Especially the two assistants, who had witnessed the decomposition and reconstruction of the first mountain with their own eyes, knew very well what the consequences would be once this power was applied to the human body.

As for Nangong Yue, after finally restoring the terrain that he had modified to its original state, he casually stared at Obito, who was about to kill him.

'Come on... If you let him play like this anymore, he won't have the vitality to use 'Reincarnation'. This kid is not me. He can transform the nature of energy at will...'

"Boy, the 'Six Paths Experience Card' has been used for so long. Although it is still night, it is time for you to wake up from your dream."

Just when Obito was at his most tired, Nangong Yue's helpless voice came from all directions, unable to locate his position at all. This voice seemed to come from the space itself.

The endless 'decomposition' has not stopped, but in the distance, the conspicuous space distortion will soon wrap up a spherical space with a diameter of more than a hundred meters, with Obito as the center!

After the entire spherical space trembled for several times with unknown meaning, a white light similar to Chen Dun suddenly burst out.

Liudao Obito gritted his teeth and raised his head, slashing out the Amanuma Spear horizontally in his hand, trying to break through the space, but it was all in vain.

In an instant, the white light flashed away. This strong energy fluctuation attracted everyone's attention, but the strong light made them cover their eyes involuntarily.

When everyone regained their vision, the Ten-Tails Jinchuuriki who was originally in the center of the ball had completely disappeared!

At this moment, the space for performing the 'World Reconstruction' technique was taken back by Nangong Yue, and his figure slowly appeared in mid-air.

Looking at the atomic-level 'pieces' of the Ten-Tails flesh that filled the surrounding space, as well as the stupid spirit floating in the air not far away, Nangong Yue sighed, stretched out his right hand, and once again mobilized the surrounding energy. ,


The next moment, Obito's pale body appeared in front of Nangong Yue, but before he could react, dense seal lines were all over his pale body.

Patting the non-existent dust on his shoulders, Nangong Yue put down his right hand, and Nangong Yue carried Obito to the ground without haste. In this case, Nangong Yue had already determined that Obito had lost his ability to fight.

You must know that these sealing techniques are not just for fun. With Obito's strength, he will never be able to break free easily, not to mention that Obito has already exhausted his energy in order to resist Nangong Yue's stormy offensive. .

Looking at Obito lying on the ground like discarded clothes, Nangong Yue sighed,

"it's all over!

However, I have to thank you~ for letting me obtain the detailed data of that technique. You are worthy of being a core member of the organization. I usually take care of you in vain~

But for better rest. "


Chapter 384


Looking at Obito lying on the ground like discarded clothes, Nangong Yue sighed,

"it's all over!

However, I have to thank you~ for letting me obtain the detailed data of that technique. You are worthy of being a core member of the organization. I usually take care of you in vain~

But for better rest. "

There was obvious reluctance in the Sharingan and Rinne eyes at the same time. Although Obito seemed to be unscathed on the surface, his vitality was almost exhausted. Fortunately, the energy of the Ten-Tails in his body was recovering rapidly, so he would not die immediately.

The pale body surface, with complex curse seals all over the body, continuously winding, connecting to each other, forming a seal to suppress Obito at this moment, like a personal black rope, making it impossible for him to move at all.

"I...still I..."

After a while, Obito sighed, and the unwillingness in his eyes dimmed.

No matter how unwilling you are, no matter how unyielding you are, when your skills are inferior to others, you can only accept your fate.

"Nangong...kill me..."

There was deep tiredness in Obito's voice. At this moment, he felt a little relaxed, recalling every detail of his life in his mind.

He was born into the Uchiha clan, which is full of geniuses, but he was at the bottom of the ninja school during his childhood. The "family" did not make him feel any warmth, but instead placed a heavy burden on his young shoulders.

His heartbeat when he saw Lin for the first time, his sneaky glances behind him during class, Kakashi's unhappy mood, and then graduation, becoming a ninja, performing missions, and joining the Namikaze Minato team...

Pictures flashed before his eyes one after another, with many vague details that he should have forgotten long ago, but at this moment they were exceptionally clear.

The last scene showed a young girl with purple camouflage painted on both cheeks. Her smile was clearly visible in front of him...


