Vampire's Slice Of Life

807 Prideful Mayzin

Once Mayzin was fed properly, Lith took her to do some more activities.

They tried painting together and at first, they were doing it side by side, but with Lith trying to tickle Mayzin with his paintbrush, Mayzin got annoyed and made him sit on a chair.

She used him as a model to finish this painting activity. It was pretty realistic whatever she made and also looked really good.

Lith was amazed by it and wanted to award Mayzin, but she declined affection and stuck to a simple hug.

It was then Lith's turn to make a painting and for that, he made Mayzin lay down on a couch in a sexy position, having her flaunt her sexy curves.

Mayzin was against doing this, but with Lith telling her she was his date and had to do whatever he asked of, she snorted and did it.

Lith then made seductive expressions while painting Mayzin and made her wonder just what the hell was going on in his perverted brain.

It took Lith almost half an hour to paint Mayzin and after he was done, he nodded in contentment and stored the painting in his ring.

Mayzin knitted her brows when she noticed this.

What happened next was her getting into a fight with Lith to see the painting as he didn't let her see it.

Without any surprise, Lith got suppressed as it was nigh impossible to store things in a spatial ring or dimension when in front of a Space Path Demigod like his aunt.

Mayzin made Lith lay flat on the couch and sat on his back to suppress him. She then took out the painting and having a look at it, almost stumbled and fell down due to the shock.

In the painting, there was no lewd or sexy thing… No… there wasn't anything remotely close to Mayzin or her pose.

What was in the painting was a chibi painting of a purple dragon snoring on a pillow. It was comical and cute, but…

For this he made Mayzin pose like that for thirty damn minutes!?

Mayzin was annoyed once again, but she didn't do anything other than sit on Lith for thirty minutes and let the day pass faster.

What Lith made wasn't worthy of punishment and heck, it was even really cute, Mayzin would give him that. But, she had mixed feelings for this.

She was happy to see herself be portrayed so cutely, she was also happy to see Lith not draw anything lewd regarding her, but at the same time, she was a bit disappointed to not see herself be drawn sexily.

Which woman wouldn't herself be seen as a treasure? Nature gave them curves to flaunt, it would be criminal to not do so.

Mayzin wanted to know which curves of hers Lith liked, but seeing how he didn't paint anything, it felt disappointing.

Mayzin was well aware of what she was feeling and her thoughts. She hadn't fallen for Lith, but these were her honest thoughts.

Mayzin had realized after the kayaking that she was putting up a mental resistance against her own nephew. It was not a good thing for multiple reasons.

The first and the most important one: It was a sign of weakness.

Putting up a barrier meant Mayzin was afraid of Lith. Afraid that he would steal her heart and make her fall.

Mayzin had great confidence in herself that she wouldn't fall for a kid, but she ended up putting up a mental barrier to avoid that instead of just letting things flow.

This was weakness and weakness disgusted Mayzin.

She was a prideful dragon and such things didn't suit her.

After this went through her mind, Mayzin got a great clarity of things and became calm.

She looked at things from a different perspective and by the end, realized just how much effort Lith was putting in.

She didn't know if he really loved her or just wanted to bed her because she was a hot milf, but whatever the case, his efforts should be appreciated.

Mayzin planned to thank him for this date later, but what she would give him as a thanks all depended on what he would do throughout the day.

If he annoyed her, then no thank you gift for him. He can go home empty-handed for all Mayzin knows.

In any case, after the thirty minutes were over, Lith told Mayzin that her butt wasn't soft like a lady's, but rock hard and that she should do something about it.

Mayzin's eyes twitched upon hearing that, but she didn't comment on it and asked him what was next.

Lith took her to do some pottery when she asked that. They were supposed to make amazing clay pots here, but Lith just didn't let Mayzin do it peacefully.

Everything Mayzin's clay would take the shape of a cylinder, Lith would comment 'dildo' and other things, making her uncomfortable and annoyed.

The clay indeed looked like a dildo before getting shaped into a pot, but that was a part of the process and not something nsfw.

While Mayzin made pots, Lith made many dildo shapes, but whenever Mayzin tried to comment something about it, he would immediately turn it into a pot and make her shut up.

This went on for quite a while and Mayzin's annoyance peaked at Lith's gimmicks.

Lith on the other hand had the time of his life and laughed his ass off.

By the end of day, Lith did many more weird things with Mayzin such as catch caterpillars, make pigs fly, ride hogs, and so on.

Catching caterpillars, Mayzin thought nothing should go wrong here, but that was literally a flag she raise as the moment she was close to catching a beautify caterpillar, Lith appeared beside her and said,

"Hmm… aunt… that hairy caterpillar… how would it feel if it were to roam on one's nipples?"

This comment made Mayzin's nipples tingle and she was really ashamed of herself to have such a reaction.

Mayzin didn't reply to Lith on that, but her slightly flushed face gave away her reaction and made Lith chuckle.

Thus, after a lot of activities, the day came to an end and so did their date.

Lith and Mayzin were sitting beside each other at the edge of a tall cliff, looking at the setting sun.

They didn't speak and just enjoyed each other's company for a while.

"It was fun."

Mayzin broke the silence after the sun finally set and said in a soft voice.

Lith leaned to the side, putting his head on Mayzin's shoulder, and didn't say anything in response.

Sometimes, not saying anything was… everything.

Mayzin, feeling Lith's head on her shoulder, couldn't help but pat his head in response.

No matter what Lith did, at the end of the day, he was still her nephew and really young too.

Mayzin considered her nieces to be little girls so there was no way she wouldn't think of Lith as a kid.

Though, among the three, Lith seemed more mature than those and Mayzin had a slightly hard time trying to think of him as a kid and not someone older than her two nieces.

It was due to this fact that Mayzin would sometimes be harsh on Lith, forgetting that he was still really immature and young.

In the last decade, Mayzin's training had really been merciless and sucked every bit of potential out of Lith.

If it were someone else in his place, they would've really died, but Lith persisted and finished the training.

Mayzin was proud of him for that, but also felt somewhat guilty.

It was due to her forgetting that Lith was far too young did she expect him to do everything properly and not mess up.

Shockingly though, Lith really did not mess up and did everything correctly, going above her expectations.

Mayzin was impressed, really very much, and thus took Lith more seriously from then on.

It was one of the reasons why she went on a date with Lith right after his training was over. This boy had earned it with his hard work and denying him of such a thing meant insulting his hard work.

In any case, Mayzin was happy with everything that has happened till now and she was looking forward to Lith's bright future.

While lost in her thoughts, Mayzin unknowingly tilted her head to the side and rested it on top of Lith's.

The two stayed in that position for a while and then Lith commented, "The date is over."

"Hm-mhm." Mayzin hummed in agreement.

Staying in the same cozy position, Lith continued, "Penalties are yet to be served."

Mayzin, with her eyes closed, said calmly, "Stop ruining good moments every damn time."

Lith smiled in response. "That's impossible."

Mayzin sneered, but then, still not getting up from her position, said, "Stay like this for ten more minutes and don't speak, or I'll consider all penalties as null."

"Tch. Okay." Lith clicked his tongue.

The two then stayed like that for a while more and eventually, it was time for Mayzin to serve her penalties.

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