However, he did not allow Nangong Yue to hurt Naruto like this, and immediately used the maximum teleportation technique!

Before Naruto could fly ten meters, Minato instantly appeared behind Nangong Yue! ! !

"Hmph! Do you think that by blocking the space, you can limit my speed?!

Rasengan! ! ! ! ! "

That's right, even without the Flying Thunder God, Minato is still the fastest ninja in the ninja world! ! !

Because his understanding of wind-type chakra is different!

Others' understanding of wind is 'thinner and sharper', but Minato's understanding of wind is not only 'thinner and sharper', but also focuses on 'lighter and faster'! ! !

Obviously, in less than a second, Minato crossed a distance of hundreds of meters, dodged behind Nangong Yue, and hit Nangong Yue's head with a rasengan! ! !

Helpless, Minato was probably a little confused, or he was so eager to save his son that he completely forgot about the first time he was hit by Nangong Yue.

What's even more terrible is that this time, it's not the shadow clone that rushes over. In order to burst into the fastest speed, it's Namikaze Minato's true body that rushes over! ! !


Sure enough, when Minato's Rasengan completely penetrated Nangong Yue's head, Minato knew that something bad had happened!


Chapter 216


Sure enough, when Minato's Rasengan completely penetrated Nangong Yue's head, Minato knew that something bad had happened!

Soon, Minato took the Rasengan and passed through Nangong Yue's body, rushing straight towards Naruto who was diagonally below.


At the critical moment, Minato dispersed the Rasengan in his hand in time, but Minato's body still hit Naruto hard!

What's even more cruel is that precisely because Minato's speed is so fast, the kinetic energy he brings is also extremely large! Just from this impact, not only Naruto, but Minato suffered even more serious internal injuries! ! !

Soon, Naruto held Minato and rushed to a position less than two meters away from Nangong Yue...

"Shenra Tianzheng..."

boom! ! ! ! ! ! !

This time, Nangong Yue's output was greater than the time when he shattered the insect swarm just now!

After all, these are the Jinchuuriki of the Kyuubi and the Fourth Hokage~

Just as the repulsive force acted on the two of them! Minato's body exploded into a cloud of smoke with a bang, leaving only a piece of wood. It was obvious that the Substitution Technique was used in time!

But Naruto was not at this level and received a severe blow!


Just like that, Naruto was hit by the huge repulsion force and hit the ground below at a speed that was invisible to the naked eye!

However, just before Naruto was about to touch the ground and receive secondary damage, Minato successfully rescued him again and dodged to a safe (?) area hundreds of meters away from Nangong Yue!

However, saving Naruto this time did not come without Minato paying a price.

The impact of Naruto being knocked back was so great that even after being strengthened by Kage-level chakra, Minato's arms were already suffering from extensive bone fractures! ! !

"Brother...why...I...don't...what the hell..."

Naruto, who was rescued again, had slightly trembling eyes. Looking at Minato's arms that were obviously abnormal and slightly twisted, he had mixed feelings in his heart.

For no other reason than just now, Naruto clearly saw that Minato used the fourth generation Hokage's signature ninjutsu, the Rasengan!

It was precisely because of this scene that Naruto completely believed what Nangong Yue said before, and believed that the elder brother in front of him was the long-dead Fourth Generation Hokage! ! !

However, he still doesn't know that the fourth generation is his biological father, Uzumaki Naruto! ! !

On Minato's side, after putting Naruto down, he faced Nangong Yue in the air again, a trace of determination flashed in his eyes, interrupting Naruto's murmur,

'This monster is so powerful that even after I fuse Naruto's Rasengan, I can't hurt him at all.

Now, it has been determined that the opponent's ninjutsu level is very strong; the illusion level is unknown, and the physical skill level is also unknown.

Try again, otherwise, you will have to...'

"Naruto, use the Rasengan again."

"But...we can't do anything..."

"Trust me, Naruto, do it again."

Naruto found it difficult to resist the smiling Minato, so he created a shadow clone and began to condense the Rasengan.

Minato also condensed a rasengan with his hands, and at the same time, the rasengan continued to expand.

Also, Minato's Rasengan is different from Naruto's blue, but light green! It obviously contains a lot of wind attributes!

At the same time, the Rasengan in Naruto's hand also expanded inexplicably!

"What's going on?!" (Naruto)

"Chakras with similar properties will resonate with each other once they are close to each other.

When the two merge, the strongest Rasengan is completed! "

Just after the two people merged the two colors of Rasengan, they raised their hands holding the Rasengan above their heads...

"This is?!"

"This is the most powerful Tai Chi Rasengan!!!!!"

'Pfft... standard Watergate style naming...'

Nangong Yue, who was floating in the air, almost couldn't hold it back...

After the fused Rasengan was formed, Minato took over this energy ball, which was far greater than before, and stared at Nangong Yue in the air.

