Shuchiin, First Year Class B

Shizuka Hiratsuka left the classroom without saying a word and stood outside the classroom door with a blushing face.

It’s so embarrassing. Why is there such a shameful scene?

As a teacher, it’s so exciting to do such taboo things with your own students!

When I think about the words"I" said and the scene of being forcibly kissed by a student, the whole world may clearly see it.

Will she ever get married one day?

As the person involved, Yu Xuan and Shi Wen could still shamelessly sit in the classroom and turn a blind eye to those eager eyes and discussions.

"oh! As expected of Yu Zhuan, he has accomplished something that many men have failed to do!"Fujiwara Chika praised Usuke Shibumi without taking it too seriously.

Other classmates such as Shirogane Mikayuki, Tanuma Tsubasa, Shijo Maifei, etc. also admired Usuke Shibumi very much.

If they see themselves being treated by such a strange I'm afraid my face will be buried under a book if the video of the execution is public.

"Are you putting the plot of the third part on me?"

Although there are some differences due to characters and characters, Yuan Zhanshiwen still saw at first glance that this is the third plot of JOJO.

How could Kakyoin disappear when he is so big?

Although he has become a beautiful girl,...On the contrary, he does not want the other party to embark on the road of expedition to DIO with him.

Since Hayasaka Ai replaces Kakyoin, then what role is Shinomiya Kaguya? Shinomiya Kaguya and Hayasaka Ai from Class A of the first grade also left the classroom because of their inner shame After rushing out of the door, the master and servant also saw Hiratsuka Shizuka outside the classroom door.

"Hayasaka, do you think this video is our future?" Shinomiya Kaguya and Hayasaka Ai stood next to each other and communicated in a low voice.

She didn't understand why she had such strange thoughts at all.

"Miss Kaguya, I don’t have a stand-in like the one mentioned in the video, and I have no reason to kill U-kun."Although Hayasaka Ai said this, she felt uneasy in her heart. Because the so-called adult in the video reminded her of the master who really commanded her, Shinomiya Kumohawk!

This shameful sense of betrayal condemned her all the time. conscience.

But... there should be no reason for him to kill Yu Juanzhan Shiwen?

"The Shinomiya family? It's a chess piece that can be used."

DIO, who is far away in Cairo, Egypt, will write down this information. Maybe it will help him kill all the descendants of the Joestar family in the future.

【"Don't resist unnecessarily. Go and see grandpa with me. I believe he will be very interested in a substitute messenger like you."】

【In the infirmary, Yu Xuan and Shi Wen walked towards Hayasaka Ai. In the eyes of people without the perspective of a double, he looked like a 1.95 meter strong man walking towards a weak and helpless girl.】

【Facing Yu Yuanzheng Shiwen who was walking towards him, Hayasaka Ai was not afraid at all and kept signaling with his eyes】

【And behind Yu Xuan Zhan Shiwen, Shinomiya Kaguya, who was sitting on the stool, seemed to have made some decision and stood up from the stool.】

【"StickyFingers (steel chain fingers)"】

【A blue humanoid avatar appeared next to Shinomiya Kaguya, and his fist hit Yujun Zhanshiwen's head hard.】


【Yu Xuan Zhan Shiwen heard the sound and looked back, looking surprised, but decisively punched Shinomiya Kaguya.】

【The golden qigong was concentrated in Yuzhan Shiwen's right fist. Before the steel chain finger hit Yuzhan Shiwen's head, Yuzhan Zhanshiwen's fist hit Shinomiya Kaguya's delicate face faster and more accurately.】


【With just one blow, Shinomiya Kaguya rolled around on the ground and smashed the infirmary door, with a conspicuous fist mark on her face.】

【"Actually punching faster than steel chain fingers?"】

【Shinomiya Kaguya couldn't figure out how there could be someone in this world who could strike faster than a substitute? 】


The first ones who couldn't help laughing were Chika Fujiwara in the classroom and Ai Hayasaka outside the classroom.

Fujiwara Chika:"Kaguya looks like this...poof!"

Hayasaka Ai received Shinomiya Kaguya's death gaze. Hayasaka Ai could only explain:"Sorry, Miss Kaguya, I just thought of something funny."."

Shinomiya Kaguya didn't know what to say, but she had already written it down in her notebook about Yu Xuan Zhan Shiwen, whom she had not officially met yet.

She is the eldest daughter of the Shinomiya Zaibatsu, how could she be slapped on the face like this?

If the stand-in in the video is real... then quickly make it real. She will become the strongest stand-in user to defeat this hateful guy!

"As expected of my grandson, he has the same vigilance as ordinary people when I was young, and this ripple... It seems that he has practiced well?"

Beautiful country, Joseph showed his white teeth and was very satisfied with Yu Zhuan Shiwen's performance.

Speaking of Yu Zhuan Shiwen's ripples, he accidentally discovered it from his grandson when he was visiting his daughter in Neon. Seeing that this lovely grandson liked Ripples very much, he simply taught him to practice Ripples.

