"This is coordinate movement. It seems that Konoha's Flying Thunder God uses this method of spatial movement."

At the right time, Nangong Yue poured two cups of tea and motioned for this guy to sit down.

After Hei Jue sat down, this guy probably figured out that the boy (?) who claimed to be from another world in front of him probably had some kind of cooperation with his mother.

Otherwise, with this monster's endless tricks, he might have been cold.

He had paid attention to Nangong Yue's method of controlling the eight ninjas. There was a Bai Jue clone under the ground, but he clearly heard the words 'gravity is up, the human body is down'!

So, if this guy can still do a 'human body on top, energy on the bottom', and then punch himself, according to the straight punch that this monster fired before, his weak Yin-Yang escape energy body, I'm afraid it's already cold!

This was also the reason why he didn't attack Nangong Yue as soon as he appeared.

Seeing that the tailed beast capture plan was almost halfway progressed, he thought that the day was not far away when his mother would be freed from the trouble, and he didn't want to die in such an unknown way now!

Seeing Hei Bai Jue sitting down on the single sofa opposite him, Nangong Yue took a sip of tea and asked with interest,

"Then, let's talk about your plan that has been prepared for thousands of years.

Although I can roughly deduce that the nine little pets will be re-sealed into the energy carrier to reproduce the Ten-Tailed Sacred Tree, and then use this to pull Kaguya's spirit out of the sealed place.

In this way, a clone similar to Kaguya's body is formed, and then the energy of the ninja world is recovered, and the seal is broken from the outside.

That’s probably what happened~”

'Haha...you have almost finished speaking, what else can I say...'

"What I want are details... Inferences are just inferences, what are they specifically?

I just promised her not to ruin her plan to break the seal!

If I don’t know your specific arrangements, God knows when I will screw you up?

I came to this world just to play! "

Hearing this, Black Zetsu was also covered in cold sweat (?). A casual punch from this kid would be almost as good as a tailed beast jade. If he is allowed to mess around, God knows how big a hole he will make...

...ten minutes later...

After carefully listening to Otsutsuki Xiaohei's arrangements for the past hundred years... Nangong Yue couldn't help but mourn for this guy's luck.

The two sons of Hagoromo fought for countless reincarnations. It was not until the previous generation that this black man seized the opportunity and guided Uchiha Madara, who had successfully opened the kaleidoscope, onto the path he desired.

But to be honest, Nangong Yue couldn't see it. His 'past vision' could only go back to five years ago.

And when Uchiha Madara betrayed Konoha, more than half a century had passed!


Okay, you can continue to play with that kid Obito.

It's also a big thank you to this naughty boy who has no strength but a high heart every day.

And that kid Nagato is too..."

After the conversation was almost over, Nangong Yue also opened the portal for Hei Jue and sent the guests off directly.

"...Okay...With your help, Mr. Nangong, mother will be able to successfully break out of the seal!"

Not interested in Hei Jue's compliments, he directly manipulated the space door and threw this guy out of the different space. After Nangong Yue was ready to continue digesting a large number of newly read spells, especially the improvement of the 'Magic Lantern Body' 0.


"Hmm...the art of reincarnation...and the art of mirror raider...leaving a space clone is indeed correct.

Also, have you finished reading all the spells in Kakashi's mind...

It’s such a superfluous clone, it’s obviously just a trip to Konoha to make everyone happy..."

After releasing the space clone, Nangong Yue entered the spiritual space again and began to study the many ninjutsu he read from the Sand Ninja Village as his own foundation.

Mainly, if there is not enough information as a basis, the 'priority' that supports Nangong Yue to become an exceptional combat power will be completely empty!

...at night, on the moon...

Sure enough, the highest level of mystery in this world exists here.

First of all, this moon is not natural, but made through the technique of 'Six Paths Earth Exploding Star'! A perfect star-destroying level technique! ! !

