
Vehicle killer?

What kind of weird name is this? Or did your grandson give it to your grandpa?

Shuchiin Academy

"Classmate Yuzhuan, is everything you said true?"Fujiwara Chika's face was visibly surprised.

Yu Xuan Zhan Shiwen just nodded lightly, and the students around him didn't know how to evaluate him.

He thought he was born with superpowers like a substitute, perception, and the ability to see through the weaknesses of human organs. His eyes were perverted enough.

After having experienced these things since he was a child, he was really lucky to be alive as an adult.

Seeing this, Yuzhuan Holly shouted dissatisfied:"Dad, how could you bully Zhan Shiwen like this?"

Having always had a filter, she regarded the tit-for-tat confrontation between Yuxuan Shiwen and Joseph as a one-sided"bullying" of her son.

Beautiful Country


The one who had the biggest reaction was Joseph, who held his head in his hands and shouted to the video:

"You brat, how could you embarrass me in front of so many people? What kind of bullshit vehicle killer? How many times have I flown on planes and driven in cars before this kid was born? Basically nothing happened."

Joseph is now completely angry with Yu Xuan and Shi Wen. He wants to rush in or immediately fly in to beat him up.

If he really fulfills his reputation as a vehicle killer by saying this, then basically all the vehicles in the future will I am afraid that the driver, captain, etc. will blacklist him.

Siji Q stared at Joseph and said:"Joseph, you can count for yourself whether you have had many incidents on the vehicle or nothing." many?"

"Of course...yes……"

Joseph subconsciously wanted to refute, but he thought of his past"great achievements".

When he was 15 years old, he and Spitwagen had an accident on a plane. The mine car also had an accident. The car also overturned. He also used a plane to kill Kaz..

Am I really a vehicle killer?

"No, I'm not a vehicle killer! Absolutely not! This brat is definitely slandering me!"

He already had the answer in his heart, but he still spoke forcefully.

【On the train, Utaka and Shibun were sitting in their seats. Shinomiya Kaguya, Hayasaka Ai, and Fujiwara Chika were also sitting with him.】

【"Classmate Yu Zhuan, is Grandpa Joseph really a vehicle killer?"】

【"Can you tell me about the time when something happened to you?"】

【Fujiwara Chika pestered Yuzhen Shiwen like a curious baby and asked】

【"There's not much to say, you just need to know not to ride in the same vehicle with him."Yu Xuanzhan Shiwen stared at Fujiwara Chika indifferently.】


【Seeing that Uzumaki Shibun was unwilling to tell, Chika Fujiwara would not continue to ask without knowing what he was doing.】

【She's a love detective who wouldn't make such a mistake】


【About twenty minutes after the train departed, Shinomiya Kaguya inadvertently glanced at Hayasaka Ai with a confused look on her face:

"Hayasaka, didn't you sleep well last night?"】

【"I slept very well yesterday, Miss Kaguya, are there any dark circles on my face?"Haysaka Ai was also confused. She had a good sleep last night and didn't stay up late.】

【"No, it's not dark circles, it's wrinkles"】

【"What?" Hayasaka Ai could no longer calm down after hearing this. She touched her face, took out a small mirror from the bag she carried with her and looked at herself in the mirror.】

【"How could this happen? ? ?"】

【Not to mention she is just a minor girl, even her mother Nao Hayasaka has been married for so many years and still has no wrinkles】

【"Kaguya, you also have wrinkles on your face?"Chika Fujiwara, who was originally drowsy, woke up when she heard the sound and pointed at Shinomiya Kaguya.】

【"What?"Shinomiya Kaguya also touched her face. It was different from the previous delicate and smooth ones. She only felt rough.】

【"Your voice has changed."Shinomiya Kaguya stared at Fujiwara Chika and pointed at her】

【"my voice?"Chika Fujiwara then touched her face and listened to her voice. As expected, she showed signs of aging just like the two of them.】

【Shinomiya Kaguya suddenly thought of something and ordered the two of them at the same time:"Haasaka, Fujiwara, stretch out your hands!"】

【Hayasaka Ai and Fujiwara Chika stretched out their hands at the same time. They should be young, but their white and tender hands were like old tree bark, with countless wrinkles!】

【"Are we getting older?"Ai Hayasaka and Chika Fujiwara are also aware of the changes they are going through at the moment.】

【"It's a substitute attack!"Facing this kind of supernatural event, Shinomiya Kaguya has already experienced it, but she looks at the pedestrians on both sides of the train who are also aging like them and are in trouble.】