【After Kaguya Shinomiya was knocked out of the infirmary with one blow, Yuan Zhanshiwen turned his head, only to see Hayasaka Ai's stand-in Green Pharaoh break away from control while he was relaxed, and the liquid between his hands condensed into several particles. Emerald】

【"Emerald splash!"】

【Hayasaka Aijiao drank it, and the emerald in the Green King's hand was fired towards Yu Xuan Zhan Shiwen like a bullet coming out of the barrel.】

【Facing the Emerald that was coming at a rapid speed, Yu Xuan jumped onto the hospital bed with Shi Wen, somersaulted back and forth, and approached Hayasaka Ai with agility. The Platinum Star raised a hospital bed and threw it at Hayasaka Ai.】

【But was torn in half by silk threads made of liquid】

【Seeing that Yuzhan Shiwen was getting closer and closer to him, Hayasaka Ai no longer fired emeralds at Yuzhan Shiwen, but turned to Shizuka Hiratsuka who was lying on the ground.】

【Seeing this, Yuxuan and Shiwen hurriedly came to Hiratsuka Jingshen. The Platinum Star's body not only blocked all the emeralds, but also bounced away all the emeralds that hit the body.】

【"It actually bounced off?"Hasaka Ai's face was full of surprise.】

【"Originally, I wanted to use a peaceful method to capture you and bring you back to grandpa, but now it seems I can only use a rougher method."】

【After saying that, Yu Xuan leaned on Shi Wen and bent his knees slightly. The veins in his thighs bulged, and he fired like a cannonball, heading straight for Hayasaka Ai.】

【"Emerald splash!"】

【The emeralds fired one after another like a machine gun were fired at Woo-hyeon and Shi-wen. The Platinum Star used its absolute power to open up an unobstructed path for Woo-hyun and Shi-wen.】

【The Green King turned into silk threads and entangled Yuzhan Shiwen, while Hayasaka Ai wanted to jump out of the window sill and escape.】

【However, the moment she stepped onto the window sill, Hayasaka Ai clutched her neck in pain, her face turned pale and gradually turned purple, her eyes turned white, and she foamed at the mouth.】

【In the end, the whole person could no longer hold up, and fainted, and was about to hit the ground on his head. At this time, Yu Xuan and Shi Wen hugged Hayasaka Ai's body.】

【"Did he run away?"】

【Looking at the messy infirmary behind him, the unconscious Hiratsuka Shizuka on the ground, and the broken wooden door, Yu Xuan and Shiwen chose to climb out from the window sill and put Hayasaka Ai on the ground for observation.】

【But from the perspective of a bystander, he looks like a prisoner who is about to commit a crime against a woman.】

【"But the one on her forehead? Is that why she attacked me for no reason?"】

【From Yu Xuan's perspective, he could clearly see the structure and organs of the human body. There was a parasitic granule on Hayasaka Ai's smooth forehead.】

【The Platinum Star appeared, pinched the flesh bud and pulled it out. The flesh bud seemed to feel the crisis of life and death, and the extended tentacles penetrated into the hand of Yu Juan Zhan Shiwen.】

【call out!】

【As soon as the fleshy sprouts entered the hand, they were uprooted by the big purple guy, and the several-meter-long fleshy tendons wanted to escape into the shadows.】

【"Colorful ripples blowing from the mountain!"】

【Yu Zhuan used Shi Wen's palm to transform into a hand knife and attached golden light waves to destroy this evil sarcoma.】

【"Can't I leave you here?"】

【Arriving in front of the high wall, after looking around, he threw Hayasaka Ai to the Platinum Star. The seemingly insurmountable high wall was jumped out by Yu Xuan and Shiwen with his agility, and Hayasaka Ai was again on his shoulders.】

【"I'll just skip one day of class today, but it won't get me fired."】

All the teachers and students of Shuchiin Academy:"Is skipping class so simple?"

People from all over the world asked:"Is this a high school student?"

He punched the person ten meters away, with a flexible and vigorous pace, and outstanding performance. With the golden energy in his hand, the mysterious power called the avatar... is the world crazy? Or are they crazy?

Friends and classmates who had met Yu Zhuan and Shiwen all stared at the man showing off his skills in the video with their eyes wide open and their mouths wide open.

Yukinoshita Yukino:"When did he... start to have these powers?"

Miyazono Kaoru:"Is that... the gentle big brother at that time?"

Hayasaka Ai looked at herself frothing at the mouth and fainted:"……"

Shinomiya Kaguya, who looks cold on the outside but is actually gloating over misfortune.

For some reason, Shinomiya Kaguya felt extremely happy when she saw her maid being beaten.

"ripple? What a bad memory."

DIO looked solemn as he recalled the power shown by Yu Juan against Shiwen in the video.

In the villa, with DIO's permission, almost all of his men gathered here and watched the video.

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