No, it must have all been leaked! Because the seal placed in his mind was pierced in an instant!

Kabuto Yakushi was silent for a while, and then slowly stepped in...

After Orochimaru and Kabuto Yakushi walked out of the portal, they felt even more unhappy.

Because this is the Tianno Country Sound Ninja Village and Orochimaru's study!

At this time, Nangong Yuezheng took out Orochimaru's severed arm, took off the ring representing 'empty' on his hand, and then put it on the little finger of his left hand.

"`.Sir, you have violated personal privacy..."

Nangong Yue looked at the ring with "empty" written on it and replied nonchalantly,

"Save it, don't you know that the weak have no human rights?

Just like you can concoct your experimental subjects at will, I can also dispose of you people at will, right? "

"...You are going too far...

However, this is not the place to take action..." (Snake)

Even though he was in great pain, Orochimaru could not take action in this place, because this study stored a large amount of precious information, and many of them were unique copies!

These, but his years of hard work, cannot be ruined here just because of a momentary impulse.

Orochimaru walked to a bookshelf, took out a scroll and threw it to the Red Sand Scorpion.

"What you want is here. You should leave my stronghold quickly while I can still retain my sanity."

After the Red Sand Scorpion took the scroll and swallowed it into Fei Liuhu's belly, he laughed softly a few times and then stopped talking. It was obviously Nangong Yue's attitude.

Seeing this scene, Orochimaru became more certain of his guess. Otherwise, the Red Sand Scorpion, who was on par with him, would not have been able to treat this newcomer with such an attitude.

‘Looks like I’ve been flirting a bit~’

Right next to Nangong Yue, without any warning, another portal appeared, then moved horizontally, swallowing Nangong Yue and the Red Sand Scorpion, and then disappeared into the void.

Seeing this, Orochimaru was silent for a few seconds, then slowly walked to the main seat and sat down. He glanced at the specimen arm that had the ring removed, and fell into deep thought.

'I originally thought that unreliable snap of fingers was his seal...

Sure enough, just by chance, all of that guy's techniques were actually Muji! ! !

Even the chakra fluctuations are minimal! The casting time is also almost non-existent! ! !

From this point of view, that kid must be an elite warlock from the practical school! What a tricky character...'

As for Yakushi Kabuto, facing Orochimaru in this state, he didn't dare to move, even though Orochimaru seemed to be very calm...

But knowing Orochimaru, he knew very well that this was exactly the state Orochimaru was in before he went berserk! And he didn't dare to bet on whether Orochimaru had really calmed down or was on the verge of breaking out...

'Hehehehe... When I devour Sasuke and gain the power of the Sharingan, I should be able to fight against that kind of monster...'


Chapter 185


In fact, the first thing Nangong Yue did in Orochimaru's study just now was not to take the ring directly, but to create a space clone, let him go to Uchiha Sasuke, and then sneak directly into his body.

The Red Sand Scorpion also witnessed the departure of the translucent clone, and then followed Nangong Yue away so easily.

Otherwise, this poisonous scorpion will definitely cause trouble for Orochimaru!

What's more, the place where they appeared was one of Orochimaru's key points, a place where a large number of precious and unique copies were stored!

However, seeing that Nangong Yue left the clone behind and Nangong Yue kindly introduced him to some of the abilities of the space clone, he was happy and relaxed.

After teleporting the Red Sand Scorpion to Deidara, Nangong Yue left the Kingdom of Water and came to Yuyin Village, where Payne was.

At this time, Tiandao Payne was standing on the spire of the tallest building in Yuyin Village, while Nangong Yue was floating beside him.

“Kakuzu sent a message that the two of them have arrived in the Kingdom of Thunder;

Deidara and Scorpion also arrived in the Kingdom of Water, and Itachi and Kisame arrived in the Kingdom of Earth.

In other words, it is very likely that three tailed beasts will be sealed in succession, or even three tailed beasts will be sealed at the same time.

Then, the transmission matter will be left to you. "(zero)

"no problem.

Also, my time and space ninjutsu has been exposed, and our tailed beast capture progress will be accelerated.

After this sealing is completed, the remaining ones, except the Nine-Tails, are best captured at the same time. "(null)

"Well... after this seal is over, Deidara and Scorpion will continue to capture the Three-Tails in the Kingdom of Water. The Seven-Tails has already been captured by Kakuzu, and I will capture the Six-Tails..." (Zero)

"Leave the eight tails to me, we have to do something serious~

I can't justify hanging around here all day long. " (null)

"Is it okay? The current eight-tails, whether they are tailed beasts or jinchūriki, are all already formed Kage-level combat units." (Zero)

"That's right... I still have to find a way to avoid demolishing Yunyin Village~" (Sora)

"Oh? I will study your battle videos carefully.

Be careful when the time comes and don't blow up Zetsu's clone. "(zero)

"Okay, wait until they finish capturing, and then use the ring to notify me."

After the matter was finalized, a portal appeared under Nangong Yue's feet, then he released the flying state and fell freely into the space gate.

After Nangong Yue left, a large pile of papers gathered around Payne and turned into a blue-haired beauty wearing an Akatsuki uniform.

"Nagato, is this newcomer okay?

Although he is very strong, he is too mysterious and you may not be able to control him. "

"When I show myself like this, call me Payne.

Also, you don’t need to worry.

With the eye of samsara, I am the god of this world, and gods are invincible! "

This poor child who was brainwashed by Obito is still living in the dream of 'I am invincible'. Although his tone is calm, it is because the voice is only a controlled corpse.

In Xiaonan's view, what was revealed in Tiandao Payne's eyes was nothing but 'arrogance'!

"That's right, Pain is invincible."

Xiaonan said that, but in fact, Xiaonan also felt a little upset in her heart.

