Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 961: Jinling City Secret Talk

In the conference room of the Chengtian Mansion Patrol Police Station's Major Crime 1, a large-bellied patrol officer sat on the top, and on both sides were the patrol officers under his command, all of them sitting upright, sitting straight and not looking sideways. .

If it wasn't for the black patrol uniforms they were wearing, I'm afraid some people would think they were soldiers of the Great Tang Dynasty.

Because there are straight people sitting on both sides of the rectangular table, holding a meeting without looking sideways. This is the tradition of the Datang Army. Well, it is also the tradition of the Datang Navy and Guards.

And this tradition first came from the Imperial Military Conference!

When Li Xuan held a military meeting in front of the imperial army, he often sat on the dragon chair at the top, while the generals were seated on both sides of the rectangular table. Li Xuan hated a group of people standing in front of him or kneeling in front of him for a meeting. , that kind of feeling is facing a group of minions, not a group of generals!

Li Xuan believes that it is very important to maintain the military's combat effectiveness and the sense of honor of the soldiers. Therefore, the military uniforms of the Tang Wangshi must be handsome and can show the handsomeness and straightness of the soldiers.

At the same time, it is necessary to maintain the self-esteem of the military.

Therefore, Li Xuan stipulated from a long time ago that, except for special ceremonies such as grand ceremonies, soldiers usually wear military uniforms and are not allowed to kneel.

Afterwards, he gave them seats during the military meeting in front of the imperial palace.

As a result, several interesting special traditions of the Master of the Tang Dynasty have gradually formed. The meeting is held by the superior and the subordinate, and the conference table must be a rectangular table. side, while the bottom of the rectangular table is left blank.

When a formal meeting is held, officers are often required to dress neatly, and their personal appearance is clean and tidy. For some high-level military meetings, officers will even wear formal military uniforms to attend.

And this tradition of the army was later spread to the navy and the guards, because strictly speaking, the navy and the guards were split from the army in the early days, and now many senior generals of the navy are almost all from the army. Not surprisingly, the two services carry on some of the Army's traditions.

Not to mention the other branches of the military, even the patrol police have greatly inherited many traditions of the army!

Because most of the personnel in the patrol department in the early years were actually retired soldiers from the army!

In the early days of the establishment of the Patrol Police Department, the main force consisted of the robbery battalion. Although the Patrol Police Department also accepted a lot of yamen and arresters from the Ming Dynasty during its expansion, these people were never the mainstream.

In the mid-term, the patrol department also accepted a large number of members of the army garrison. Although these people are basically the former Ming army, they have also undergone a long period of reorganization training.

It is worth noting that officials at all levels in the patrol police department, especially the chiefs of the local patrol police stations, are almost all retired army officers!

The Patrol Department has always been the main employment department for retired soldiers of the Datang Army, especially retired officers.

After these retired officers and non-commissioned officers came to work in the patrol department, they naturally brought many military styles. Coupled with the Datang Patrol, a unique patrol police rank system was implemented, and the police rank system basically copied the military rank. , just put a patrol officer title on the front.

For example, Lu Ping, who is sitting at the head of the rectangular table in front of him, is the leader of the third group of the Major Crimes Unit, and he has the rank of a major patrol officer on his shoulder.

Like most of the patrol officers, especially the front-line personnel, he is also a retired army officer. Before retiring, he was a captain of the army cavalry unit. When fighting in Jiangxi, his left hand was seriously injured.

Although it is said that the injury is healed, and there is nothing abnormal on the outside, but in fact, even if his left hand is a little **** weekdays, the pain will be unbearable. , was to ask a junior medical student from the Royal Institute of Technology to help him look at his hand. After looking at it, the man shook his head and said that taking medicine can't be cured, and surgery is required, and it is a very precise operation. This world On, only he can do this kind of surgery on him.

Lu Ping was very fortunate that he asked one more question at that time: "Operation? How much hope is there?"

The medical student said with a bewitched look: "There is definitely hope for this. Why don't you let me try it?"

Looking at the man's appearance, Lu Ping remembered the tragic appearance of a large number of comrades in the military hospital who had undergone various surgeries, amputations, and retrieval of bullets, and finally died in mourning.

Then he shook his head suddenly: "I won't do it, I want to go home!"

Lu Ping is not an ordinary person. He is very clear about what it means to have surgery these days, it means infection!

