Suddenly, Nangong Yue slapped the palm of his hand,

"By the way, speaking of Nine-Tails Chakra, there are actually alternatives."

Hearing this, Tiandao Payne and Xiaonan looked at him.

Nangong Yue was too lazy to tell the truth. He still had a lot of research to do and was in a hurry to return to another space, so he didn't tell the truth.

"In case Naruto from Konoha fails to capture him, you can go find Orochimaru.

Doesn't he know the technique of 'Reincarnation from the Dirty Land'? Just let him summon the golden and silver horns from Yunyin Village.

Those two brothers were once swallowed into the belly of Kyuubi, and then devoured a large amount of Kyuubi's flesh and blood, thereby acquiring a large amount of Kyuubi's chakra.

This can be regarded as one more record. "


However, success in capturing the Nine-Tails is inevitable! "

Nagato, who was still living in a dream, expressed this. Xiaonan really felt tired, but Nagato was her best friend for many years. She couldn't say anything, and she couldn't influence Nagato's decision.

After all, this kid Nagato is really stubborn. Once he makes up his mind, even the Nine Tailed Beasts can't hold him back.

As for Nagato, a pawn who was even in the fourth link of the 'control chain', Nangong Yue just smiled and didn't bother to care about him.

After all, Otsutsuki Koguro, Uchiha Madara, and Uchiha Obito haven't spoken yet, so how could the half-disabled Uzumaki Nagato have a turn?

Anyway, Nangong Yue did what he had to do, and returned directly to his own alien space to continue studying the techniques.

The basic realm will not be improved for a while, so the only way is to enrich one's own methods as much as possible.


After staying in the palace inside the moon for a few days, including the relative time of accelerated thinking, which is equivalent to nearly a hundred years, Nangong Yue felt that his whole body was going moldy...

However, so much time has not been wasted. At least I have read a lot of techniques from Hagoromo from Kaguya, and now I have fully understood them.

Looking at the black sphere the size of an eyeball condensed in the palm of his hand, Nangong Yue was very satisfied.

That's right, this is the "Six Paths - Earth Blast Star" that sealed Kaguya, not the ordinary Earth Blast Star.

"This way, it's really as stable as anything~"

Then, looking at the eyeless boy who was half-kneeling on the ground, shivering because of the black ball in Nangong Yue's palm, Nangong Yue expressed that he was tired.

This kid would be really in trouble if he wasn't able to control those puppets with some intelligence.

But it's normal. After all, he has lived at a high level for more than ten years and suddenly becomes a servant. Of course, he can't do anything well.

Therefore, Nangong Yue felt that otherwise, he could simply give this child a pair of eyes and train a thug with the reincarnation eye.

But here comes the problem, the awakening of the reincarnated eye depends on the purity of energy!

There is absolutely no problem with the purity of Otsutsuki Toneri's bloodline.

After all, the descendants of Otsutsuki Hamura lived in isolation inside the moon and thrived.

Although this Otsutsuki tree has attracted a large number of people from the earth one after another in order to reproduce the population.

However, whether it is a branch family or a clan, there are some people who have never married with a foreigner!

And Otsutsuki Toneri is one of them, and due to his ancestral physique, his body is already extremely close to their ancestor, Otsutsuki Hamura! Although the price is to be born without eyes...

Then, as long as Otsutsuki Toneri gets a pair of Byakugan that is pure enough, he can definitely awaken the Tsangikan!

Originally, Nangong Yue planned to use Yang Escape to create a pair of white eyes for him.

However, even if Toneri Otsutsuki's physique is passable, the Byakugan generated by it may not be qualified.

However, the Hyuga clan on the ground has a problem.

Over the years, the Hyuga clan has more or less intermarryed with foreign clans, resulting in a decline in overall blood purity.

And the only one who always insists on internal marriage is the Zong family!

According to Nangong Yue's investigation, there are only two girls in this generation's family, Hinata Hinata and Hanabi Hinata!

The only qualified Byakugan masters are Hinata Hinata, Hinata Hinata, and Hinata Hanabi.

Taking into account the activity of the eyeballs, that is to say, only the eyes of the two Hinata sisters are qualified.

Then, the problem comes again. What Nangong Yue wants is just subordinates with reincarnation eyes, not Otsutsuki Toneri with reincarnation eyes.

In other words, Nangong Yue can completely let the two sisters acquire the physique of the Otsutsuki clan. In this case, wouldn't they be two people who have opened the reincarnation eye?

"Sure enough, it would be more cost-effective to let this guy bleed~"

In the end, Nangong Yue decisively chose "two" between "one" and "two". Compared with boys, girls are more eye-catching, especially Hinata Hanabi, a cute loli!

Thinking of this, Nangong Yue missed Yaozi, Badli, Shaye, and Toru very much, especially Badli and Ye Yintou, two people who had had physical contact with him.

However, Nangong Yue is not an impatient person. After all, starting from the world of the Apocalypse, he has spent nearly two thousand years in the spiritual space, and his mental patience has long been exhausted... .

So, here comes the problem again. Nangong Yue has never done any physical experiments on humans, so he basically has zero experience.

Nangong Yuehui only adjusted the energy circuit. In terms of modifying the physique, Nangong Yue had not tried at all. 0.


"Hey... I don't know if it's still too late to start now.

Fortunately, my origin is "reading" and I specialize in perception. Unlike Orochimaru, every experiment needs to rely on the test results of the equipment.

My own detection accuracy and calculation volume surpass those of detection equipment and supercomputers.

Not to mention, the amount of calculations done by computers in this world really can’t keep up~

However, the seemingly unreasonable technique can be put to use, and there is Jisaki Yu's 'renovation'...

