"This girl...is called Enoshima Junko?"

In the Neon SPW Foundation, Joseph looked at the pink-haired girl in the video with a serious face.

He had a good memory and knew that this was the stand-in who attacked them in Neon Kyoto, and was the one who caused Abdel to lose a The arm is the culprit.

Who would have thought that they would appear here again, and one of them seems to have become a vampire

"Given DIO's character, she should only be able to transform into a zombie, so why would she become a vampire? Is there some unknown transaction?"Joseph could only think of these for the time being.

With his rich experience, he could tell the difference between a zombie, a vampire, and a pillar man at a glance.

At this time, Enoshima Dunko, who had already gone abroad, said:"It looks like my future Not bad? It seems like it's my fault that overcomes the sun and ripples?"

The appearance of Enoshima Shields was a link that no one expected. No one thought that this bereaved dog who had been beaten in the past and fled in embarrassment would appear here again.

【New Delhi, 9:10 PM】

【"finally come"】

【Sitting on the top of a 70-meter-tall building, Enoshima Tsunoko used the dynamic vision of a vampire to see the flying Shibun Shibun who was flying a hundred meters away with the help of the Platinum Star.】

【"Miss Kaguya, I wonder if your death will make Yujun Zhanshiwen, who is blessed with great luck, feel despair?"】

【After saying that, Enoshima Junko cut the rope without hesitation with his long nails.】

【Shinomiya Kaguya fell from the roof like a kite with its string cut off.】


【Yu Juan and Shiwen saw a figure falling to the ground from the top floor from a distance. His heart was burning, and he gritted his teeth and ran towards the building. ]

24"Iqi, you leave first"】

【There were still fifty meters away from the building. This distance was too dangerous, so Yu Juan and Shiwen planned to use their abilities】

【"Platinum Star. Time to delete!"】

【The golden light wave spread, and Yu Xuan and Shi Wen ran with all their strength towards the building in the realm of nothingness.】

【5 seconds】

【After Yujun and Shiwen came to the building, he canceled his ability and time jumped for 5 seconds. At this time, Platinum Star hugged Kaguya Shinomiya.】

【"Kaguya, are you okay?"】

【Yu Xuan and Shi Wen asked Shinomiya Kaguya in the arms of Platinum Star.】


【Shinomiya Kaguya opened her eyes in confusion and looked at Yu Xuan Zhan Shiwen who was already standing in front of her.】

【"I'm sorry. It's all because of my own actions that I put you in danger. I'm sorry."】

【Facing Shinomiya Kaguya, Yujun and Shiwen only felt a deep sense of guilt at this time.】

【"It's okay, Zhan Shiwen, it's because we are weak, we should have known... only you can deal with DIO."Shinomiya Kaguya smiled and shook her head angrily.】

【Yu Xuan and Shiwen put his hands on Shinomiya Kaguya's abdomen to feel her physical condition.】

【A few ribs were broken and the internal organs were damaged. It’s not a big problem.】

【Golden energy appeared in the hands of Yu Zhanshiwen and merged into Shinomiya Kaguya's abdomen. The broken ribs and damaged internal organs miraculously healed.】

【"Tsk...are you able to save everything like this?"】

【Enoshima Shields on the roof stared down with dissatisfaction, and tapped his chin with his finger as if thinking of something:"Then...how are you going to save the people inside?"】

【After saying that, she put her laptop in her backpack, then jumped off the roof and slid in the air.】

【"It turns out that this was a fish that slipped through the net when we were in Kyoto."】

【In front of the building, Shinomiya Kaguya and the two who had been treated informed Yujun Zhanshiwen of their experiences.】

【"Zhan Shiwen, let’s bring Qianhua and the others out quickly!"】


【Yu Zhuan and Shi Wen nodded in agreement. Among friends and old enemies, he preferred the former.】

【"Iggy please"】

【Yu Zhuan and Shi Wen shouted at I Qi who was running over from behind.】

【Iqi quickly ran to Yujuan Shiwen's side and quickly jumped onto his shoulders.】


【Just this once, after this fight you must find me a beautiful dog lady】

【"You pervert, I have no choice but to satisfy you."Yu Zhuan Shiwen smiled and scolded Iqi in a helpless tone.】

【"Let's go!"】

【Yu Xuan and Shi Wen took Shinomiya Kaguya running in this villa building. The higher they ran, the stronger the pungent smell of blood became.】

【I just hope it doesn’t come from Hayasaka Ai and the others.】

【The perspective came to the kitchen of this high-rise building, and I saw a lot of corpses piled up inside. Judging from their clothes, most of them were employees of this office building, and there were also people from outside. Flies and maggots were all over them. corpse. 】


Many people were disgusted by this scene. Who else could do such a thing besides Enoshima Shields who has become a vampire?

Seeing this, the governments of various countries silently increased the bounty on Enoshima Shields.