He whispered softly in a voice that only he could hear.

Two lines of tears silently overflowed from the corners of his eyes. At this moment, he realized that the Infinite Tsukuyomi, the new world, the Ten-Tails Jinchuuriki, the fruit, and the God of Creation were not what he really wanted.

The only thing I want to think about now is seeing my beautiful lady again.

"Shut up first!

(Hmph... You are really capable of letting such a young girl stay in the gap between the underworld and the human world for so long without being satisfied...) "

Nangong Yue squatted down, his left hand covering Obito's heart.

Suddenly, a violent ball of 'chakra' poured into his body, immediately completely confusing the ten-tailed chakra in his body, and the different chakras from one to eight tails boiled instantly.

As Nangong Yue raised his palms into claws, the chakra of the tailed beasts was extracted from his body one by one, and the huge tailed beasts separated one by one.

Nangong Yue's movements were so skillful that it made people feel distressed. It only took half a minute for all the tailed beasts to be extracted.

On the other side, Uchiha Madara, Naruto and others, who were fighting non-stop, also stopped what they were doing. The golden chakra mode of Nine Tails temporarily disappeared due to excessive consumption. Seeing the changes here, they At the same time, he turned around and looked.

"What does that guy want to do?"

Madara's Samsara Eye took the time to look at the progress on Nangong Yue's side, and he had a rough idea of ​​what was going to happen next. He was also a little excited at the moment, but the number of enemies he faced now was a bit large, and it was hard to be distracted.

The not-too-intense (?) battle was over, and the result was not unexpected. Even though they knew that the Ten-Tails Jinchuuriki would be very strong, Nangong Yue's unfathomable performance also left a deep impression on them.

Naruto and Sasuke dispersed due to the lifting of the 'Beast Trouble'. The remaining three shadows and the four Hokage reincarnated from the dirty land were beside them. In the air in front of them, Madara's complete body, Susanoo, was flying in the air and did not continue to attack them. attack.

In the short battle, Uchiha Madara, who became completely serious due to the addition of the Senju Brothers, made it difficult for the Ninja Alliance side.

Fortunately, Madara restrained himself and did not directly mobilize the reserve ammunition in low-Earth orbit, otherwise, most of these living ninjas would have been gone.

However, there is no difference between those meteorites now. They are all a matter of 'rain' anyway.

Moreover, these nearly a hundred meteorites with a diameter of 500 meters are just a trivial matter. In more distant places, Nangong Yue has already located many asteroids with diameters of more than 1,000 meters or 10,000 meters, or even larger ones.

Even worse, Nangong Yue can directly use the 'Moonfall Abyss' to pull the entire moon over... But in that case, the will of the world will probably drive people away...


As for Uchiha Obito, because the tailed beast's chakra was extracted, his Six Paths mode has faded and returned to its previous appearance. His black coat is in tatters, and the chakra aura throughout his body is extremely low.

Moreover, due to over-exploitation of his vitality, his hair is still white and his skin is also covered with wrinkles. He obviously has the attitude of an old man.

In this state, Uchiha Obito was no longer a threat, and therefore, Nangong Yue simply lifted the sealing technique on him.

However, Obito did not stand up. He glanced tiredly at Nangong Yue in front of him.

"The tailed beast has also been pulled out, why haven't you done anything yet?"

Nangong Yue looked at him calmly, neither happy nor sad. He had no ill feelings toward Obito. He was always a poor man who could not control his own destiny. He could not help himself throughout his life and could only struggle in the tragedy of the ninja world.

It is said that "poor people must be hateful". No matter what the reason is, Obito's actions over the years are indeed done by him. His goal is indeed "good", and his many actions are indeed " evil'.

Of course, Nangong Yue doesn't care about these, he only expects 'results'.

Now, since Obito doesn't want to settle down, of course he has to pay the price.

Since he wants to die, then Nangong Yue will help him. However, there are no less things that need to be done. Nangong Yue still needs to squeeze out the last bit of value from him as a 'living person', and there is no need for that unreliable person. The yin-yang escape creature took action.

"How about we make a deal."


Regarding Nangong Yue's somewhat bizarre proposal, Obito looked away and showed a smile that seemed sarcastic or self-deprecating.

