【The fifth day of the expedition, Yizhouhai Port】

【The ship chartered by the real estate magnate Joseph, who had contacted the SPW consortium, has arrived at the port. They will leave Yizhou as quickly as possible and head to the Strait of Malacca.】

【Traveling to Egypt by sea, the reason why I chose the sea route and rented two cruise ships was because I was afraid of affecting innocent people again like before. Both cruise ships are the property of SPW, including the crew members.】

【This way they won't be helpless when facing the enemy.】

【Why two cruise ships? That's what Yu Juan and Shiwen forced him to do】

【"Shet! Zhan Shiwen, how about taking a cruise with me and killing you?"Joseph angrily scolded Yu Juanzhan Shiwen at the seaport.】

【"I said, I will never ride in a vehicle with a stinky old man like you again, even to death!"Yu Zhuan and Shi Wen also didn't give Joseph a good look.】

【"You still have the nerve to say it, as if nothing happened to the plane you were on. If I am a vehicle killer, then you are also a vehicle killer!"】

【"That was caused by the killer sent by DIO, not me. In short, it was me! Won't! Take a ride with you!"】

【The quarrel between Joseph, Yujun and Shiwen at the seaport made Abdel and others ashamed.】

【Two people with a combined age of nearly ninety are still arguing here like little kids.】

【"Mr. Joestar, okay, there is no need to quarrel over this kind of thing. Since we have booked two cruise ships with Shiwen, we will sit separately."Abdel acted as a peacemaker to dissuade the two people.】

【"Mr. Joestar and Zhan Shiwen are really rich."Polnareff, who doesn't know the two of them very well, can only say that they are extravagant enough.】

【Eight people on two cruise ships can no longer be described as luxury.】

【"Mr. Polnareff, Zhan Shiwen and Grandpa Joseph get along like this, just get used to it."Ishigami Yu explained to Polnareff】

【"If you don’t sit with me, don’t sit with me. I’ll sit on the cruise ship next to you. You can sit on the other one over there. You can follow whoever you want."】

【Joseph angrily walked to the cruise ship on the right. Polnareff came to Joseph's side without thinking. Abdel seemed to hesitate for a moment before following Joseph.】

【Kaguya Shinomiya, Ai Hayasaka, Chika Fujiwara, and Yu Ishigami follow Usuke and Shibun as always】

【"Polnareff, are you sure you want to follow this old man?"Before boarding the boat, Yu Juan and Shiwen asked Polnareff again.】

【"what is the relationship? Thanks to Shiwen, if I follow Mr. Joestar, I can at least take care of him."Polnareff obviously did not realize the seriousness of the matter.】

【"as long as you are happy."Yu Zhuan Shiwen thought for a while but still didn't say anything.】

【I just hope that this time I can successfully cross the Strait of Malacca and go straight to Egypt!】

【The flight from here to Egypt takes at least three days. Fortunately, there are plenty of supplies on the cruise ship】

【On Yu Zhuan Shiwen's cruise ship, Yu Zhuan Shiwen had already taken off his clothes and put on shorts, revealing his plump muscles that could be called toned.】

【The three girls, Shinomiya Kaguya, Hayasaka Ai, and Fujiwara Chika, also put on summer short skirts and small sandals respectively. Their crystal clear jade feet were particularly attractive under the sunlight.】

【The five of them were lying on sun loungers, wearing sunglasses and enjoying the sunshine.】

【"Zhan Shiwen, can you let me touch your muscles?.?"】


【After receiving the reply, Chika Fujiwara lay down on a sun lounger with Usuke Shibun without hesitation. Her slightly petite body was like a sturdy brown bear and a little sheep under Usuke Shibun's huge body. similar gap】

【Fujiwara Chika leaned on the right side of Yu Xuan Zhan Shiwen, close to his body, squeezing his muscles with one hand】

【"Wow! So hard!"】

【"Zhan Shiwen, how do you exercise?"】

【Chika Fujiwara has never seen her peers with such muscular muscles. When she thinks of Joseph and Ujou Holly, it feels smooth and reasonable.】

【"If you want to exercise, you can come to me after you return to Neon and I will teach you every day. How about that?"】

【Yu Xuan took off his sunglasses and held Chika Fujiwara's delicate chin with one hand, making him look into his eyes.】

【Chika Fujiwara looked directly at Yu Yuanzhan Shiwen's bright red pupils and nodded.】

【"Master Zhan Shiwen, the fruit platter is ready."】

【Hayasaka Ai's voice came from the side, and Hayasaka Ai, who was wearing a black bikini, placed the prepared fruit platter on the table next to the sun lounger.】

【Yuxuan Zhanshiwen took a look at Hayasaka Ai and couldn't help but be attracted by her good figure.】

【The single ponytail she usually wears has fallen down and turned into long golden hair. She has delicate collarbones, smooth and delicate white skin, and a curvy figure. She is wearing a pair of black bras, a pair of black underwear, and a pair of sandals on her feet.】

【Although the pair of breasts are not as big as Fujiwara Chika's, they are better than Fujiwara Chika's in other aspects.】

【As for Kaguya...well……】

【She looks pretty cute?】

【Yu Xuan and Shiwen looked at Kaguya Shinomiya, who was lying on the sun lounger and seemed to be sleeping, and thought this in his mind. 】


The atmosphere at the scene was eerily quiet.

