"Well, it's still mechanically installed~

Every time I have to cut open the healed wound...it hurts so much!

Anyway, I don't rely on physical skills, and the robotic arm can also carry weapons. It would be best to be equipped with a sonic compression device. Then, in the future, my attacks will no longer be limited to large-scale attacks! ! ! "

Well, here, Teacher Mike is slowly analyzing, and his eyes are getting brighter. It seems that a broken arm is a good thing for him? ? ?

At this time, Principal Nezu, who had been silent for a long time, spoke:

"Well, everyone, the police will be here soon. Let's get out of here first~"


Five minutes later, outside the USJ gate, the Tsukauchi Police Department counted the students in front of them.

"18, 19, 20.

In other words, are all students safe and sound..."

At this time, Nangong Yue, who had rested for a long time and had fully recovered, mentally connected with Ye Yintou again.

(Tou-chan~Performed well~

You behave like a qualified assassin~

Although after solving the first person, it took a lot of time to get over it...)

(...Read...The feeling of killing...is very bad...)

(Well~this is something you have to get used to~

If you are unable to kill, sooner or later your momentary hesitation will lead to serious consequences!

You must remember! Only when the enemy is completely silent can you be safe! )


Um! I see! ! ! )

The other students were silent because of the teachers' failure. Therefore, Nangong Yue, who had completed the spiritual exchange with Ye Yintou, fulfilled his obligations as the monitor and asked:

"Um...the police department, our class teacher, Teacher Xiangze, and Teacher No. 13, what's going on now?"

Tsukauchi Police Department responded like a reflex to everyone in Class A:

"`. Well...his hands were shattered and his face was fractured. Fortunately, no brain damage was found.

Fortunately, because your squad leader rescued you in time, the head was not hit again, so it was just a broken nose, which will not affect the use of your personality in the future.

As for No. 13, treatment has been completed. The lacerations on his back and upper arm were very serious, but not fatal.

The other injured teachers, your squad leader, and Nangong classmate have been dealt with in time. They can even continue working directly without any problem, but they need to think carefully about hero activities. "


The students, especially the girls, breathed a sigh of relief when they heard that Shota Aizawa was safe and sound.

"Anyway, students, please go back to the classroom first. You can't come here right now to ask what happened~

Sancha (cat-headed man), I have something else to do and have to go to the health room.

Then, the rest will be left to you. "


Returning to Class A, Nangong Yue, who is now the squad leader, saw that everyone around him seemed to be lost in thought again, so he quickly spoke up:


Let’s go back to the classroom first~”

"Hi~~~" Listlessly.


The perspective shifted (well done) to the principal who had not yet left the training ground. Next to the principal stood Midnight, Marksman, and All Might. After a long silence, Principal Nezu spoke first:

"It seems that it is necessary to significantly strengthen the security measures on campus~"

"Yes!" The sharpshooter replied briefly.

"Teleportation is an extremely rare personality, but it happens to be on the enemy's side.

But it’s not too bad. At least we have a monster like Nangong Yue on our side, so the positives and negatives are balanced. "

Midnight sighed like this.

"Ah~ If it hadn't been for Nangong Boy's teleportation and treatment, Xiangze and I might have been wiped out here because we didn't know the personality and personality development of Shibeng Mudiao!!!

You know, even I was treated by Nangong Boy twice in a short period of time!

If it weren't for the first treatment, my hands would be basically useless, but it wouldn't have any effect.

At the same time, because I was seriously injured and bleeding profusely, I would probably be reduced to a burden in the later stages of the battle!

And if you don't have me to limit the speed of the dead wooden crane, you will be in danger! ! ! "

After listening to All Might's speech, the four of them fell into silence again.


Chapter 65

When the matter came to an end, the Tsukauchi Police Department gathered the team first and was about to order a search of the school. When they saw the four principals walking out of the entrance of the venue, they made a request:

"Principal, just in case, I want to explore every corner of the school."

"Ah~ of course no problem~

Although some people may have objections, after all, the police have higher authority.

At the same time, search is your area of ​​expertise, so I leave it to you! "

The police department nodded in response to Principal Nezu, and then ordered the police officers to set out to search the school.


The perspective shifted to the small bar of Shibang Muziao. In the originally empty bar, a spiral space door with purple edges and black center opened, and Sangbang Muziao, who had recovered a little, slowly walked out.