"Am I actually worth trading now?

Ling Burial, you really know how to joke..."

As he spoke, he touched his hands to the ground and managed to sit up with his body like a dead tree.

"Everyone has their own value, don't underestimate yourself~

Even now, you have the human cells of Hashirama's Yang Dunxian and can use the power of the Samsara Eye. This in itself is a 'value' that others do not possess.

Madara, that old man, is still in the state of reincarnation. In this case, he cannot exert his strongest strength.

Therefore, I want you to use the reincarnation technique to resurrect Uchiha Madara. "

Facing Nangong Yue's request, Obito raised his head with difficulty and looked for about two seconds. His eyes were aimed in the direction of the coalition forces. After the chakra of the eight tailed beasts was extracted, they turned into the tailed beasts again.

But they did not escape, but gathered around Naruto and spread out to vaguely surround Uchiha Madara in the air.

In the previous battle, Naruto had talked with the nine tailed beasts and gained their initial recognition.

What's more, the wisdom of tailed beasts is not inferior to that of humans. Years of experience have made them understand that "there is no way out if you escape at this time." Only by uniting the power of these strong men can they gain hope.

Obito thought about it for about half a minute, then suddenly laughed in a low voice,

"`. Hehe hehe... Why should I help you?

You must know that if I use the art of reincarnation, I will definitely die. There seems to be no reason for me to give up my life to resurrect him, even if I am already dying.

Moreover, with my eye power, I can only barely use the power of the Samsara Eye. Uchiha Madara's power is too strong, and I can't even guarantee that he can be resurrected. "

"Of course I know this, you just need to try your best to resurrect Madara, and I will supplement the insufficient 'vitality'.

And I said, since this is a transaction, then I naturally have the corresponding 'chips' in my hand. "

Before he finished speaking, a screen was projected in front of Obito. In the screen, there was a completely white space, but that petite figure lying on the ground looking up at the 'sky', Obito would never forget.

Although the girl looks like she is only in her prime, her eyes are obviously inconsistent with her immature appearance. It is obvious that the vicissitudes and fatigue caused by the passage of time can be seen from her eyebrows and eyes that gradually close due to exhaustion. .

The moment Obito's eyes came into contact with the eyes of the figure in the projection, his pupils shrank uncontrollably.

Peaceful and peaceful, Bai Zhi's face still has the familiar paint, she still maintains the appearance in memory, without any change.

And her tired eyes made Obito feel very distressed.


Obito made a sound, his voice was very low, as if not to disturb his sleeping sweetheart.

Unfortunately, Lin did not respond to him at this time.

"What did you do to Lin?!"

Obito Uchiha suddenly raised his head and looked at Nangong Yue, his eyes were like those of a beast that chooses people to eat, showing a crazy look.

No matter how crazy Obito is, he is powerless, but in order to achieve his goal as soon as possible, Nangong Yue will not waste time.


Chapter 385

(PS: Thanks to "Confused People with Weak Hearts", "...513", "I Give a Chestnut", and "Jiang Xi" for their monthly votes!!!)

Obito Uchiha suddenly raised his head and looked at Nangong Yue, his eyes were like those of a beast that chooses people to eat, showing a crazy look.

But no matter how crazy Obito is, powerlessness is powerlessness, but in order to achieve his goal as soon as possible, Nangong Yue will not waste time.

"Nothing was done. As you can see, she was just too tired.

The reason why she cannot respond to you is simply that she is in the gap between the underworld and the human world.

Of course, in the form of a spiritual body.

However, Kabuto still has some bottom line. He didn't choose to mobilize her before, just like he didn't mobilize Jiraiya, otherwise..."

"Crack...what do you mean?"

Uchiha Obito asked quickly, but his tone obviously softened.

After confirming that Obito had calmed down, Nangong Yue continued,

“Only those who still have major unresolved obsessions during their lifetime will have their souls stay in that place after death.

I don’t know what this kid’s obsession is, and I don’t need to know.

However, he was probably waiting for someone, just like Kakashi's father. He gave up his obsession after meeting Kakashi in this place during Pain's invasion, and was led into the underworld. of.

The reason why she is so tired... After all, she has stayed here for more than ten years, plus she was reincarnated before...

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