One hand exploded with strange power, and in the blink of an eye, the broken sword was violently pulled out of the body. The wound was brutally torn apart, and while blood spurted out, the wound healed at a speed thousands of times faster than usual! ! !

But she herself paid no attention to her injuries and continued to rush towards Madara without hesitation!

"Well done Naruto! I'm here to help you!!!"

The Fourth Raikage Yozuki Ai roared and stepped forward to help. Under Gaara's Wind Release, Pollen was still unable to approach this area.

With that said, he had already rushed close to Susan, obviously faster than Tsunade.

" seems like you haven't learned your lesson at all!"

Madara sneered, still holding his hands around his chest, without any movement, the four long swords held by Susano slashed out one after another, the blue chakra gathered into sword energy, he simply didn't even need to aim, and slashed out one after another. The sword energy weaves into a strange sword net.

Tsunade was still determined not to dodge or evade. Anyway, any injury could be healed instantly with the blessing of her huge chakra.

Not long after, she arrived in front of Madara covered in bruises, activated her strange power, and punched down!

boom! ! !

At the beginning of the period, Uchiha Madara didn't pay much attention, thinking that at most it would be about the same attack power as the previous Raikage.

But when the punch really hit Susana's ribs, he was a little dumbfounded.

If Raikage's previous blow was full of power and penetration, then Tsunade's current punch had pure power, and the difference was quite obvious.

The Raikage's punch just now was so powerful because it was accelerated over a long distance. Although the weight was zero, the mass did not change, not to mention the weight of Tsuchikage Onoki!

This is the extraordinary attack power 0 converted from huge kinetic energy.

As for Tsunade, it was pure explosive power!

Click! ! !

Less than a second after Tsunade's heavy punch landed, clear cracks appeared on Susan's bones, but they were not completely shattered. They only made Susan's body surface covered with cracks.

Ban snorted, and chakra erupted again. Tsunade, who was hit hard, was instantly knocked away. Soon, Tsunade's uncontrollable body hit the ground mixed with sand and gravel, raising dust all over the sky.

But the moment she landed, Tsunade stood up again. Now it seemed that apart from being stained with dust, she didn't have any obvious scars. In fact, she had been healed by her medical ninjutsu while 'flying' in mid-air.

Just when Tsunade was repulsed, Yozuki Ai's figure had already flashed in front of Susan!

"Thunder escape! Thunder bomb!!!"

A punch that gathered all his strength hit the crack created by Tsunade. With a loud noise and a harsh cracking sound, Madara's Susanoo was shattered again!

This time, Madara did not retreat. Chakra surged all over his body. He strengthened himself extremely roughly and punched the Raikage's fist!

boom! ! !

The fists collided, and a violent shock wave spread out in all directions, centered on the impact point. The vines around him were actually destroyed by the aftermath of the purely physical impact!

This time, Uchiha Madara's figure did not move at all, but the Fourth Raikage flew out in an instant.

With a loud bang, the figure of Raikage fell to the ground. Sawdust and sand flew everywhere, creating a huge crater in the ground. Two days later, Ohnoki quickly turned his head.

"Raikage, are you okay?"

Tsunade rushed to the Raikage's position immediately and helped Yezuki Ai up in the sand. The Raikage was already in a state of embarrassment, and light green chakra was pouring into his body continuously.

From the moment when the Raikage and Madara were fighting each other, to when the Raikage flew out upside down, it was only a moment.

"The Secret of Fire Escape! Flame God Kagutsuchi!!!"

When Onoki turned around, he saw an extremely dazzling flame condensed and compressed in Madara's hand. Such a level of fire attribute chakra was unheard of even by the old and experienced Tsuchikage!

The flames in Madara's palm turned from red to blue, then white, then purple, and finally turned colorless! The astonishing high temperature seemed to set the entire space on fire! ! !

Even if Ohnoki is not a perceptive ninja, he can feel the terrifying power contained in this forbidden technique based on his vision and body sense alone.

The next moment, Madara's palm turned into colorless flames and completely exploded!

In an instant, with Madara as the center, the entire world turned into a sea of ​​​​fire. The vines in the flower and tree world naturally became the best ready-made fuel. As far as the eye could see, there was nothing but blazing heat! ! !