【Occasionally, zombies would ambush and attack them along the way, but Yu Xuan and Shi Wen killed them with a clean blow.】

【at the same time……】

【Hayasaka Ai who was in the stairwell had her eyes fixed:"Get ready, you all get down!"】

【As soon as he finished speaking, Polnareff and Fujiwara Chika fell down in the stairwell.】


【Long green silk threads were already covered in the stairwell. After being touched by a zombie, emeralds shot out like a tide and smashed through the bodies of these zombies.】

【"Ms. Hayasaka, thank you for your ability!"】

【Polnareff was surprised and praised when he saw this.】

【"Let's go up quickly!"】

【Hayasaka Ai and the others didn’t know that Shinomiya Kaguya had been rescued, and they still wanted to run up】

【"Hayasaka, you don’t have to go up, Kaguya is here with me!"】

【From the stairwell below came the voice of Utsuo Shibun, Hayasaka Ai, Fujiwara Chika, and Polnareff all looked happy:"Zhan Shibun?!?"】

【"It came just in time"】

【"Let's go down quickly!"】


【After the violent explosion, the building that was supposed to be as stable as a rock crumbled.】

【"ah! Why is it suddenly about to collapse?"Chika Fujiwara didn't understand why a good building suddenly became crumbling.】

【"Don't talk about this now, it's not safe here, let's get out quickly!"】

【Hayasaka Ai pulled Fujiwara Chika and ran downstairs, followed by Polnareff.】

【On the sixth floor, Yu Xuan joined Shiwen and Shinomiya Kaguya to meet the three of them.】

【"Iqi, where did you go, you stinky dog?"Polnareff pointed at Iqi on Yuzhan Shiwen's shoulder and couldn't help but wonder.】

【Ichi just grinned at him】

【"Stop arguing. It's too late. You all jump off this floor with me."】(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)


【"That's right, Ichi, Hayasaka's abilities can send you down."】

【Under the leadership of Yu Juan and Shiwen, the group of people came to the office floor and went to the transparent glass. Yu Juan and Shiwen did not hesitate to destroy all the transparent glass in front of them.】

【"Zhan Shiwen, why don’t you use your invincible time deletion to take us down?"Polnareff asked】

【"Deleting time will only accelerate the collapse of this building!"Yu Zhuan Shiwen glanced at Polnareff】

【Time Delete is different from Time Stop, which stops time. It actually skips a short period of time, and only Yu Xuanzhan Shiwen can move, and others cannot be taken along when the ability is activated.】

【"Ichi, you take Polnareff down, Hayasaka, let the Green King turn into a life rope, Kaguya and Chika hold on to the life rope and go down."】

【After Yu Zhuan and Shi Wen quickly divided the work, everyone immediately started taking action.】

【Reluctantly, Ichi made a glider out of sand and let Polnareff grab it and go down from the building.】

【Chika Fujiwara and Kaguya Shinomiya went down the Emperor's silk thread】

【"Okay, Hayasaka, it’s up to me now……"】


【After seeing Polnareff and Iqi stagnant in the air on a sand glider, Yu Xuan and Shi Wen immediately turned around.】

【As expected, DIO and his stand-in world were less than five meters away from them.】

【1 second】

【"Wood big wood big wood big!"】

【"Euler, Euler, Euler!"】

【In DIO, after the world punched, Platinum Star punched at the same time, the wind of fists was raging, Yu Xuan fought against Shi Wen and drew his sword towards DIO】

【"Ripple breathing. The four types of sound. The sound is endless!"】257

【The high-speed rotating corrugated He Dao continuously slashes at DIO】

【"Big wood! Zhan Shiwen, I have seen through your tricks!"】

【DIO laughed arrogantly, his fists turned into claws, and he still laughed despite being slashed with blood by the high-speed rotating knife.】


【The world's fists were beaten into powder, and it was knocked back with an uppercut and then stopped.】

【3 seconds】

【5 seconds】

【"6 seconds! Zhan Shiwen, it's my turn next"】

【DIO's smashed hands have recovered again, and it doesn't matter even if the place on his chest where the rippled sword was cut has not yet healed.】


【Platinum Star and Yu Juan fought against Shi Wen at the same time, but DIO stepped back to avoid it.】

【7 seconds】

【"The same trick will never happen to me DIO again!"】

【After saying that, DIO and the world punched Yujuan Shiwen and Platinum Star respectively.】

【"Big wood, big wood, big wood, big wood, big wood, big wood, big wood, big wood, big wood~~~"】


【The last punch landed firmly on Yujuan Zhanshiwen's head, and Yujuan Zhanshiwen flew backwards from the six-story office building like a cannonball.】

【Sliding and rubbing on the street】


【Yu Juanzhan Shiwen spurted out a mouthful of blood, and blood oozed from his forehead, flowing on his face.】

【"Hayasaka, come down quickly!!!"】

【Yu Xuan and Shiwen's first reaction was to shout to Hayasaka Ai, who was still on the edge of the office building, and immediately stood up, dragging his injured body straight to the building instead of checking his own injuries.】


【Hayasaka Ai turned her head subconsciously and wanted to jump off at the first sight when she saw Yu Xuan and Shi Wen running towards the building.】


【The golden fist penetrated Hayasaka Ai's abdomen. Hayasaka Ai opened her mouth to say something, but was pushed down by O behind her.】

【Polnareff, Chika Fujiwara, and Kaguya Shinomiya all looked at the figure falling from the sky with their mouths open.】


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