In other words, leaving aside Princess Kaguya, the two brothers Otsutsuki Hagoromo and Otsutsuki Hamura are similar to him, Nangong Yue.

Although they are still at the level of destroying nations, they can all explode with combat power at the level of destroying stars!

The same goes for Nangong Yue, he can definitely fight beyond the level!

If all of his... no, just half of his energy is exploded, through a combination of spells, he can completely destroy the planet under his feet!

This is also the reason why Princess Kaguya, a true demigod, feels threatened by him!

"I have a hunch that in this world, I have the opportunity to truly evolve to the level of a demigod!

However, first a large amount of higher-level energy needs to be collected.

In other words, just releasing the sacred tree is not enough, I also have to release Princess Kaguya~"

Now, although the center of the moon has been hollowed out by Hamura Otsutsuki so that his descendants can live in it, the information about the "Earth Blast Star" is still completely left behind!

Although the main body of the technique is 'gravity', the energy that supports the operation of the technique is very complicated. If you think about it, those energies are the blood that combines all the chakra attributes of wind, fire, water, earth, thunder, yin, and yang. Following the snare'.

Although because the energy level is high enough, the amount required is relatively small, but to construct such a huge celestial body, the energy consumed is absolutely terrifying!

It’s hard to imagine how Otsutsuki Hagoromo did it in the first place.

"No! Hagoromo alone cannot gather such a huge amount of energy no matter what!

After fighting Kaguya for so long, it’s even more impossible to have that much energy!

In other words, Hagoromo used the technique he studied to let Kaguya herself, who is a star destroyer, be used as the energy source for the "Earth Blast Star"!

So, in the original work, the sealing technique that Naruto and Sasuke collaborated on is this technique...

You have to read it carefully... This kind of magic that 'allows the target to charge its own magic' is very rare~"

After thinking carefully, in order to read the information retained here as quickly as possible, Nangong Yue had to activate his thinking to accelerate ten thousand times.

There is no way, there is still some residual spirit of Hamura in the moon. If Nangong Yue stays for too long, he will inevitably get into trouble.


Chapter 183


"It seems that the old one didn't provoke him, and the younger one ran out by himself~"

At this time, Nangong Yue felt helpless on the surface of the moon, looking at the many puppets surrounding him.

Just as it happened, following the energy veins on the puppet, Nangong Yue easily detected the specific coordinates of the operator.

Then, in a palace at the center of the moon...

"Huh?! Where did that person go?"

"You have perfectly inherited the trouble-making genes of the Otsutsuki clan~ You are the only one left in Hamura's descendants, so you have to live honestly, isn't that good?!

(Fixation, gravity field, silk thread control)"

The moment he emerged from the space door behind Otsutsuki Toneri, Nangong Yue controlled this eyeless naughty child without any technical content.

However, I don’t blame this child. Even if he has enough energy in his body, he wants to learn a lot of Yang Dun and Yin Dun. However, he lacks practical experience and his reactions are very slow...

"What on earth are you..."

"We don't have time to play house with you. Let alone you now, even if you open your reincarnation eye, I can still hang you up and beat you.

Energy extraction, brainwashing, soul-destroying, mechanized mind..."

...five minutes later...

Nangong Yue took the place of the young man named 'Otsutsuki Toneri' and sat on the main seat of the empty palace. The Toneri boy was half-kneeling on the ground below, as if he was listening to orders. .

"Sure enough, fighting like AllForOne is very refreshing~

As the saying goes, "Throwing skills feels good for a while, and throwing them will always feel good." Whether it's to abuse food or to fight across levels, it's a good choice...

Although 01 needs to carefully consider the combination of skills when fighting at a higher level. Once the skills cancel each other out and the attack power is not enough, things will become serious..."

Although Nangong Yue took a fancy to this living space left by the descendants of Otsutsuki Yucun on the first day he came to this world, it was simply a good base.