Let's take care of it first and see if there are any lone Hyuga clan members. "

After finalizing the itinerary, Nangong Yue informed Otsutsuki Toneri and asked him to control the puppets, organize the scrolls here, and then left the palace...

When Nangong Yue appeared above Konoha...

" the barrier of Konoha Village so conspicuous?

And those four buildings...are ninjutsu...

Let me take a look... the lightning in the direction of Konoha Village... seems to have some reflection. "

Then he launched his 'far vision' towards the place where the lightning flashed, which was the power station of Konoha Village. There were four coffins standing in the center, somewhat similar to the appearance of 'Dirty Land Reincarnation'.

However, it seems that the technique of resurrecting a corpse by absorbing electrical energy is much simpler than reincarnation from the dirty soil. After all, it is the complete corpse of the deceased. Resurrecting the soul through the corpse is much simpler than reviving the soul through a medium.

At this time, at the main entrance of Konoha, four ninjas wearing hats were confronting a large number of ninjas gathered here. It was not clear why they did not take action...

"We are four people gathered with firm will to carry out the great cause of the Fire Nation.

Now, I am here to convey this firm will.

We have only one wish, to build a prosperous Fire Nation with the 'Daimyo' as the center! ! !


After hearing this, Nangong Yue didn't intend to continue listening. It was already obvious. Isn't it a coup?

Is there a war between the Ministry of Government and the Ministry of Military Affairs?

Also, why do four elite jounin start a war with the entire Konoha?

And their next operation was also eye-catching, summoning a lot of zombies to attack...

To be honest, these 'resurrected' corpses are not as good as those zombies in the Book of Revelation!

At the very least, zombies in the Apocalypse world have only their heads as their weak point, and they will continue to move unless their heads are beheaded.

However, once these dead bodies encounter a certain level of attack, they will all turn into dust and dissipate...

"Hahaha... I am so lucky? Just pick a day to do something, and a fool will come to my door to cover for me?

Well~ let them go as they please. For us, just kidnapping a few Hyuga clan members is enough.

Let's see if there are any who are living outside. If not, we will have to invade the Hyuga clan directly, which will be a lot of trouble...'s time to test the Hyuga clan's loyalty to Konoha~

If there are no Hyuga ninjas outside, I will take your cute little princess away~"

Afterwards, Nangong Yue disappeared into the portal behind him, and the next moment, he appeared in a deserted alley in Konoha Village...

Chapter 188


Since the villagers were evacuated, the streets of Konoha were empty at this time, and Nangong Yue also took this opportunity to observe the internal configuration of Konoha.

Moreover, basically all the ninjas who could be mobilized went to the four entrances of Konoha to meet the enemy. Nangong Yue walked for more than a minute and didn't even see anyone...

Nangong Yue's decision was also simple and crude. He just waited for others to discover him, and then gathered a large number of ninjas to come over. He took the opportunity to see if there were any Hinata ninjas.

If not, just teleport directly to the Hyuga clan and remove the Hyuga clan members present, including clan leader Hyuga Hizashi.

Sure enough, when everyone was running as hard as they could, Nangong Yue's strolling figure was too obvious after all.

When Nangong Yue came to a corner, a figure suddenly came out from beside him, holding a kunai and stabbing Nangong Yue in the neck!

‘How could I let such a cheap weapon touch my body?

Shock wave, Shinra Tianzheng! ’



This ninja wearing a Jonin uniform was suddenly bombarded by a shock wave!

And that's not all, he felt that before the shock wave arrived, every part of his body was blocked by a force that was opposite to the direction in which he was going. To put it simply, it was a repulsive force!

Because Nangong Yue's output was not great, the ninja was not injured. He just slid nearly ten meters to a stop after being repelled.

"Sure enough, is the Akatsuki organization involved..." 01

Immediately, the ninja held the two short chakra knives he made good use of in his hands, and stared at Nangong Yue in a prepared manner.

"Xiao Organization, Nangong Yue! What role did you play in this operation?!"

Haha... This is another habitual question from the ninjas.

Hearing this unfamiliar voice, Nangong Yue turned to look at the person coming,

"Oh? Isn't this Sarutobi Asuma, one of the Twelve Guardian Ninjas?

But let me make it clear first, I just happened to meet the opportunity.

I just happened to pass by Konoha tonight, and the barrier of Konoha Village actually appeared. I was very curious about it, so I just happened to come in and take a look~"

"Don't be too arrogant! This is Konoha!!!

No matter how strong you are, you can't run away from the entire Konoha Village! ! ! "

As usual, they made harsh remarks at home without comparing the strength difference between the two sides.

Perhaps, this is the belief, believing that the whole of "Konoha" is the symbol of "invincibility".

But it is also true that these guys have not experienced the destruction of the village by Six Paths Pain, so they naturally still hold this honor... or "arrogance".

However, Nangong Yue is not going to take this "first time" away from Nagato. He is only here to collect experimental subjects, and there is no need to go to war with Konoha Village.

"Let's not talk about whether you Konoha can "defeat me", don't you want to know who is the mastermind of this matter?"

Nangong Yue still has a leisurely attitude, turned around and faced Asuma.


From Asuma's wide eyes, it can be seen that this guy's mentality fluctuates greatly, and he must have some guesses.

However, the nine-tailed kid in the Fire Temple has been dealt with by Nangong Yue a long time ago, so Konoha naturally lost a very important source of intelligence.

"The leader of those people is also one of the former twelve guardian ninjas. It seems that you two had a fatal fight because of your political differences.

In fact, that guy is not dead at all. He has recovered from his injuries at a great cost over the years."

Just as Nangong Yue finished speaking...

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