You are the only one left who still retains a considerable degree of combat effectiveness.

Although we don’t want to admit it, if you also fall, we will lose this war. "

Madara was completely dismissive of Kakashi's judgment;

"Hmph! That's nice to say, as if you still have a chance of winning."

Obito looked at Naruto below, as if he was seeing his former self who wanted to become Hokage.

"Naruto, you and I, we are just weak ninjas.

The moment we were born into this world, we were forced to bear the fate of being a 'ninja', and we were powerless to change all of this.

Therefore, we can only sink in this hellish world.

You are very much like me, you have the same dreams and you are equally willing to help others.

However, you have never seen the real darkness of this world, or in other words, you have not been hurt by this darkness yet.

Therefore, you can still maintain the innocent mentality you have now, but all this is not 'real', you only see the appearance.

Give up resistance, this dark world is not worthy of your protection at all. Join me to overthrow this hopeless world and create a perfect world that only exists in dreams!

There, there is only happiness and dreams, and all ideas will come true smoothly.

Don't you want to become Hokage? As long as you cast Infinite Tsukuyomi, you can become Hokage immediately.

In other words, everyone can become a shadow! "

Faced with Obito Akira's temptation, Naruto was naturally unmoved.

"I have said many times that there are fundamental differences between you and me. The Hokage I want to become is not the illusory existence in dreams.

In my opinion, you are just cowards who are obsessed with the past and can never get out of the past.

You keep talking about how dark and hopeless the world is, but you never think about changing anything.

Even if you really succeed in casting Infinite Tsukuyomi, you are just poor people who escaped into a dream and returned to the 'past' again¨"!"

Uchiha Madara could not deny this. What Naruto said was actually more in line with Obito standing beside him.

Uchiha Madara has carried the lives of all his brothers and Izuna until now. He is not a pedantic person who clings to the past. Although he is very arrogant, he does stand as the 'Lord of the World' Thinking about the problem from the perspective.

Moreover, he is different from Obito. Obito wants to enter the Infinite Tsukuyomi and live in the so-called world where Kakashi and Lin exist. However, Uchiha Madara wants to stay on the outside and maintain control of the whole world forever. Control for all.

This kind of awareness of enduring loneliness for eternity is definitely not something that Uchiha Obito can compare to!

Madara glanced at Obito, and although he was disdainful in his heart, this kid was his pawn after all.

Moreover, if he wants to be resurrected, he will most likely have to rely on him. Nangong Yue can't count on it, so he quickly interrupts the verbal exchange between the two.

"Save it, this guy is the type who doesn't listen to others' advice at first glance. He is very similar to Hashirama from before. You are not much different...

However, since they insist on seeking death, there is no reason why we cannot help them. "

Speaking of this, Uchiha Madara looked down, a flash of light flashing in his eyes,

"So... you can go die!"

At the last sentence, his tone suddenly became serious, and at the same time, chakra was transmitted to the Ten-Tails through the pipe in the back of the head.

The next moment, the tailed beast jade's dark energy gathered crazily, and an energy ball comparable in size to the Nine-Tails was swallowed by the Ten-Tails.

The neck of the Ten-Tails swelled, its mouth opened wide, and a scarlet beam of light shot out. The originally dark night suddenly became as bright as day.

The earth, which had been devastated by the aftermath of the battle, could not stop trembling under the 'World-Destroying' light cannon. Naruto and the others were as small as dust under this terrifying attack.

The Tailed Beast Cannon was raging, and countless chasms were suddenly drawn on the earth. The distant mountain peaks were instantly turned into powder under the terrifying crushing force. This was just the prelude!

When the true power of this blow completely exploded, a little white light suddenly appeared, and it exploded into a huge cross in an instant, erupting with earth-shattering power, just like a nuclear explosion of huge power, and a white mushroom cloud shot straight into the sky!

If you are in outer space, such as the surface of the moon, you can clearly see a white light suddenly shining from the earth.

"Oh?" (Madara)


Obito snorted softly, and his expression became a little gloomy. Madara beside him remained calm as usual, turning his head slightly to look at Obito,

"Did you miss it...

Obito, your chakra just interfered with the Ten-Tails. Also, your chakra is disordered.

It seems that he is a member of the mountain clan, and he is really struggling in vain..."

When the smoke and dust dispersed, a bottomless chasm appeared beside Naruto and the others. This was the result of the Ten-Tails' Tailed Beast Cannon just cutting across the ground next to everyone.

Kakashi looked up, a hint of joy finally flashed across his face,

"It's finally here!"

In the distance, several figures fell first. Yamanaka Ino landed directly next to Naruto. Next to her was Hinata Neji.

"Naruto, are you okay?!

I just used my Byakugan to make precise positioning, affecting the chakra of one of them. "

"Well done, Ino!!!"

Naruto secretly made a dangerous secret, and after understanding the situation, he sincerely praised Ino for his decisive decision.

While talking, figures kept flashing over from not far away, including Nara Shikamaru, Akimichi Choji, Darui, and many ninja coalition forces on the battlefield.

