What's even more terrifying is that after a rough assessment, if my 'Heavenly Power Hand' is used in this environment, the energy consumption will increase by at least dozens or hundreds of times.

To put it simply, I can't use the Time and Space Eye Technique at all now. "

‘Well... the only good news now is that the space here is not completely blocked.

Considering the chakra consumption, it is more reliable to first look for the 'weak points' of the space, but I have never entered my mother's space a few times, so I am not familiar with it at all...

Moreover, the mother's 'Heaven's Royal' space node seems to be always changing, and the rules are unknown.

This is troublesome...huh? ! ! ! ’

As soon as the spirit body of Six Paths sighed this, he felt obvious fluctuations in the space in front of the three of them!

“The old man’s judgment is correct, the space here is not completely blocked.

Just to be on the safe side, I’m coming here~”

At the same time, the main star, Nangong Yue, who was not far away from Kaguya, his left hand suddenly turned into pale fluid, and his right hand grabbed his left wrist and pulled...

In the gravity space, the three people of Six Paths saw the dark and translucent shadow in front of them with a pair of golden eyes, and they all became alert, because they had no idea how many different kinds of magic this guy had, and they couldn't capsize here.

Nangong Yue's magic lantern floated less than twenty meters in front of the three people. While reading the thoughts of several people, he smiled disdainfully, and at the same time, the right hand of the dark shadow waved to his side.

Immediately afterwards, this energy body with added 'priority' easily opened a space hole the size of a football!

"What?!!! Why can you still use space ninjutsu?!!!"

Seeing Nangong Yue casually using space magic, Naruto immediately waved the immortal tin staff in his hand and asked with bared teeth, as if the two sides were not enemies at all.

That's right, even Naruto now is affected by Nangong Yue's 'natural' friendly aura.

Nangong Yue's magic body casually pulled out a pale arm from the hole, causing the Immortal of Six Paths to widen his eyes.

‘That’s right! That is indeed the breath of the sacred tree! Even stronger than the feeling my mother gave me!

In other words, he is not a Jinchuuriki, but...'

"The old man has good eyesight, we have refined the entire sacred tree~

Think about it, it's really laborious. The main body of the sacred tree, just the part on the ground, is tens of thousands of meters high~ If you include the roots all over the entire planet...

The final result is a most advanced body with normal human size.

Of course, most of it has become the nourishment of the concept of 'nature', and less than 10% of it is truly compressed and condensed into its own body.

But it just so happens that we don’t need too much ‘quantity’. What I pursue is, after all, high enough ‘quality’. "

Immediately, Nangong Yue's magic lantern body scanned the surrounding space for those imperceptible microscopic lines, and then held this arm on his chest, bursting out all the energy of this energy body!

"However, it's enough to just hold you back...

Renovation, decomposition, nuclear fusion, repulsion, impact, explosion, vibration, crushing, collapse, multiplication..."

'not good! Stop him! ! ! ’

Naruto and Sasuke rushed forward reflexively, but in a moment, before they could advance ten meters, they were repelled by an unprecedented force.

boom! ! ! (Crack!!!)


With just this blow, Naruto, who had awakened his immortal body, was fine, with only a few bones in his body cracked.

But Sasuke was miserable. Without Susan to protect him, all the bones in his body were almost shattered, and his weak internal organs were even worse. He was almost dead instantly! ! !

Looking at Nangong Yue again, when his slide body completely detonated, with this pale severed arm as the center, almost the entire space was detonated!

The first is the energy body and the severed arm, which are broken down into the tiniest particles in an instant, and at the same time it also affects all spaces based on it!

Immediately afterwards, the entire gravity space began to collapse from the base point of the operation.

No... It should be said that when all the space collapsed, it seemed as if it was swallowed by an invisible giant mouth!

In the center of the dark space, something extremely terrifying seemed to be gestating, causing the few people who were flying back to frown.

On the Six Paths Sage side, when he saw the space collapse, he wanted to possess Sasuke and directly use magic to lead people away.

But as soon as he sensed the space there, his face turned dark, because that space was so chaotic that it was even directly connected to the violent void chaos outside the world!

If a spell is cast in this situation, without being able to sense the specific coordinates of the main star of the ninja world, the three of them will most likely be directly banished from this world!

Even he, the Immortal of Six Paths, was not sure of surviving in that completely unknown and violent environment, and his two 'children' were even less able to do so.

And, now Indra's reincarnation...


After retreating to a safer position, Naruto immediately noticed Sasuke's injuries and discovered that Sasuke was actually on the verge of death!

"Don't move! I'm here to treat you!"

Without time to think, Naruto immediately began to use Yang Release to treat Sasuke, and at the same time missed the best opportunity to break the seal.

After a long time...

"Phew...saved...thank you, Naruto."

All the injuries in his body were recovered, but Sasuke, who was still obviously very weak, struggled to get up with the help of Naruto. After all, there was still ten times the gravity here, and even at his peak, he would be uncomfortable, let alone Now.

Just then...

'We missed the best opportunity to escape, and now we are in trouble...'

"Huh???" (two people)

Following the sight of the old man Liu Dao, they felt the violent wind around them, and their pupils suddenly shrank!

"Well... I feel sorry for Kaguya, but in order to stop you, these costs are necessary~

Well, first of all, space blockade..."

At this time, Nangong Yue's voice came directly to the minds of the three of them.

After all, normal sounds can never reach them.


"This power...is abominable..." (Sasuke)

"Hey hey hey...this is a bit exaggerated..." (Naruto)

Not to mention Naruto and Sasuke who are ignorant, even the Sage of Six Paths couldn't help but be moved by the scene he saw at this moment. 0.