He has seen with his own eyes a comrade-in-arms who only had a small wound on the pulp of his thumb by shrapnel. He was constantly infected, and his limbs were amputated step by step. First the fingers, then the palm, then the small arm, and then the entire arm...

Finally, he died!

If you want to operate on Lao Tzu, you will never let me!

Without surgery, he would at most just be unable to exert force on weekdays, but after surgery, he believed that he was very likely to have his limbs amputated, or even died of infection.

After Lu Ping left, the medical student looked regretful: "What a pity, what a good hand training material, it must be more comfortable to cut than those corpses!"

A medical student on the side also sighed: "Yes, dissecting corpses every day is too boring, and I don't know when I can do a real operation!"

At this time, Lu Ping had just walked out of the door, and he had not gone far. He happened to hear their conversation with better hearing. Then, he ran away from the Royal Institute of Technology Medicine, and never came back since then. pass here.

The people in this ghost place are a bunch of lunatics!

At that time, he was forced to retire from active duty because of the injury to his left hand. However, as a patrol officer on the ground, he looked beautiful in front of ordinary people, but how could his future be compared with that of a cavalry captain? As long as he did not make mistakes and maintained his normal performance, then today , a lieutenant colonel rank absolutely can not run.

Because those cavalry students who graduated from the martial arts school with him at that time did not retire and did not die in battle. If they were still serving, the lowest would be the lieutenant colonel!

In the past two years, it is absolutely impossible to say that Lu Ping is willing!

But what if he was unwilling, he retired from active service, and he could only shift his focus to a new career, and then put all his anger on those criminals.

After two years as a patrol officer, his body grew rapidly, and his belly was like a fat pig, and he could no longer see the appearance of two years ago.

He was sitting, and a young patrolman under his hand was talking about the case. This young patrolman was not a soldier, but came from a patrol school. It is said that in the graduation exam, his grades were among the best, so he was able to be directly assigned to the major crime department. He was in office, but in Lu Ping's view, this hairy boy was just like that. He had all kinds of theories, but he didn't have the ability.

This person is suitable for examinations, but not for handling cases!


"Sun Mazi, a native of Jinling City, came from a poor family, his parents died early, he became a beggar since childhood, and later gradually became the leader of many beggars in Jinling City.

After my Master Wang entered Jinling City, the army and our patrol police department have launched many clean-up activities successively to rectify the many green-skinned hooligans, beggars and other unemployed vagabonds in the city. Sun Mazi's beggar organization was also split in an instant. During the rectification process of my master Wang, people did not resist, but actively cooperated and began to change careers and set up a dart shop.

Because the person had a more positive attitude at the time, my patrol police department did not deal with this person further! "

"And after investigation, the deceased Chen Bing's outer room, the Song family, had a long-term affair with this person, and the night before Chen Bing committed suicide, Sun Mazi had been in and out of Chen Bing's outer room's house, and this is why we are looking for For his sake!"

"But in the process of investigating and inspecting this person, we found that this person had already sold his **** company at a low price, and he disappeared. After many colleagues' searches, we finally found this person. However, I encountered resistance during the arrest process, and my fellow patrol officers dealt with it decisively. After killing several attackers, we successfully arrested this person!"

When the young patrol officer said Lu Ping waved his hand directly: "There is nothing to say next, and this person will be interrogated immediately. This officer should know why he came in and out of Chen Bing that night. Outside the house, and, does he have anything to do with this matter, and what role did he play in Chen Bing's death!"

"In addition to this Sun Mazi, continue to investigate other related persons, don't think that if you catch Sun Mazi, you will let go of other clues, and the investigation of Sun Mazi should be carried out immediately.

This officer does not believe that a beggar-headed **** who switched careers will attack Chen Bing for no reason. Even if he is really having an affair with Chen Bing's outer room, he will kill him, but it is unlikely to let Chen Bing. Leave a last word of forced suicide! "

When the Chengtian Prefecture Patrol Bureau was conducting a thorough investigation of Chen Bing's death, Chen Lifu's case also came to a standstill.

And this kind of situation is something some people don't want to see!

In a village and town on the outskirts of Jinling City, in one of the ordinary three-entry houses, two men were staying in a study while drinking tea and talking.

"Why hasn't the Inspectorate applied for an arrest warrant against Chen Lifu now? If this continues, it will be very bad for our plan!" One of the middle-aged men said with a worried expression, "This Gong Wenbao looks down on him. Oh, he was very resolute when he investigated the case, I didn't expect to be so timid now when it came to an end!"

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