Such a powerful hand can't be played casually. Nangong Yue has almost figured out the specific timing.


It was when Nangong Yue successfully started the live broadcast for Kaguya that the battle between Uchiha Madara, Naruto and Sasuke became more intense.

"Multiple Shadow Clone Technique!"

With his hands crossed, Naruto used his best method again. Suddenly, countless golden figures appeared with white smoke and rushed towards Uchiha Madara in the sky, like a golden tsunami.

The fire rain of Yin-Yang escape fell, and the shadow clones made flexible evasive movements. Since obtaining the inheritance of Yang escape, Naruto's chakra volume has expanded to the limit again.

Therefore, even if a lot of chakra was shared by many shadow clones at this time, the strength of each shadow clone was extremely powerful, and almost every clone was stuck at the threshold of destroying a country.

"Senjutsu! Multiple Planetary Rasengan!!!"

All the shadow clones raised their hands at the same time, and the high-speed rotating Rasengan appeared in the chakra palms beside them. There were at least four Rasengans around each shadow clone, just like the stars appearing in the golden flames. From a distance, it looked like silver stars mixed in the golden torrent, like the Milky Way in a dream.

The Rasengan collided with the Yin-Yang escape flames falling from the sky, causing continuous explosions in the entire night sky. The roars came one after another, like the sound of firecrackers magnified thousands of times.

Taking this opportunity, Sasuke looked directly at Madara in the sky, and a kunai was thrown by him. The power of the Sky Hand was activated again, and the figure of Uchiha Madara in the sky suddenly disappeared and appeared in front of him at the same time.

And the kunai that Sasuke had just thrown out of Madara's place fell naturally under the action of gravity.

After a certain amount of fighting, Sasuke became more and more proficient in the use of his Samsara Eye Technique. As long as it was within the effective range of the technique, he could not only exchange the position of himself and the object, but also the position of any person or object!

The only weakness is that this move has distance and casting time limitations. Just like Madara's Wheel Grave, the Sky Hand Force cannot be used continuously.

In fact, it's not his fault. After all, it's a technique that he just learned. Even Nangong Yue's "Shadow Change" requires a lot of casting time at the beginning. Nangong Yue has put a lot of effort to compress the single casting time to less than 1 second.


The moment the Sky Hand Force was activated, Sasuke shouted loudly, and at the same time, the black eternal flame ignited on his right hand.

Amaterasu and Kagutsuchi were used at the same time, and the Yin Release Chakra that he had inherited was also injected into the black flame.

On the side, Naruto had been waiting for a long time. The azure Rasengan in his hand had been prepared, and it was covered with black runes that kept flowing. This was the magnetic Rasengan used with the help of Shukaku's chakra.

"Senjutsu! Magnetic Rasengan!!!"

The Rasengan with powerful sealing ability was launched, and on the other side, Amaterasu, who mixed Yin-Yang escape, also attacked at the same time. Madara was immediately hit by two different forces. The magnetic Rasengan kept emitting energy fluctuations of the sealing technique, trying to disrupt the chakra flow in Uchiha Madara's body.

Madara snorted coldly and jumped up directly under the attack of the two. Naruto's face showed shock.

"What's going on?! His chakra should be disturbed!"

Sasuke's reincarnation eyes looked at the center,

"It's a shadow. He left a shadow to bear the attack for him."

"Yin escape! Turn to thunder!!!"

Madara, who had just jumped up, put his hands together and used the powerful Yin escape again. The curved thunder swept towards the two.

'Asshole... I want to see how many shadows you have to bear the damage for you. ’

Thinking fiercely in his heart, Sasuke faced the falling thunder and shouted,

"Naruto! You come to seal this shadow, leave this to me for the time being!"

"Yin Dun! Amaterasu!!!"

The dark flame burning in his hand was raised, and under the control of Kagutsuchi, Amaterasu suddenly changed its form, turning into countless dark barbs heading towards the sky, and fiercely collided with the thunder released by Madara.

Naruto took this opportunity to disperse the power of magnetic escape, temporarily blocking Madara's shadow, and the seeking truth jade behind him also changed at the same time, turning into a long stick stabbing the ground, completely blocking Madara's shadow.

'These two little brats, are they very capable! '

Seeing that his Yin Dun was blocked again and his wheel tomb clone was trapped, Madara's face was not surprised but happy, and his eyes glanced at Nangong Yue in the sky. Seeing the state of the moon in the sky, his heart was more stable.

... ... 0

"Wheel Grave, Edge Prison!

Yin Dun, Thunder Threshold!"

With a loud shout, Madara's Rinnegan burst out with all his strength, and seven shadows separated from him. Six of them formed a seven-pointed star with him, and the remaining one rushed directly to the sealed clone.

He and the shadow of the Wheel Grave formed a seal at the same time, and the powerful Yin Dun suddenly burst out, and seven layers of thunder fell in succession. In the roar, from the perspective of the two teenagers, it seemed that the whole world turned into a dark thunder hell.

"Damn it, is this guy crazy?!!!"

In Sasuke's Rinnegan, he could clearly see the six shadows in the sky, and a drop of cold sweat dripped, but he did not retreat.

