Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 958: How much money does the Chen family have?

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Gong Wenbao was taken aback by his sudden pressing forward. Although the two of them were separated by a table, his entire body involuntarily stepped back!

Now he knew why the outside world would call this man Chen Rentu!

Nima, I'm scared to death!

This man is not a scholar at all like his appearance. He looks thin and has a bookish look on his face, but now Gong Wenbao thinks that in the depths of this man's seemingly thin and frail, there is a hidden danger at any time. The devil who chooses and devours people.

But after being taken aback by Chen Lifu's actions, he remembered what this person just said!

Mountains of silver, rotten wooden boxes, and silver scattered all over the floor!

God, if what Chen Lifu said is true, how much money does the Chen family have?

Also, the Chen family is like this, so what about the other gentry landlords in the Jiangnan area, and how rich should they be?

Although the Chen family has a certain reputation in the Jiangnan area, it is definitely not the top official family in the south of the Yangtze River. At least the Chen family has never had a high-ranking official. Although there have been children in the past dynasties, most of them are in the middle. In the lower-level positions, their Chen family has never had a third-rank or higher official.

However, such a family can be so rich, so how much money do other families have?

Gong Wenbao doesn't know!

Don't say Gong Wenbao doesn't know, even the tax department that claims to be all-pervasive actually doesn't know how much the landowners in the Jiangnan area are worth.

They can find out how many acres they have, their shops and so on, but to be honest, wealth can exist in many forms, and the tax department can't say that they can go directly to other people's homes and look in other people's cellars. No matter how much money you have, it is impossible to say whether the furnishings in other people's houses are valuable treasures.

The Chen family, judging from their apparent property, is actually just an ordinary landlord family, with several thousand acres of land and dozens of shops, which is nothing in the south of the Yangtze River.

But such a family can keep millions of cash in the cellar?

It sounds nonsense, but what's even more nonsense is that there are many families that are richer and have more money than them!

Then a thought suddenly popped into Gong Wenbao's mind: The Zhu Ming Dynasty was not wronged, the gentry and landlords in the world are so rich, but the financial income is only a few million taels, and this is still possible It's a miracle to let them exist for nearly two hundred years!

He heard from a fellow countryman who worked in the Budget Department of the Ministry of Taxation that the country's finances are difficult now. If the fiscal revenue next year cannot reach more than 50 million taels, I am afraid that the salary of the big guy will be delayed again next year.

And he also casually asked the colleague in the budget department, saying, according to the situation of our country, how much money does it cost a year?

When the fellow villager heard this question, he first smiled, and then said, "Enough to spend? But it's impossible. With our country's budget system, no amount of money will be enough!

If there is 50 million, other ministries and the military dare to mention the expenditure budget of 80 million, and if there is 60 million in income, they dare to mention 100 million, and even if there is really 100 million, they dare to shout 200 million! "

Speaking of which, he paused for a moment, and then said: "But if it is based on this year's situation, next year's 70 million will almost be able to barely maintain it!"

70 million, it's just barely maintaining it!

This is the expenditure budget of the Datang Dynasty for next year. As for the income budget, the people at the tax department estimate that it is only 65 million, in other words, there is a gap of 5 million taels of silver.

But this is only theoretical. In fact, when it comes time to decide on the budget for next year, the Son of Heaven will definitely raise his butcher’s knife to chop, chop the army’s military expenses, and chop the funds of other departments, such as the Ministry of Commerce. Yelling, tomorrow there will be at least eight million taels of funding, so that the work can be carried out smoothly.

But will it really give eight million?


It is impossible to cut half of it directly. If you can give two or three million silver, those people in the Ministry of Commerce should be snickering, and in fact it is true, if there are three million taels in the Ministry of Commerce next year. The cost of silver.

The ministers and servants of the Ministry of Commerce and other high-level officials will definitely celebrate the victory of Xuanping's seven-year budget war with a toast!

Because, in the sixth year of Xuanping, that is, this year, the total expenditure of their Ministry of Commerce is only 800,000 taels of silver.

That eight million, they simply added a zero at the end, and they never expected it to be approved.

At the end of each year, all departments will fight for next year's financial budget, trying to find various ways to increase their own department's financial budget. In the belief that crying children have milk to drink, these departments are basically in this month at the end of the year, basically Every day I cry poor, and my life has been miserable.


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