As a result, Kakashi, who was unable to fly, was already at an altitude of more than 20 meters, unable to control the general direction of his body!

"Hmph! You should have used powerful ninjutsu to crush my crystals from the beginning!

Now, Sharingan Kakashi! What should you do? !

Crystal escape! Break the crystal and subdue the dragon! ! ! "

Honglian actually formed a rare seal, and she still pressed her hands on the water!

Next, three giant pink crystal dragons about five meters in diameter and thirty meters long emerged from the water behind Honglian! ! !

"it's over!!!"

Three crystal dragons, from three directions below Kakashi, slammed their heads towards Kakashi's predicted landing point one second later! ! !

‘This guy can crystallize everything she comes into contact with. In other words, water, earth, and wood escape are useless to her.

But, if this is the case...'

For the first time, Kakashi finally used his signature thunder escape, the S-level single-point thunder escape secret, Raikiri!

Just when three huge dragon heads were about to hit him, Kakashi's right hand, wrapped around a large amount of lightning, stabbed hard at the impact point below him! ! !

Although the red lotus crystals are very hard due to the regular arrangement of their molecular structures, once the structure is destroyed, the crystals will completely collapse!

And Kakashi's Raikiri had the attack power to destroy crystals, easily smashing three crystal dragons!

However, Guren's offensive is not over. She also knows Kakashi's intelligence. These three crystal dragons that may kill Kakashi are just feint attacks to draw out Kakashi Raiki. The real attack comes from Kakashi. behind!

Just when Kakashi had just smashed the crystal dragon, a giant blood-red crystal thorn came from Kakashi's back and pierced Kakashi's Jounin protective vest with one blow! It penetrated Kakashi's body slightly! ! !

Although from the perspective of physical damage, it only penetrated the body for two or three centimeters, which is not considered an injury at all, but Guren's escape technique is crystal escape! It's an escape technique that can crystallize matter! ! !

After Guren confirmed that Kakashi was injured by his crystal, the corners of his mouth were slightly raised.

Kakashi, who was stabbed, fell into the lake, and then half-knelt on the lake with some reluctance.

When Kakashi surfaced, Guren had already teleported to Kakashi.

"It's a pity~Kakashi~

Although in the intelligence, you are said to be so amazing, now it seems that your level is only this. A small mistake can make you fall into the abyss.

Now, the game is over¨"~"

The moment he was injured, Kakashi already understood the meaning of the opponent's combo, and he was also a little annoyed by his own wrong choice.

While Hong Lian was speaking, because Hong Lian had never released the technique of 'Broken Crystal Dragon Subduing', the three crystal dragons that had been shattered recovered in the blink of an eye and rushed towards them again. Because the blood began to crystallize, it was difficult to move. Kakashi!

At the same time, in order to seal this powerful bull ghost, Sai had to continue to activate his ink ninjutsu, constantly using oil-based ink to create a large number of black snakes.

In this way, Ushiki broke off a large number of black snakes again and again, and Sai continued to create black snakes, wrapping them around the strong man's body again, and they fell into a stalemate.

...Perspective shift...

Deidara and the Red Sand Scorpion, who were walking on the loess road, suddenly discovered a somewhat suspicious large lake through the sparse trees!

"I said...according to Zetsu's information, the wild three-tails live in a large lake, right?"

Deidara, who saw the lake first, lowered his head and asked Brother Scorpion who was staying in the amber stream.

Scorpion did not reply to Deidara first, but moved to the bare cliff edge.

Deidara, who was familiar with Scorpion, knew that this old man's action was tantamount to an answer, so he quickly followed.

Just when Deidara reached the edge of the cliff just as quickly...

"Squat down, you idiot!!!"

Reflexively, Deidara squatted down and before he could refute, he saw an interesting scene!

"Oh? Isn't that a ninja from Konoha? that a barrier?

Hey Hey hey? No way? Are we so lucky? ! "

In order to find the Three-Tails and accompany this old man beside him to capture materials everywhere, Deidara almost broke his legs!

Now, it can be said that the iron shoes have been worn out~

"It seems to be correct. Since these people are detecting the location of the three tails in such a big way, it means that these people have determined that the three tails are in this lake.

It's even possible that someone has seen the Three-Tails. Aren't we attracted here by the riots here...

Also, Deidara, look over there. "

Following the direction of Scorpion's line of sight, Deidara saw a young man hiding behind a stone who was also peeping at the Konoha seal group.

"Deidara, bring that person here, your technique is more convenient.

This guy may be from Orochimaru's side. With Orochimaru's temperament, this guy may have some rare or strange abilities. "

As he spoke, Scorpion took out a knuckle-sized wooden puppet spider from his sleeve, connected it with a very thin chakra thread, and handed it to Deidara.

After Deidara took the puppet, the corners of his mouth turned up, and he put his other hand into his pocket. After biting off a piece of clay, he squeezed it a few times, opened his palm again, and threw it up. A bird the size of a normal sparrow flew into the air.

Immediately afterwards, the snow-white clay sparrow picked up the puppet spider and flew into the woods twenty meters behind the man.

In less than half a minute, the sparrow landed on the grass. After putting down the puppet spider, it flew up again and stopped on a tree to stand by as a backup.

Five minutes later, the young man wearing ninja open-toed sandals suddenly felt that the big toe of his right foot supporting his buttocks felt like it was pricked by a needle!

Before he realized something was wrong, the scorpion's poison had already taken effect, and the unlucky guy just passed out behind the rock...

