Also, the condensation of chakra fruit takes a long time. You'd better get rid of all the obstacles in advance or control it. "

After finishing the fruit in his hands in two or three mouthfuls and wiping the 'blood' from the corner of his mouth, Nangong Yue simply dismantled the temporary alien space, and the two (?) appeared on the main battlefield again.

"Over there! In the sky!! "!" (Naruto, Sasuke)

At the moment when the huge space door opened in mid-air, Naruto and Sasuke who were outside, as well as the elite ninjas who gathered behind the two of them during this time, looked up following the reminder of the two backbones.

The next moment, Nangong Yue, whom they were already familiar with, floated out in a spotless manner. Then, a snow-white noble woman floated out, dragging white hair that was several times longer than her own body.

At this moment, everyone present, especially the ordinary ninjas who have not reached the level of annihilation, feel trembling all over no matter how far apart they are, it is like a superior suppression coming from the origin of the soul!

The first time she appeared, Kaguya looked directly at Naruto and Sasuke in the distance. The perfect Susan stayed in the air, and the two people inside the forehead crystal also looked at Kaguya at the same time.

"Them...Indra and Asura?"

Sensing the familiar chakra, Kaguya's eyes narrowed slightly.

Nangong Yue did not have the memory of exploring Kaguya in depth at the beginning, so she did not know whether Indra and Asura were born when she was sealed. However, she recognized the two of them at a glance, so she thought she had seen them before. Two grandchildren.

"Ah, they are right, they are just the reincarnation of this generation. Yuyi helped them awaken the corresponding power." (Nangong)

"Hagoromo? Where are they? In the underworld?"

Kaguya's tone showed obvious fluctuations for the first time, and she asked in a deep voice.

Nangong Yue didn't care about this and waved his hand casually.

“Who knows, maybe he thought ‘it’s not the time to come out yet’.

In other words, he thinks that with the reincarnation of Indra and Asura, he can seal you again. You have to ask him what he thinks.

However, you don’t need to worry about this. My current work is only half done. However, the contract affects both parties, so you have to worry about my fruit~"

Kaguya frowned slightly, the surrounding temperature suddenly turned cold, and the air seemed to freeze at this moment.

"Hmph! Pay attention to your tone. Even if you help me break the seal, it doesn't mean you can talk to me like this.

You have to understand that there is still a big gap between your body and mine. "

Nangong Yue is well aware of the behavior of the princess of this big family, and does not care about it. Anyway, because of the contract, the two parties cannot take action against each other at all. The two are now the staunchest allies, unless one party does not want to live...

"Hey~ you said it, that is your true body, but you don't have that kind of power now.

Furthermore, the reason why I always put myself on an equal footing with yours is naturally based on my own support. Although your basic level is higher than mine, in terms of specific combat power, I may not be inferior to you.

Don’t underestimate the power of ‘knowledge’~”

Seeing this, Kaguya also suppressed her little temper. She really couldn't see through the outsider beside her. Maybe there were many techniques or 'means' in the other world that were enough to suppress her.

"Forget it, after the fruit is delivered to you, everyone will use their own methods.

As for later, according to your arrangement, you go and help me stop Indra and Asura, and I will prepare the sacred tree, activate the infinite moon reading, and the birth of the tree world. "


Wait... Now, what do you want to do? Haven't moved for too long and want to stretch your muscles? "

Kaguya turned her head wordlessly and glanced at Nangong Yue, then turned her head expressionlessly again, looking down at the two teenagers below.

'Come on...this old lady who has been locked up at home for many years suddenly wants to go out for a walk...'

In response, Nangong Yue shook his head helplessly, but he was now happy and relaxed.

However, he still has to keep an eye on it. The current Kaguya is the one who took over Madara Uchiha's body. It is really possible that she will be sealed by the two boys below. Nangong Yue must take good care of it, lest he has to prepare for this woman in advance. Break the seal.

In the distance, Sasuke and Naruto, who were completely in Susanoo, did not act rashly. The two of them carefully observed the situation at this time.

"`.The other person who suddenly appeared is the Kaguya Princess mentioned by Grandpa Liudou?

But, what about Uchiha Madara? "

Naruto's eyes were serious and his tone was even more solemn.

Uchiha Sasuke nodded, his Samsara Eye taking in all the distant scenes,

"It seems right. Uchiha Madara made a sudden mistake before, and it must be Nangong Yue's hand. Now Uchiha Madara doesn't show up...

