Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 953: Dirty silver seized

Chen Lifu's previous practice of rectifying the tax inspection team in Jiangbei Dao and introducing veterans also received the cooperation of the military to a certain extent.

Of course, this is also the military's helpless move. If there are other options, the military will not sit by and watch the tax inspection team grow bigger and become a real armed force.

It's just that the current Tang Dynasty has clearly stipulated that if you want to eat public meals, even the lowest level from the ninth grade already has educational requirements.

Either graduated from a government-run high school or graduated from an officially recognized private high school or graduated from an official vocational school, such as a patrol school and so on. You don’t have to go to any of these schools, as long as you have to be admitted as a scholar, have a reputation as a scholar or above, and prove your ability, then you can.

Of course, these are only limited to rank positions, even if it is from the ninth rank, it is only a rank.

There are also some positions without grades, but they are all coaches, drivers and watchmen. You veterans can come if you don't dislike it!

But it is definitely not acceptable for a veteran to do these things. The status of the Datang soldiers is still very high these days.

Because once you join the army, the treatment will be very generous.

Now joining the army, in many places, especially in rural areas, has become a career that poor children most yearn for. Although the risks are relatively high, the rewards are even greater.

Therefore, it is not random to arrange retirement employment for these veterans.

However, the many harsh requirements in the local area have made the senior generals of the military quite annoyed, but it is useless to be annoyed. The problem of the soldier's retirement and employment still needs to be solved, so they are also prepared with both hands.

First, a large-scale literacy class was launched in the army, and then a special internal training school was set up to allow soldiers to pass the internal middle school examination before retiring. No one, if they dare to refuse, they dare to sue directly to the Son of Heaven.

Another point is to find a solution in a short period of time. For example, the tax inspection team is an emergency solution. Chen Lifu said that there are no requirements, and it doesn't matter if he is illiterate. It can be arranged.

Rectifying the tax inspection team and bringing in veterans is just one of the many things Chen Lifu has done in the past six months.

The real influence was that he purged many local gentry businessmen and impeached many local tax officials.

These things will naturally make countless people hate him Chen Lifu. After the nickname of Chen Rentu was called, he never took it off. Jiangbei two roads, but also the entire Zhili Sidao area, cursed and resented him Chen Lifu. Lifu has many people, but does he care?

not give a **** about!

He Chen Lifu asked himself to do things with a clear conscience. What he wanted was to help the sage, and what he wanted was to drive out the many scoundrels and thieves in the court, including Qian Zili who had always appreciated him very much!

Of course, he has never said this to anyone, not even his own wife, even his former teachers and classmates. He himself knows that if this kind of thinking is known to the outside world Yes, it will cause big trouble, staggering into prison is light, and it may even break the family.

That's right, Qian Yuli takes you so seriously and trains you, but you are determined to take him down. That's not enough, even the other important ministers in the court, Chen Lifu, are planning to kill you. I will let you continue to show, and I will definitely step on you first when I get the chance.

One day, when he, Chen Lifu, became the tax minister and the minister on duty in the imperial study, he will completely abolish the current chaos and tyranny, restore the world to a brighter world, and create a prosperous world!

And before that, what's the point of doing something against your will!

If he can't bear the burden of humiliation, how can he realize his ideal and ambition!

But maybe these people he didn't care about ended up reporting themselves?

Chen Lifu began to filter the name of a person in his mind. These are all people who may report or frame him.

But he just gave up after thinking about it for a while, because there were too many people he offended, and he wanted more unlucky things from him. If he really wanted to filter them all, he couldn't.

Many of the things he did harm the interests of a large number of people. Some people don't know him at all, but they also want him to die.

That's all, there are many people who want him to die, and there are also many people who impeach him, but he has not been stable in the past two years.

This time, although there are some twists and turns, he thinks it should be able to get through the difficulties smoothly!

The body is not afraid of the shadow, he Chen Lifu has never done anything to accept bribes, he is not afraid of others to investigate!

It's a pity that now Chen Lifu has lived in the guest house of the inspectorate for a full six days, and has been placed under house arrest, cut off from the outside world, he doesn't know it at all, almost at the same time.

The three censors of the Chengtian Mansion Inspectorate took the search warrants and brought more than 20 patrol officers to the Chen's house and began to search!