From Deidara and the Red Sand Scorpion, Xiao Nan had already roughly understood one of Nangong Yue's techniques.

From what is known so far, 'impact is on top, yellow sand is in the middle, energy is below', 'gravity is on top, human body is below', 'human body is above, space is below', Xiaonan can completely understand what a terrifying technique this is. ! ! !

Nangong Yue, who holds this technique, is even more like a 'god' than Payne! ! !

What's more, she also learned from Jue that this monster's physical skills are equally terrifying!

An attack that caused that level of damage was just a punch? !

Therefore, if Nangong Yue and Payne really fight in the Six Paths, she actually doesn't think much of Payne.

Now seeing that Nagato still has this attitude, Konan feels tired, and at the same time, she hates even more the masked man who leads Nagato into such a posture, claiming to be 'Uchiha Madara'!

"Xiaonan, what's wrong?"

Seeing Konan's frown, Uzumaki Nagato became concerned about his only remaining best friend.


No, nothing. I will go back to deal with the government affairs of Yuyin Village first. "

"Yeah. Go ahead."

Konan, who had a pair of huge paper wings on her back, turned into a lot of paper butterflies and flew in all directions, leaving Tiandao Pain alone, standing on the top of the tower observing Yuyin Village...

At this time, Nangong Yue returned to the different space and continued to study the "Six Paths Earth Explosion Star" that sealed Kaguya.

To be honest, Nangong Yue really admired the spell weaving techniques of the Six Paths Sage Otsutsuki Hagoromo.

Although this technique requires more than half of his energy, the main purpose is not to create a 'gravity ball', but to induce the energy of the sealed person, and then use the target's own energy as the energy of the 'gravity ball' source!

In a sense, it was Kaguya who sealed herself!

Once caught by this technique, Kaguya will be unable to mobilize her own energy!

In other words, all her ninjutsu cannot be used, and she can only use her own body!

You know, even her physical skills, the world-destroying 'Eighty Gods Air Strike', are also based on the use of chakra!

However, basically all the skill points of this demigod's body are focused on 'recovery and regeneration'!

Although he has reached the level of 'immortality', his physical strength is not even as strong as the third generation Raikage after being activated by lightning!

Although this kind of physical strength is enough to run rampant in the ninja world, facing the 'Earth Explosion Star', it is still a piece of cake.

Even, before the seal is formed, the approaching 'gravity ball' cannot be destroyed!

Also, this sealing technique seems to be specially designed for characters like Kaguya who have huge energy and fast recovery speed...

"It feels a bit like 'personality forced activation'... Kaguya herself can also use the 'Earth Explosion Star' technique.

No wonder Kaguya's energy fluctuations have always been so regular in the Sealed Land, and she still maintains the operation of her magic until now...

Also, the ‘chaos’ attribute energy I hold can completely drive these spells, but the specific attributes need further study~

It's not okay to waste too much, not to mention that it is such a high-level technique. Even if you save 1%, it is a very considerable amount of energy...

But okay~ Kaguya’s energy attributes have been studied long ago.

It is the most economical to use the energy of this attribute to drive the many spells of the Samsara Eye. "

After a few days, Nangong Yue had learned all the techniques used by Xiao to organize these people.

But there were many techniques that he didn't want to use, such as Jiaodu's 'Earth Resentment Yu'. Nangong Yue didn't want to waste this body.

However, Hidan's 'Death Si Ping Xue' technique is quite good, and combined with 'Super Regeneration', it can do the same thing as Hidan, but there is no need...

After repeated comparisons, the basic spells of Jue's Wood Release and Samsara Eye are more valuable, including the deeply hidden 'Run Tomb and Border Prison'!

Especially the 'Innate Art of Reincarnation', combined with the 'Attribute Conversion' in the 'Chaos' Attribute Energy Refining Method, can be used to cast spells without side effects! If you don't care about fate and cause and effect...

"But... monkey, turtle, cat demon, which way should we go first?

Forget it, let's go find those two zombies later. We can't let these two be killed by those miscellaneous fish in Konoha. The old man's financial ability is still very good. "

Next, we only need to wait for the summons from any one of the three groups.


The next morning, Nangong Yue, who had been studying all night, finally emerged from another space.

When you come to the new world, you can't just stay at home and do research every day. You still need to go out and find something to do.

He suddenly remembered that something had happened here before the zombie duo came and passed the Fire Temple.

Because, in the Temple of Fire, there is a young man with nine-tailed chakra sealed in his body, which is exactly what Nangong Yue needs.

As long as he combines the chakra of the nine tailed beasts, and cooperates with the chakra he secretly extracted from the heretic demon, he can synthesize a small tailed beast with scarce energy but the physique of the ten tails.

Then, as long as Nangong Yue integrates this 'Ten Tails' into his body, his physical strength and recovery ability will be even higher.

Although Nangong Yue's spirit body is at the peak of the fifth level and is close to breaking through to the demigod level, his physical body is still in the early stages of the country-destroying level, and there is still a lot of room for improvement.

Flashing to the sky near the Fire Temple, Nangong Yue soon sensed the fluctuations of the Nine-Tails Chakra.

For Nangong Yue, who regards perception as the foundation of his life, the nine-tailed chakra is simply a bright light in the dark night, too conspicuous.

"Oh? That's great... Do naughty kids like running around?

Is it because of the power of the Kyuubi that the monks at the Fire Temple are relieved? It’s so innocent~

Or is it because the intelligence is lagging behind..."

Looking at the young man lying by a river that runs through the forest, this guy is really big-hearted, or is it that because of the uncontrollable force, this child has already swelled to a considerable extent?

"Well~ never mind him...anyway, I just need to extract the chakra from his body and recover his spirit body at the same time."


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