Shinomiya Kaguya stared at Hayasaka Ai and Fujiwara Chika, and was hostile to both of them.

At the same time, a sense of crisis arose in my heart.

In terms of background and life experience, she is not as good as Fujiwara Chika or even Hayasaka Ai, who can change jobs at any time. In terms of figure, she is not as good as these two.

Yu Zhuanjun doesn't like her because his figure is not as good as theirs, right?

Chika Fujiwara and Ai Hayasaka are rated as having the best breasts and the best figure:"……"

Because Yu Zhuan Shiwen acted too noble, they almost forgot that Yu Zhuan Zhan Shiwen was actually a man who liked beautiful women.

【"Then lie next to me and feed me?"】

【Hayasaka Ai was stunned for a moment by Utaka Shibun's words. She looked at Fujiwara Chika who was unaware of herself next to Utswan Shibun. She clenched her silver teeth and bent over to lie next to Utswan Shibun's left hand.】

【Leaning on Yu Zhuan Shiwen's solid chest, especially when Yu Zhuan Shiwen put his hand on her back, her whole body couldn't stop trembling, and her face turned red to the bottom of her ears.】

【Although she usually pretends to be very bold, in fact, like Shinomiya Kaguya, she is an innocent girl who has never been in love.】



【Hayasaka Ai came back to her senses when she heard the sound, quickly put the fruit platter on her body, and personally used toothpicks to pierce the fruit slices and put them into Yujun Shiwen's mouth.】

【"Hayasaka, do you do all your nails yourself?"Yu Zhuan Shiwen picked up one of Hayasaka Ai's hands and looked at it carefully.】

【"Well, is it beautiful? Master Zhan Shiwen?"As Hayasaka Ai said, she stretched out her feet and put them on Yuzhan Shiwen's thigh for Yuzhan Shiwen to admire. Her pair of jade feet and the five toenails are as green as her fingernails.] (See For exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【"`~Well, it’s very beautiful. Can you let me touch it?"】

【"ah? Hayasaka Ai was shocked, and Yuxuan Zhanshiwen looked a little pity when he saw this:"If it doesn't work, forget it.""】

【"Only this one time……"】

【Hayasaka Ai whispered, and after turning her head away, Yu Xuan Zhan Shiwen heard the words and stretched out his hand to play with the jade feet placed on his thighs.】

【"So comfortable~~~"】

【Yu Xuan and Shi Wen's dream of harem life has been achieved in this way. After defeating DIO, it is not impossible to spend their free time like this every day.】


【Looking at Ai Hayasaka, Chika Fujiwara and Kaguya Shinomiya leaning on the sun lounger next to her】

【I don’t know if it was an illusion, but when he looked at Shinomiya Kaguya, the other party immediately came close to her.】

【Before that, I must protect you well, and when I return to Neon, I will marry you all back home!】

【Yu Zhuan and Shi Wen have already made plans】


【Suddenly, a sound of diving came to Yujuan Zhanshiwen's ears. Hearing the sound, Yujuan Zhanshiwen had to get up from the gentle village and came to the railing.】

【"Old man, can you hear me?"】

【"Zhan Shiwen, that bastard is an enemy, be careful (Zhao Hao), he is swimming towards you!"】

【Joseph lay on the railing and shouted to Yuzhan Zhanshiwen】

【"Silver chariot!"】

【On Joseph's ship, there was a short substitute wearing a raincoat who attacked them. Polnareff summoned a silver chariot to block it in time.】

【Dang ~ Liang】

【"asshole! Don’t run if you have the guts!"】

【Seeing that the sneak attack was fruitless, the substitute quickly got into the sea water. Polnareff couldn't help but cursed when he saw this.】

【"These enemies are a bunch of cowards who just jumped into the sea and ran away."】

【"No, Polnareff, it's not that simple. Abdel looked at the sea warily:"The fake captain's stand-in ability hints at troubles, lies, betrayal, and fear of the unknown world in the water. The Moon Card, whose name is Dark Blue Moon, is good at fighting in the water." We can't let down our vigilance"】

【"There is also the female pope, who symbolizes mystery and intuition, and they are all enemies that cannot be underestimated."】

【Abdel analyzed the enemy's capabilities roughly like Baidu Encyclopedia.】

【Yu Zhuan and Shi Wen also entered combat mode due to the enemy's appearance.】

【Aviation Smith and the Green Emperor shoot directly towards the sea】

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