However, Nangong Yue originally did not plan to occupy this place prematurely, and planned to visit the entire ninja world first.

However, this Otsutsuki Sheren actually controlled the puppet to attack him frantically. So sorry, Nangong Yue is not so tolerant of Zayu's provocation.

The result is also clear at a glance. This Otsutsuki Toneri was instantly killed by Nangong Yue without even using the 'giant reincarnation eye' in the palace...

But it’s okay, if you live here, you can basically chat with Kaguya Otsutsuki in the moon annex space every day.

Nangong Yue definitely didn't believe that this woman had done nothing after being sealed for so long... But he couldn't tell for sure. This guy's abilities seemed more like self-awakening than research by himself.

Not only Kaguya, but also all ninjas, most of them are learning existing techniques, or awakening the so-called blood inheritance boundary, instead of studying the techniques themselves, just like Nangong Yue did at the beginning... .

However, after thousands of years of thinking accelerating, Nangong Yue is no longer the demanding person who only picks up people's wisdom without making progress.

Not to mention anything else, the "Tian Shift" technique originally did not have the ability to "disappear" people;

The term ‘priority’ originally made it impossible to incorporate the general concept into the priority sequence.

Also, magical enchantments such as 'Soul-Destroying' and 'Spiritual Reduction' cannot be attached to intangible things!

For example, in the Apocalypse world, the magic formula was directly attached to the 'priority'. This specific operation of 'attaching the magic formula to the magic formula' did not originally exist in Nangong Yue's memory bank. of!

And Nangong Yue can do all of these now. These are all the results of Nangong Yue's own research!

Similarly, Nangong Yue accepted the large amount of Yin-Yang Escape information that Otsutsuki Toneren sent to his door.

However, I just don’t know if the ring on Nangong Yue’s hand will work when she is inside the moon...

Moreover, this thing is a simplified version of the core members. Originally, only ten rings of this level of precision were produced, and one is still in Orochimaru's hand.

"Hey~ This time I'm going to meet Orochimaru with Brother Scorpion..."

After finalizing the itinerary, Nangong Yue asked Sheren to go back to his room and wait for instructions, and then he would collect the numerous spell information collected here as soon as possible.

As for research... I have plenty of time in the future, so I am not in a hurry.


Ten days later at noon, at the Tianchi Bridge in Caoyin Village, Nangong Yue and Red Sand Scorpion were waiting for Orochimaru's people to arrive.

At this time, Nangong Yue was leaning on the fence of the Tiandi Bridge, with boredom written on his face, and asked the red-haired young man (?) hiding in the Feiliu Amber,

"I said...young man...how long are you going to wait?

I see that your chess piece is slowly moving over now~

Also, that Yura before, you performed a technique on his brain, right? "

"( # ` Dis')......

What's wrong? What did you see again? "(scorpion)

"Ah... That part of Yura's brain has energy fluctuations that belong to you. It's the 'brain manipulation sand' technique, right?"

"...Yes, that's a technique I developed before I left the Sand Ninja.

But, unfortunately, only Yura managed to get to the top.

Of course, he also played his part, at least Shukaku's capture was successful. "(scorpion)

"But... your subordinate who is coming over doesn't have that technique in his brain~

Hahaha... I heard that Orochimaru is also a master of ninjutsu development. Your chess piece was probably unlocked by Orochimaru and turned against him~"

Fei Liuhu's eyes suddenly widened, and then the energy fluctuations of the Red Sand Scorpion suddenly became very violent... However, after a few seconds, it calmed down again.


That Orochimaru guy...this seems like something he would do.

But, forget it... Anyway, all I need is a liaison officer. Whether he is loyal to me or not, it doesn't actually make any difference. "

This old man is quite open-minded, so Nangong Yue is too lazy to help him get back together.

Originally, Nangong Yue was planning to control the guy named "Kaou" again. After all, this guy was considered a good combat power in the later stage.

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