Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 964: I would rather surrender than enter Sichuan

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The Ming army superintendent used the seemingly simple Qishui fortress and paid a price of about 2,000 people to delay the 3rd Infantry Division for eight days, so that the 3rd Infantry Division failed to join forces with the 7th Infantry Division and other troops. Converge in time under the city of Huangzhou and launch a rush attack.

Using these eight days, the Ming army superintendent has successfully returned to defense, and has built a new line of defense around Huangzhou!

Now that their Second Army wants to attack Huangzhou, it can only be a head-to-head attack.

And fighting tough battles is something he hates very much, because it means that the war will become very long, the battle will be more brutal, the casualties will be greater, and the ammunition consumption will be more!

Although Du Yu of the Datang Army has gained more and more experience in tackling tough battles, and his ability to tackle tough battles is getting stronger and stronger, fundamentally speaking, the Datang Army is not good at tackling tough battles, and they also reject tough battles.

As for bypassing Huangzhou and then going straight to Hanyang, you are dead as the 50,000-60,000 Ming army superintendent in the Huangzhou defense line. As soon as you walk on your front foot, others dare to break your back road, and even go all the way east. Kill them, take back Qizhou, Huangmei, and Susong, and then go straight to Anqing.

At that time, your Second Army will be able to go to Hanyang, but they also go directly to Jinling!

So even if Huangzhou was difficult to fight, he had to fight hard.

In fact, from the day of its establishment, the Datang Army has actually formulated a series of training tactics and equipment for the frontal decisive battle in the field.

They are equipped with muskets, adopt line infantry tactics, set up grenadiers, and focus on visual artillery. It can be seen from these that most of the things are specially prepared for frontal field decisive battles.

This kind of preparation has indeed achieved great results, at least so far, they have not failed in the frontal field decisive battle!

However, the more powerful the Tang army is in the field, the more the Ming army avoids a decisive battle with them in the field!

The failure of many large-scale field decisive battles has already told every Ming army general that even if they defended the city and were finally defeated by the last drop of blood, they could never have a frontal field battle with the Datang Army.

Because the former still has some hope of resisting the offensive of the Datang Army, and can support it for a while, but the latter, they have no hope of winning at all, and often tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands will be ruined in a day and a half. 's army.

The Battle of Jiangnan and the Battle of the Northern Expedition are the most typical examples!

At the beginning, Wang Yiqi and later Emperor Zhengde tried to concentrate their superior forces to determine the outcome of the battle. At that time, Emperor Zhengde still had nearly 10,000 Ming cavalry and 50,000 Tatar cavalry as foreign aid.

But as a result, Wang Yiqi's superior force was hit by a frontal blow and collapsed extremely quickly.

Emperor Zhengde personally led the army and it was not so good. The Tartar cavalry, who had high expectations at that time, lost their troops when they attacked the Datang Army phalanx. In the end, Emperor Zhengde was defeated and died. Escape to the grasslands!

The Jiangnan Campaign and the Northern Expedition almost completely declared the invincibility of the Datang Army in the frontal field decisive battle!

Zhang Yue is not stupid, so he will not let his superintendent repeat the footsteps of Wang Yiqi's Jiangnan New Army and Zhengde Emperor's personal expedition army!

In fact, even without these two obvious battles, Zhang Yue had already given up his plan to fight the Tang Army in the open field. It has always been a defensive battle and an offensive battle.

Although it is said that Jiangxi and Hunan were finally conquered by the Datang Army one after another fortified city, and finally the huge two provinces fell into the hands of the Datang Dynasty, but through this series of defensive operations, in fact Zhang Yue also Supported for a long time, and bought more time for himself by resisting.

When the Datang Army took Jiangnan, Jiangbei, and captured large areas such as Shandong, Hebei, and Shanxi, Hubei and Sichuan were still under Zhang Yue's firm control. This shows what, this shows, In fact, the stick-on-the-stick strategy of resisting the standard has achieved a certain degree of success.

In the past two days, the generals in the supervising field have actually been thinking about how to fight against the Great Tang Emperor, or to be more precise, how to defend the attack of the Great Tang Army.

They are equipped with a large number of guns, but they have never considered using these guns to conduct a frontal field battle with the Datang Army, because they know that this is impossible.

What they are thinking about is how to build a line of defense and restrain the attack of the Datang Army!

Over the years, they have made many attempts!

The early Hengyang defense system and Changsha defense system were actually quite successful. Although both cities fell in the end, this does not deny the success of the defense system of the Superintendent in these two cities.

Because in the end, Hengyang was not actually conquered by the Datang Army, but because the Datang Army captured Yuezhou and strategically surrounded Changsha and Hengyang, the Hengyang defenders were forced to give up voluntarily.

Changsha was finally conquered by storm, but at that time the Datang Army already possessed absolute strength and firepower advantages.

You know, at that time the big -->>

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