The pollen is vaporized at high temperatures, but the toxins in it are not eliminated together, but are perfectly decomposed and blended into the thick smoke!

Suddenly, the air was filled with toxins that could not be dispelled. Gaara stopped Wind Release at the same time, and his face became ugly.

However, he didn't have enough time to speak. The power of 'Fire God Kagutsuchi' had fully exploded. Secret-level ninjutsu was no joke. A dazzling huge beam of light shot into the sky with Madara as the center. It starts, and at the same time it expands and spreads to the surroundings very quickly!


Chapter 348


The pollen is instantly vaporized under high temperature, but the toxins in it are not eliminated together, but are perfectly decomposed and blended into the thick smoke!

Suddenly, the air was filled with toxins that could not be dispelled. Gaara stopped Wind Release at the same time, and his face became ugly.

However, he didn't have enough time to speak. The power of 'Fire God Kagutsuchi' had fully exploded. The secret-level ninjutsu was no joke. A dazzling huge beam of light rose into the sky!

"Chen Escape! The art of boundary peeling!!!"

In this case, only Onoki, who was strong enough to break through the defense, could launch a more effective counterattack. Blazing white light groups emerged from the palms of his hands and decisively swept out towards the flames ahead!

All materials touched by the dust escape barrier were swept by white light and decomposed into atomic states, whether they were flames or vines.

In fact, because it interrupted the violent movement of microscopic particles, even the illusory 'temperature' was completely erased by this exceptional technique! ! !

"Huh? You did a good job, but it's a pity that it's not enough."

On the top of a tall plant that was still intact, Madara's body appeared here.

If the previous secret of fire escape is to be used in the form of a "pillar of light", it is best to use a clone that contains a sufficient amount of chakra.

After all, the colorless flame has a temperature as high as tens of thousands of degrees Celsius! The previous method of casting oneself into the attack range was completely self-destructing!

Although Susano 01's protection can be used to resist this technique, the gain is not worth the loss.

Although Madara is now the reincarnated body of the dirty earth, there is no need to care about the impact of fire escape on him, since he can be resurrected again anyway.

However, the fighting habits accumulated over the years did not allow him to make such a waste of chakra.

Let's talk about Ohnoki. At this time, he controlled the sweep of dust escape and suppressed the spreading flames in only a few seconds. However, at the next moment, he was counterattacked by more violent conventional flames. The powerful shock wave caused by the expansion of air forced him to retreat. go back.

After stabilizing his body, his eyes were filled with a sea of ​​fire, and the safe space to escape became increasingly narrower. The five weak figures gathered in one place, each of them with ugly expressions.

Raikage looked up with difficulty. He was covered in bruises and was being supported by Tsunade who was covered in blood and was being treated continuously.

What's even worse is that there is a large amount of highly toxic smoke in the air. Inhaling even a trace will make people dizzy. Therefore, they can only close their breathing and communicate only through their eyes.

The only good news is that Onoki's previous dust escape successfully eliminated the tens of thousands of degrees Celsius 'God's Flame', along with the high temperature!

What they are facing now is just 'mundane fire', which is a blessing among misfortunes.

If it were a flame of tens of thousands of degrees Celsius, every one of them would be vaporized in an instant!

‘It’s not okay to go on like this...

When the flames cover this place, we will all die here! ’

Two days later, Onoki secretly thought in his heart, while checking the chakra in his body, and the light of dust appeared in the palm of his hand again.

There is no way, although they are shadow-level masters, but with the self-harming practice of 'Chakra', their life level is still the most ordinary mortals.

Since he is a mortal, of course he cannot leave the air.

"I have no choice but to fight hard!

Dust Escape! The art of boundary stripping! ! ! "

Onoki did not hesitate to squeeze his own life force and released a more powerful dust escape than before. The blazing white light formed a column, like a lightsaber that could open the sky, sweeping across the hellish sea of ​​​​fire!

In an instant, as the blazing white sword of light swept across the sky, the world was suddenly filled with 'pure white'! It is both the power to destroy the world and the light to create it!