What a pity. This guy named "Lin'er" has excellent perception ability, but this guy's perception ability is for living creatures.

As for the wooden puppet spider, which was no bigger than a knuckle, and the scorpion's chakra line, which was much thinner than a human hair, his perception was obviously not as refined as this.

The red sand scorpion on the high cliff, after confirming that the target was poisoned, turned to look at Deidara.

"`. Let's go to the target. These Konoha people won't be able to find the Three-Tails for a while. Even if they find it, they won't be able to defeat it.

Haha... don't even look at what those seals are? Still want to seal the tailed beast?

Hehe's daytime now! "

After giving the instructions, Brother Xie controlled Fei Liuhu and moved in the direction of Lin'er. Anyway, there was a chakra line to guide the direction.

Seeing Scorpion move, Deidara, who was half-crouching, smiled helplessly and quickly followed.

...Back to the battlefield of Guren...

Just as the three giant crystal dragons were recovering, Honglian jumped onto the forehead of the long dragon in the middle!

"Okay, it's almost time to put an end to this."

Before he finished speaking, Guren controlled the three crystal dragons and rushed towards Kakashi who was having difficulty moving below!

Just before Guren looked excited and was about to hit Kakashi! The heads of the three dragons were blocked by a large swarm of dark insects! ! !

Not only that, but after a stalemate of less than two seconds, the three crystal dragons were crushed to pieces? ! ! !

Before his spell was broken and the insects were about to wrap around him, Honglian had no time to be surprised and quickly retreated to distance himself from the insects.

After landing on the lake, Guren raised his head and locked eyes with Kakashi, a man wearing sunglasses whose face was basically completely covered.

This technique is obviously from the Aburame clan of Konoha!

"What a critical moment...Is it finally done...?"

Kakashi didn't look like he was almost killed, and he teased Aburame Shino next to him in a relaxed tone.

"If it hadn't been completed, I wouldn't be here."

Guren stood up. Because he was confident in his own technique, he even made a provocation.

"Who am I talking about~ Insect Ninja Shin~

But unfortunately, your ninjutsu has no effect on me~"

Shino seemed to be irritated and didn't reply at all. He directly faced Guren and released a large number of parasites!


Chapter 229


Faced with Guren's provocation, Shino released a large number of parasite swarms towards the opposite side without saying a word, and they all pounced on Guren!

"I told you, it's useless~"

Honglian formed a few seals and used both hands to attack the insect swarm! The next second, all the bugs were trapped in a pink crystal! ! !

"Look~ It's useless, why don't you listen?"

"Is it really useless?" (Shino)


Just when Honglian had doubts, the first parasitic insect broke through the crystal and flew out!

Immediately afterwards, all the crystals were broken one after another! Soon, the insect swarm has reached a large scale! ! !

"How can this be..."

"Now that the position has been reversed, your Crystal Escape is no longer effective against me.

Because my bugs have evolved and become sufficiently immune to your ninjutsu. "

Just when the insect swarm was completely broken, and Guren was falling into self-doubt because his ninjutsu was broken, Naruto, who was originally kicked by his own clone, had already dodged behind her! ! !

"The art of multiple shadow clones!!!"

Bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang...

Soon, Guren was surrounded by a swarm of parasites and Naruto's clones!

What's worse for her is that these Narutos are already working in pairs, quickly rolling the Rasengan!

"I won't let you run away this time!"

Naruto's true body stopped in front of the clone and stared at Guren who was still a little confused.

"Say quickly! Where is Yuukimaru?!"

Just as Guren was completely surrounded by the insect swarm, the roaring clones of Naruto smashed the Rasengan at Guren.

Another reckless free fall in the air, Guren, whose taijutsu was at the Jonin level, easily dodged Naruto's attacks.

Moreover, the speed of parasites is not as fast as the instant body technique!

After bursting out with the instantaneous technique and breaking through the blockade of the insect swarm, Honglian helplessly wrapped himself in red crystals as he watched the parasitic insects wrap around him again! ! !

But in this way, Guren cut off his retreat. After all Naruto's clones were destroyed by the crystal backlash, Shino's parasitic bug finally caught up!

The bugs that were already immune to the crystal escape quickly devoured the crystal wall protecting Honglian!

The speed of crystal recovery cannot keep up with the speed of insect destruction! ! !

At the same time, after destroying the chakra belonging to Guren in his body, Kakashi, who regained his mobility, also activated Raikiri again and rushed to the direction of Guren!

Just before Kakashi's Raikiri was about to penetrate Guren's heart, a tall wall of mud blocked Kakashi's hand, relying on the stickiness of the soil to prevent Kakashi from advancing even an inch!

The earth-turned bull head not only blocked Guren's fatal attack, but also shot a dense barrage of earth from his own body!

For a time, a large number of parasites were shot down by mud bombs!

But don’t forget, in this world, ‘earth’ is restrained by ‘thunder’! Niutou's so-called 'mud escape' is just a variant of earth escape!

At this time, Kakashi's Raikiri penetrated the body, and the bull head was not far from death!

Before Hong Lian could react, while he was still alive, Niu Tou, a loyal follower, wrapped Hong Lian's body in soil, and like lightning, sent Hong Lian to the shore!

Just after confirming Guren's safety, the dirt wall in front of Kakashi squirmed, and a dull face appeared, staring at Kakashi with his eyes!

"Sorry, this road is blocked!"

Hearing this, Kakashi decisively increased the energy output of 'Raikiri'!


In less than five seconds, the entire earthy body of the bull head was completely shattered by Kakashi's thunder escape!

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