Not only Shujiin Academy, but men all over the world are jealous of U-hyeon and Shi-moon. It is all reflected on their faces.

"hateful! Isn't it just growing taller? He's a bit more handsome, has a better family background, and does he have some superpowers? Why do three such beautiful girls like him?"

Kisaragi Yuru, who was given a good guy card by her childhood sweetheart and senior sister, was so jealous that she almost went crazy with jealousy.

As a novelist, Kasumigaoka Shiu, Yamada Fairy, Izumi Masamune and others all found it outrageous.

Three girls with talents and status all liked the same person. Personally? What kind of campus male protagonist plot is this?

"Hahaha! As expected of my grandson, he is so popular with girls, just like when I was young!"

Joseph, who was far away in the beautiful country, laughed heartily. He shamelessly praised Yu Juan for his battle with Shiwen and at the same time he also praised himself.

Siji Q couldn't stand it anymore:"Stop bragging, Qiao. Joseph, if you were as popular as that kid Zhan Shiwen, would you still be able to meet me?"

"Why isn't it popular? That's because I rejected them with disdain, otherwise we wouldn't be where we are today."Joseph is as persistent as an old naughty boy on this point.

Hayasaka Nao:"Do you like the children of the Uzune family?"

The Shinomiya family, in addition to Shinomiya Yan'an, Shinomiya Huangguang and Shinomiya Yunying are all happy to see this happen. If we can reach a cooperation because of the joint smoke relationship, the power of Joestar Real Estate and the SPW Foundation will bring The benefits are very considerable.

As a political family, the Fujiwara family supports Chika Fujiwara's free love, but they will not allow anything if she wants to be a concubine.

"Falling in love with classmate Yu Zhuan or something?……"Chika Fujiwara was so shy when she watched the video as a bystander that her ears were red and steam was rising from her head.

Now she is more curious and fond of Yu Zhuan Shiwen. As for falling in love, she thinks that she is still a baby who needs to grow up!

"It’s just to get more rich knowledge of substitutes from classmate Yujuan’s grandfather, well... that’s it!"

Shinomiya Kaguya found a reason for herself to numb her heart.

Hayasaka Ai looked a little disappointed with her blue pupils. Is a traitor like me really qualified for love?

Yusara Ishigami of the junior high school Fortunately, everyone is paying attention to Shinomiya Kaguya, Yu Xuan and Shiwen, and no one cares about his small role.

【Yu Zhuan's family】

【"I'm sorry, Zhan Shiwen didn't hurt you, right?"】

【With a gentle look on her face, Yuxuan Holly put a bandage and a band-aid on Ishi Shangyu.】

【Ishigami Yu looked at such a lovely and touching Ujuan Holly and turned his head:"Thank you...thank you auntie, my injury has nothing to do with Yujuan-senpai.""】

【Ishigami Yu swore that he had never seen such a beautiful woman. Even the girl named Otomo Kyoko did not make him feel as calm and relaxed as the one in front of him.】

【He felt from the bottom of his heart that if there was a girl like this, he would definitely protect this warm and pleasant smile.】

【Yu Zhuanzhan Shiwen seemed to notice something strange about Ishigami Yu and warned him:"Ishigami, don't have any inappropriate thoughts, you know?"】

【"Hi!"When Yu Ishigami heard this, his hair stood on end, like a cat with explosive hair.】

"That Yu from the junior high school, right?"

In Class B of the first year, under the gaze of many people, Usuke Shibun spoke to Fujiwara Chika in a questioning tone. For some reason

, Usuke Shibun exuded an aura called death.

"Classmate Yu Zhuan has become so scary now!!!"

Shirogane Yuxing, Tanuma Tsubasa, Shijo Zhenfei and others dare not go to see Yu Xuanzhan Shiwen again.

"Sure enough, classmate Yu Zhuan also loves Aunt Holly very much?"Fujiwara Chika said in admiration as if she saw something novel.


Yujuan Zhanshiwen couldn't deny that he just couldn't stand Yujuan Holly's excessive love. He had always treated this mother who was still like a girl in her forties as a real mother.

Sure enough, U-kun and Kaguya are both very face-conscious people, right?

Fujiwara Chika consciously saw clearly the nature of Yu Xuan Zhan Shiwen

"It's over, I'm going to die! To die!"

"No matter how you look at Senior Yuzhuan, he wants to kill me, right?"

Yu Ishigami of the junior high school received a cold look from the girls. At this moment, he buried his head under the book. He who was not sociable felt social death in such an environment.

