Chapter 372


"Listen to my instructions, Raikage-sama, Tsuchikage-sama, Kazekage-sama, please take the other masters and keep an eye on the Akatsuki organization.

As for Naruto and everyone else, launch an all-out attack on the Ten-Tails and make sure to cut off the connection between Obito and the Ten-Tails.

As long as we ensure that he cannot launch the Infinite Tsukuyomi, we will have the upper hand!

Also, Tsunade-sama, please take care of the treatment."

"Ah, I understand, Uncle Shikaku!"

Naruto muttered in his heart, and then, under Shikaku's instructions, the ninja coalition army was divided into two groups, one group of elites went to resist the Akatsuki, and the rest continued to attack the Ten-Tails and Obito.

The fierce battle started again. Not to mention the battlefield on the Akatsuki side that was like a meat grinder, Uchiha Obito kept manipulating the Ten-Tails to counterattack, sensing the Ten-Tails' constantly changing chakra in the fierce battle, and was secretly happy in his heart,

'Very good, then I can change the Ten-Tails' form again, and I can also prepare for the ceremony of becoming the Ten-Tails Jinchūriki. As long as it succeeds, Uchiha Madara will not be my opponent.

I got the first move in this round! ’

As Obito changed his seals, the Ten-Tails roared to the sky, and the violent chakra storm spread to the surroundings. Under such unprecedented huge energy, the world changed, dark clouds pressed down, and a scene like the end of the world appeared in front of everyone!

The tornado that penetrated the sky and the earth ravaged the earth, and the thunder in the dark clouds was like a python, constantly twisting, without any rain, obviously accumulating energy, waiting for a one-time explosion later.

Nangong Yue and Madara looked up and noticed such a strange phenomenon. Nangong Yue chuckled and said,

"Hehe... It seems that the Ten-Tails is going to evolve again. Obito is really anxious.

This is really true. If the Ten-Tails' soul is not cleaned, it will basically be a gift to become a Jinchūriki~"

At this time, all members of the Akatsuki organization gathered behind Nangong Yue, the leader, and Deidara immediately sucked the huge clay dragon under his feet into his body without waste.

Except for Momoshiki and Satoru, the other core members were tactful and did not speak, but handed the main position to their leader.

Then, Satoru flapped the black wings behind him and landed beside Nangong Yue with Momoshiki.

It is undeniable that Momoshiki's existence put some pressure on Uchiha Madara, although he still looked calm on the surface...

"Boss, what should we do now? Kill all these people?"

Satoru folded his wings behind him and leaned close to Nangong Yue's ear, suggesting something eager to try, but Nangong Yue just rolled his eyes.

"Don't always think about killing people. Dead people are worthless. They are all my reserve combat forces, just like Jiraiya and Nagato.

Even as alchemical materials~"

'? ! ! ! ' (Coalition)

In front of the Akatsuki organization were the Tsuchikage, Raikage, Kazekage and a large number of elite ninjas, but they looked at the few people with heavy faces and did not dare to launch an attack at will.

No matter what, the red cloud and black robes in front of them are all experts in the shadow level, and each of them has at least 5,000 lives on their hands, just counting the battles in the past two days, so they can't help but be careful.

At this time, Obito, who was not easy to deal with, began...

"I say, it's not good for you to just stand by and watch."

Under Obito's guidance, an unknown object like a closed bud grew out of the mouth of the Ten-Tails, and its overall shape changed slightly. Nangong Yue took advantage of this opportunity to smile at the shadows in front of him,

"What? A few crab generals with a bunch of shrimp soldiers want to try to wrestle with us?

Especially you, Yeyue Ai, isn't the difference between the enemy and us obvious?

Is Susanoo hard, or is your lightning armor hard? Don't you have any idea? Why come here to die?"

The fourth generation Raikage flashed with the light of lightning, and his face flashed with anger,

"You bastard...don't be so arrogant!!!"

"Raikage, don't be impulsive, he is deliberately angering you, our task is just to keep an eye on them, there is no need to act immediately." (Oonoki)

"Anger you?"