So, it was probably Nangong Yue who solved him personally, and then used the body of the 'Ten-Tailed Jinchuuriki' to summon Kaguya's soul, like the reincarnation of the dirty land, to assist her in taking the body.

Damn it! We were completely helping Nangong Yue fight before!

Now it seems that he is not Uchiha Madara's ally at all. His real ally should be the current Kaguya. We are careless.

Don't act rashly. The two people seem to be talking. Let's wait and see.

If they join forces directly, we may need to retreat temporarily. Only when they disperse from each other can we jointly use the power of Yin-Yang Escape to break their seals one by one. "

Naruto nodded. Although he was impulsive, he could still clearly distinguish the strength gap between the two sides.

"Um...Sasuke, she's looking over, what should we do?"

Susanouchi, Naruto's pupils suddenly shrank, like a snake being stared at by a goshawk.

(Okay) A drop of cold sweat dripped from Sasuke's forehead. Just Kaguya's gaze made him feel great pressure. This pressure was even stronger than what he just felt on Uchiha Madara.

"We have to find a way to lead her to other places. Nangong Yue seems to have no intention of taking action. Regardless of the reason, this is a good thing for us."

The power of Sasuke's eyes was released, and the complete body of Susan immediately dissipated. The two of them quickly retreated backwards. At the same time, they asked the somewhat unreliable Naruto beside them,

"Naruto, Kaguya's ability is still unknown, but according to the description of the Sage of Six Paths and the demeanor when he described it, she must be extremely powerful.

It is difficult for us to guess Nangong Yue's current attitude, but we must disperse them and defeat them one by one.

No matter who it is, as long as you and I work together, the yin and yang seal of the Six Paths Immortal can completely seal that person. "

Naruto nodded and glanced behind him, seeing Kaguya still floating in the air.

"However, she seems to have no intention of chasing her, what should I do?"

In the distance, Princess Kaguya was suspended in the air, looking at the two people who were running away indifferently. In an instant, she appeared directly behind the two of them without any warning, entangled them with her super long hair!

"What?! Ear!"


Chapter 399


In the distance, Princess Kaguya was suspended in the air, looking at the two people who were running away indifferently. In an instant, she appeared directly behind the two of them without any warning, entangled them with her super long hair!


Both Naruto and Sasuke were extremely surprised that they were suddenly trapped, because they did not see how Kaguya did it.

Among those present, it is estimated that only Nangong Yue, who has been in a state of accelerated thinking for a long time, clearly saw Kaguya's operation, which was actually the "Yellow Springs Hirasaka".

However, Kaguya's casting speed is extremely fast, and it looks like Flying Thunder God's 'coordinate movement' and Nangong Yue's 'transformation' of 'space exchange'. Even Sasuke's Six Magatama Samsara Sharingan Even with my eyes, I didn’t even see the fleeting dark portal behind Kaguya!

In fact, Nangong Yue's 'Tian Yi' can also achieve this level. In order to face the existence that can 'create multiple spaces', Nangong Yue has naturally specially trained Tian Yi's casting speed.

However, Nangong Yue had never encountered such an opponent before meeting Kaguya. He only needed the 'Transformation' that could only move in the same space. His 'Heaven Shift' would probably They are all used for traveling long distances.

As for the two reincarnations, they felt that their hair was getting tighter and tighter, and they were still 'slowly' absorbing the chakra in their bodies. Sasuke directly used his 'Tianli Hand' to separate himself and Naruto from the nearby ones. The two stones change places.

The two of them supported their bodies with one hand. Although they did not consume much chakra, they were really frightened by Kaguya's surprise attack just now.

"This kind of chakra can't be compared with Madara at all. There is still such a person...the ancestor of chakra..."

Looking at the super-long-haired woman who slowly turned to face him in the sky and then slowly descended, Sasuke narrowed his eyes and sweat broke out on his forehead.

"Kaguya Otsutsuki! What is your purpose?!"

Sasuke asked loudly, just in time to dispel the fear in his heart.

As soon as she finished speaking, Princess Kaguya stopped in the sky,

"Ninja... no, now we call it 'ninja'...

I have nothing to say to people like you who don't understand the meaning of chakra and can only play around with it.

This vast land here is my precious nursery, and I can’t let it get hurt anymore, so..."

