"What a death!!!"

"Awesome, what a great strength and speed, Yu Xuan and Shi Wen, I love you so much!"

"This beast died so well!"

The continuous beatings of Platinum Star against Ze Yuezhi in the sky made many people excited. Ze Yuezhi's final ending ushered in the cheers of ordinary people around the world. Not only these ordinary people, but also the children mentioned in the sky watched When Ze Yue Zhi turned into a puddle of flesh, he called him a good death. Only a few women who still had nostalgia for him lamented alone.

Ze Yue Zhi, this anti-human ethics biological garbage, is not welcome anywhere. Except for perversion


Ze Yuezhi looked despairing as he looked at himself turning into meat and falling into the trash can.

"It's a pity, Mr. Zeyue, now I'm afraid you won't have this chance."

"It's a pity, if it wasn't for the orders from his superiors not to allow it, I really wanted him to be beaten to death by that incredibly powerful Platinum Star."

The police from the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department received the alarm call and came to his location and took away Sawoetsu.

With Neon's stand-in ability of Future Kyoto Sawoetsu in the sky, it is impossible to sit idly by.

Current Sawoetsu Zhi is not a substitute, so he has no ability to resist the heavily armed police.

Shuchiin Academy, first-year class B

"A good death!"Shirogane Yuxing clenched his fists and couldn't help but cheer.

He took a sneak peek around and breathed a sigh of relief when he found that other students and even the academy were cheering happily.

"It's so annoying, this kind of garbage should be beaten to death by Yu Zhuan's platinum star!"

"It's a pity that we are not substitute messengers, so we can't see the appearance of Platinum Star?"

"I decided that I would follow my classmate Yujuan’s example."

These young girls, who are still 15 or 6 years old, are still at the most passionate age in their lives. The words and actions of Yu Xuan and Shi Wen in treating enemies and friends make them fascinated and eager to move forward with him as their goal.

"Classmate Yuzhuan, thank you for avenging those girls."Fujiwara Chika sincerely expresses her gratitude to Yuzhan Shibun

"It's a pity that in reality there is no such opportunity."Yuxuan Zhanshiwen feels deeply regretful.

"It doesn't matter, as long as that child's trash can't harm girls, by the way, classmate Yujuan."

Fujiwara Chika suddenly approached Yu Xuan Zhan Shiwen's ear and asked him softly:"Um...can you teach me ripples?"

"Um? Do you want to learn ripple?"Yuxuan Zhan Shiwen was stunned for a moment, then reacted with no surprise on his face.

No woman can resist the temptation of such a person.

His grandfather's mother, Lisa, is in her fifties. It’s no different from being in your twenties, although it’s true that we haven’t escaped the human lifespan limit now.

"I reject! There's no reason for me to teach you ripples."U-hyun rejected Chika Fujiwara with Shiwen.

"All right!"Fujiwara Chika didn't pester Utaka no Shibun but returned to her original position.

I have to say that she really has emotional intelligence and knows how to be lovable.

Sobu Taka is better than Kizawa Etsuchi and Kigaya Hachiman. What I care about is another person:"He is unsociable, has a dark personality, and has no friends. There seems to be no difference between him and me except for our family background, right?""

He found his own shadow in this junior high school student named Ishigami Yu, and he also hated the gentle girl named Otomo Kyoko.

In his opinion, people who are gentle to everyone can easily create misunderstandings, leading to misunderstandings. Come on.

Shuchiin Junior High School

"Senior Yu Zhuan is right, evil people should be punished, otherwise in the end the people they want to protect will not be able to be protected."Ishigami Yu has already slightly recognized the senior Yu Xuanzhan Shiwen in his heart.

"But that Otomo... was she really treated like that by those two trash?"

【Kyoto, night, half past eleven】


【Sitting on the ground, Yu Ishigami witnessed the continuous beatings of Platinum Star, and couldn't help but swallowed when he saw the ball of meat falling from the sky.】

【"So awesome...he is indeed the Platinum Star with the strongest speed."】

【"Can you come down by yourself?"】


【Standing on the roof, Shinomiya Kaguya looked hesitantly at the ground ten meters away. She slowly climbed down from the roof, crouched down and prepared to jump from the eaves.】

【"Jump down and I'll catch you"】

【Yu Zhuanjun, do you want to hug me?】

【When Shinomiya Kaguya thought of the scene where she was hugged by Yu Yuan and Shiwen, her face flashed with a hint of shame, and then she jumped off the eaves.】


【However, the person holding her was not Yu Xuan Zhan Shi Wen, but the stronger Platinum Star, which she was greatly disappointed.】

【"Sorry, my hand is injured and I can't hug you. Your steel chain fingers can also be used to pick you up below. If conditions permit next time, let your stand-in pick you up!"】