Nangong Yue had a strange expression on his face, and then he thought that his words of "convincing people with reason" should indeed be angering the other party in the eyes of the other party. However, in Nangong Yue's opinion, he didn't need to do that at all...

" guys are really good at flattering yourself. With such an obvious gap in strength, is there any need to irritate you?

Well...when the time comes, I won't save you.

Forget it...Wu, separate them first."

"'s not a fight..."

Although Wu was a little depressed because he was not asked to fight, he still faithfully followed Nangong Yue's instructions.

While complaining, the palm of Wu's right hand quickly condensed a large amount of scarlet energy, and then he pointed one hand at the ground between the two sides, and a fist-thick scarlet laser shot out.

Just as the laser hit the ground, Wu slashed horizontally with one hand, and the laser also drew a scratch on the ground with a flashing red light as he moved.

Just as the energy in Wu's palm dissipated, the scratch on the ground with a flashing red light suddenly produced a strong explosion!

The earth shook, and the three Kages and the rest of the ninjas quickly retreated. After the smoke and dust cleared, a 20-meter-wide, nearly 100-meter-long, bottomless chasm had been blown out between the Akatsuki organization and the elite coalition forces led by several Kages!

The appearance of this gap made their faces even uglier.

On the other side, the transformation of the Ten-Tails had also ended, as if a morning glory had bloomed on its mouth, with an indescribable weird appearance.

In the center of the flower, the dark energy began to condense rapidly, and an ominous energy ball that was very small at the beginning expanded rapidly as time went by.

"Use this to kill all of you, and then I will personally bring an end to this world."

The Tailed Beast Ball in the Ten-Tails' mouth became larger and larger, and even ordinary non-perceptive ninjas could feel the terrifying power contained in it, so everyone's faces turned pale.

Although the transformation of the Ten-Tails had stopped, no one was happy, because after this Tailed Beast Ball, it was completely conceivable that they would usher in the real doomsday.

"Go to hell peacefully, it's okay, I can guarantee that you will be resurrected in the world of infinite Tsukuyomi."

As Obito spoke without emotion, his double-eye Sharingan rotated and turned into a scarlet Mangekyo, and the pupil power of the Samsara Eye was injected into the body of the Ten-Tails at the same time.

Seeing that Obito really included himself and others in the attack range, Nangong Yue sighed helplessly, but considering that this kid was about to die, he should be more tolerant.

"Well... Obito is starting to swell~

Forget it, let's solve the things in front of us first...

Spatial shape, barrier.

Definition, space is above, impact is in the middle, and energy is below."

After doing all this, Nangong Yue turned his attention back to the minions on the opposite side, slowly raised his left hand, and aimed his palm at...

"The war has progressed to this point, and you are useless.

It's just right, it's been a long time since I cast a spell like this, it feels quite interesting..."

"Be careful!!!"

When Ohnoki saw Nangong Yue raising his hand, he immediately wanted to rush forward to interrupt Nangong Yue's casting.

However, the members of the Akatsuki organization are not for show. Just when the ninjas were about to take action, two lasers hit them in front of them, causing them to retreat subconsciously.

Because of this, these elites lost the opportunity to interrupt Nangong Yue. In fact, there was no so-called opportunity in the first place...

Looking at Scorpion and Satoru on both sides of him, Nangong Yue smiled knowingly, quickly mobilized the natural energy around him, and began to weave...

"Energy absorption, body strengthening, gun bones, tendons and bones spring, elastic muscles, explosive power, thunder element, fire element, wind element..."

Every time Nangong Yue said the name of a technique, the energy fluctuations around him made everyone around him feel a little shocked.

Especially Uchiha Madara, it was the first time he saw this kind of operation, which was the "superposition casting" that Nangong Yue was currently performing. He could fully imagine how terrifying the power that would burst out later would be.

'As expected of the boss, he actually knows so many techniques, and can even be used in superposition! '

'This... It seems that every technique can at least make an elite jonin... or even a Kage...'

