"Where did you come from? There is no such person as you in the organization's information."

Nangong Yue, who was wearing magic attire, looked up at the battle between Deidara and Kazekage Gaara, and responded symbolically,

"How could my information appear? No matter how excellent the organization is, there is no way that there is information about a newcomer in the files~"


(The ninja world is only in this small place, and there is information that is absolutely undetectable?

Looking at this guy's outfit, he can't really be some damn alien, right? ! )"

The Red Sand Scorpion secretly cursed that he was not a talkative person. It seemed that this inexplicable guy had no intention of talking for the time being, so he continued to look up at Deidara's battle.

"Hmm...that blond kid playing with clay bombs, can't he explode the sand?"

"What? Do you have any idea?"

"Yes... However, both sides are not taking any serious action now. I will wait until your companion comes up with a trick.

Anyway, I have something to do with the leader of your organization, and we don’t want to wait too long. "

Hearing this, the Red Sand Scorpion was also very curious about this young man's methods, and then, he was really impatient to wait.

Above the Sand Ninja Village...

After Gaara's sand chased Deidara for more than five minutes, it suddenly accelerated without warning and successfully entangled Deidara's left hand!

Deidara tried hard to use various bombs, but in the end he failed to blow up the sand wrapped around his arm, and Gaara crushed him and tore off his left arm.

However, this attack left hidden dangers for Gaara.

Because the sand that crushed Deidara's left arm was the "absolute defense" sand that Gaara had nourished with chakra all year round.

And Deidara, when his left arm was entangled, mixed a large amount of his own chakra into the sand, as well as a lot of explosive clay!

With Gaara's fighting method, once this part of the sand is recycled and wrapped around himself as a protective shield, then something big will happen to Gaara...

Deidara gritted his teeth and endured the pain and flew high into the sky. At the cost of an arm, Deidara barely adapted to Gaara's current attack speed, and the two sides were in a stalemate again.

"I have to find a way to get the sand that separated from the 'eggshell' back... otherwise my left arm will be in vain... Hmm."

Deidara, who was constantly avoiding Gaara's sand tracking in the sky, swallowed a large amount of explosive clay from the bag on his waist with the mouth on the palm of his hand.

In the process of avoiding it, he made a clay bomb that was bigger than a human head before it was enlarged by magic!

Standing on the back of the giant clay bird and looking down, Deidara showed what he thought was a cruel smile...

"Hmm hum hum hum...

Thinking about it, it would be better to just destroy the village. Um. "

After making the decision, he controlled the giant bird under his feet and flew to the sky above the center of the Sand Ninja Village, and it was still high enough for him to easily dodge the sand attack.

Just at this time, Gaara's teacher also ordered the ninjas in Sand Ninja Village to get their long-range attack equipment and come to assist their Kazekage-sama.

Therefore, under the bomb, most of the ninjas in Suna Ninja Village have gathered! ! !

"Are you harassing me from below... It's really disappointing~


Deidara just flew to the same height as Gaara, and looked at Gaara who was squatting in the 'Absolute Defense' in the distance.

"I'm tired of seeing your expressionless face. Hmm."

At the same time, Deidara dropped the 'artwork' in his hand.


As Deidara cast the spell, the clay bomb that was originally the size of a human head instantly turned into a giant bomb larger than a three-story bungalow! ! !

While the bombs are falling,

"The clay eaten on the hand is mixed with chakra to create an explosive clay doll.

Among them, the trump card is the 'C3' mixed with my highest level of chakra. It is the most explosive artistic masterpiece that I can be proud of! ! ! "

At the entrance of Sand Ninja Village, Nangong Yue, who was looking at the bomb, also saw the right time to take action.

Under the confusion of the Red Sand Scorpion, Nangong Yue did not make any move, and still had his hands in his pockets, but...

"Definition, the impact is on the top, the yellow sand is in the middle, and the energy is on the bottom."


Just before the bomb was about to explode, all those who were proficient in perception could not help but tremble!

Even if they don't have the ability to perceive, anyone who has practiced Chakra will feel a chill behind them, especially the Red Sand Scorpion next to Nangong Yue!

Because, at this moment, an extremely huge invisible energy enveloped the entire Sand Ninja Village! ! !

‘This...what is this? ! ! ! ! ! ’

Deidara, who was high in the sky, was different. From his intuition, he felt that this invisible fluctuation was a good thing for him!

"Too late... Explode!!!"

boom! ! ! ! ! ! !

This clay bomb, which was enough to blow up the entire Suna Ninja Village, fully exerted its power with the blessing of 'priority'!

Even in the end, Gaara used a large amount of sand to make a shield that was enough to cover half of the Sand Ninja Village. Because the sand mixed with chakra could not withstand the impact of the bomb explosion, it instead acted as shrapnel from the bomb! ! !

What was even more fatal for Gaara was that while he was constructing the Sand Shield, one of Deidara's clay birds successfully flew to the hole in the 'eggshell'.

At the critical moment, Gaara recovered the part of the sand he had separated, rounded the sand ball to protect himself, and reluctantly stopped the explosion of the flying bird.


boom! ! !

There was a muffled sound, and the sand ball, which was the same height as Deidara, suddenly expanded, and then quickly floated away as if it had lost its restraint...

Chapter 176

Originally, the 'sand armor' covering Gaara's body was enough to ensure that he would not be seriously injured.

However, 'Priority' had tampered with the rules. His 'Sand Armor' had no resistance at all to the explosion of several small bomb spiders that Deidara mixed into his sand, and was directly blown into coma...