"Naruto... this time, leave it to me."


Suddenly, Minato made a sprinting stance, formed a seal with his left hand, and then disappeared instantly!

Minato's speed is indeed very fast, which is already faster than the speed of sound, and the ninja's eyes, even if the Sharingan is strengthened by chakra, can only barely see an afterimage! ! !

However, Minato encountered Nangong Yue, a monster who could speed up his thinking ten thousand times!

Not to mention accelerating ten thousand times, even if it is only accelerated a hundred times now, you can already see it clearly!

Now, around Nangong Yue, a ray of light was seen flashing rapidly, and soon a network of blue-green light was formed, wrapping Nangong Yue in it!

It seemed that Minato did not make a direct attack, but looked for weaknesses around Nangong Yue.

Moreover, Minato seems to have understood that Nangong Yue's reaction speed is far faster than ordinary people, and ordinary raids have no effect on him!

Therefore, Minato can only disrupt the opponent's attention, just to find the only chance that may not last more than a moment! ! !

...Nangong Yue's perspective...

‘Forget it, let’s deal with you, the guy who dances the most happily, first.

Otherwise, Kyuubi still can’t be recovered~’

“The definition is, the human body is at the top and the energy is at the bottom.

And then..."

Nangong Yue, who was a little impatient, immediately prepared this priority definition to make it easier to perform the technique.

In other words, you can directly blast this energy spiral!

Moreover, the palm of Nangong Yue's left hand hidden in his sleeve instantly condensed a black spherical crystal!

At the same time, a vague invisible wave spread rapidly, and soon enveloped a spherical space with a diameter of one kilometer with Nangong Yue as the center! ! !

At this time, Minato finally couldn't hold it any longer.

Although he still retains some chakra, his legs can no longer support such a violent explosion!

'right here! ! ! ’

Sudden! Minato, who was holding the 'Tai Chi Rasengan', moved to a position within one meter behind Nangong Yue! Immediately push the Rasengan in his hand to the spine of the back of Nangong Yue's head! ! !

Just when Minato thought he was about to succeed! Nangong Yue crushed the black crystal in his left hand! ! !

Click! ! ! Click, click, click! ! ! ! ! !

After doing all this, Nangong Yue, who was floating in the air, turned around leisurely and quietly observed Minato who was still in mid-air.

Look at the smile on his face, how bright it is~

After all, what shines in Minato's eyes is the belief that he will win~

However, the current scene looks like such a huge contrast!

Nangong Yue's current actions are basically equivalent to erasing all Minato's efforts!

That’s right! This is the ultimate secret technique of the Otsutsuki clan, freezing time and space! ! !

In order to perform this technique, Nangong Yue spent more than 20% of his body's energy, which was equivalent to all the chakra reserves of Senju Hashirama! ! !

Of course, the reason why so much energy is consumed is to extend the stationary time to 0.

However, these don't matter. Like the first generation, Nangong Yue's energy recovery speed is extremely fast. It is estimated that these energy can be replenished in less than five minutes.

Having said that, Nangong Yue looked at the fusion spiral pill in Minato's hand, and first absorbed all of it, just to replenish his energy consumption.

'Haha... not much at all...'

Then, Nangong Yue slowly floated behind Shuimen,

"Farewell, Yondaime..."

At this point, Nangong Yue put his hand on Minato's left shoulder,


Soon, starting from Minato's shoulders, his body quickly turned gray!

Just when the 'Hengkai' had spread to Minato's heart, Nangong Yue lifted the 'freeze of time and space'.


For the first time, Minato lowered his head and looked at his body. After feeling the condition of his body, he was silent for a few seconds with complicated emotions, and finally laughed at himself,

"Before I die, can you tell me what kind of magic you performed?

Of course, it's not the jutsu that's crushing my body right now. "

"Quite simply, it's 'freeze in time'."

Upon hearing the words 'time freeze', Minato's eyes widened instantly! ! !


did not expect! I can actually die from the time ninjutsu!

In other words, I have forced you into a desperate situation and have to use such a taboo technique! ! ! "


Regarding Minato's words, Nangong Yue remained silent. If Minato found out, his judgment was completely different, and it might be that the corpses had been sealed away.

"Although you still look calm and calm after using such a forbidden technique, you must have reached your limit.

Then...I'll wait for you below..."

Finally, Minato looked at Uzumaki Naruto, whose eyes were wide open, as if he had suffered a huge mental shock and had temporarily lost his voice. His eyes finally couldn't help but burst into tears!

"My favorite son... the next step... will be left to you...


After giving Minato enough time, in the end, Minato's entire body turned into powder and dispersed in the wind.

And Naruto below, after witnessing Minato being killed, fell into a state that Nangong Yue was very familiar with, and orange-red chakra began to appear all over his body!

'son? The eldest brother...the my...father?

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