Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 969: Du Danqing's defensive counterattack

As the starting place of the Tang Dynasty in Xingquan Mansion, it is normal for a large number of high-ranking generals to appear!

In the distant place of my own uncle or my father's child, my mother's uncle and other messed up relatives and friends are old military high-level generals, do you think he will join the army?

If you don't go, you're wasting resources!

Even under the auspices of many military generals, many generals jointly donated money to set up a military preparatory school in Xingquan Mansion, which specially recruits young people for basic military training and cultural training. The goal of training is to make them Admitted to the martial arts school!

The many situations that have been formed over the years have also changed the entire Xingquan Mansion. In the former Ming Dynasty, Xingquan Mansion was just an ordinary remote and inferior mansion.

But now, Xingquan Mansion is a concentration of military nobles that have become serious, and every family joins the army!

Today, in the land of Longxing, nearly a hundred military nobles have appeared, all of which were awarded noble titles from the dragon in the early days, and they are still continuing to expand the number of military nobles!

Every year, a large number of children from Xingquan Prefecture apply for the martial arts school or the maritime school. It doesn’t matter if they fail the test, they review and take the test again next year.

And Li Xuan also paid attention to this situation. He did not reject Xingquan Mansion's children joining the army. On the contrary, he welcomed them. However, he just didn't like the crowd of military nobles.

Especially that military preparatory school only recruits Xingquan Mansion children, which is not good!

So Li Xuan made a big stroke of his pen in the fall and directly changed the military preparatory school donated by the generals of Xingquan Prefecture from a private to a public one to a government-run military preparatory school, and renamed it 'Xingquan Prefecture Military Preparatory School' Preparatory school', but it is not directly affiliated to the military, but it is assigned to the Ministry of Rites and Imperial Examinations.

At the same time, he personally stipulated that the school must recruit students from all over the country, and any student with a secondary school diploma in the country can apply for the exam.

At the same time, it also instructed the Imperial Examination Division to continue to organize several government-run military preparatory schools in other places.

Therefore, the Imperial Examination Division has already initially selected four places of "Guangzhou, Jinling, Tianjin, and Changsha" to prepare military preparatory schools, recruit students from middle school graduates, and provide preparatory candidates for the martial arts school and the naval school!

Basically, this is similar to an ordinary preparatory school, except that the ordinary preparatory school is for applying to university, and the military preparatory school is for applying for military academy.

At the same time, there is no rule that students of military preparatory schools can only apply for military schools, they can also apply for other universities, and students of other general preparatory schools can also continue to apply for military schools.

These two kinds of preparatory schools are of the same nature. At most, when they train students, they focus on different things.

The military preparatory school is only one of the links in the continuous reform of the education system of the Tang Dynasty. It aims to train more professional officers for the Tang Dynasty. It is not the same as the previous private Xingquanfu military preparatory school, only for a certain A local special group is served.

The general phenomenon of joining the army in Xingquan Prefecture is also a microcosm of the rise of the Tang Dynasty, but this phenomenon is more prominent in Xingquan Prefecture.

In fact, in other places, there are also many people who joined the army!

Therefore, at present, the Tang Dynasty has no shortage of soldiers!

But there is no shortage of soldiers, it does not mean that the lives of the soldiers will be squandered at will, but it is not to pity the lives of these ordinary soldiers, every senior general, which one does not rely on the flesh and blood of the soldiers under his command to achieve success and fame? !

They just felt stupid and rushed forward, and the cost-effectiveness of letting the soldiers die is too low to be worth it!

Although there is no shortage of soldiers, it takes a lot of money to train soldiers. To train a qualified veteran, it costs dozens of taels to say the least.

During the three-month recruit training period, after entering the active army, the military spends a lot of money on each soldier. It is directly used as cannon fodder. When it is used up, it has to spend dozens of taels to train a qualified soldier. veteran!

The life of the veteran is still relatively precious, and Wang Chaohong is reluctant to bear it!

So Dynasty Hong honestly used the earthwork!

Then he played the opposite inspector Zuo Jun with no temper at all!

People don't rush forward stupidly at all, but keep digging trenches to advance. After advancing to a certain distance, they throw grenades, bombard with howitzers, bombard with field artillery, and then rush in and use pistols, bayonets, and waist knives to solve the battle!

This fight, although the progress is slow, but the effect is very good!

To be honest, in Li Xuan's view, the defense system developed by the Zuobiao Army is too advanced!

It is beyond this era!

In the days when there were no machine guns and no barbed wire, it was useful for you to build trenches, but to be honest, it was far less useful than a bastion!

Even the city wall is better than this kind of field fortifications to a certain extent!

At least for the city wall, if the Tang Army wants to break through, it really can only rely on forcibly charging!

At the beginning, in the Battle of Qishui, the Tang Army was unfamiliar with this defense system, but now that I think about it, after finding a countermeasure, this defense system was instantly disintegrated.

In the face of today's Datang Army, even if it is a bastion, it can take some time to knock it down, not to mention these wild fortresses and trenches.

Taking ten thousand steps back, if the Datang Army was willing to pay a certain amount of casualties and they rushed over directly, then it would basically be over!

The generals who inspected the left army also noticed that something was wrong. They fought well a few days ago, and the pseudo-Tang bandit army rushed forward as stupidly as they expected.