What a risk, Deidara didn't mix too much explosive clay bomb, otherwise their team's mission would have failed!

After the aftermath of the C3 explosion dissipated, the entire Sand Ninja Village was silent. It seemed that the damage was considerable.

Deidara also felt a little strange about this. Originally, his giant bomb was only used to divert Gaara's attention.

The result...seemed to be too smooth.

"Hmm...that kind of fluctuation just now, did someone help me?

Forget it, the mission is still important. Um. "

Being an optimist, he held the idea that "he is the one who benefits anyway, so there is no need to think so much", he controlled the giant clay bird under his feet, used the bird's tail to sweep away the unconscious Gaara, and headed towards the entrance of the Sand Ninja Village. Flying everywhere~.

Entrance to Sand Ninja Village...

At this time, the Red Sand Scorpion was a little confused. He also knew what Deidara's C3 was.

Logically speaking, it should be impossible to blow up such a large sand shield, but in the end, there was no resistance at all? !

Then, he recalled what the mysterious young man next to him had said before, 'The impact is above, the yellow sand is in the middle, and the energy is below.' He felt a little unbelievable for a moment.

Because this is simply a tampering with the rules of physics! Is it possible that there is such a foul ninjutsu? !

As for Nangong Yue, he could read his thoughts at the moment from the mental fluctuations of the Red Sand Scorpion, but he was too lazy to explain.

Because what happens next is even more incredible to the Red Sand Scorpion.

I saw Nangong Yue snap his fingers, and Deidara, together with the flying bird wrapped around Gaara, teleported in front of the two of them!

"What the hell?!"

Bang! ! !

Haha... After moving over, the bird's head was downwards. Deidara didn't react and fell directly to the ground...

Under the complex look of the Red Sand Scorpion, Deidara got up with a mouth full of sand and looked unhappy. He looked up and saw Nangong Yue looking at him teasingly.

"Cough cough cough... ( # ` Pan')

You damn brat! It was you who did it, right? ! Go to hell! ! ! "

Deidara, who was still a bit childish, lost his vigilance because he made a fool of himself and completed the task perfectly. Without comparing the gap between the two sides, he just rushed towards Nangong Yue with his kunai...

"Gravity is on top, the human body is on the bottom~"

boom! ! !

The sudden abnormal gravity directly pushed Deidara to the ground again...

But this time, Deidara regained his rationality because he was subdued by Nangong Yue. Because he did not sense any malice, he immediately looked up at the Red Sand Scorpion with an unhappy expression.

"I said, Brother Scorpion...where did this annoying kid come from?!

New to the organization? "

The Crimson Sand Scorpion hiding in Fei Liuhu remained silent for a few seconds, controlled the puppet, and replied with a hoarse voice,

“This guy said he was looking for our leader, and suddenly he appeared next to me.

Sorry, it seems I can't do anything to him, I can only let him come.

However, didn’t he help you just now? "

Having said this, Red Sand Scorpion looked at Nangong Yue who was leisurely exploring information about Sand Ninja Village.

"Speaking of which, kid, your spells are amazing, you just seem to have tampered with the rules.

Also, why don’t you introduce yourself, the so-called outsider? "

Hearing this, Nangong Yue, who was still facing the Fengying Building in the distance and had almost finished collecting the information here, gave a brief introduction.

“Nangong Yue, just call me Nangong.

Scorpion... help me keep a check on this irritable brat. After all, I want to make friends with your organization. Maybe I will become a colleague in the future~ It is not a good time to have a stalemate. "

As he spoke, a strange wave flashed across Nangong Yue's body, and then Deidara discovered that the centipede clay bomb he had just secretly arranged underground was no longer under his control! ! !

Sensing Deidara's mental fluctuations, Nangong Yue continued to look in the direction of Fengying Building...

"No matter how exquisite the technique is, it will have no effect without energy.

What's more, your detonating clay is not complicated in terms of the composition of the technique, it's just that you use it more subtly.

However, no matter how excellent your skills are, if the technique is not effective, it is simply useless. "

Deidara, who was lying on the ground, was extremely unhappy and a little surprised.

“Isn’t this the boss’s technique?!

Moreover, you don’t need to rely on your hands to activate it? ! "

At this point, Nangong Yue had finished reading the magic information of Sand Ninja Village. It was time to set off, so he let Deidara go.


With a snap of his fingers, Deidara found that the gravity on his body had disappeared, and he quickly flashed back to the flying bird. At the same time, he reached into the bag on his waist with one hand, preparing to create another flying bird to take away the Red Sand Scorpion.

However, Nangong Yue was not going to waste time and asked the Red Sand Scorpion directly,

"Do you have the coordinates? I'll give you a ride. After we finish our work here, we still need to go shopping."

The Red Sand Scorpion did not speak, but just stared at Nangong Yue. It seemed that he did not trust this powerful stranger at all. Nangong Yue could only sigh.

Since the two people didn't answer, Nangong Yue had no choice but to read it himself. He used his mental power to cooperate with the 'Words of Expression' to find their gathering place. Then,

"Definition, the human body is on top and the space is on the bottom."

The two people's eyes widened in shock, and they saw Nangong Yue using his fingers to draw a space crack as high as one person in the void!

"come in..."

"Huh?!!! You kid, you actually read my mind?! Don't go too far!!!"

Nangong Yue ignored the Red Sand Scorpion who was about to take action and Deidara who came back to his senses with his eyes shining, and walked in first.

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