The current situation is your responsibility as the Hokage!" (Koharu Utatane)

Tsunade understood what these old men said, after all, for the sake of Konoha as a whole, the first thing is to reduce losses.

Just as Nangong Yue said, rationally, the importance of hundreds, thousands, and tens of thousands is of course higher than that of individuals and tens.

But out of emotion, she will not allow anyone in the village to be abandoned!

What made her even more tormented was that at the end, because of the threat of death and because she really didn't want to sacrifice more ninjas, before she fainted, she actually agreed to the devil's conditions of Nangong Yue and betrayed a Hyuga member of the Root. !!!

Moreover, what these old men said was not wrong. As the Hokage, she was naturally to blame for the loss of the village.

Therefore, Tsunade Senju could only grit her teeth and listen to these old men lecturing her non-stop.


Back to the Akatsuki organization...

Just after Feiduan woke up, Nangong Yue took the people present to the sealing place prepared by Pain in advance without saying a word.

However, this time, only Kisame returned from the group of Uchiha Itachi and Hoshigaki Kisame.

Because they couldn't lose the mission target, and the Three-Tails had been staying there anyway. At the bottom of the lake, you can capture them at any time.

Of course, you must be careful not to be beaten to it by others.

However, the number of people participating in the sealing this time is still nine.

Moreover, after the addition of the newcomer Nangong Yue, the sealing speed is even faster.

After the two-day sealing, Nangong Yue sent these people back to their respective mission locations again, and then he fell into a state of having nothing to do again.

However, Kakuzu still wanted to take Yukito's head to the underground exchange to exchange for money.

It is estimated that the next itinerary of these two zombies will still be to hunt ninjas all the way to exchange for money. Satisfy Kakuzu's desire for money and replenish the organization's funds.

In other words, the plot of the original comic is probably inevitable....

Chapter 193


Fire Temple...

It was one afternoon, and the originally magnificent Fire Temple had been completely destroyed by the battle, leaving only broken walls and ruins.

On a barely open ground, Hidan, whose abdomen was pierced, lay down again on a formation drawn by blood.

Suddenly, Hidan, who seemed to be dead, opened his eyes,

"It seems that there is no human pillar here.

After praying, let's go to the next place."

Ignoring the complaining Hidan, Kakuzu walked towards the body of Master Jilu and sealed it in the scroll.

"No...I want to take this guy's body to exchange for Jinsho, at least 30 million ryo.

Money is the most important thing."

Hidan sat up and pulled out the long thorn in his abdomen,

"Seriously, can I get mad?

Huh...Then let's go quickly. ”

“The Land of Fire is very big, don’t be in a hurry, just walk slowly.” (Kakuzu)

After saying that, Kakuzu left Hidan sitting on the ground and walked away on his own.


Sure enough, the reason why our group always lags behind is because of you...”

Looking at Kakuzu walking away, Hidan quickly got up and caught up with him...

Speaking of which, these two people actually came for the boy who sealed a large amount of Nine-Tails Chakra.

However, Nagato forgot to share this information, so these two people ran 01 in vain.

However, it is not a gain, after all, Master Ji Lu’s head is still quite valuable.

At the same time, the information of these two people was also passed on to Konoha by the few remaining ninja monks in the Fire Temple.

And Tsunade, who received this information, also felt very entangled.

Indeed, although the Akatsuki organization should be masters of the Kage level, it is impossible that all of them are monsters of the level of Nangong Yue.

From the information of these two people that have been exposed now, their combat effectiveness is estimated to be the threshold level of the Kage level , if more people are sent, it can be solved completely.

However, I am afraid that Nangong Yue, who is proficient in time and space ninjutsu, will go to support.

At that time, even if the two core members of the Akatsuki organization are annihilated, the ninjas sent there will not be able to come back, or it depends on Nangong Yue's mood.

In other words, not too many people can be sent there, and then the Flying Thunder God Squad should be used well.

Naruto can be sent out, just let this child go out to avoid the limelight.

Moreover, Naruto has signed a summoning contract with Myoboku Mountain, and can let the toads on Myoboku Mountain summon Naruto to Myoboku Mountain in reverse.

However, now that child is developing new skills and has no time to go on missions, which is also approved by Tsunade herself.

Besides, based on Tsunade's understanding of that monster, he is definitely not the type who will run around for others.


Tsunade gathered eighty elite ninjas on the rooftop of the Hokage Building (Yamato Infrastructure),

"Does anyone have any questions? ”

After waiting for a few seconds, Asuma, one of the team leaders, raised his hand and asked,

"Well... originally in the Fire Temple, there was one of the former Twelve Guardian Ninjas, Ji Lu, in charge. How is he now?"


In an underground gold exchange in the Land of Fire, the zombie duo of the Akatsuki organization was still found by Asuma's team.