The dark thunder hell fell, as if the world was trembling under this terrifying power. In the previous continuous battles, the land here had already been riddled with holes.

As for the sealed Wheel Grave clone, it had been rescued long ago and was now on the periphery as insurance.

If the battle continues like this, it is foreseeable that it is only a matter of time before this area is completely destroyed.

Fortunately, this place is not close to the sea. Otherwise, with this level of battle and this degree of destruction, this place would have sunk into the sea long ago.

However, if this kind of battle continues for a long time, no one can predict what the final result will be...

"Senjutsu! Yang escape! Tailed beast jade spiral shuriken!!!"

Naruto looked up at this moment, and the chakra of the Nine-Tails was injected into the spiral shuriken again. The chakra of Yang escape was also quickly mixed in, and it whistled towards the thunder falling from the sky.

On the other side, Sasuke also had a countermeasure at the same time. He put his hands together to form a seal, and the sound of the chirping birds resounded. At the same time, the pattern of the kaleidoscope turned, and the transformed Amaterasu also ignited in front of him.

The dark immortal flame was mixed with thunder and lightning. Under the powerful tolerance of Yin escape, it was forcibly fused together, and cooperated with Naruto's spiral shuriken to meet the thunder prison in the sky.


Chapter 396


The pitch-black immortal flame was mixed with lightning, and under the powerful tolerance of Yin Dun, it was forcibly fused together, and cooperated with Naruto's spiral shuriken to meet the sky's thunder prison.

The sky seemed to collapse at this moment, and the pitch-black flames mixed with the pitch-black thunder, and the two extreme forces of Yin and Yang overflowed wildly. Because of the hurricane caused by the energy riot, countless gravel and gravel were rolled up, and the already broken earth was plowed layer by layer.

Not only the battlefield, but also the main planet of the entire Naruto world was affected by this battle.

With the battlefield as the center, the places close to it were naturally the most seriously affected, with heavy rain, earthquakes, and strong winds.

In the distant Konoha Village, the vibration from the horizon was also faintly felt at this time. The dark clouds covered the previous full blood moon, and the newly built houses kept shaking in the vibration.

On the sea, the wind was strong, rolling up huge waves and rushing towards the coast. Many islands in the Land of Water were swallowed by the sea and completely submerged by the tsunami.

Even the extremely high mountains and rivers in the distance were also affected by the aftermath of the Six Paths-level battle. Rocks slid down and fell into the river. I don’t know how many places were covered with dark clouds and heavy rains because of the huge energy.


Back on the battlefield, the battle between Uchiha Madara and Naruto and Sasuke escalated again.

Uchiha Madara soared in the air, and his hands formed seals at the same time. All his shadows had dispersed, but at this time, he also formed the same seals with him.

"Thank you so much for the monster's pre-war preparations. Now is the right time!

Tianjie Zhenxing! Meteor swarm!!!"

The more advanced Yin-Yang escape chakra rushed straight into the sky, causing the vast "power of God" to fall. The piercing sound of breaking through the air roared, and dozens of meteorites with a diameter of about 500 meters broke through the air and fell rapidly, aiming directly at Naruto and Sasuke.

At the same time, the faces of the allied ninjas who witnessed this scene once again showed a trace of despair, especially the few ninjas who survived Uchiha Madara's spell.

These meteorites are not ordinary meteorites. They are blessed with Uchiha Madara's own Yin-Yang escape. Although it is not naturally accelerated, but summoned out of thin air, the power of each one is still enough to destroy a huge city in an instant!

"Madara can actually do this. In the previous battle, I have tried my best to overestimate him, but I didn't expect it to be enough..."

The almost scrapped Senju Hashirama sighed with a complicated expression. The two people who used to be not much different, and he was always slightly stronger, now the gap has actually been pulled to this extent.

Uchiha Sasuke's face was solemn. Facing the falling stars, he shouted softly, and the Sharingan in his right eye burst into a scarlet light. At the same time, the magatama in the Samsara Eye also lit up and began to spin rapidly.


The vast chakra soared into the sky, and the purple Susanoo appeared again, turning into a hundred meters tall in an instant.


The moment Susanoo appeared, Sasuke roared.

Naruto understood and jumped directly into the prismatic chakra where Sasuke stood, entering directly without any obstacles.

The moment Naruto entered the purple energy body, Sasuke formed seals with both hands, and his own Yin-Yang escape chakra was continuously injected into Susanoo's body. Suddenly, a layer of black and white chakra flames appeared on Susanoo's body surface, and there seemed to be thunder jumping faintly.

The purple chakra giant sword condensed in Susanoo's hand, and with its wings spread, it flew into the sky, directly facing the falling meteorite.

The divine sword slashed out, and each sword had the power to split the sky. The meteorite was as fragile as tofu under the divine sword, and was directly split into two.

"Very good... Hahahaha!!!

That's it! Let me see your limits!!!"

Uchiha Madara laughed loudly in the sky, and formed seals with his hands again...

The aftermath of the magic continued to spread, and the three figures separated again after the confrontation. The earth could no longer be described as devastated or desolate. Even the most basic gravel was gone, and red sand began to appear.

