The light of the holy sword illuminated the entire night, like the dawn of dawn.

The beam covers all monsters.

Illya sat on Miyu's Pegasus, with uncontrollable surprise on her face.

Xiao Hei’s so-called ultimate move actually looks like this

"How can it be?!"

Artoria is the one who least believes this scene.

The Sword of Victory was actually revealed by a child.

Although there are still some differences compared with the real her, there is no doubt that this is the holy sword that represents King Arthur.

"Xiao Hei was able to project this Noble Phantasm, which was beyond expectation."

Ouyang Murphy said that he received too many surprises tonight.

Each of the children gave him a bigger surprise than the last one.

These are the so-called primary school students, are they the best?

"Is that Archer card really that strong?!"

Tohsaka Rin recalled the way they used the cards. They were completely different!

They couldn't even launch the dream summons, and all they got was a slightly good black bow.

But in Xiao Hei's hands, it was able to explode Such power


The giant monster Gilgamesh wailed under the attack of the holy sword.

His body was continuously destroyed under the light.

Although he had the resurrected black mud, the destruction speed of the holy sword exceeded the opponent's Regeneration speed.

The huge body kept getting smaller in the golden light.

Illya and Miyu watched this scene in surprise.

"Can succeed!"

Xiao Hei breathed a sigh of relief when she saw this.

Fortunately, this move did not disappoint her.

However, things did not seem to go as the children thought.

The monster in the light of the holy sword was getting smaller. At the same time, he was struggling.

A sword-like object seemed to appear in his hand.

What was that?


Seeing the movements of the figure in the light, Ouyang Mofei frowned.

He did not expect that such a monster could actually pull out this representative treasure of the King of Heroes.


Aka Ye Mengxiang looked at Ouyang Mofei.

Having read the illustrations about the King of Heroes, she knew exactly what that sword meant.

EnumaElish, the sword held by Gilgamesh that is known as"Cut the World".

It has the same characteristics as Al Tolia's"Sword of Oath to Victory" is equal to or even surpasses its power. It has the same effect as the legend of"cutting the world apart", which makes this sword enter a special category.

If you obtain the Noble Phantasm in"The Treasure of the King" With support, its power will be further enhanced.

This is the most powerful sword that even the"Unlimited Sword System" cannot copy.

Its sword emits wind pressure faults and becomes a simulated space fault to crush the enemy.

The red and black wind pressure emerges from the light Expand.

The light of the Holy Sword was actually cut away at this moment.

Neither the Holy Sword nor EA is truly authentic, but EA is still more powerful.

"Well, get ready to take action."

The power of EA is no longer something these children can deal with.

If it doesn't come out, our three children will be doomed."

"how come!"

Feeling the force on the other side trying to cut the holy sword apart, she was at a loss.

The monster was able to fight back even after being attacked like this.

The hand holding the holy sword was already unstable.

Even the holy sword couldn't kill it. If it does, there really is nothing you can do.

"Xiaohei, don't give up."

Illya's voice reached Xiao Hei's ears.

Miyu nodded and said,"It's not over yet.

Xiao Hei smiled bitterly and said,"It's not over yet?" Don't you see the power of that monster? It's simply not something we can compete with."

The power of the holy sword was almost completely destroyed by EA's cutting.

Illya looked at the red-black monster under the wind pressure, and there was no fearful expression on her face at this moment.

"We're not done yet."

Said, Illya clenched the ruby ​​wand in her hand.

"Ruby, we can defeat it, right. Ruby was eager to give it a try and said:"Achieving miracles is the privilege of magical girls!""

Illya raised the corners of her mouth slightly.

A lot of magic power emerged from the girl's body.


Meiyou didn't say much, she just called Sapphire

"Yes, Miyu-sama."

Sapphire responded, randomly pouring out magic power that was comparable to Ruby.

With two wands, the two magical girls used similar powers at the same time.

The magic powers were resonating with each other.

"This is the love and justice of magical girls!"

Ruby cheered there

"Xiao Hei, let us clear the obstacles for you, and you give the final blow!"

Illya and Miyu were seen standing side by side, with their red and sapphire wands overlapping each other. Under the moonlit night, the holy sword shone unusually in its glory!

"Xiaohei, don't give up."

Meiyou still didn't say much, but the change in tone showed her attitude.

"Illya, Meiyou……"

Facing the two of them, Xiao Hei felt complicated for a moment.

Unexpectedly, I was the first to give up.

What a dabbler!


Xiao Hei regained his composure and once again grasped the holy sword in his hand.

Having said all this, it would be too embarrassing to be discouraged.


Illya and Miyu looked at each other and shouted subconsciously.

The next moment, magic shock waves of rainbow-blue light spurted out from the two wands at the same time.

It was so powerful that it could be compared with the inferior version of EA in terms of power.

Multi-component saturated bombardment!

A powerful magic cannon obtained when Illya and Miyu asked Ruby and Sapphire to use all the available magic power.

This is a combined attack technique from the girls who share the same mind.

The rainbow-blue magic cannon Breaking into the previous confrontation between the two forces, it replaced the light of the Holy Sword.

Magic Run collided with EA.

At this moment, the ground shook and the earth cracked.

Even the sky seemed to be split open.

Both sides are in a stalemate

"Xiaohei, hurry up!"

Illya shouted to Xiao Hei

"Go to me!"Xiao Hei held the sword in both hands. The holy sword was raised above her head, and then she swung it down hard.


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