"Aaaaah! Groove! Datumu Kaguya, if I were gone, I wouldn't let you go!!

"Kaguya Otsuki! Are you really upset and kind!! Master, master save me!! "

Master! Kill Kaguya Otoki soon! We may still have a chance... Aaaaaah! My body, my body, what's wrong with this?!


pinned his head with a black face, and he really couldn't look directly at the group of dirt buns under his hand. He looked down at his hand and noticed that his originally straight forearm had a strange curve.

Because the closer it gets to the black hole, the gravitational pull is also increasing.

Objects, light, and even space are becoming distorted.

But interestingly, these distortions didn't break anything, and Yuki didn't even feel the slightest pain. That is, the group of blood demons who have never seen the world have been shouting, and the true red stars and vampires are always calm... Finish?!

"The host! My chest, my chest is gone! Woooo!! "It's Yukito who said this, in the Blood Nest Girl Army, her scale has always been at the bottom, even a little worse than Kaguya-hime.

Seeing that gravity distorted his original material, the humanoid big cat exploded on the spot.

Nonoyu held her son, her face was as dark as Yuki, if it wasn't inconvenient to reach out, she really wanted to give Yukito a violent slap.

This guy lost his life!

Of course, Kaguya-hime didn't care what others said about her at all, and this kind of scene was trivial to her. I think that in order to deal with the chasers of the Datumu clan, she launched Infinite Moon Reading, and there were more than this people who pointed at her nose and scolded.

"Hmph, a group of ants..." Kaguya-hime snorted coldly, and then turned her gaze all to Yuki.

It is worthy of being her favorite man, and the first time she entered the jump point, she did not panic at all. When Kaguya-hime was the first time, she was so scared that her legs went soft.

What she didn't know was... Even if all the people in Crimson Fort die, including Yuki, they will have a chance to make a comeback.

The vitality of a vampire is not that simple.

So Yuki is not panicking, and the vampires who follow him are also not panicking. After all, the leaders are so powerful, as a subordinate, how can you not be humiliated~

As the scarlet castle slowly sank into the black hole, for a moment, everything was silent and dark.

Even if there are people around who are talking, they can't spread it at all, let alone see something.

Yuki slowly closed his eyes, holding the pill in both hands, carefully experiencing the feeling of being in a black hole.

It is a void that completely shields all perceptions, every organ in the body seems to no longer belong to itself, the extreme silence pulls the sense of time to the maximum, and every second seems to be as long as a whole year.

The complete loss of control was an experience Yuki had not experienced in a long time, and instead of feeling angry and anxious, he was full of curiosity.

Is it how it feels to be in a black hole?

It's really wonderful~

I don't know how long this sense of nothingness will last, maybe for a moment, or for a long time?

For vampires, time is the least valuable thing, and he, along with his vampires and blood demons, is fully qualified to die in this void.

It is....... Not being able to see Satomi-chan born was a real pain.

The next time we meet, we need to prepare some gifts for her, right? What is the best thing to prepare? What would she like?

Yes! Speaking of which, do you want to prepare a dowry for Satomi?

By the way, how are Kotakuya and Nonoyu now? It is estimated that Takuya should be fine, how can such a powerful bloodline power lose to such a place?

Yushu is a big abnormality, and normal people will panic in this situation. Like him, the mind is divergent, and all kinds of strange ideas keep popping up.

From Satomi's gifts and dowry, I thought about whether to let Sasuke join him or let Satomi follow him in the future, and finally thought that my marriage had not yet taken place......

You know, the other blood demons and vampires are already going crazy.

I don't know how long it took, Yuki was in a trance, and a blinding light suddenly appeared in front of his eyes, shaking his eyes with pain.

He subconsciously spread his palm to cover his face, only to find that his arm had returned to its original state.

So...... This is where it comes out?

Yuki turned his head to look around, and his face instantly collapsed, because everyone present fell except him, Nonoyu who was holding the child, and Kaguya-hime.

Kaguya-hime didn't seem to have anything at all, and even glanced at Yuki suspiciously, her small eyes as if asking: What is the situation? How did everyone fall?

Ye Naiyu and her son are also abnormal, Xiao Takuya needless to say, completely unaffected by the void, and now still "quack" Naole.

As for Ye Naiyu, she was full of sons in her heart, and this worry made her completely ignore the impact of the void.

Now the little prince is fine, but if he has a little problem....

Nonoyu's eyes narrowed slightly, and his gaze staring at Kaguyahime was full of vigilance and killing intent. If her son is injured a little, she must kill Datuki Kaguya to death!!

Yuki sensed Nono-woo's killing intent, and seemed to block this sight with his body at will, and Asano Noyu shook his head slightly.

So many people in the blood nest are floating in the starry sky, according to the current situation, it is not suitable to turn faces with Kaguya-hime, without her, I am afraid that it will be a problem for them to go back.

"Oh !!"

Yuki slammed his staff knife the ground, making a crisp popping sound. The sound was like a loud bell, awakening the surrounding vampires and blood demons.

The vampires, especially the few True Red Stars, were ashamed and thought that they had disgraced the Blood Nest.

Qimu Shuomao, who was recognized as the strongest, couldn't even lift his head, and what he had just experienced in the void reminded him of the day he died, and this taste was really uncomfortable.

Seeing the appearance of his subordinates, Yushu was angry and roared angrily with his cane knife.

"Lift my head up for me! Look at you guys, what it looks like?! Isn't it through a black hole, as for such a lost soul??? All of you present, one counts one, all of them are immortals, how can they be easily defeated by something of this level of the Void?! "

Next... We want to avoid the right enemy being much more terrifying than the Void, and if you are timid here, then give me a quick turn and roll back now!" Don't drag the back legs of the blood nest!! "


Yuki's speech was like a lion's roar, which was deafening, and it was very unpleasant to hear the hearts of everyone in the blood nest present.

Yes, I can't stand up straight here, how do I face the murderous and tough Datumu clan next?

Thinking like this, the vampires and blood demons slowly got up, and the look in their eyes gradually became murderous.

Yuki nodded in satisfaction, "Well, it's good! Kaguya, you can point us to the location of the giant tubular Juna.

Kaguya-hime bowed and said in a soft voice, "Concubine understands, Yushu-kun, wait a minute, our next stop is the gatekeeper of the big barrel of the wood mother star, that's a group... What about the interesting guy~

" "Oh? Is it interesting? The corners of Yuki's mouth turned up slightly, revealing a hint of a smile, seeing his boss laughing like this, the vampires and blood demons below also began to laugh viciously.



These guys are all villains, right?!

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