In the world of Xingyue, the magic eye is a project of magic.

It turns one's own eyeballs into magic circuits in a way similar to magic engraving, and transforms the passive function of receiving external messages into the ability to actively influence external things. Proof of being a first-rate magician.

However, the artificial magic eye only has the ability to charm and suggest at best.

The truly powerful magic eyes are all born with them.

Restraint, compulsion, contract, burning, hallucination, bad luck, Rider's petrification, Shiki and Shiki's immediate death.

The six eyes are obviously also within the scope of the natural evil eye.

Although a single six eyes is far from reaching the level of causality of the direct death evil eye, it is a prerequisite for using unlimited spells.

In other words, the Rokugan with unlimited spells is the full version of the Rokugan. It will be directly upgraded from the original copycat Byakugan + Rinnegan to"Zero Four Three" to the Magatama Samsara Eye level.

After all, whether it is interfering with atoms, controlling space, or even dividing time wirelessly to give birth to Zeno's turtle, this bug-level protection is enough to make him not lose to the Death Eye.

Although Shi Yu has not yet mastered the unlimited technique, it is undoubtedly a fantasy to use the Matou family's barrier to block Rokugan's sight.

It was already the third day after Tohsaka Sakura arrived at Matou's house.

She had been begging her father to save her and she was completely desperate. She just sat in the dark room without any thought.

Matou Zangyan pushed the door in with a cane.

"Hehe, have you recognized the reality?"

Being in the dark room for three consecutive days directly caused her mental torture to collapse. After all, she was only a 6-year-old girl. How could she endure this kind of purely closed mental torture. You must know that if you are not mentally prepared enough, If you are locked in a small dark room for more than 24 hours, you will suffer from sudden illness, you will become insane within 48 hours, and there is a high probability that you will go crazy or die within 72 hours.

This is why I found Matou Zangyan in Matou Kariya and asked for it. When Sakura was taken away, Matou Zouken would say that he had become unresponsive before throwing Sakura into the insect warehouse.

Because at that time, Sakura's spirit had already collapsed.

Matou Zouken waved at the maid behind him. wave,

"Take her to the bug barn and see how long she can hold on."

The maid stepped forward and pulled Sakura towards the underground of the castle. At this time, Sakura had no sense of resistance and just let others pull her.

In the church opposite the castle,

Shi Yu's eyes flashed coldly. flash,

"Let’s get started!"

R and Ta Miao immediately got ready and stood next to Shi Yu.

"Do you want to go straight in?"

"There are too many enchantments, which is too troublesome, especially a group of bugs that are disgusting."

Although the power of the heroic spirit is strong, it is not invincible.

The R of the fate line was killed by Kuzumu who was strengthened by C's mother, while Xiao Mo was poisoned by the empress' poison.

So to be on the safe side ,

Shi Yu calculated the speed of Sakura's walking, and then quickly opened the tent to cover the entire castle.

He stretched out his hand, and the black ball with black and red lightning appeared in reverse of the spell. In front of Shi Yu's palm,

Ta Miao frowned:"Are you planning to break open the barrier?"

Although Shi Yu's attack is very strong, it is far from the power of the heroic spirit. Even if the spell is reversed, He can only exert about the same power as the Noble Phantasm.

However, Shi Yu did not answer and just slowly began to sing:

"My name is Shiyu! Even the most almighty ruler, one who is entrusted with the power of heaven, come, come, army of fire, answer my request and show your power! Dark red and black flames, the king of all realms, the Tao and Dharma of the heaven and earth, the common principle of my own victory, the alias of collapse and destruction, the hammer of eternal calamity descends in front of me, toward the thing that is darker than black and darker than darkness. Abyss, pray for my crimson flash, which has already descended upon awakening. The truth that has fallen into the realm of infallibility, turn it into an infinite distortion limit! Dance, dance, dance! The thing that my magic power seeks will be destroyed. It will be destroyed by no one. All things will return to dust. Come down from the abyss. This is the greatest means of attack for human beings. This is the most powerful attack magic. Cover O the bright darkness, O the explosive flames that embrace the night, in the name of the Red Devil, I declare the collapse of the original. In the land of the final kingdom, those who hide the source of power, gather before my eyes!"

As Shi Yu chanted, layers of terrifying giant red magic arrays suddenly appeared in the sky above the Matou family's castle. He who was originally in front of Shi Yu's palm instantly disappeared and appeared directly above the magic array.

The spell slowed down. Slowly falling, He, who was originally the size of a glass ball, began to expand.

Every time he passed through the increase of a magic circle, the power of the spell doubled!

Finally, after experiencing the increase of 13 levels of magic circle, (for reading Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu novels Net!)

The huge He floated strangely over the castle like a terrifying meteor....

Red and black lightning bolts of red and black magic were raging, making people’s scalp numb just looking at them.

"Noble Phantasm Liberated! Spell reversal! Explosion!"

With the effect of the Noble Phantasm [Second Two Chant Amplification], the huge energy ball hit the ground like a natural disaster!


A huge mushroom cloud rose from the ground, and

Fuyuki City ushered in its first major disaster. A massive gas explosion. All barriers and traps no longer existed at this time. The huge roar accompanied by air waves directly blew the hair and clothes of R and Ta Miao. With a snap,

Ta Miao Meow's divine bow fell to the ground.

The next second, she went crazy and grabbed Shi Yu's collar and shook it desperately:

"asshole! If you do this, you will kill the children together! ?"

"cough! cough! not dead! They are not dead yet, they are underground! Don't shake, I'm dizzy."

Shi Yu pointed at the pothole in the center of the castle and hurriedly persuaded Ta Miao to calm down.

Sure enough, as the ground surged and there was a bang, Matou Zangyan angrily led the maid and Sakura out of the ground in disgrace. come out

"damn it! who is it!!"

Matou Zangyan looked around fiercely.

2.1 An arrow pierced the sky and instantly penetrated his heart.

"impossible! Servant?! Someone has already summoned a servant! ?"

He looked intently towards the direction of the arrow.

Shi Yu was standing on the roof and waving to him with a smile.

The next second, his eyes blurred. Shi Yu and the three people who were originally standing in the church had actually appeared in front of him. opposite

"He is indeed a Servant!"

Matou Zangyan gritted his teeth and looked at R and Ta Miao with a sinister tone, as if the arrow in his heart didn't exist.

"who are you? What are you going to do? Shi

Yu put on a compassionate look and said seriously to Matou Zangyan:

"I am the messenger from justice, destroying you on behalf of the moon."

Matou Zangyan:"???" ps. The increase in singing in the second grade is only displayed once.

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