Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 979: Adhere to immigration for 100 years without wavering!

The troubles encountered by the Immigration and Reclamation Division are not one or two, but many. The first is the problem of funds. Although Li Xuan has already formulated a huge financial budget of 10 million taels in the next few years, It is used to specifically support the resettlement work.

But the money looks like a lot, but it's actually not enough.

Think about it, the immigration plan of the Immigration and Reclamation Division is not tens of thousands of people, but a huge immigration plan with a scale of more than one million people, or even more people. Otherwise, why would Li Xuan prepare ten million people?

Since he spent 10 million yuan, he will see huge results!

On average, the financial subsidy that an immigrant can get is actually only a few taels of silver!

Then, don’t think that all the money will be directly distributed to the immigrants. How can there be such a good thing? In fact, a considerable part of the 10 million taels of silver will be used to purchase land to resettle immigrants and build simple resettlement houses for new immigrants. , to prepare for them preliminary rations, agricultural tools, cattle, seeds and other things.

Among them, building houses, preparing rations, farm tools, cattle and seeds, as well as some road expenses, these are not few.

Relatively speaking, the cost of purchasing land only occupies a very small part.

Maybe you still have questions, why do you need to buy land when you go to the barren mountains and forests to reclaim?

Or else?

This land is owned by the owner. How can we resettle the immigrants if we don't buy it?

Although the land used to resettle immigrants will all be wasteland, but even if it is the land of barren mountains and forests, it is owned by the owner. If it does not belong to a private name, then it belongs to the government!

At present, the Tang Dynasty government is the largest landowner in the Tang Dynasty. They accepted all the clan land in the former Ming Dynasty, most of the land and official fields in the former Ming high official family, so that the current Tang Dynasty government, owns About 30% of all cultivated land in the current Datang ruled area.

And not to mention the wasteland, all of them are owned by the government!

The wasteland where the migrants are resettled seems to be an uninhabited barren area, but don’t think that these wastelands are ownerless. Except for the land with clear private ownership, other lands, lakes, oceans, rivers, etc. are all owned by the government.

So even if you run into the deep mountains and old forests, and there is no one around for thousands of miles, then you can't just draw a circle and say that this place belongs to you!

This place belongs to the government!

Or to use a more accurate description, even if you have land with a title deed, but the land is not yours, then whose land is it?

It is the Holy Son of Heaven!

There is no king's land under the whole world, and there is no king's ministers on the coast of leading the land. Not to mention the land under your name, even if it is you, it belongs to the emperor!

In the law revised by the Tang Dynasty, this sentence was written in seriousness, and through this, the bright and great, greater than the sun, the Son of Heaven declared to all known and unknown lands and peoples Take ownership!

Perhaps this explanation is not easy to understand. To put it simply, even if it is a land that you imagined but does not really exist, it belongs to the Son of God, and the people there are also subjects of the Son of God!

When you understand the meaning of the words under the laws of the Tang Dynasty, there is no king's land in the world, and no king and ministers are the coast of the land, then you will understand why the Tang Dynasty's territory map published by the Royal Publishing House of the Tang Dynasty , there are only provincial and regional boundaries, but there are no national boundaries, and you will know why there are large blanks in areas outside the provinces of the Tang Dynasty today.

Because if you delineate national borders, you will basically deny this sentence. How dare you say that Europe, Southeast Asia, America, Africa, and even the entire earth are not the Son of Heaven?

If you dare to think so, it means denying the sanctity of the Son of Heaven. This is a great political mistake and absolutely intolerable.

Under this background, even those barren mountains and wild forests belong to the official land, so in order to resettle the migrants, it is necessary to spend money on the government to purchase land.

Of course, this price is very low. According to the regulations, new immigrants can buy a nominal amount of wasteland in the officially owned wasteland at a nominal price of a few pennies. money.

To resettle so many immigrants requires a lot of land, but the total cost in this regard will not exceed 100,000 taels of silver.

However, if immigrants buy wasteland at such a low price, it is limited in quantity. If the quantity exceeds the limit, although it is also allowed to buy, it needs to be purchased at the normal market price.

At the same time, reclamation of these wastelands can also get tax incentives for reclamation orders.

The land issue is easy to solve, but the cattle, farm tools and seeds are not easy to solve. In the six years of Xuanping, the resettlement and reclamation department received 1.2 million taels of silver, but it was still far from enough. Due to the scale of the resettlement If it is too large, the Immigration and Reclamation Division cannot even make it possible for every immigrant household to get a free house, let alone farming cattle, and even farming tools are relatively lacking.

After many immigrants arrived in the locality, although they obtained the land directly distributed by the government for free, and the amount was not small, the difficulty of reclamation was too great. In the absence of cattle and high-quality metal agricultural tools, many immigrant families It is the whole family, young and old, who go into battle and open up wasteland in the fields every day. However, it is still difficult to open up too many wasteland.