【"Okay, first tell me why you want to secretly observe us?"】

【After escorting Ujou Holly away, Ujou and Shiwen crossed their arms and sat cross-legged, while Ishigami Yu knelt on the ground like a child who had done something wrong, with his hands on his knees.】

【"I'm sorry, Senior Yuzhuan. I wanted to see you after I heard you were injured. I happened to see you guys going out, so... I followed you secretly to see if I could help you at the critical moment."】

【Ishigami Yu stated his purpose, and Yu Xuanzheng Shiwen stared at him with a pair of red pupils. After a while, he nodded:

"Let’s just believe your reasons and leave after dinner!"】

【"Senior Yu Zhuan, please don’t drive me away!"When Ishigami Yu heard that Yu Juan was asking him to leave, he asked anxiously.】

【"I'm not kidding, to be honest, if it weren't for you we would have set off by now"】

【"However, Senior Yujun…"】

【"No need to say anymore"】

【Tolerating Chika Fujiwara to join him is already the maximum limit of his tolerance. He doesn't want another person who has nothing to do with the Shinomiya family to step into this muddy water.】

【Ishigami Yu had nothing to say. He opened his mouth wide and wanted to say something, but was speechless under Yu Xuan Zhan Shiwen's fierce aura.】

【Before lunch was ready, Yu Juan and Shiwen helped the cook and then went to the yard. When he saw the scene in the yard, he was stunned.】

【"What are you...doing?"】

【I saw Kaguya Shinomiya, Ai Hayasaka, and Chika Fujiwara pointing their index fingers between their eyebrows, standing there in a strange posture, with their reflections in the sunlight.】

【"Practice ripples? Grandpa Joseph said that you can practice ripples by maintaining this posture."Fujiwara Chika looked innocent and innocent.】

【Shinomiya Kaguya was also convinced:"What? Utsuo-san is afraid that I will cultivate a ripple that is more powerful than Utsuo-san?""】

【Yu Juan fights against Shiwen:"……"】

【He looked at the bulging veins on Ai Hayasaka's forehead:"Haasaka, do you also believe that you can learn ripples just by doing this?"】

【Hayasaka Ai noticed Yu Xuan Shiwen's ups and downs of emotions and immediately stopped moving:"But Grandpa Joseph just used this posture to practice ripples, and he also told us this."】

【After hearing what Hayasaka Ai said, Yu Xuanzhan Shiwen turned around and shouted:

"Old man, get out of here!!!"】

【"how? Fight Shiwen? Are there any enemies?"】

【Yu Zhuanzheng Shiwen's roar frightened the three women, as well as Joseph, Abdel and others in the house, and they all came out to inspect the situation.】

【As a result, I saw the veins bulging, like an angry tiger Yu Xuan Zhan Shi Wen】

【Yu Zhuan and Shi Wen directly lifted up Joseph's collar, and his 1.95 meter tall body was directly grabbed by one hand. The former pointed at Shinomiya Kaguya and others and said:

"I asked you to train them well. Is this how you trained me? What kind of bullshit ripple training are you doing? Is this how you taught me to practice ripples?"】

【"Calm down...calm down, Zhan Shiwen, aren't Abdel and I trying to figure out how to plan for them?"Facing Yu Juan Zhan Shiwen's rebuke, Joseph felt guilty.】

【"What else is there to plan for? What's the use of teaching them ripples in just one night? If you don’t know how to teach, let me teach!"】

【After saying that, Yu Juan entered the house with Shiwen, and soon there were bags of small sandbags in his hand.】

【"Shinomiya, Hayasaka, Fujiwara, you all put them on my arms and legs."】

【Under the fierce momentum of Yu Xuan and Shi Wen, the three women did not dare to say a word. Even the most outspoken Fujiwara Chika honestly lifted up his trousers and sleeves and put on sandbags.】

【"Good weight…"】

【As soon as I got married to three girls, I felt a heavy feeling】

【"It’s only two kilograms. Except for fighting, I usually have to wear it."】

【"Now, summon all your substitutes for me!"】


【Steel Chain Finger, Green King, and Aviation Smith all appeared from the three bodies.】

【"Okay, now let’s start your special training"】

【"See the bell on my waist? All you have to do is join forces and take the bell from me within ten minutes."】

【As Yu Zhuan Shiwen spoke, he pointed to the bell hanging on his waist.

【"Give you three minutes to discuss countermeasures"】

【"Did you hear that clearly?"】

【Shinomiya Kaguya, Hayasaka Ai, and Fujiwara Chika realized at this moment that they had never seen Usuke Shibun like this before.】

【At this moment they all have a consensus】

【You must not anger Yu Juanzhan Shiwen! 】

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