In their eyes, starting from about tens of thousands of meters in front of the three of them, the entire gravity space was replaced by a pitch-black void!

And that's not all, through the dark void, they can also faintly see more distant places, the yellow sand space, the ice space, the lava space, and the space they have never been to, the space full of liquid...

Even the pitch-black space of the Beginning Sphere that Naruto had been to, without exception, had been shattered by more than half! Moreover, there are a large number of space fragments falling off from the broken edges of different spaces!

And right in the center of this huge dark void, a dark figure could be vaguely seen, facing the three of them.

They felt no malice or murderous intent in that seemingly small figure. They should have felt at ease, but now they felt even more creepy!

Coupled with such a lamentable 'scene of world destruction', in the center of this majestic void, the existence that is the 'cause of destruction' has invisibly cast a layer of 'fear' in their hearts. of black gauze.

As for the Immortal of Six Paths, although he had felt that the space here had returned to normal, when his perception continued to extend outward, he discovered that just outside the entire gravity space, this small broken world had been destroyed. He was completely surrounded by something that he didn't even know yet!

Not to mention the shock of the three people in Liudao, Nangong Yue is now trying his best to suppress his excitement, and his golden eyes are shining like never before, because...

"Huh huh huh...what a surprise...

I wanted to detonate part of the main body and then use the fragments of the small world to create a temporary body.

I really didn’t expect it, look what is all this? ! Just by destroying a few small worlds, I came into contact with a lot of good things! ! !

Destruction, end, annihilation, chain, time and space...

No... maybe it's because I am in the void outside the world at this time that I can access such information so easily...

Chaos Void is such a wonderful place, but it’s a pity that I can’t stay here for a long time...

Hehe hehe... This world... has really come to the right place! "

Immediately afterwards, Nangong Yue still looked at the several small worlds around him that were heading for destruction, sighed slightly, exited the state of 'ten thousand times accelerated thinking', moved directly to the space of the original sphere, which was only half left, and then...

"Hey...it's my own sin...

Space modeling, world reconstruction. "

Nangong Yue simply picked up the surrounding space fragments and repaired these spaces in a few breaths.

After sensing the existing auxiliary spaces of the 'Tian Zhi Yu Zhong', Nangong Yue couldn't help but shrugged.

"Hmm... I don't know how Kaguya will feel when he finds out that his 'Tian no Chu' has shrunk by half, and the space strength has also dropped a lot...

Forget it, the first priority now is to stop the two people and one spirit body over there. "

After figuring out his priorities, Nangong Yue decisively activated the 'Heaven's Control' and moved directly to the gravity space where the six people were.


Chapter 411


"Hmm... I don't know how Kaguya will feel when he finds out that his 'Tian no Chu' has shrunk by half, and the space strength has also dropped a lot...

Forget it, the first priority now is to stop the two people and one spirit body over there. "

After figuring out his priorities, Nangong Yue decisively activated the 'Heaven's Control' and moved directly to the gravity space where the six people were.

At the same time as entering the gravity space, Nangong Yue entered the state of "absolute", and then completely synchronized his breath with the surrounding "nature", completely hiding his own existence.

He also made up his mind to wait until they were about to break through the blockade before taking action, so as to delay as much time as possible.

As for 'killing', Nangong Yue thought about it, but it was not necessary or allowed.

At this time, in the distance of Nangong Yue, the two young men who had just seen the world couldn't help but have some doubts about themselves.

The main thing is that not only did they witness Nangong Yue's 'act of annihilation', but they also watched helplessly as Nangong Yue waved his hand, and several small worlds that were originally shattered into half were visibly healed. !

Moreover, they were not sure whether Nangong Yue did it on purpose. The gravity space they were in was the last to be repaired.

Therefore, they were lucky enough to be able to witness the scene of 'the world being repaired' through the violent void.

"Um...Sasuke...can your eye technique be used now?"

After hearing this, Sasuke wiped the sweat from his forehead and tried his best to calm himself down.

"It's ready for use. The strength of the space seems to have returned to normal, and it's even a little more fragile than it was initially.

Unfortunately, I still have no way to connect to other spaces. I can only exchange two objects in the same space..."

At this time, the old man Liu Dao, who had the most experience and always remained calm, said:

‘Don’t even think about escaping. The outsider has indeed not blocked this space. He has not even blocked mother’s other dimensions.

What he has really sealed, although it is a bit unbelievable, is that he has now completely wrapped his mother's entire 'Heaven's Palace' from the outside using unknown space magic!

Sigh... What a generous act. The body condensed from the fragments of the small world would have been able to survive for tens of thousands of years, or even longer, if there had been no fighting...

But he didn't feel any distress at all, and he would use up all the potential of his body in a short period of time to seal us in here...

In other words, his body should be more...

That's right, that's the complete sacred tree...'

Although the analysis of the old man Liu Dao made their thoughts more complicated, they still clarified the 'direction' and now began to look around for Nangong Yue's temporary space clone.


In the main world at this time, Kaguya turned her head and stared at Nangong Yue while forming seals with her hands. Even if she didn't speak, Nangong Yue could understand what she wanted to express.

Immediately, Nangong Yue beside Kaguya scratched his hair in embarrassment.

"(Hey...this woman really knows it~)

Don't worry about this~ Didn't this fix it for you?

Also, doesn’t this completely trap those people? The effect is very good~”

'snort! If you hadn't still had the heart to help me repair the world, do you think you would still be standing here now?

In your words, my world has been downgraded! ! ! ’

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