After a while, the flames dissipated, and many huge plants were cut in half, and the cuts were as smooth as a mirror!

"Hmph hum... Yes, this is the correct way to use 'decompose'. The only person present who can kill Madara may be this little old man.

The mummy of the second Tsuchikage is indeed a talent. He can actually create such a level of jutsu with only the energy of chakra that is not embarrassing. "

Nangong Yue stood 500 meters above the battlefield and had a panoramic view of the battle below. It was a free period now. Nangong Yue took the time to look at the dozen jounin who were already dozens of miles away. He felt helpless for a moment. .

However, he is too lazy to last any more damage now. This person can't afford to make any trouble anyway, so he can just let them be. After all, he can survive by relying on his own ability.

"Hey... the time for casting the spell still needs to be compressed, even for such a complex spell.

If space magic is not 'fast' enough, what's the point?

Also, you have to take the time to perfect the superimposed casting of the same spell..."

Having once again determined the direction of his magic practice, Nangong Yue continued to turn his attention to the scene he had only seen on the screen at first.

Sure enough, real battle scenes are more interesting, such as the high temperature just now.

To be honest, this technique is no different from Andeva's self-destruction technique.


Onoki, who was swaying in the air, was panting violently, and most of the chakra he had just recovered was consumed again.

Not to mention the tenacious little old man who single-handedly saved five people, below, although the situation of the other four Kage is passable, it is also not optimistic!

"This level of power...

Hehe hehe... Very good, it seems you still have some energy left, so let's continue playing.

Well... Speaking of Mudun, I still have trouble using it.

After all, I only got it for a short time, and I haven't experienced enough actual combat. The techniques are still very immature. I can only rely on the simplest and crudest usage to suppress the enemy with "quantity".

If you continue to play like this, even the reincarnated body of the dirty earth will still not be able to hold on.

Therefore, I will fight you in the way I am familiar with next. "

At the same time, Uchiha Madara took the time to glance at the small black dot above his head.

'asshole! Does he regard us as puppets to watch? !

Hmph...we'll settle the accounts later, let's settle the immediate issues first. ’

After making this decision, Uchiha Madara lowered his gaze and looked at the five shadows in the distance, mainly Ohnoki, who was the greatest threat.

"In other words, from the beginning to now, it's been five against one..."

“Even five against one, we have to win!

Don't call us despicable, at least we have recognized your power in this way, you are Uchiha Madara! "

The relatively healthy Mizukage Terumi took a step forward and argued with reason. At the same time, his hands faced each other in front of him, ready to form seals at any time.

Uchiha Madara chuckled lightly and made cross seals with his hands. He had multiple shadow clones of the same style. In fact, he used wooden clones, twenty-five of them at a time.

"No, I won't call you despicable. War, any means to win is feasible.

Such a luxury as a ‘bottom line’ has never existed. "

At the same time, twenty-five wooden clones of Madara stood up instantly, and each Kage was surrounded by five wooden clones of Madara Uchiha!

“Now, this is five on one, don’t call me mean.

In the same way, at least I have recognized your power in this way. You are the Five Shadows~

So, now the question is, do these clones use Susanoo or not? Which one is better? "

The five shadows who were surrounded by five wooden clones immediately simulated the scene of "five Susanas besieging themselves" in their minds. In an instant, their eyes widened and their pupils shrank to the size of a needle tip!

"Answer me, to use it or not to use it?"

At this time, the five shadows had no time to answer Madara's question. What if the five clones in front of him suddenly attacked?

"Well... forget it, with your little ability, you probably won't have time to answer.

That's great, let me answer it for you. "

At the same time, blue chakra ignited on the body surfaces of the twenty-five wooden clones, and then expanded rapidly!

"The answer is 'use'."

Suddenly, twenty-five full-body giants with a height of tens of meters slowly walked towards the five shadows!

The next moment, on the ruins of the birth of the flower tree world, twenty-five mature Susanas continued to wreak havoc, and the five shadows surrounded among them all fell into a bitter fight!

The curved chakra long sword slashed horizontally, Gaara frowned, and while raising one hand, the yellow sand under his feet surged up, turning into a solid wall to block the blow.

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