After struggling to break through their respective battlefields, the ninjas from all major armies finally arrived. People kept gathering here, and the first ninjas who arrived had begun to release their ninjutsu!

"Ninjutsu, Kirigakure no Jutsu!"

The ninjas of Kirigakure Village used it together, and a large amount of fog spread, blocking the view of a large area in front of the Ten-Tails.

" seems that the number of annoying ants has increased again..."

Madara on the top of the Ten-Tails frowned slightly. In fact, before the Kirigakure Technique was activated, he had already observed a ninja coming.

Within the fog of the Kirigakure no Jutsu, more and more ninjas gathered. Sakura flashed to Naruto and asked quickly,

"Naruto, are you okay?"

"Ah, you came just in time!

Sakura, please help Mr. Kakashi and Mr. Thick Eyebrows heal first and help them recover their chakra as soon as possible. "


Sakura quickly agreed and stood behind Kakashi and Gai. The soft light of emerald green chakra bloomed in her palms. She attached her palms to their backs and began to treat them responsibly.

In the sky, ninjas kept coming at high speeds. In the headquarters far away, the water balloons used for sensing were also shaking and bubbles were popping up.

"The chakra of the coalition forces has gathered on the battlefield where Naruto is."

"It's very fast, the first unit is confirmed to have arrived!"

"The second unit has arrived!"

"The third unit has arrived!"

"Fourth Unit arrives!"

"Fifth unit arrives!"


"You are so naive. Do you think you can hide it like this..."

Madara hummed softly, input chakra again, controlled one of the ten tails, and swept it in front of him.

A strong wind swept through, and the thick mist was suddenly cleared. The next moment, Madara and Obito frowned together. What appeared in front of them was a seemingly dense ninja coalition. They could see as far as the eye could see. It was impossible to tell how many people there were.

A confident smile appeared on Naruto's face and he said loudly,

"This time, it's not just a mob! What you're seeing now is the art of the Ninja United Army!"

While they were talking, strong chakra fluctuations came from the sky again, and five figures quickly approached the place.

Naruto and the others looked up. Three of the figures jumped down quickly, but the other two were suspended in mid-air. They were the contemporary Five Kage.

"Grandma Tsunade! Are you okay?!"

Seeing that Tsunade and others looked safe, Naruto suddenly expressed surprise. Before Uchiha Madara appeared, he thought that all the five shadows had been killed.

Hearing Naruto's greeting, Tsunade turned around and showed a smile to Naruto,

"Ah~ Who do you think we are?!"

It has to be said that the appearance of the five shadows undoubtedly gave the entire coalition a shot in the arm. Panting slightly, Ohnoki suspended in the air and faced Madara.

"Finally... let us catch up, Madara... I admit that you are very strong, even completely beyond our cognitive scope.

But this time! We Five Shadows no longer fight alone! ! !

Behind us are thousands of ninjas in the ninja world. This time, we will never repeat the same mistakes as last time! "


Chapter 365


"Finally... let us catch up, Madara... I admit that you are very strong, even completely beyond our cognitive scope.

But this time! We Five Shadows no longer fight alone! ! !

Behind us are thousands of ninjas in the ninja world. This time, we will never repeat the same mistakes as last time! "

Looking at the huge changes in front of him, Uchiha Obito breathed a long sigh of relief. His face had lost its previous calmness and became truly serious.

"The art of the Ninja United Army, this way of naming... (It should be said that he is worthy of being the teacher's child...)

But even so, what can you do with your strength?

So what if there are too many trash fish? It's just some useless resistance, can you still jump out of the fishing net? "

After listening to Obito's words, Naruto raised his head and said with the same serious look on his face,

"No, this is not a useless effort. This is a testimony of our will and the will of this world!

This means that we humans will not hate each other as before. All hatred and grudges will be put aside after this battle!

I will work with everyone to stop your plan to destroy the world. This world will never allow you to destroy it! ! ! "

"Is it..."

Obito frowned and slowly closed his eyes. After thinking clearly, he opened his eyes and lowered his head to face Naruto.

"Naruto, you are totally wrong about one thing~

There is actually no point in stopping us.

Because this world is originally wrong. Even if you can really defeat us, the so-called ninja coalition will fall apart after this war.

And, some of you will inevitably take the path we are on today. "

"Why do you dare to conclude something like this that has never happened?!!!"

Naruto retorted loudly, and Onoki, who was floating in the air, shouted at the same time,

"Naruto said it well! Where this world goes should be left to the world itself to decide."


Uchiha Madara was silent for a rare moment, still keeping his arms folded, with a hint of teasing in his eyes.

After a moment, he seemed to sense something and suddenly chuckled,

"I said, no matter how many mobs come, it's the same. Under a certain level of power, the number is meaningless.

Besides, who told you... we don't have reinforcements?"


The allied ninjas were startled, and suddenly heard a strange sound in the sky, and subconsciously looked up at the sky.

"You bastards! Don't run if you have the guts! Huh!!!"

"That's! All the members of the Akatsuki organization?!!!"

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