【The three of them are all beautiful girls. What they are most afraid of is watching themselves age like now but there is nothing they can do about it.】

【The panic of the three people did not attract the attention of the people around them. Rather, they were all preoccupied with looking at the signs of aging on their bodies.】

【"Look at how I, the great detective Chika Fujiwara, can find the enemy, aviation... my waist!"】

【Chika Fujiwara wanted to make a handsome attack, but she didn't expect that she would have soreness in her back as soon as she got up, clutching her back.】

【"Have you really become an old man?"】

【Hayasaka Ai recovered from her initial fear, shook her head and smiled bitterly】

【"So Hayasaka, this is what you look like when you grow old.……"Shinomiya Kaguya looked at Hayasaka Ai and said with emotion】

【"Becoming an old man or something...don't want that kind of thing!"】

【The most devastated among the three is Chika Fujiwara, she is still a little baby who hasn’t grown up yet! How can one die as an old man? The most important thing is that she hasn't confessed her love to Yu Juanzhan Shiwen yet!】

【"Classmate Yuzhuan, are you talking? Why are you just watching here?"Chika Fujiwara thought of this, and looked at Yu Yuan Zhan Shiwen who was lying on the seat next to him.】

【"Yu Zhuan, what should we do?"Haysaka Ai also asked Yu Yuan Zhan Shiwen】

【Shinomiya Kaguya, on the other hand, did not dare to look at Yuzhuang Shiwen. She was afraid that her ugly old appearance would make Yuzhuan Shiwen feel disgusted.】

【Her most proud appearance is gone. Will a man as outstanding as Yu Xuan and Zhan Shiwen still care about her?】

【"Don't do anything, just wait here"】

【Yu Zhuanzhan Shiwen's words shocked the three of them.】

【"Classmate Yuzhuan...are you serious?"Haysaka Ai was stunned for a while and then asked.】

【"Yes, classmate Yu Zhuan, we have become old people. If we don’t take action while we still have the strength, we will soon die of old age!"Fujiwara Chika also cried and coquettishly complained to Yuzhan Shiwen.】

【"Trust me, just sit here"】

【Hayasaka Ai and Fujiwara Chika looked at each other in confusion, and at the same time looked at Utaka Shibun. Only then did they realize the difference between Utsara Shibun and them.】

【"Classmate Yuzhuan, you...haven't aged? how did you do it?" Hayasaka Ai pointed at Yu Yuanzhan Shiwen's face that still had silver hair, red eyes, and no wrinkles, and couldn't help but be surprised.】

【"Eh? ? ? Classmate Yu Zhuan hasn’t aged at all?"Fujiwara Chikabo was dumbfounded and pointed at Yuzhan Shiwen.】

【"I will explain to you after I have defeated the enemy enough. As for now, please believe me. If you are really afraid that you will die of old age... please put your hand on mine."】

【After Yuan Zhanshiwen finished speaking, he stretched out his hands and put them on his knees. Hayasaka Ai and Fujiwara Chika hesitated for a while, and then at the same time reached out to grab Yuan Zhanshiwen's strong hands.】

【"Shinomiya-san, please hold my hand tightly too!"】


【Looking at Shinomiya Kaguya who turned his back. Yu Zhuan and Shi Wen were confused at first, and then thought of the reason.】

【"Don't be afraid, aren't you just turning into an old man? Who doesn’t get older? Shinomiya... No, Kaguya, please give me your hand, okay?"】

【Yu Xuan raised the corner of Shiwen's mouth and faced Shinomiya Kaguya with a gentle smile.】

【Shinomiya Kaguya trembled when she heard Yu Xuan Zhan Shiwen's words, and slowly turned her head, with a fifty-year-old face and red pupils with tears streaming down her face.】


【The hands of the three old men were placed on Yujuan Zhanshiwen's left and right hands. On the palms of Yujuan Zhanshiwen's hands, traces of golden energy were transmitted to the palms of the three women.】

【So warm...so reassuring】

【Ai Hayasaka, Chika Fujiwara, and Kaguya Shinomiya feel an unprecedented sense of security】

【Hayasaka Ai and Fujiwara Chika slept on Utaka Shibun's shoulders, while Shinomiya Kaguya leaned on Fujiwara Chika's shoulders.】

【Just like that, ten minutes passed. The whole train was silent. Every seat, whether it was a child or a woman, all lay down and fell asleep on the seat without exception.】

【And some old people who are already old... lie in their sleep forever】

【In this environment, a young man walked towards where Yu Xuanzhan Shiwen and others were as if nothing had happened. 】

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