But now, it has become civil work, and after solving the battle with explosions, they are stunned!

One by one, the trenches were lost, and the humble fortresses were conquered!

In the end, they found that they did not cause too many casualties to the opposing Pseudo-Tang thieves, but they killed and injured a lot of people on their own!

The casualty ratio is three to one!

And this casualty ratio is not even much lower than the frontal field battle between the two sides!

Come on, **** it up!

So Du Danqing quickly adjusted his direction. Since he can't play by relying on the fortress trench, let's continue to play the turtle speed tactics!

Abandon the peripheral positions directly and retreat to the vicinity of the city wall!

This is to restore the decline a little bit!

However, at this time, Du Danqing suddenly got a piece of news that made him less wonderful!

At least 20,000 pseudo-Tang thieves crossed the Yangtze River, and the regiment wind behind him landed!

Although Du Danqing had already anticipated that he might be surrounded by the pseudo-Tang bandit army when he decided to stick to Huangzhou, he originally expected that the pseudo-Tang bandit army would bypass the Huangzhou line and enter from the northeast. Trying to surround himself, for this, he also prepared a heavy army in that area.

But I didn't expect that these pseudo-Tang thieves would land another landing operation!

This time, he deeply felt that after losing the cover of the navy, how uncomfortable it was to rely on his own supervising the left army to fight. If he knew earlier, he should have supported the navy and let them build a better army. many ships.

It’s a pity that the current supervising navy has already existed in name only, and has long been swept away by the Yangtze River Fleet of the Puppet Tang Bandit Army. Now almost the entire middle reaches of the Yangtze River are dominated by the Puppet Tang Bandit Army Yangtze River Fleet.

With them there, these pseudo-Tang thieves almost landed there if they wanted to, and if they wanted to withdraw, they would withdraw.

Just like the previous puppet Tang 1st Infantry Division landed and attacked Huangzhou, and then quickly retreated by boat after unsuccessful!

Come as you want, and leave as you want, this is what the Puppet Tang Bandit Army can do by relying on the Yangtze River Fleet.

But he, Du Danqing, can't do it!

After thinking about it for a long time, he ordered to go down, and immediately sent someone to report to Lord Zhang Yue in Hanyang, and at the same time asked them to send reinforcements to cooperate with his counterattack.

If there is a chance, it is best to attack the front and back of the two, and annihilate this pseudo-Tang thief army who boldly landed behind him.

In fact, he also thought about giving up Huangzhou directly and then withdrawing to Hanyang, but his reason told him that this was impossible.

If it was a day ago, he still had the opportunity to give up Huangzhou and withdraw Hanyang, but now, this opportunity is gone.

Because the pseudo-Tang bandit army is already blocked in the group wind!

As soon as he retreats, the pseudo-Tang thief army in front of Wang Chaohong will definitely catch up. At that time, he will become attacked by the front and rear, and he will still be attacked on the way to escape. Just think about that situation. To think, we all know that it is absolutely catastrophic.

It is better to continue to stick to the front line of Huangzhou, and then wait for the supervision of the Chinese army to come to help!

He has the confidence to rely on the Huangzhou defense line for at least a month!

As long as he is firmly nailed to Huangzhou, he can at least contain more than 80,000 pseudo-Tang thieves, and the 50,000 Tang thief Wang Chaohong in front of him can't even move!

This is enough for Master Zhang Yue to mobilize his troops for a counter-offensive.

In order to increase his persuasive power and show his determination, he wrote a letter himself and told Zhang Yue that he would stick to Huangzhou, block and contain the main force of the pseudo-Tang thief army for the army, wait for the supervisor to lead the army source, and then attack back and forth. In one fell swoop, the pseudo-Tang thief army landed on the regiment Fengsuo, laying the foundation for the victory of this defensive counterattack operation!

When Du Danqing sent someone to send the handwritten letter Pegasus back to Hanyang!

Lieutenant General Chen Keqiao also stepped off the bow and set foot on the land of Huangzhou Prefecture!

The place they chose to land was not very good, it was just a wasteland, but there was no way. There was no suitable large-scale dock in this ghost place, and they could only choose this flat wasteland for landing.

Fortunately, Master Wang of the Tang Dynasty has played landing operations many times, and he is already very familiar with the landing operations. In the early stage of the landing, a group of specially modified small transport ships directly washed the not only delivered The first batch of soldiers landed, and it also became a temporary trestle, and then a few converted medium-sized ships ran aground directly close to the shore.

Immediately, engineers used the hulls of these beached ships to build temporary docks on the spot, and began to load and unload other artillery, vehicles and even horses on the ships.

Every day, the 11th Infantry Division under Chen Keqiao came ashore with all the weapons and equipment, and easily blocked the counterattack of some Ming troops stationed in the Tuanfeng area.

When Chen Keqiao got off the ship and landed on land, he did not wait for the 12th Infantry Division to start loading and unloading, and he led the 11th Infantry Division to the center of the area: Tuanfengji.

Taking advantage of their absolute strength, they quickly defeated the three thousand governors garrisoned there, drove them to the south of Huangzhou Fucheng, and occupied this small market town.

Immediately, Chen Keqiao erected the signboard of his Fifth Army Headquarters in this small market town!

At this point, the Zuo Army, the supervisor of the front line in Huangzhou, has completely fallen into the strategic encirclement of the Datang Army!

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