It is difficult to open up wasteland, which means that the food harvested next year will be insufficient. Although there are tax exemptions for the first three years for these immigrants, even so, the food they planted in the first year of wasteland development is not enough for them to eat.

In addition to the shortage of itself and materials, the Immigration and Reclamation Division also reported two other problems. One is that the migrants are not acclimatized to the soil and water. The casualty rate has remained high on the way and after arriving at the destination.

Migrants from the traditional Central Plains with more people and less land, that is, northern Anhui, Henan, Shandong and other regions to Hunan are better. Although there are some unaccustomed to the soil and water, it is not too troublesome, but the immigrants who migrated to the Guangdong and Guangxi regions are It is difficult to adapt to the local climate. At the same time, the migrants generally lack medical care and medicine, so the casualty rate is quite high.

Finally, there is a more important question: the homeland is hard to leave!

When they recruited immigrants, many people were reluctant to leave their hometowns and go thousands of miles or even thousands of miles away to open up wasteland.

Even if they go there, the land will be distributed to them, and even if the immigration settlement department will send them to their destination, they don't have to spend a penny on the way.

Even though these people live in poverty and poverty in their hometown, they have no land of their own and cannot afford to eat, but they are still full of fear of the far distance and are unwilling to leave their familiar hometown.

Li Xuan can be said to attach great importance to these issues raised by the Immigration and Reclamation Division!

After immigrating to the locality, life is difficult and it is difficult to open up wasteland. The best solution to this problem is to increase the expenditure. If you have money, everything is easy to do, but the financial resources are limited.

, all aspects have to use money, naturally it is impossible to say that the increase in immigration investment can increase.

Under the circumstance that it was impossible for the central government to increase funds, Li Xuan felt that it was necessary for the local yamen to fully assume their responsibilities. They could not rely on the central government's financial appropriation for everything. The local yamen also needed to have money to contribute, and to contribute vigorously.

In particular, local yamen at the source and destination of accepting immigrants and organizing immigrants, when organizing immigrants, the local yamen needs to provide necessary financial support. It is also a great relief, and it is natural to pay some price for this.

And the place that accepts immigrants is even more so. A large group of immigrants came to you, and they will be the people of your jurisdiction in the future. You can't ignore it.

In fact, things like immigration should have been led by the central government and assisted by the local government. Now it is better. The immigration and reclamation department has everything covered, and the local yamen is watching the play on the side, as if it has nothing to do with me.

This situation cannot continue like this!

As for the problem of acclimatization, there is no way. Who made China so big? The climate and environment of the Central Plains and the South are naturally very different, and the only thing that can be done is to provide medicine as much as possible.

As for the provision of medicine, it is also inseparable from the support of the local yamen. Otherwise, even if Li Xuan sent all the imperial doctors out, it would not be enough.

In the end, is it difficult to leave the homeland? In Li Xuan's view, this is not a big problem!

Saying that the homeland is inseparable is all nonsense!

People go to high places, water flows to low places; people move to live, trees move to death!

When you are down and out, you are not willing to leave your hometown and eat in a new place. It is nothing but cowardice!

Just like after the reform and opening up in later generations, some people are willing to go out to see the outside world and fight for their future, while some people are full of fear of the outside world, for fear that they don’t know how to deal with it when they go out!

Therefore, Li Xuan has nothing to say about this situation, whether he loves it or not, and if he doesn't want to pull it down!

As long as the Immigration and Reclamation Division does a good job of propaganda and guidance, when necessary, the Datang Chaobao will also cooperate to a certain There is no need to make too much reaction.

In places with more people and less land, more landless peasants will go, and there will always be people who are willing to go to new places to start a new life, while some people are unwilling to leave their hometown, so they will not leave. No longer, Li Xuan did not say that he would immigrate all the population of a certain place!

There are so many places under the Tang Dynasty, more places with more people and less land, and more places with less people and more land. At present, enough immigrants and wasteland can always be found, and some people are inseparable from their homeland. Willingness to emigrate is not really a big problem.

Regarding the many problems of the Immigration and Reclamation Division, Li Xuan, on the way to Hanyang, specially held a meeting of the Imperial Cabinet on the imperial ship and made important instructions: All departments and local yamen in Gyeonggi should regard immigration affairs as the empire's future century-old plan. do it!

Finally, he reiterated the keynote of immigration policy, that is: insist on immigrating for a hundred years without wavering!

Li Xuan convened a royal cabinet meeting specifically for this pair of immigration affairs, and also directly emphasized a certain argument in the royal cabinet meeting, which is rare.

But every time this happens, the courtiers know that the Son of Heaven takes this matter very seriously!

The Son of Heaven attaches importance to it, and the courtiers will naturally pay more attention, and will move forward along the path pointed out by the Son of Heaven!

So it didn't take long for the latest issue of the Tang Dynasty newspaper, the **** headline on the front page, was the original words of the Son of Heaven at the cabinet meeting: Persevere in immigration for a hundred years!

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