According to reports and recent investigations, they learned that the Chen family was hiding a lot of stolen money. It was rumored that silver was piled up in the cellar, and they also found out from the Royal Bank that Chen Lifu's personal account had a large amount of money going in and out all year round.

These are the censors who led the investigation team to think that there must be something wrong with this Chen Lifu, otherwise, how could there be so much money in and out of this account!

Also, the Chen family must be hiding the Tibetan silver that Chen Lifu has taken for bribes and tax deductions in the past two years!

All they have to do is to find the money. Once they find the money, they can immediately apply for a thorough investigation, expand the scope of the investigation, and at the same time arrest Chen Lifu.

The censor with more than 20 patrolmen broke into the Chen family, frightened everyone in the Chen family, and now the Chen family is withered, only he is Chen Lifu, and although there are a few collateral children in the family to help with the family business , but in the end there are still mostly female relatives.

They couldn't stop the confident Censor of the Chengtian House Inspectorate. When they opened the door of the Chen family's cellar and saw the mountains of gold and silver piled up inside, everyone's eyes lit up.

Those patrol officers were naturally shocked by seeing so much gold and silver.

And the two censors who led the team had already seen the promotion and wealth beckoning to them!

With so much gold and silver placed here, these are most likely the taxes that Chen Lifke deducted in the past two years, because the report said that the tax deducted by Chen Lifu was at least more than 100,000 silver, and now the gold-silver ratio here Expect more.

This Chen Lifu is even more courageous than they thought. The sum of gold and silver here is at least 300,000 taels of silver. Nima, he has deducted so much tax. If he really wants to be convicted of the crime, he is definitely looting the family and destroying the family. great sin!

Seal it all down here! The censor who led the team waved his hand and asked the patrolmen under him to start sticking seals. These are dirty silver and evidence of their promotion and wealth.

Of course, when it was sealed up, it was inevitable that the patrolmen would quietly take away one or two gold bars and silver bars, and these two censors would consider them invisible.

With so much gold and silver placed here, they are all jealous.

But reason still controls them. If the money is really stolen money, it must belong to the national treasury. If they dare to take it privately, those people in the tax department will definitely go crazy. In the end, they will definitely follow Chen Lifu. 's footsteps.

In the Tang Dynasty, the silver belonging to the treasury could never be reached!

Why did Chen Lifu's case attract so much attention? The Chengtian Mansion Inspectorate ignored the influence and had to take action. It even brought trouble to the Central Inspectorate and asked Shi Wuyan to report to Song Tieshu in person. In the end, Shi Wuyan personally ordered: check, Investigate strictly in accordance with the supervision regulations!

After Shi Wuyan gave the, the censor led the patrol police into the cellar of the Chen family. The courage to take the patrol police privately into the private residence of Chen Lifu, the current deputy director of the tax inspection department, who can be said to be the fifth-rank official with the highest political status in the Tang Dynasty.

The reason why Chen Lifu's case has attracted so much attention is because others reported that he had deducted tax!

If you embezzle and accept bribes, these are just ordinary crimes. If you dare to deduct taxes, that is the money directly and the treasury, that is, the funds of all departments. It is difficult to quell the anger of many departments and His Majesty if you can't get along with His Majesty.

The censor who led the team could be entrusted with a heavy responsibility in this kind of case, and it was naturally within the inspectorate.

Although the name of this censor is not well known in the whole official circle, this person is the confidant of Gong Wenbao, the director of the Chengtian House Inspectorate, and is also the most important department of the Chengtian House Inspectorate: the censor of the Anti-Corruption Department.

Moreover, he is also the deputy director of the Anti-Corruption Division. In terms of rank five, he is actually comparable to Chen Lifu. Of course, the political status of the two is completely incomparable.

Originally, it was more suitable for the director of Chengtian Anti-Corruption Department to lead the team directly in this kind of case, but the director of Chengtianfu Anti-Corruption Department was not the same as Gong Wenbao, and they didn't usually deal with it very much. This kind of sensitivity is extremely sensitive. Of course, Gong Wenbao would not let him lead the team.

Be careful in this case!

Except for the heir apparent, Gong Wenbao doesn't worry about the others!

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