seven days ago, and then the 5th Infantry Division sent a regiment to attack Yanzhou Fucheng and successfully conquered it.

The Ming army had already begun to shrink its strength, and did not leave too many troops in Yanzhou Fucheng and Jining Prefecture. Therefore, in the face of the attack of the Fifth Infantry Division, the local Ming army did not provide strong resistance at all.

Most of the resistance is symbolic, followed by a very simple rout or surrender.

These Ming troops who stayed in the local area were generally guard soldiers, or even only local youths. They knew that they had been abandoned. It was impossible to say that they could not resist, and it was even more unreasonable to resist desperately.

So they resist will resist, but ordinary is a symbolic resistance!

The 5th Infantry Division didn't even put on a stance, but took down Jining and Yanzhou.

But today, the atmosphere in Jining is serious. The soldiers of the brigade have already completely blocked the whole city, so that the few natives of the city are afraid to even go to the street.

Outside the city, Hao Bainian was already waiting outside with many senior generals of the Third Army.

The only person who can make Hao Bainian wait outside the city is Li Xuan.

According to the messenger's report, the holy car is only about 20 kilometers away from Jining, and it won't take long to arrive!

However, Hao Bainian and the others did not wait for Li Xuan first, but the soldiers of the Fourth Army. After the Fourth Army arrived, the surrounding area of ​​Jining was even more crowded.

Originally, Jining City was small, and the number of troops stationed at most was about one division. It was useless if there was too much. The other main troops of the Third Army were stationed outside the city.

After the Fourth Army arrived, it took over the city defense of Jining City, taking over the troops of the Third Army originally stationed in the city.

Then, an infantry regiment of the Guards arrived, and after the regiment of the Guards arrived in Jining City, they immediately started to patrol the city. Subsequently, the troops of the Guards arrived one after another, and they entered the city directly, and took over the garrison mission of the main road along the holy drive.

These measures are naturally to ensure Li Xuan's safety.

As Li Xuan's Guards, Li Xuan was naturally there, and they were there, and Li Xuan's **** work had always been done by the Guards.

After waiting for a while, everyone saw that there were fleets arriving on the canal one after another. This fleet was the fleet where Li Xuan was.

This time Li Xuan went north, in addition to the main force of the Guards and the Fourth Army, he also brought a large number of important officials to the north.

The minister on duty in the imperial study room, this time only four came, while Liu Bagou took the other three to stay in Jinling City.

In addition, in order to ensure the safety of the rear, Li Xuan also urgently transferred the personnel of the 4th Infantry Division and several mixed regiments left behind in Jiangnan before leaving. Bai Yunqi was once again held up by him and was appointed Nan Zhi The commander of Liwei Garrison, all the troops within the scope of Nanzhili, are all under his jurisdiction.

And who is behind Bai Yunqi?

It's Empress Bai!

What does Empress Dowager Bai care about most? What she cares most about is her precious son Li Xuan!

In the Tang Dynasty, the only person who could truly convince Li Xuan was the Empress Dowager Bai. There was no way, that was the real mother, and Li Xuan also knew that the Empress Dowager Bai had only her precious son in her eyes. The others were ignored by her. With the Queen Mother Bai sitting in the rear, Li Xuan was relieved.

The main officers of the 10th Infantry Division and several mixed regiments are all officers who have graduated from the Imperial Academy. Some are even admired by Li Xuan and have personally taught young barrack students. In private, These people are qualified to be called Teacher Li Xuanyi.

In the huge Tang Dynasty, there were countless soldiers in the navy and army. Although it was said that the students of the Imperial Academy were all disciples of the emperor, the students who had received Li Xuan's long-term teaching were basically the students of the young army camp, and among them were qualified to be in the army. In private, there will be no more than thirty people who call Teacher Li Xuanyi.

It can also be seen from this that although Li Xuan went to the north to fight for himself, he still left behind to avoid accidents.

Although the probability of accidents is not too great, but always be on guard!

After Li Xuan's fleet arrived at the pier outside the city, before they disembarked, Hao Bainian boarded the imperial ship with a lecturer in the secretariat of the Hanlin Academy and faced the Holy Spirit alone.

More than ten minutes later, Li Xuancai appeared in the sight of the generals. I saw him walking out of the cabin, wearing his unique golden silk dragon pattern general uniform, no military rank, and not the Tang Dynasty hanging around his waist. The command knife commonly used by generals is a sword, with black leather gloves and long leather boots.

When Li Xuan walked out of the cabin and stepped ashore on the red carpet, a group of generals in front all bowed their hands in salute. This is the official military salute expressly stipulated by the Tang military.

On ordinary occasions, when soldiers in military uniforms face the Holy Spirit, they use military salutes instead of kneeling.

At the same time, it is stipulated that, except for official occasions such as the Great Court, the soldiers are not allowed to kneel and worship, especially when they expressly stipulate that they are not allowed to kneel and worship when facing higher-level officials, and military rituals are always used instead.

At the same time as the salute, many generals also shouted in unison: "My ministers and so on, come to my emperor, long live, long live, long live!"

Li Xuan looked at the generals who had saluted several times in a row, his expression remained the same, he just nodded slightly, then raised his black gloved hand slightly, and then said softly: "All Aiqing is flat!"

Naturally, his voice will not be very Only a few people around him can hear him, and the officers who are almost hundreds of people outside can't hear clearly, but the lecturer on the side sings aloud immediately. : "His Majesty has a purpose: 'All Aiqings are flat!"

At this time, all the officers put down the salute in unison!

Immediately, Li Xuan, accompanied by Hao Bainian, met with a number of generals above the brigadier general and a few representative regimental leaders.

In front of outsiders, these generals were already powerful figures, but in front of Li Xuan, they acted like children. When Li Xuan held a young man who was injured in battle and only had his right hand left On the right hand of the colonel, he said, "Aiqing has worked hard!"

The young colonel burst into tears in an instant, and he was a little excited when he spoke: "Chen...I don't have to work hard. Fighting for Your Majesty is the honor of our soldiers!"


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