Suddenly, the world suddenly changed. Naruto and Sasuke, who had just stood up, were stunned. The whole world changed in an instant. The earth under their feet disappeared and was replaced by a sea of ​​boiling lava. The two of them quickly fell downwards!

In the sky, there are stalactites similar to lava pillars. Kaguya is floating with an expressionless face. In the strange transformation space, the distance between the two parties suddenly narrows.

"What's going on?!" (Naruto)

Sasuke formed a seal with his hands in an instant, and a psychic formation appeared in mid-air. A huge eagle appeared from the white mist, caught the two of them in time, and flew towards the distant sky in an instant.

He still maintained his composure in battle, understanding that he had to quickly distance himself.

Kaguya looked silently with her pure white eyes and whispered,

"Although the Divine Tree has not yet been completed, the Infinite Tsukuyomi has not been used, and all human chakra has not been withdrawn...

However, these things can wait until these hidden dangers are resolved.

Also, did you escape? "

...main world...

Nangong Yue looked at the ninja coalition below, and at the same time opened his clairvoyance, staring at the lava space in the Heavenly Palace...

"Are you so decisive...

But yes, ‘Tianzhi Yuzhong’ is an excellent home ground for battle, and it can also avoid causing damage to the planet...

As for now, it’s just a good time to recycle the combat power I’ve been eyeing..."

With that said, Nangong Yue was directly swallowed up by a space door and appeared in front of the Thousand Hand Brothers at the same time.

"Child, what happened to Madara?

Also, that woman..."

Seeing Nangong Yue's sudden appearance, Senju Zhujian didn't have much reaction. In other words, he had already expected such a moment.

He is not stupid, and he has rich combat experience. He naturally knows that the reason why Uchiha Madara was suddenly hit just now was definitely not Madara's own mistake, but an outsider's action.

As for this external force, it is naturally the young man in front of him now.

"( # ` Dis')...child...

I allow you to reorganize the language...forget it, I won't be angry at my collection..."

As he spoke, Nangong Yue took out a walnut-sized emerald green jade bead, and his palm glowed, projecting a translucent figure in the air. It was naturally Uchiha Madara in the Six Paths state, but now his eyes were closed, obviously Fell into a deep sleep.

"...Madara..." (Hashirama)

"Although I am a loner living outside the world, I don't want to do everything myself. It just so happens that in this world, I have developed a perfect 'method for preserving spiritual bodies', so naturally I need to collect some valuable combat power. Or individuals with good abilities.

Hmm... You and Madara, the pair of Indra and Asura from the previous generation, are quite capable and worthy of my special collection.

In fact, your qualifications are even slightly better than Madara's, just a tiny bit, but you are not as cruel as him, and you are still stuck on the threshold of 'nation-destroying level' until your death.

But it’s okay, Madara helped solve so many things before his physical body died, but now I have to do it myself. Kaguya, the old woman who has been imprisoned for thousands of years, is now in a state of silence, and there is nothing I can do about it. , can only wait for her to come out. "

Now, although because of Uchiha Madara's death, the Yin-Yang Escape suppression on the Senju brothers is gradually weakening.

Just before the two of them were about to take advantage of the characteristics of filthy soil reincarnation and regain their freedom at the cost of self-destruction, the oppression on them intensified because of Nangong Yue...

But just because they were completely unable to move, the two of them felt calmer. In addition, since they were dead in the first place, there was actually nothing they could not let go of.

As for why Senju Tobirama remained speechless, it was because he had already seen it when he was in Konoha. This monster's attention was always on his elder brother and the Uchiha boy, and never cared about other people.

Since all his words would be ignored, he simply stopped asking for humiliation and left everything to his special big brother.

After Senju Hashirama calmed down the fluctuating thoughts caused by 'seeing Madara', he continued,

"In other words, your ally was not Madara from the beginning, but the so-called ancestor of Chakra just now?

Also, how is it possible to preserve the souls of the dead? !

That’s not the underworld of this world..."

Nangong Yue slowly walked step by step towards Qianju Zhujian, who was sitting cross-legged on the ground. He raised his right hand, and obscure invisible energy fluctuations appeared in his palm.

"Well... we may have to work together in the future anyway, so I can answer it for you.

You are right. My initial alliance was with the ancestor of Chakra. After all, it was her distress signal thousands of years ago that allowed me to lock the coordinates of this world in the distant void.

As a reward for 'leading the way', I promised to unlock the seal placed on her. I am only halfway through my work now, and her body is still sealed, but it will soon be over.

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