At this time, Asma and the others were hiding in the bushes, looking in the direction of the money exchange.

This money exchange was hidden in a dark room of a public toilet, and at this time, only Kakuzu entered.

As for Hidan, he couldn't stand the smell in the toilet, so he waited outside alone for Kakuzu to come out.

On Asuma's side, after confirming Hidan's order, he decisively ordered to surround the big man, and then each sneaked around Hidan.

Just when Hidan was waiting impatiently, footsteps came from behind him.

"Kakuzu, it's too slow...huh?!"

As a result, when I looked back, I saw that it was not Kakuzu at all, but Asuma who was responsible for the frontal feint attack!

Facing the large number of shuriken thrown by Asuma, Hidan quickly pulled out a large ball of steel rope from his sleeve and blocked all the shuriken.

After blocking the last shuriken, Hidan picked up the huge March Sickle in his hand and smashed it towards Asuma who was not far away.

However, Hidan's attack speed was the slowest in the Akatsuki organization, and Asuma easily dodged Hidan's attack.

The moment Hidan was about to pull the scythe back through the rope in his hand! He felt that his body could no longer move!

"It's too late~"

Just when Hidan focused his attention on Asuma, Shikamaru, who was hiding behind the high wall of the money exchange, used the 'Shadow Imitation Technique' to control Hidan's body while he wasn't paying attention.

The moment Hidan was captured, from both sides of him, two chuunin who had been lying in wait for a long time rushed out and pierced Hidan's body with the sharp blades in their hands!

"Solve one first..."

Since he didn't know Hidan's abilities, Asuma, the leader of the team, deduced this.

The entire battle lasted less than ten seconds.

To be honest, it would be too embarrassing if a film-level character could be solved so easily...

Just when the two people who impaled Hidan were feeling smug about killing a core member of the Akatsuki organization with their own hands, Hidan ignored the two people around him and looked at Asuma with an unhappy expression.

"It hurts...who are you?"


Hidan's abnormal look made the four Konoha ninjas widen their eyes, obviously shocked!

You know, Hidan's vital part was penetrated by a sharp blade at this moment! Even the heart was penetrated! ! !

"Don't turn the knife! It hurts!"

Ignoring Asuma, Hidan complained to the two chunin who had pierced him with their sharp blades.

"This guy... is immortal?!"

"Isn't this obvious? By the way, you...people of Konoha..."

After clearly seeing the forehead protection marks of the two chunin, Hidan noticed the scarf around Asuma's waist, which looked familiar...

"Oh?! That mark seems to be some sort of guardian...

Hey, hey, hey... No, we have to go to that smelly money exchange again..."

It just so happened that Hidan's words had angered Chiriku's best friend.

However, Asuma's ninja skills allowed him to control his expression.

"We are Konoha ninjas, ordered to capture or annihilate Akatsuki!

Your Akatsuki organization always works in teams of two.

I wanted to deal with one first and then capture the other.

But, you are very capable..."

At the same time, Asuma drew out his two usual chakra daggers.

Hidan couldn't help but laugh when he heard Asuma's arrogant words.

"Hehehe... It seems that monster Kuchan has pissed off you Konoha~

Also, even if you want to deal with our group, your order of attack is wrong! "

boom! ! ! ! !

Suddenly, Kakuzu, who had finished withdrawing the money, appeared behind Shikamaru, and smashed through the high wall with his earth-bending fist!

At the critical moment, Nara Shikamaru, who was only an elite chuunin, escaped Kakuzu's surprise attack.

However, the jutsu that controlled Hidan was also released at the same time.

The moment Hidan regained his freedom, he immediately took back the scythe that had been hit not far in front of him, and swiped it at the two ninjas beside him!

But the two chuunin decisively gave up the long swords in their hands before the scythe returned to Hidan's hands, and flew back.

In less than five seconds, it went from four Konoha people surrounding Hidan to Hidan and Kakuzu surrounding four Konoha people!

At this time, Kakuzu, who had fallen to the ground, also noticed Asuma.

"As expected, the one in the middle's rare that you have a connection with money, Hidan."

After pulling out the two swords stuck in his body, Hidan held the huge three-sword sickle with one hand behind his back and looked at Kakuzu who was about to take action.

“Don’t interfere, Kakuzu!

Let me use them for the ritual! All the money for you! "

After making up his mind to take action, Hidan turned to the four Asumas who were waiting for him, regardless of Kakuzu's consent.

“Okay, but don’t let your guard down, you’ll die.

It’s not a death like ‘losing life’…”

It seemed that he didn't need to take action for the time being, so Kakuzu simply sat on the steps, waiting for Hidan's performance.

"Is this what you want to say to me?

If you can really kill me, I'm still looking forward to it~"

While he was talking, a large amount of blood flowed to Hidan's feet because his heart was pierced.

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