【Yu Xuan and Shi Wen earnestly explained their reasons, and Shinomiya Kaguya could only nod.】

【"Ishigami, what do you want me to say about you? Are you so willing to risk your life?"】

【After saying that, Yu Xuan and Shi Wen squatted in front of Ishi Shangyu and looked at him condescendingly.】

【But Ishigami Yu behaved unusually calmly:"Then what reason did Senior Yuxuan have to help me when I was desperate? Was it because of the so-called excessive sense of justice?"】

【"Tsk..." Yu Xuanzhang Shiwen's expression froze and he covered his head and laughed:"You are becoming more and more attracted to me. Just think so if you think so!"】

【Yuzhan Shiwen said this, which means that he has recognized this junior. Looking at the parts of Ishigami Yu's body that were damaged by mold, Yuzhanzhan Shiwen said:

"Lie down! Ishigami, I will use ripple treatment for you"】

【"ripple? That magical energy?"Obviously, Ishigami Yu heard him say】

【"Well, I actually know it, so just lie down obediently and I will treat you! Don't leave any wounds that can't be healed"】

【"Yes, but…"】

【"obedient! let me see!"】

【Seeing Yu Xuan's attitude toward Shi Wen being so tough, Ishigami Yu just lay down on the ground obediently.】

【Yu Zhuan and Shi Wen took off Yu Ishigami's shirt and pants. Golden energy was injected into the necrotic area, and granulation sprouted, miraculously repairing it.】

【"ah! So warm!"】

【"Senior Yu Zhuan, this place, yes, is so comfortable.……"】

【Ishigami Yu enjoyed Yu Yuanzhan Shiwen's ripple treatment very much. He felt very comfortable.】

【Shinomiya Kaguya looked at them with confusion. In her limited biological knowledge, she felt that this was normal healing, but why did it feel wrong?】

"Hayasaka, Yuxuan is recovering from his injuries, right?"Both Shinomiya Kaguya and her in the video felt a bad atmosphere.

"Miss Kaguya, they are normal healing, don’t think too much about it."Hasaka Ai is very happy that Shinomiya Kaguya can still care about her, but she feels that it is better for Miss Kaguya not to understand too much.

"It turns out that this is how Yu Zhuanjun heals wounds."Shinomiya Kaguya really believed it, and the title of Yuzhen Shiwen changed unknowingly.

Ebina Ji Lai's eyes shone:"Ahhhh! What a passionate atmosphere, I’m convinced of the pairing of Yu Xuan and Shi Wen and Yu Ishigami!"

Ishigami Yu squatted under the table in shame.

It was obviously just a normal healing, why did he scream so ecstatically?!?

The shameless Yu Xuanzhang Shiwen stared at him coldly, and no one dared to look back at him.

Although you don’t have to look at them to know what their expressions are now

"Hahaha! Zhan Shiwen, you too will have such a day!"

Joseph, who had arrived at the private airport, laughed happily at this philosophical scene.

Is the ripple so magical?

More people and some governments are interested in this ability to treat, kill vampires, and resist aging. Heartbeat

【Five minutes later, Ishigami Yu put on his clothes and found that all the parts of his body that were damaged by the fungus had been treated and healed.】

【"so amazing……"】

【This was the first time Ishigami Yu faced Ripple's healing power. He had been in the hospital for at least a month or more for his injuries, but Ripple was all cured?】

【"If you want to learn, I can teach you if I have time."】

【Yu Zhuanzheng Shiwen said that he was treating the injury on his arm.】

【"Really? Senior Yujun? Are you really willing to teach me?"Ishigami Yu was surprised and happy.】

【"Utaka-kun, let’s go to the park and help Fujiwara and the others!"】

【Shinomiya Kaguya looked cold, as if she was sulking at someone, and then walked out of this neon-style house first.】

【"Senior Yuhuan, senior Shinomiya seems to be...jealous?"Ishigami Yu expressed his first instinct.】

【"Jealous? Why is she jealous? There are no women here, only……"】

【Speaking of this, Yu Xuanzhan Shiwen paused and seemed to realize what he was looking at at Ishigami Yu.】

【The two of them kept silent】

【"You just dared to be injured, I will carry you there"】

【Before Ishigami Yu could think too much, Yu Xuanzhan Shiwen squatted down and carried Ishigami Yu on his back.】

Ishigami Yu was stunned for a moment before reacting.】

【Senior Yuxuan's temperature... so warm……】

【Yu Ishigami lay on his back with a look of happiness on his face. 】

Ishigami Yu’s father and brother:"……"

Yu Ishigami, who was lying under the table:"Turn it off, turn it off!"

Uzuki Shibun said:"Stop trying to make connections with me."

Fujiwara Chika reacted quickly, with hostility in her eyes:"Is that Ishigami? This enemy I remember it, hum!"

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