In the complete form of Susanoo, Sasuke and Naruto stood side by side. With the blessing of Sasuke's Yin Dun, the current Susanoo has surpassed the power that an ordinary complete form of Susanoo can exert. Every sword strike has the power to split mountains and seas!

In order to increase the power to the maximum, Naruto also injected his own Yang Release into Susanoo, mixed with the chakra of the tailed beast. The two of them joined forces with the two high-level energies to forcibly defeat the monster stronger than them individually. Madara was suppressed.

The Sage of Six Paths had said before that if Naruto and Sasuke could use their full strength together, they would be able to display his original strength, although the truth is unknown.

You know, even back then, the Six Paths Sage was a senior expert at this level, much stronger than Uchiha Madara, who had been stable at the Six Paths level for a while.

Naruto and Sasuke had just obtained the power of inheritance before, so they were naturally not used to the sudden increase in strength. However, as the battle continued, they became more and more skilled in controlling their own power.

Compared with the Ten-Tails Jinchuuriki that Obito became before, the two have their own unique advantages. Obito has no power but no matching realm and control.

Although these two people also have such flaws, they are the reincarnations of Indra and Asura after all.

The more the two fight, the more thoroughly the chakra of Indra and Asura awakens in their bodies, which then subtly affects their instincts, and they naturally become more skillful in the use of power.

If given time, perhaps a few years later, they themselves are completely integrated with the reincarnated chakra, they may be able to truly stabilize in the realm of the Six Paths in this life, whether it is strength or basic state.

Uchiha Madara kept dodging increasingly powerful attacks in the air. He swung the immortal tin staff in his hand continuously, each time carrying various spells driven by Yin Yang Chakra. Although the size obviously did not give him an advantage, it was like Brilliant Heavenly Power!

The shadows of the Wheel Tomb are separated and recovered extremely regularly. There have been several times when the Yin-Yang Release Susanoo cast by the entire nine-dimensional Wheel Tomb clone formed an encirclement...

Unfortunately, Sasuke's Rinnegan could clearly see Madara's Rinne Tomb Dimension clone, but he was dodged in the end.

However, relying on his own combat experience and the powerful ability of the tomb, either by changing positions, or by letting the clone replace the main body to resist damage, Madara has not suffered any damage up to this point.

"Naruto and Sasuke, these two brats, are getting stronger the more they fight...

In other words, have you basically gotten used to the sudden expansion of power in such a short period of time..."

Dodging the sword energy slashed by Susan, Madara spun the Sage's Staff in his hand, with a fluid shape at its tail, and was then thrown 0.

The so-called sage's tin staff was originally transformed into a Taoist jade. It changed shape as it moved, and suddenly became soft, and was like a rope bound towards Sasuke's complete body.

In the previous battles, it was not that Madara had no ninjutsu that could break the opponent's Yin-Yang Dun full body Susan's defense, but the opponent's dodge speed was too fast. Even the few times when he used the wheel tomb siege, it was because Sasuke was in the Susan state. Still able to exert 'Heavenly Hand Power' but failed.

Faced with this kind of spatial ability without warning, Madara has no good solution for the time being. The same must be true for his opponent. People who can move through space are always difficult to deal with.

But it was also because of that time that Madara realized that Sasuke's "Tenjutsu" eye technique could still be used when Susan was in the state, so he deliberately distanced the two sides and tried his best to use the blessing of "infinite energy" Next, fight through long-range attacks, looking for opportunities to kill with one hit.

"Immortal magic! Melting Spiral Shuriken!!!"

Facing the transformation of Madara's seeking jade, Naruto's chakra extended, and the chakra was transferred into the Susano energy body surrounding himself.

At the same time, in addition to the right hand holding the sword, a huge red energy shuriken condensed in the left hand of the complete Susana and was thrown directly.

Dazzling fiery red light erupted from the sky. Taking advantage of this moment, the perfect Susana flapped her wings and soared straight into the sky again.

The battle between the two sides was huge and fast. Sasuke's purpose was simple, to close the distance between the two sides. As long as he was within the range of the power of Tenshou, he could directly change Madara's position and move him to his own formed jutsu. Legally.

As long as the plan is proper and a series of changes in the Ring Tomb clone are calculated, it is possible to join forces with Naruto to seal Madara.

Madara's tactics are also very simple. He keeps a distance to ensure his own safety, then uses powerful techniques to break the opponent's defense, and then uses the ring tomb to surround them and kill them both. Both sides' minds are unusually clear, but... .


"Lord Nangong... Madara's side..."

At this time, on the top of a towering mountain near the main battlefield, Hei Jue emerged from the ground beside Nangong Yue.

Glancing at the blood moon in the sky, Nangong Yue casually reassured,

"You, who are ineffective at all, have been waiting for thousands of years. You still can't wait for this little time?

Don't worry, I signed a contract with your mother. Under the judgment of the world's will, neither of us can violate it.

Your mother will definitely get out of trouble, and I will definitely get the essence crystal that has been nourished by the chakra of all humans in the world for thousands of years.

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