However, the developers of Flying Thunder God seemed to be aware of this hidden danger, so they added a judgment spell to the spell.

Once the moving coordinates are in danger, the caster will randomly appear at a safe location around the coordinates.

"Senju Tobirama is a character...

Unlike me, who was just picking up tips from others, that guy really started from scratch...

However, the world is not fair.

Through 'reading', I have grown up based on the huge amount of information, and he has long been buried in the thousand-handed door.

This is the difference~"

Nangong Yue also noticed Naruto's changes, but he didn't care. Even if the Nine-Tails completely broke the seal, it would only be a combat unit at the late city-breaking level.

Not to mention Nangong Yue's true body, any space clone can hang up this arrogant nine-tailed fire fox and beat him.

Just when Nangong Yue was about to fall asleep, the ninjas below finally gathered and prepared to set off towards the cave.

After sensing the progress of the seal in the cave,

"It's almost done...

Counting the time, even if we don't do anything here, after these people arrive, it will be too late.

But... forget it, even though the opponent’s level is not good, it’s still my first battle in this world~ Let’s just play it symbolically~”


Chapter 179

After watching the trio of Flying Thunder Gods bring the last person and return to Konoha, Nangong Yue was also ready to leave.

Take a look at the lineup below, Hatake is 50/50, Nine-Tails Jinchuuriki, Weird Medical Ninja, Kage-level Elderly Puppet Master, One-Kick Real Man, Money-burning Girl Tenten, Hyuga Neji, Rock Lee.

To be honest, this lineup is enough to hunt ordinary shadow-level, that is, Pojun-level characters.

However, based on intelligence, they may need to face all members of the Akatsuki organization.

Everything is because of the unknown time and space ninjutsu.

"Everyone, after you have rested, let's set off." (Kakashi)

Just before these eight people were about to take off!


Hinata Neji, who always had his Byakugan open, saw an obvious distortion in the mid-air dozens of meters ahead!

After being reminded by Neji, everyone stared at the mid-air ahead.

I saw a dark space door open in mid-air about ten meters above the ground, and then a young man wearing an Akatsuki uniform floated out!

"We are doing important things~ Why don't you just wait here?

In this way, we can save some trouble~"

'Time and space this guy...

Moreover, he is actually a character who can fly in the air! It's a bit like Tsuchikage's jutsu, but...

Apart from the uniform, there is no forehead protector, and the shoes are not ninja equipment. ’

Kakashi was immediately shocked by Nangong Yue's appearance, followed by a calm analysis.

"This guy's whole body is wrapped in chakra, and it's impossible to see through the situation inside his body.

This level of chakra control is a master! "

Hinata Neji, who could see energy with his Byakugan open, reminded him like this.

When Nangong Yue saw Hyuga Neji, he also began to analyze the Byakugan technique.

I saw Nangong Yue slowly landing on the ground, and then walking towards the eight people here step by step, and began to comment on Ningji's eye roll.

"It's a very interesting's actually engraved in the eyes, so it can't be popularized...

By the way, isn't it just 'clairvoyance'? This simple technique has not been popularized, but is inherited through bloodline?

You guys are very interesting~


Just as a few people were waiting, a strange light flashed in Nangong Yue's eyes.

"And, if I'm not mistaken, the boy with blond hair and blue eyes, and the orange-red energy in his belly, must be the Kyuubi!"


Being seen through so easily shocked everyone on Kakashi's side!

Moreover, the light that flashed in Nangong Yue's eyes before made them clear that this was not because of the Akatsuki organization's intelligence, which made the young man in front of them know that Naruto was a Jinchuuriki, but that he had indeed been seen!

Among them, the one whose mentality fluctuated the most was Hinata Neji.

Looking at Hinata Neji's unbelievable expression, Nangong Yue chuckled a few times,

"Hehehe...don't be surprised, young man~

Isn’t it just ‘perspective’? It's obviously a very simple technique.

Also, although your so-called white eyes, in addition to perspective, there is also the technique of 'far-sightedness'.

Um? Judging from your expression, could this be a rare ability?

Hey Hey hey! If this is the case, you are too far behind¨「!」

"Don't be influenced by him!"

Seeing Neji's mentality being a little broken, Kakashi yelled to call him back to his senses. At the same time, he pulled out a kunai and positioned himself to defend against the enemy.

Then, it is an occupational disease of ninjas,

"Who the hell are you?!"

Sure enough, for unknown characters, the first reaction of these people now is to collect information. They are all people spoiled by the long period of peace~

During the war, when people from both sides of the enemy meet, they fight without saying a word. Even if they ask for information, it is only after they have subdued the other party.

“Forget it, that’s just the level of people you are.

Definition, gravity is on top and the human body is on the bottom. "


"This is?!!!"

