Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 956: Scholar and Executioner

The reason why Shi Wuyan was furious was because he felt that he was going to be miserable by Gong Wenbao!

This bastard, it's okay to investigate the case, but when investigating the case, he was so careless, he was able to let go of such important clues, and even found it and asked him to give orders.

Yesterday, I personally gave the order to arrest people. Fortunately, after Gong Wenbao returned, he realized something was wrong and slowed down the arrest of the Chen family. Otherwise, it would be even more troublesome now.

Once he has reached that point, regardless of whether Chen Lifu is guilty or not, for his career and the authority of the Inspectorate, he will probably have to bite the bullet and force the investigation, and do everything in his power to convict Chen Lifu.

Once it takes a step, it will be a war, a war between the Inspectorate and the Tax Department. Of course, Shi Wuyan will be at the center of the war, but even the boss of the Inspectorate, Zuodu Censor, Song Tieshu, the minister on duty in the imperial study room, is probably unavoidable.

Fortunately, it has not yet reached the worst state. Even if the current situation has deteriorated very much, there is still a chance to save it!

After scolding people, Shi Wuyan looked at Gong Wenbao, and he was already determined to pay attention. If this matter can be passed safely, he will remove this Gong Wenbao when he looks back, and he does not intend to let him resign in comfort. .

If you want to resign and return to your hometown to enjoy happiness, if you want to be beautiful, I will send you to Dayuan Mansion, Qiongzhou Mansion or remote areas in the southwest!

No, those places are still too good for this Gong Wenbao. I heard that Datang Western Company has established a colony in Luzon. The Immigration Department of the Ministry of Agriculture has already started to organize immigrants, and the Ministry of Personnel is also planning to go to Luzon. When the officials are dispatched, I will put this Gong Wenbao in and let him go to Luzon to serve.

When his term in Luzon expires, he will be transferred to other overseas colonies. Anyway, the Datang Western Company and the Ministry of Agriculture are very active in the colonies, and they are not afraid that there will be no place to arrange Gong Wenbao.

Ma Dan, if Gong Wenbao were to go back to the Central Plains in this life, I would just write the name upside down!

If it is said that this matter cannot be passed safely, needless to say, he Shi Wuyan will be unlucky, and this Gong Wenbao will be even more unlucky, and at that time, Shi Wuyan does not need to worry about how to punish this Gong Wenbao.

However, although he was quite sure about these thoughts, he didn't say it, because now, he still needs Gong Wenbao to do things, so he'll get this thing done first, and he might just push it out as a scapegoat.

At this time, if he somehow changed the director of the Chengtian House Inspectorate, his guilt would not be easy to shirk in the future.

Of course, the director of the Chengtian Mansion Inspectorate, although he is a mansion-level position, is a very special third rank. If he wants to replace it, Shi Wuyan has this confidence, but he needs to do it. some time.

Because Chengtian Prefecture is directly under the direct jurisdiction of the cabinet, its prefect's rank is much higher than ordinary prefects. The rank of the prefect of Chengtian Prefecture is of the second rank, which is comparable to provincial governors and ministers of various cabinet ministries.

Compared with several other state capitals directly under the cabinet, the level is higher. At present, there are many state capitals directly under the jurisdiction of Datang. Except for the higher political treatment, the rest is basically nothing.

Then Guangdong Zhaoqing Prefecture, Hebei Youzhou Prefecture, and Shaanxi Chang'an Prefecture are also directly under the jurisdiction of the three prefectures. The reason is very simple, because the above three places are all the legal companion capitals in the current Tang Dynasty.

However, the grades of these directly-administered prefectures are of the third grade, which is two grades higher than the normal fourth grade prefects.

The administrative level of Chengtian Mansion is very high, which is equivalent to that of the province. A high-ranking official.

But in front of Shi Wuyan, this person is not enough to see. Although Gong Wenbao is the director of the Chengtian Mansion Inspectorate, he is a third-grade person. In theory, he is only lower than Shi Wuyan's second-grade Zuo Fudu censor. Just one level.

However, the senior level in the officialdom crushed people to death!

Moreover, in the political system of the Tang Dynasty, there were actually many positions below the third grade, including the directors of some central ministries, directors, etc., provincial governors, provincial inspectors, presidents of courts, and tax bureaus. Minister and so on, if you really want to count, at least a few hundred people.

However, from the second rank, the number of people in this group has dropped sharply. There are only the left and right servants of the various ministries, the provincial governors, the left and right deputy imperial envoys of the inspectorate, the left and right vice presidents of the hospital, and the prefect of Chengtian House.

Um, no more!

If Gong Wenbao wants to climb to the second rank, he has to go through several levels. First, he has to infiltrate the Central Inspectorate and serve as the head of various important institutions within the Inspectorate. History, and this series of appointments will not change in rank, but it is a real promotion.

After he became the imperial censor of Zuoqi, he was qualified to become the imperial envoy of the right deputy capital, and after becoming the imperial envoy of the right deputy capital, could he hope to become the imperial envoy of the Zuo deputy capital.