At this time, the dead handle wooden hanging who walked out of the portal casually pulled up a chair to sit down, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and then commented to himself:

"The muscles in my legs were strained, my internal organs were shocked, and I vomited blood... Fortunately, it wasn't serious."

He took out the healing potion prepared in advance from the counter and drank it directly.

"Although All Might has been severely injured many times, ah~ there are also those miscellaneous fish heroes, but that bastard Nangong Yue!

In order to make it more difficult for me, All Might was also cured.

Moreover, let him join the battle again? ! !

That is to say...

I was slightly injured myself, and then I caught up with Bai Lai, a miscellaneous fish, just to level up those seedlings? ! !

But fortunately, destroying a lung of a hero and taking away an arm. Although the loud voice does not seem to rely on hands, it is better than nothing...

The symbol of peace, All Might is still alive, but it doesn't matter, just give me a little more time, just a little bit!

I can fight him alone! ! !

The trash fish are basically of zero value and can be ignored. Taken together...

A draw...?"

After the self-commentary of Death Handled Mudiao ended, the speaker on the monitor on the wall sounded:

"Performing well, dead handle wood hanging.

Just now, Nangong Boy has sent me the memory image, and I have just finished reviewing it.

Well...suffice it to say, you did very well!

Although I had already speculated based on your eight months of training results beforehand, I never expected that you could really compete with All Might's berserker in a short period of time!

But having said that, physical strength, strength, and especially physical strength are your shortcomings, and you need to try your best to make up for them in the future. "

"Understood! Teacher!!!"

At this time, the doctor next to Uncle Shibengmu also interjected:

"Ah~ Naowu, this transformation of All Might is really good~

We have seen the video, and it is true that he can compete with the current All Might, but he can only fight based on instinct without any fighting wisdom. This is too fatal!

It seems that this guy can only serve as your assistant from now on. "

The dead man sitting on the bar chair did not listen carefully to the doctor's words. Instead, he fell into deep thought because of AllForOne's evaluation.


By the way, among those students, I found a child whose strength was comparable to All Might. However, whenever he exploded with that level of power, his power-generating part would be scrapped.

In other words, his body is still completely unable to withstand that level of force.

But once he grows up...

Then, he is another All Might! ! ! "

"Don't worry, Shibengmudiao, compared to that child, haven't you grown up?

Besides, the one who really stands up to All Might is not you, but me!

As for your combat power, as long as you control your physical consumption and recovery, you can completely massacre the other heroes while I hold up All Might!

However, I would like to remind you again and again to try to make up for your physical weakness, and it is best to increase your strength as well.

Also, the speed of collapse should be increased!

If your collapse speed could be even 10% faster, you would be much more relaxed today.

do you understand? From now on, Nangong Boy will supervise you carefully.

Even if he is not here, I still have my gravity field and the doctor's treatment.

You will grow quickly. "

After Uncle Shibengmu's comfort and persuasion, the somewhat unbalanced Shibengmu Diao calmed down.

After making sure that the dead man had calmed down, AllForOne continued to make arrangements.

"Then, next, try to recruit the elite. Take your time and take your time. You yourself also swore an oath in front of those heroes. So as a "symbol of darkness", you cannot be a polished commander!

Black mist alone is not enough.

At present, the underworld forces that are low-key and dormant cannot move freely, so symbols like you are indispensable!

Then, dead handle wood hanging, next, you must spread your terror to the world! ! ! "


I understand, teacher! "


The perspective returns to Yuei's side, the health room, No. 13, and Aizawa Shota, who has regained mobility, are forced to lie down on the bed. Among them, Aizawa Shota is completely wrapped into a mummy by the old lady who has recovered!

At this time, Naomasa Tsukauchi, All Might and Nangong Yue from the police department walked in.

The old lady was very happy to see Nangong Yue coming, because with the cooperation of Nangong Yue's ability, the speed of treatment will increase exponentially.

"Ah~ Classmate Nangong is here. Come on, cooperate with me and cure these three troublesome naughty children!"

"..." No. 13, Shota Aizawa, All Might

Among the three, All Might has actually basically recovered. However, the new muscles cannot yet match the powerful body. It is a bit lower than the previous one, and All Might needs to spend time to get used to it.


Hey~ What a hard life~

(Definition, the vitality is on top, the human body is on the bottom)"

Chirp~~~~~~~ (three times)

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