'Hahaha! The most perfect art is about to bloom! Hmm!!!’


No matter what these people were thinking, Nangong Yue continued to stack, and even the ‘external circuit’ of the Akatsuki uniform style was already covered with blood!

“Temperature control, magma, plasma, laser, high-frequency vibration, shock wave, repulsion, crushing, nuclear explosion, target locking, compression, spiral, convergence.

The last is... multiplication!”

In an instant, the sound was so loud...

Accompanied by a deafening roar of terror, the Tailed Beast Ball like a hill burst out in an instant, and the yellow earth of the Hidden Rock Village changed his face and shouted an order,

“All earth escape ninjas, use the earth flow wall, and be sure to block it!”

While shouting, he took the lead in making a seal and slapped the ground with one palm. The earth rose in a rumble, and a solid earth wall quickly took shape, trying to use it to block the Tailed Beast Ball of the Ten Tails.

At the moment when the dark chakra came into contact, the wall collapsed in an instant, and it was not even a second to resist!

But the other earth-style ninjas also kept casting spells, and walls rose up one after another, but collapsed in an instant, and the Tailed Beast Ball swept across with a devastating attitude.


Chapter 373


At the moment when the dark chakra came into contact, the wall collapsed in an instant, and it was not even able to resist for half a second!

But the other earth-style ninjas also kept attacking, and walls rose up one after another, but collapsed in an instant, and the Tailed Beast Ball swept across with a devastating attitude.

At this moment, the elite troops led by the three shadows suddenly heard energy fluctuations that were thousands of times more terrifying than this Tailed Beast Ball, as well as the most intuitive deafening roar!

However, the ninjas who were resisting the Tailed Beast Ball had no time to care about the other side, after all, they were already in danger~

"Is everything... over..."

Many ninjas looked at this scene with a dead look on their faces, and suddenly! The Tailed Beast Ball stopped, and the body of the Nine-Tails blocked the front and was struggling to resist.

"Don't give up!" Naruto shouted and gritted his teeth. The Nine-Tails' chakra burned more violently. The translucent energy body, which was about to collapse due to the erosion of the energy ball, quickly solidified. At the same time, Naruto also sensed the extremely terrifying natural energy in the distance, and even the fairy chakra in his body was almost pulled out!

'That's right. I didn't expect Nangong Yue to be able to mobilize natural energy freely... How will we fight then...'

Just when Kyuubi and he were about to lose their support, Naruto was stunned, with a look of surprise on his face.

Almost at the same time, the hill-like tailed beast jade disappeared without warning, and a kunai engraved with complex technique 01 pierced the ground.

Uchiha Madara in the distance raised his eyes slightly. Opposite Nangong Yue, most of the ninjas, including the Tsuchikage, Raikage, and Kazekage, had disappeared, leaving only a bottomless trail all the way. The Grand Canyon extends to the end of everyone's sight!

Even, in a very distant place, a peak that was originally faintly visible is now completely invisible!

Those below the film level were all directly vaporized, literally 'not even dregs were left'.

As for the three figures... Although Nangong Yue did not detect their presence carefully, they were probably out of control.

"Nangong Yue, is this your space transfer...

No...this should be Tobirama's Flying Thunder God Technique.

Unexpectedly, there are still people who can use the flying thunder god technique to this extent, even surpassing that bastard Senju Tobirama! "

Nangong Yue put down his left hand, which was a little hot due to the energy circuit, and turned to Uchiha Ritian,

“So, don’t underestimate the current juniors, they are here!

However, it seems that someone was saved...forget it..."

As soon as Nangong Yue finished speaking, a figure suddenly appeared next to Kunai. The back of his white cloak was fluttering in the wind. The words "Fourth Generation Hokage" were clearly visible on the back, which was indescribably elegant and chic.

"Am I late, Naruto!"

Calm words came from the man's mouth.

Naruto in Nine-Tails mode was obviously a little excited and tried his best to suppress his emotions.

"No, just in time, Dad!"

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