Nangong Yue's tried-and-tested move, this abnormal gravity that was completely targeted at the human body, suppressed everyone present and made it difficult to move!

While others were gritting their teeth to resist the influence of gravity, Kakashi, who had learned thousands of ninjutsu, began to analyze it in his mind as a habit.

‘No seal? ! So the condition for performing magic is language? It's not the same system as ninjutsu at all! ! ! ’

Seeing that everyone except Metkai had begun to vomit blood, Nangong Yue found a tree at random, leaned against the tree and stared at these people.

"I feel extremely sorry for those whose internal organs have been injured~

There is no way, here we adjust the output intensity of the spell based on the one with the strongest physical strength among you.

However, I really can't imagine that the difference in your physiques is so big.

I said, that watermelon head, you seem to have caused misery to your teammates~

Especially, tsk tsk tsk... isn't this Brother Scorpion's grandma?

At such an old age, wouldn’t it be good to just stay at home and take care of yourself? There is no need to suffer this~

You think so, Granny Chiyo~"

‘Where did this monster come from? ’ (Chiyo)

"Ah~ I forgot that under this kind of gravity, your old vocal cords can't move, so you can't speak.

It’s okay, let’s learn about the technique ‘Words of Expression’.

Call me a monster? Come on, I don’t look scary either~"

At this time, the eight people controlled by Nangong Yue were basically helpless.

For the time being, even the most physically powerful Metkai couldn't move, let alone others.

Moreover, the current Metkai does not dare to open the Eight Gate Dunjia easily, and the same is true for Xiao Li.

Because the young man in front of him obviously did not exert his full strength.

Once they erupt and are unable to kill with one blow, if the boy increases gravity again, these companions will be in danger!

At this time, Kakashi was confused, because he had never heard of any of the techniques Nangong Yue mentioned!

‘Perspective and far-sightedness, aren’t these abilities inherited from blood? Is it still possible to learn?

Also, expressive words, language that conveys meaning? This is the ability to communicate! Can you also read other people's minds in turn? ’

"That one-eyed dragon with the most violent mental fluctuations, your ideas are all correct~

In short, you can't move now, let's just chat and spend time happily, okay?

Although I'm from the Akatsuki organization, we don't have any deep hatred and there's no need to fight or kill each other.

Anyway, the seal over there is almost completed, and our mission here is also completed. "

With that said, Nangong Yue looked at the extremely troubled Metkai,

"That watermelon head, don't even think about it, you're not as fast as me.

By the way, the name of the technique is ‘Eight Gate Dunjia’. I’ve read your memory. In terms of combat effectiveness, it’s a pretty good technique.

I think, with your physique, if you open the eight gates, you can even distort the space just by punching or kicking.

However, the technique is too crude and there is plenty of room for improvement. "

The words "read memory" once again shocked the people present!

After all, in their impression, the ninjutsu that reads memories will eventually cause more or less damage to the person being read!

Moreover, chakra must be invaded into the target's brain!

"`.Don't be surprised. Your souls are not guarded. Doesn't this mean that you have completely opened the reading permission?

By the way, you haven’t even popularized the ‘Heart Wall’ yet, right?

It is obviously a world where spiritual arts are everywhere! "

How should I put it? Nangong Yue's expression is very exaggerated now. He is obviously bullying others for their backward technology and then showing off his superiority for himself.

In fact, after Nangong Yue controlled them, he could have slept against the tree, but that would be too boring, so he might as well play with them.

'What a troublesome guy... Who is this kid? ’

Granny Chiyo, who had been suppressed by gravity to the point of half-kneeling on the ground, thought so as she looked at the leisurely Nangong Yue.

Facing the elderly, due respect is still needed. Nangong Yue looked in the direction of Qiandai's mother-in-law,

(Get Qian Zhao)

"It doesn't matter whether it's tricky or not. Didn't we kill you?

By the way, I haven't introduced myself yet.

Well~ although to the enemy, one's own information should not be leaked.

In short, my name is Nangong Yue. As for my identity, I am a traveler.

As for why we joined this organization, we are very interested in their plans, such as capturing tailed beasts...

To be honest, the weaknesses of you ninjas are too obvious. Casting a spell actually requires such complicated seals. It is a complete waste of time. It would be better to rush in and slash.

Look at you now, you can't use the Substitute Technique, Clone Technique, Fire Escape, Thunder Escape, Water Escape, Wind Escape, or Earth Escape.

And the puppet master, the puppet is sealed in the scroll and cannot be taken out. I feel bad for you~

I am not afraid to tell you that this abnormal gravity is only for the human body, which means that the puppet master can fight normally.

Well~ although the combat effectiveness of those puppets is not that good.

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