In other words, he has to be promoted five times before he can achieve the political status shoulder by shoulder with Shi Wuyan!

Moreover, the three institutions of the Inspectorate, the Court, and the Ministry of Taxation are more special than other institutions, because they can only be promoted internally. In other words, he Shi Wuyan will not fall, and if he is an official, the following people basically don't expect to become the censor of Zuo Fudu. Yes, because he occupies this position.

If you don't want those ordinary civil servants, if you want to be promoted to the second rank, so many provinces in the country can become governors, or you can also be the right servants of various ministries. Of course, don't count on them.

According to the practice of the state, the left servants of various ministries can only be transferred from the provincial governors and the right servants of various ministries.

Because the left servants of the various ministries are actually the second-in-command of the ministries, and their real power is second only to the ministers of the ministries!

In the same way, the ministers of the various ministers are either level-adjusted or promoted from the left servants of the various ministers.

In other words, if you want to be a minister, you must first become a left servant. Before you can become a left servant, you have to become a provincial governor or a right servant. However, if you go further, you will have more positions. Provincial governors, some central ministers Chief, Chief, etc.

Today, the official system of the Tang Dynasty is very sound, and the various rules and regulations are very clear. It is difficult to see the situation in the early days of the dynasty, in which anyone can serve as an important minister in the cabinet.

Of course, the appointment of local officials is still relatively bold. Demotions, new scholars, as long as you have the ability, you are below the fourth rank. Basically, except for the positions of the prefect, prefect, prefect, county, prefect town, etc. Jobs are basically random.

The premise is that you have the ability, um, of course, you are not good at it, and it is not impossible to write an article. As long as you can drill into the camp and convince others, then you can go.

After all, the dynasty is so big, and there are many messy things. As long as you are brave enough and hide well enough, you can even kill the local officials who are in office.

After stealing his seal and seal, and then saving his fingerprints, and if your appearance is similar to the description in the text, then you can completely replace this official to take office!

Of course, after a long time, it will definitely be discovered, and discovery is the end of the family looting!

But before it is discovered, you might want to enjoy the sense of accomplishment of being an official party and benefiting the people!

The official system of the Tang Dynasty is relatively complete, which means that it is impossible to temporarily replace the president of the Chengtian House Inspectorate. Even for Shi Wuyan, it will take a while. time to operate.

So now even if Shi Wuyan is exhausted, Gong Wenbao can still keep his position, but he doesn't know how long he can stay in this position!

After saying goodbye, or after being blasted out by Shi Wuyan, Gong Wenbao looked at the gloomy sky above his head, it seemed like it was going to rain today!

It's not normal to rain in the winter, just like the case of Chen Lifu!

In front of Shi Wuyan, he could clearly feel that he was about to lose Shi Wuyan's trust!

At that time, he was able to be transferred to Gyeonggi to serve as the director of the Chengtian House Inspectorate. It was precisely because of Shi Wuyan's recommendation that his career path would never have been without Shi Wuyan's trust.

But now, he feels that Shi Wuyan's trust in him is rapidly fading!

He had to do something, he couldn't just watch himself fall into the abyss!

In order to change the current situation, he felt that he needed to cut through the fog and find a breakthrough point from Chen Lifu!

So when he returned to the Chengtian Mansion Inspectorate, he went straight to Chen Lifu!

And to be honest, this is the first time he has seen Chen Lifu. Although Chen Lifu is the protagonist of the case and has lived in the guest house of their inspectorate for a full seven days, he, Gong Wenbao, has never come to see him. over him.

That is not in line with the practice of handling affairs in the Inspectorate. Generally speaking, except for the censor who is in charge of the case, other Inspectorate officials are not allowed to visit those suspected officials at Because it is very easy Get on fire!

However, Gong Wenbao didn't care much anymore. He went directly to the room where Chen Lifu lived, and saw this man who was at the center of the storm and who was pulling himself into the vortex!

When he saw this man, he was a little surprised. The appearance or image of this man was not the same as the image described by outside rumors or words.

He clearly remembered that the internal investigation report of their inspectorate said: This member has been in office since Xuanping five years in the first month of the year, and worked in the inspection department of the Ministry of Taxation for a total of one year and eleven months. The tax inspector has been promoted to the deputy director of the Fifth Grade Inspection Office. It is rumored that it is very likely that he will serve as the new director of the tax inspection department next year. If it is true, then he will set a record for the fastest promotion since the establishment of the tax department's grain collection department.

During the local tax inspection, the officer raided a total of 183 homes, and directed the tax inspection team to wipe out more than 2,800 armed tax-resistant elements. People were sentenced to death, and more than 10,000 others were sentenced to prison terms or exile.

But such a man who was supposed to be a vicious man, was wearing a Confucian robe, a little thin, and his face was white. When he first came in, Gong Wenbao also saw this man holding a book of "The Analects of Confucius". Shaking my head and reading!

This is clearly a thin and fair-faced scholar with an angry face. How could it be Chen Rentu who made countless Zhili gentry and tax officials tremble with fear?

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